Esempio n. 1
static void test_GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(void)
    BOOL ret;
    char volume[MAX_PATH], path[] = "c:\\";
    DWORD len = sizeof(volume);

    /* not present before w2k */
    if (!pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) {
        skip("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA not found\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, 0);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");

    if (0) { /* these crash on XP */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, NULL, len);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(NULL, volume, len);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, len);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed\n");
Esempio n. 2
/* FindFirstVolumeA/FindNextVolumeA list.                              */
static void test_enum_vols(void)
    DWORD   ret;
    char    Volume_1[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char    Volume_2[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char    path[] = "c:\\";
    BOOL    found = FALSE;
    char    windowsdir[MAX_PATH];

    if (!pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) {
        win_skip("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA not found\n");

    /*get windows drive letter and update strings for testing  */
    ret = GetWindowsDirectory( windowsdir, sizeof(windowsdir) );
    ok(ret < sizeof(windowsdir), "windowsdir is abnormally long!\n");
    ok(ret != 0, "GetWindowsDirecory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    path[0] = windowsdir[0];

    /* get the unique volume name for the windows drive  */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA( path, Volume_1, MAX_PATH );
    ok(ret == TRUE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed\n");
    ok(strlen(Volume_1) == 49, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA returned wrong length name %s\n", Volume_1);

    /* get first unique volume name of list  */
    hFind = pFindFirstVolumeA( Volume_2, MAX_PATH );
    ok(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "FindFirstVolume failed, err=%u\n",

        /* validate correct length of unique volume name  */
        ok(strlen(Volume_2) == 49, "Find[First/Next]Volume returned wrong length name %s\n", Volume_1);
        if (memcmp(Volume_1, Volume_2, 49) == 0)
            found = TRUE;
    } while (pFindNextVolumeA( hFind, Volume_2, MAX_PATH ));
    ok(found, "volume name %s not found by Find[First/Next]Volume\n", Volume_1);
    pFindVolumeClose( hFind );
Esempio n. 3
static void test_GetVolumeInformationA(void)
    BOOL ret;
    UINT result;
    char Root_Dir0[]="C:";
    char Root_Dir1[]="C:\\";
    char Root_Dir2[]="\\\\?\\C:\\";
    char volume[MAX_PATH+1];
    DWORD vol_name_size=MAX_PATH+1, vol_serial_num=-1, max_comp_len=0, fs_flags=0, fs_name_len=MAX_PATH+1;
    char vol_name_buf[MAX_PATH+1], fs_name_buf[MAX_PATH+1];
    char windowsdir[MAX_PATH+10];
    char currentdir[MAX_PATH+1];

    if (!pGetVolumeInformationA) {
        win_skip("GetVolumeInformationA not found\n");
    if (!pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) {
        win_skip("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA not found\n");

    /* get windows drive letter and update strings for testing */
    result = GetWindowsDirectory(windowsdir, sizeof(windowsdir));
    ok(result < sizeof(windowsdir), "windowsdir is abnormally long!\n");
    ok(result != 0, "GetWindowsDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    Root_Dir0[0] = windowsdir[0];
    Root_Dir1[0] = windowsdir[0];
    Root_Dir2[4] = windowsdir[0];

    /* get the unique volume name for the windows drive  */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(Root_Dir1, volume, MAX_PATH);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed\n");

    result = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, currentdir);
    ok(result, "GetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

    /*  ****  now start the tests       ****  */
    /* check for error on no trailing \   */
    if (result > 3)
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir0, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME,
            "GetVolumeInformationA w/o '\\' did not fail, last error %u\n", GetLastError());
        skip("Running on a root directory\n");

    /* check for error on no trailing \ when current dir is root dir */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectory(Root_Dir1);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir0, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* check for error on no trailing \ when current dir is windows dir */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectory(windowsdir);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir0, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME,
        "GetVolumeInformationA did not fail, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* reset current directory */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectory(currentdir);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

    /* try null root directory to return "root of the current directory"  */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(NULL, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed on null root dir, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* Try normal drive letter with trailing \  */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir1, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", Root_Dir1, GetLastError());

    /* try again with dirve letter and the "disable parsing" prefix */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir2, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    todo_wine ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", Root_Dir2, GetLastError());

    /* try again with unique voluem name */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(volume, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    todo_wine ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", volume, GetLastError());

    /* try again with device name space  */
    Root_Dir2[2] = '.';
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Dir2, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    todo_wine ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", Root_Dir2, GetLastError());

    /* try again with a directory off the root - should generate error  */
    if (windowsdir[strlen(windowsdir)-1] != '\\') strcat(windowsdir, "\\");
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(windowsdir, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    todo_wine ok(!ret && GetLastError()==ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT,
          "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", windowsdir, GetLastError());
Esempio n. 4
static void test_GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(void)
    BOOL ret;
    char volume[MAX_PATH], path[] = "c:\\";
    DWORD len = sizeof(volume), reti;
    char temp_path[MAX_PATH];

    /* not present before w2k */
    if (!pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) {
        skip("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA not found\n");

    reti = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, temp_path);
    ok(reti != 0, "GetTempPathA error %d\n", GetLastError());
    ok(reti < MAX_PATH, "temp path should fit into MAX_PATH\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, 0);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");
    ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE ||
        GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, /* Vista */
        "wrong error, last=%d\n", GetLastError());

    if (0) { /* these crash on XP */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, NULL, len);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(NULL, volume, len);
    ok(ret == FALSE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA succeeded\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, len);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed\n");
    ok(!strncmp( volume, "\\\\?\\Volume{", 11),
        "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed to return valid string <%s>\n",

    /* test with too small buffer */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, 10);
    ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE,
            "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed, wrong error returned, was %d, should be ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE\n",

    /* Try on a arbitrary directory */
    /* On FAT filesystems it seems that GetLastError() is set to
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(temp_path, volume, len);
    ok(ret == FALSE && (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT ||
        GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION),
        "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed on %s, last=%d\n",
        temp_path, GetLastError());

    /* Try on a nonexistent dos drive */
    path[2] = 0;
    for (;path[0] <= 'z'; path[0]++) {
        ret = QueryDosDeviceA( path, volume, len);
        if(!ret) break;
    if (path[0] <= 'z')
        path[2] = '\\';
        ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, len);
        ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,
            "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed on %s, last=%d\n",
            path, GetLastError());

        /* Try without trailing \ and on a nonexistent dos drive  */
        path[2] = 0;
        ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(path, volume, len);
        ok(ret == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME,
            "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed on %s, last=%d\n",
            path, GetLastError());
Esempio n. 5
static void test_GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA(void)
    BOOL ret;
    char volume[MAX_PATH], buffer[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD len, error;

    if (!pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA || !pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA)
        win_skip("required functions not found\n");

    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA( "c:\\", volume, sizeof(volume) );
    ok(ret, "failed to get volume name %u\n", GetLastError());
    trace("c:\\ -> %s\n", volume);

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( NULL, NULL, 0, NULL );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( "", NULL, 0, NULL );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( volume, NULL, 0, NULL );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "expected ERROR_MORE_DATA got %u\n", error);

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( volume, buffer, 0, NULL );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "expected ERROR_MORE_DATA got %u\n", error);

    memset( buffer, 0xff, sizeof(buffer) );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( volume, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL );
    ok(ret, "failed to get path names %u\n", GetLastError());
    ok(!strcmp( "C:\\", buffer ), "expected \"\\C:\" got \"%s\"\n", buffer);
    ok(!buffer[4], "expected double null-terminated buffer\n");

    len = 0;
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( NULL, NULL, 0, &len );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    len = 0;
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( NULL, NULL, sizeof(buffer), &len );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    len = 0;
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( NULL, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &len );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    len = 0;
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( NULL, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &len );
    error = GetLastError();
    ok(!ret, "expected failure\n");
    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "expected ERROR_INVALID_NAME got %u\n", error);

    len = 0;
    memset( buffer, 0xff, sizeof(buffer) );
    ret = pGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( volume, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &len );
    ok(ret, "failed to get path names %u\n", GetLastError());
    ok(len == 5 || broken(len == 2), "expected 5 got %u\n", len);
    ok(!strcmp( "C:\\", buffer ), "expected \"\\C:\" got \"%s\"\n", buffer);
    ok(!buffer[4], "expected double null-terminated buffer\n");
Esempio n. 6
static void test_GetVolumeInformationA(void)
    BOOL ret;
    UINT result;
    char Root_Colon[]="C:";
    char Root_Slash[]="C:\\";
    char Root_UNC[]="\\\\?\\C:\\";
    char volume[MAX_PATH+1];
    DWORD vol_name_size=MAX_PATH+1, vol_serial_num=-1, max_comp_len=0, fs_flags=0, fs_name_len=MAX_PATH+1;
    char vol_name_buf[MAX_PATH+1], fs_name_buf[MAX_PATH+1];
    char windowsdir[MAX_PATH+10];
    char currentdir[MAX_PATH+1];

    ok( pGetVolumeInformationA != NULL, "GetVolumeInformationA not found\n");
    if(!pGetVolumeInformationA) {

    /* get windows drive letter and update strings for testing */
    result = GetWindowsDirectoryA(windowsdir, sizeof(windowsdir));
    ok(result < sizeof(windowsdir), "windowsdir is abnormally long!\n");
    ok(result != 0, "GetWindowsDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    Root_Colon[0] = windowsdir[0];
    Root_Slash[0] = windowsdir[0];
    Root_UNC[4] = windowsdir[0];

    result = GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, currentdir);
    ok(result, "GetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    /* Note that GetCurrentDir yields no trailing slash for subdirs */

    /* check for NO error on no trailing \ when current dir is root dir */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(Root_Slash);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA root failed, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* check for error on no trailing \ when current dir is subdir (windows) of queried drive */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(windowsdir);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(!ret && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME),
        "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, last error %u\n", ret ? " not":"", GetLastError());

    /* reset current directory */
    ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(currentdir);
    ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

    if (toupper(currentdir[0]) == toupper(windowsdir[0])) {
        skip("Please re-run from another device than %c:\n", windowsdir[0]);
        /* FIXME: Use GetLogicalDrives to find another device to avoid this skip. */
    } else {
        char Root_Env[]="=C:"; /* where MS maintains the per volume directory */
        Root_Env[1] = windowsdir[0];

        /* C:\windows becomes the current directory on drive C: */
        /* Note that paths to subdirs are stored without trailing slash, like what GetCurrentDir yields. */
        ret = SetEnvironmentVariableA(Root_Env, windowsdir);
        ok(ret, "SetEnvironmentVariable %s failed\n", Root_Env);

        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(windowsdir);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(currentdir);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

        /* windows dir is current on the root drive, call fails */
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(!ret && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME),
           "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, last error %u\n", ret ? " not":"", GetLastError());

        /* Try normal drive letter with trailing \ */
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Slash, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA with \\ failed, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(Root_Slash);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(currentdir);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

        /* windows dir is STILL CURRENT on root drive; the call fails as before,   */
        /* proving that SetCurrentDir did not remember the other drive's directory */
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(!ret && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_NAME),
           "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, last error %u\n", ret ? " not":"", GetLastError());

        /* Now C:\ becomes the current directory on drive C: */
        ret = SetEnvironmentVariableA(Root_Env, Root_Slash); /* set =C:=C:\ */
        ok(ret, "SetEnvironmentVariable %s failed\n", Root_Env);

        /* \ is current on root drive, call succeeds */
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

        /* again, SetCurrentDirectory on another drive does not matter */
        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(Root_Slash);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());
        ret = SetCurrentDirectoryA(currentdir);
        ok(ret, "SetCurrentDirectory: error %d\n", GetLastError());

        /* \ is current on root drive, call succeeds */
        ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Colon, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
                NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
        ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* try null root directory to return "root of the current directory"  */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(NULL, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size, NULL,
            NULL, NULL, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed on null root dir, last error %u\n", GetLastError());

    /* Try normal drive letter with trailing \  */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_Slash, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", Root_Slash, GetLastError());

    /* try again with drive letter and the "disable parsing" prefix */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_UNC, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, root=%s, last error=%u\n", ret ? " not":"", Root_UNC, GetLastError());

    /* try again with device name space  */
    Root_UNC[2] = '.';
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(Root_UNC, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, root=%s, last error=%u\n", ret ? " not":"", Root_UNC, GetLastError());

    /* try again with a directory off the root - should generate error  */
    if (windowsdir[strlen(windowsdir)-1] != '\\') strcat(windowsdir, "\\");
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(windowsdir, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(!ret && (GetLastError()==ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT),
          "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, root=%s, last error=%u\n", ret ? " not":"", windowsdir, GetLastError());
    /* A subdir with trailing \ yields DIR_NOT_ROOT instead of INVALID_NAME */
    if (windowsdir[strlen(windowsdir)-1] == '\\') windowsdir[strlen(windowsdir)-1] = 0;
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(windowsdir, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(!ret && (GetLastError()==ERROR_INVALID_NAME),
          "GetVolumeInformationA did%s fail, root=%s, last error=%u\n", ret ? " not":"", windowsdir, GetLastError());

    if (!pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) {
        win_skip("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA not found\n");
    /* get the unique volume name for the windows drive  */
    ret = pGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(Root_Slash, volume, MAX_PATH);
    ok(ret == TRUE, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA failed\n");

    /* try again with unique volume name */
    ret = pGetVolumeInformationA(volume, vol_name_buf, vol_name_size,
            &vol_serial_num, &max_comp_len, &fs_flags, fs_name_buf, fs_name_len);
    ok(ret, "GetVolumeInformationA failed, root=%s, last error=%u\n", volume, GetLastError());