Esempio n. 1
netReadNotifyIO & cac::readNotifyRequest ( 
    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > & guard, nciu & chan, privateInterfaceForIO & icni,
    unsigned type, arrayElementCount nElem, cacReadNotify & notifyIn )
    guard.assertIdenticalMutex ( this->mutex );
    autoPtrRecycle  < netReadNotifyIO > pIO ( 
        guard, this->ioTable, *this,
        netReadNotifyIO::factory ( this->freeListReadNotifyIO, icni, notifyIn ) );
    this->ioTable.idAssignAdd ( *pIO );
    chan.getPIIU(guard)->readNotifyRequest ( guard, chan, *pIO, type, nElem );
    return *pIO.release();
Esempio n. 2
netSubscription & cac::subscriptionRequest ( 
    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > & guard, 
    nciu & chan, privateInterfaceForIO & privChan,
    unsigned type,
    arrayElementCount nElem, unsigned mask, 
    cacStateNotify & notifyIn,
    bool chanIsInstalled )
    guard.assertIdenticalMutex ( this->mutex );
    autoPtrRecycle  < netSubscription > pIO ( 
        guard, this->ioTable, *this, 
        netSubscription::factory ( this->freeListSubscription,
                                   privChan, type, nElem, mask, notifyIn ) );
    this->ioTable.idAssignAdd ( *pIO );
    if ( chanIsInstalled ) {
        pIO->subscribeIfRequired ( guard, chan );
    return *pIO.release ();
void CDelphiDataMarshal::updateParameters()
    // ++++++ update parameters after reading the parameter file ++++++//
    //                                                                 //
    //        perform updates after reading the parameter file         //
    //                                                                 //

    if (-1 == vctfProbeRadius[1])
        vctfProbeRadius[1] = vctfProbeRadius[0];

     * parameters set at the end of subroutine rdprm
    if (0 > fExDielec || 0 > fInDielec)
        CMinusDielec warning(fExDielec, fInDielec);

        fExDielec = abs(fExDielec);
        fInDielec = abs(fInDielec);

    delphi_real fZ1Plus  = vctiValence1[0]; // valence 1
    delphi_real fZ1Minus = vctiValence1[1];
    delphi_real fZ2Plus  = vctiValence2[0]; // valence 2
    delphi_real fZ2Minus = vctiValence2[1];

     * concentration of positive ion
    delphi_real fZ1PlusConcentrate = vctfSalt[0]*fZ1Minus;
    delphi_real fZ2PlusConcentrate = vctfSalt[1]*fZ2Minus;

    fIonStrength = (fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Plus*(fZ1Plus+fZ1Minus) + fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Plus*(fZ2Plus+fZ2Minus))/2.0;

     * coefficients in Taylor series of the charge concentration apart from n! (order >=1)
     * (chuan 2012Apr24) Correct coefficients in Taylor series. NOT in compact form just for clean math formula
    fTaylorCoeff1 = -2.0*fIonStrength;

    fTaylorCoeff2 =  ( fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Plus *pow(fZ1Plus, 2) -
                       fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Minus*pow(fZ1Minus,2) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Plus *pow(fZ2Plus, 2) -
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Minus*pow(fZ2Minus,2) )/2.0;

    fTaylorCoeff3 = -( fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Plus *pow(fZ1Plus, 3) +
                       fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Minus*pow(fZ1Minus,3) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Plus *pow(fZ2Plus, 3) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Minus*pow(fZ2Minus,3) )/6.0;

    fTaylorCoeff4 =  ( fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Plus *pow(fZ1Plus, 4) -
                       fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Minus*pow(fZ1Minus,4) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Plus *pow(fZ2Plus, 4) -
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Minus*pow(fZ2Minus,4) )/24.0;

    fTaylorCoeff5 = -( fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Plus *pow(fZ1Plus, 5) +
                       fZ1PlusConcentrate*fZ1Minus*pow(fZ1Minus,5) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Plus *pow(fZ2Plus, 5) +
                       fZ2PlusConcentrate*fZ2Minus*pow(fZ2Minus,5) )/120.0;

     * convert ionic strength to debye length
    if (fZero < fIonStrength)
        delphi_real fDebyeFactor = 0.01990076478*sqrt(fTemper*fExDielec);
        fDebyeLength = fDebyeFactor/sqrt(fIonStrength);

        if (0 < iNonIterateNum) bNonlinearEng = true;
        bIonsEng = false;
        fDebyeLength = 1.0e6;

     * epkt assignment as a function of temperature
    fEPKT = dEPK/fTemper;

     * set epsin and epsout (= epkt adjusted dielectrics such that all distances are in angstroms, charges in e)
    fEpsIn  = fInDielec/fEPKT;
    fEpsOut = fExDielec/fEPKT;

     * test for unformatted pdb and frc files
     * the same tests have been implemented in class CIO. However, here users may make mistakes in parameter file to
     * require wrong format of the files. So check again to reset format flags.
    string strASCI = "1234567890 .-+#,$asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMQWERTYUIOP)(}{][/";

    ifstream ifFileHandle;
    char cTestChar[80];

    if (!bPdbUnformatIn) // PDB file

        if (!ifFileHandle.is_open()) throw CUnknownFile(strPdbFile);,80);

        int iCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
            if (string::npos == strASCI.find(cTestChar[i]) ) iCount += 1;

        if (10 < iCount) // unformatted PDB
            bPdbUnformatIn = true;
            CToUnformattedFile warning(strPdbFile,strASCI);


    if (bUnformatFrcOut) // FRC file

        if (!ifFileHandle.is_open()) throw CUnknownFile(strFrcFile);,80);

        int iCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
            if (string::npos == strASCI.find(cTestChar[i]) ) iCount += 1;

        if (10 < iCount) // unformatted FRC
            CToUnformattedFile warning(strFrcFile,strASCI);
            bFrcUnformatIn = true;


    //                                                                 //
    //               read size, charge, PDB files                      //
    //                                                                 //
    unique_ptr<CIO> pIO(new CIO(fInDielec,fEPKT)); // smart unique_ptr


    iMediaNum        = pIO->iMediaNum;        // nmedia
    iObjectNum       = pIO->iObjectNum;       // nobject
    iAtomNum         = pIO->iAtomNum;         // natom
    iResidueNum      = pIO->iResidueNum;      // resnummax
    bOnlyMolecule    = pIO->bOnlyMolecule;    // ionlymol
    vctapAtomPdb     = pIO->vctapAtomPdb;     // delphipdb(natom)
    vctfMediaEps     = pIO->vctfMediaEps;     // medeps(0:nmediamax)
    vctstrObject     = pIO->vctstrObject;     // dataobject(nobjectmax,2)
    vctiAtomMediaNum = pIO->vctiAtomMediaNum; // iatmmed(Natom+Nobjectmax)

     * write unformatted PDB file
    if (bUnformatPdbOut) pIO->writeUnformatPdb(strUnformatPdbFile);

     * write mod/pqr/mod4/pqr4-type PDB file
    if (bModPdbOut)

    fEpsIn = pIO->vctfMediaEps[1];

    if (1 < iMediaNum) iDirectEpsMap = 1;

    //--------------------------- extrmobjects ------------------------//

     * extrmobjects: find extrema of each object and  according to them limobject contains extreme
     * values of each object for a molecule it has extreme but without radii
    iMoleculeNum = 0;    // numbmol
    fMaxRadius   = 0.01; // rdmx

    SExtrema<delphi_real> tmpExtrema;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vctstrObject.size(); i=i+2)
        string strLine = vctstrObject[2*i]; // vctstrObject[0][nobject]

        if (0 !=,4,"is a")) throw CIsAnObjectType(strLine);

        iMoleculeNum += 1;

#ifdef VERBOSE
        cout << "Object number " << i << " is a molecule\n";

        //cout << "## iAtomNum: " << iAtomNum << endl;
        if (0 == iAtomNum) throw CNoAtomsInMolecule(i);

        SGrid<delphi_real> gMinCoord = vctapAtomPdb[0].getPose();
        SGrid<delphi_real> gMaxCoord = vctapAtomPdb[0].getPose();
        fMaxRadius            = vctapAtomPdb[0].getRadius();
        for (delphi_integer j = 1; j < iAtomNum; j++)
            gMinCoord = optMin<delphi_real>(gMinCoord,vctapAtomPdb[j].getPose());
            gMaxCoord = optMax<delphi_real>(gMaxCoord,vctapAtomPdb[j].getPose());
            fMaxRadius = max(fMaxRadius,vctapAtomPdb[j].getRadius());

        tmpExtrema.nMin = gMinCoord;
        tmpExtrema.nMax = gMaxCoord;

    //------------------------------ extrm ---------------------------//

     * find extrema and calculate scale according to them and to the percent box fill
    gfMinCoordinate.nX = 6000.0;
    gfMinCoordinate.nY = 6000.0;
    gfMinCoordinate.nZ = 6000.0;

    gfMaxCoordinate.nX =-6000.0;
    gfMaxCoordinate.nY =-6000.0;
    gfMaxCoordinate.nZ =-6000.0;

    for (delphi_integer i = 0; i < iAtomNum; i++)
        gfMinCoordinate = optMin<delphi_real>(gfMinCoordinate,vctapAtomPdb[i].getPose()-vctapAtomPdb[i].getRadius());
        gfMaxCoordinate = optMax<delphi_real>(gfMaxCoordinate,vctapAtomPdb[i].getPose()+vctapAtomPdb[i].getRadius());

    gfGeometricCenter = (gfMinCoordinate + gfMaxCoordinate)/2.0;

    //------------------------------- off ----------------------------//
    if (bIsAcent)
        gfBoxCenter = gfAcent;
        gfBoxCenter = gfGeometricCenter - gfOffCenter/fScale;

        if (fZero > abs(gfOffCenter.nX-999.0) || fZero > abs(gfOffCenter.nX-777.0))
            if (fZero > abs(gfOffCenter.nX-999.0))
                cout << "modifying midpoints using frc input file \n";
                gfBoxCenter = pIO->readFrcFile(strFrciFile,gfOffCenter,fScale);
                cout << "modifying midpoints using fort.27 \n";
                gfBoxCenter = pIO->readFrcFile(strCentFile,gfOffCenter,fScale);
        } // ---------- end of if (fZero > abs(gfOffCenter-999.0) || fZero > abs(gfOffCenter-777.0))
    } // ---------- end of if (bIsAcent)

    gfCoordinateRange = gfMaxCoordinate - gfMinCoordinate;

        SGrid<delphi_real> gVec1 = 2.0*optABS<delphi_real>(gfMaxCoordinate-gfBoxCenter);
        delphi_real fMaxVal1 = optMax<delphi_real>(gVec1);

        SGrid<delphi_real> gVec2 = 2.0*optABS<delphi_real>(gfMinCoordinate-gfBoxCenter);
        delphi_real fMaxVal2 = optMax<delphi_real>(gVec2);

        fMaxDimension = (fMaxVal1 > fMaxVal2) ? fMaxVal1 : fMaxVal2;

    if (0 == iGrid)
        if (fZero > abs(fScale-10000.0) )          fScale = 2.0;
        if (fZero > abs(fPercentageFill-10000.0) ) fPercentageFill = 80.0;
        iGrid = fScale*100.0/fPercentageFill*fMaxDimension;
    else if (fZero > abs(fScale-10000.0) )
        if (fZero > abs(fPercentageFill-10000.0) )
            fScale          = 2.0;
            fPercentageFill = 100.0*fMaxDimension*fScale/(iGrid-1);
            fScale = (iGrid-1)*fPercentageFill/(100.0*fMaxDimension);
        fPercentageFill = 100.0*fMaxDimension*fScale/(iGrid-1);

    if (0 == iGrid%2) iGrid += 1;

    vctfMediaEps[0] = fEpsOut;

    if (bPdbUnformatIn && bUnformatPdbOut)
        CReadWriteUnformatPdb warning(bUnformatPdbOut);

    if (bFrcUnformatIn && bUnformatFrcOut)
        CReadWriteUnformatFrc warning(bUnformatPdbOut);

    SGrid<delphi_real> gLeftBndy  = gfBoxCenter - (1.0/fScale)*(iGrid+1)*0.5;
    SGrid<delphi_real> gRightBndy = gfBoxCenter + (1.0/fScale)*(iGrid+1)*0.5;
    if (optORLT(gfMinCoordinate,gLeftBndy) || optORGT(gfMaxCoordinate,gRightBndy))
        CSystemOutsideBox warning;

     * convert atom coordinates from angstroms to grid units
     * Added allocation of xn1 array in order to deal with different names in real (atpos) and dummy (xn1)
     * arguments in following subroutines
    for (delphi_integer i = 0; i < iAtomNum; i++)
        vctgfAtomCoordA.push_back( vctapAtomPdb[i].getPose() );
        vctgfAtomCoordG.push_back( (vctapAtomPdb[i].getPose()-gfBoxCenter)*fScale+(delphi_real)((iGrid+1)/2) );

     * verify if dielectric is uniform
    bUniformDielec = true;
    for (delphi_integer i = 0; i < iMediaNum; i++)
        if (vctfMediaEps[i] != vctfMediaEps[i+1]) bUniformDielec = false;

     * now pass uniformdiel to epsmak make the epsmap, and also a listing of boundary elements, and the
     * second epsmap used for the molecular surface scaling

     * new updates in c++ for more rigid check of input parameter values
    if (false == bAutoConverge && 0 == iLinIterateNum && 0 == iNonIterateNum)
        throw CBadAutoConvergence(bAutoConverge);


