float ovec3f_get_angle(const vec3f* me, const vec3f* vec) { float dot = ovec3f_get_dot(me, vec); float lengths = ovec3f_get_length(me) * ovec3f_get_length(vec); if(lengths == 0) return 0; return acosf(dot / lengths); }
void ovec3f_normalize_me(vec3f* me) { if(me->x == 0 && me->x == 0 && me->z == 0) return; float len = ovec3f_get_length(me); me->x /= len; me->y /= len; me->z /= len; }
void ofusion_update(fusion* me, float dt, const vec3f* ang_vel, const vec3f* accel, const vec3f* mag) { me->ang_vel = *ang_vel; me->accel = *accel; me->raw_mag = *mag; me->mag = *mag; vec3f world_accel; oquatf_get_rotated(&me->orient, accel, &world_accel); me->iterations += 1; me->time += dt; ofq_add(&me->mag_fq, mag); ofq_add(&me->accel_fq, &world_accel); ofq_add(&me->ang_vel_fq, ang_vel); float ang_vel_length = ovec3f_get_length(ang_vel); if(ang_vel_length > 0.0001f){ vec3f rot_axis = {{ ang_vel->x / ang_vel_length, ang_vel->y / ang_vel_length, ang_vel->z / ang_vel_length }}; float rot_angle = ang_vel_length * dt; quatf delta_orient; oquatf_init_axis(&delta_orient, &rot_axis, rot_angle); oquatf_mult_me(&me->orient, &delta_orient); } // gravity correction if(me->flags & FF_USE_GRAVITY){ const float gravity_tolerance = .4f, ang_vel_tolerance = .1f; const float min_tilt_error = 0.05f, max_tilt_error = 0.01f; // if the device is within tolerance levels, count this as the device is level and add to the counter // otherwise reset the counter and start over me->device_level_count = fabsf(ovec3f_get_length(accel) - 9.82f) < gravity_tolerance * 2.0f && ang_vel_length < ang_vel_tolerance ? me->device_level_count + 1 : 0; // device has been level for long enough, grab mean from the accelerometer filter queue (last n values) // and use for correction if(me->device_level_count > 50){ me->device_level_count = 0; vec3f accel_mean; ofq_get_mean(&me->accel_fq, &accel_mean); if (ovec3f_get_length(&accel_mean) - 9.82f < gravity_tolerance) { // Calculate a cross product between what the device // thinks is up and what gravity indicates is down. // The values are optimized of what we would get out // from the cross product. vec3f tilt = {{accel_mean.z, 0, -accel_mean.x}}; ovec3f_normalize_me(&tilt); ovec3f_normalize_me(&accel_mean); vec3f up = {{0, 1.0f, 0}}; float tilt_angle = ovec3f_get_angle(&up, &accel_mean); if(tilt_angle > max_tilt_error){ me->grav_error_angle = tilt_angle; me->grav_error_axis = tilt; } } } // preform gravity tilt correction if(me->grav_error_angle > min_tilt_error){ float use_angle; // if less than 2000 iterations have passed, set the up axis to the correction value outright if(me->iterations < 2000){ use_angle = -me->grav_error_angle; me->grav_error_angle = 0; } // otherwise try to correct else { use_angle = -me->grav_gain * me->grav_error_angle * 0.005f * (5.0f * ang_vel_length + 1.0f); me->grav_error_angle += use_angle; } // perform the correction quatf corr_quat, old_orient; oquatf_init_axis(&corr_quat, &me->grav_error_axis, use_angle); old_orient = me->orient; oquatf_mult(&corr_quat, &old_orient, &me->orient); } } // mitigate drift due to floating point // inprecision with quat multiplication. oquatf_normalize_me(&me->orient); }