MStatus MeshControlCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus s; MSelectionList selection; MSyntax syn = syntax(); MArgDatabase argData(syn, args); setResult(0); if (argData.isFlagSet(m_nameFlag[1], &s)) { MString nodeName; // 提取某个名字的节点 s = argData.getFlagArgument(m_nameFlag[1],0, nodeName); s = MGlobal::getSelectionListByName(nodeName, selection); } else s = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(selection); // 提取选中节点 if (!s)return MS::kSuccess; bool isInitFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet(m_initFlag[1], &s); MItSelectionList pSel(selection, MFn::kDependencyNode , &s); MObject obj; for (; !pSel.isDone(); { MObject depNode; pSel.getDependNode(depNode); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(depNode, &s); MString typeName = nodeFn.typeName(&s); if (typeName != NODE_CAGE_DEFORMER_NAME) continue; CageDeformerNode* node = (CageDeformerNode*)nodeFn.userNode(&s); if (!s) continue; if (isInitFlagSet) { s = node->computeWeight(); } if (!s) { MGlobal::displayError("faild to compute weight"); } else MGlobal::displayInfo("succeed to compute weight"); } return MS::kSuccess; }
void CLibraryMetaPanel::Update() { CSingleLock pLock1( &Library.m_pSection, TRUE ); CSingleLock pLock2( &m_pSection, TRUE ); CLibraryListPtr pSel( GetViewSelection() ); m_nSelected = pSel ? static_cast< int >( pSel->GetCount() ) : 0; // Show info for library files only CLibraryFile* pFirst = NULL; if ( m_nSelected ) { const CLibraryListItem& pItem = pSel->GetHead(); if ( pItem.Type == CLibraryListItem::LibraryFile ) pFirst = Library.LookupFile( pItem ); if ( pFirst == NULL ) m_nSelected = 0; } m_nIcon32 = m_nIcon48 = -1; if ( m_nSelected == 1 ) { m_nIndex = pFirst->m_nIndex; m_sName = pFirst->m_sName; m_sPath = pFirst->GetPath(); m_sFolder = pFirst->GetFolder(); m_sSize = Settings.SmartVolume( pFirst->GetSize() ); m_sType = ShellIcons.GetTypeString( m_sName ); m_nIcon32 = ShellIcons.Get( pFirst->GetPath(), 32 ); m_nIcon48 = ShellIcons.Get( pFirst->GetPath(), 48 ); m_nRating = pFirst->m_nRating; } else if ( m_nSelected > 1 ) { CString strFormat; LoadString( strFormat, IDS_LIBPANEL_MULTIPLE_FILES ); m_sName.Format( strFormat, m_nSelected ); QWORD nSize = 0; m_sFolder = pFirst->GetFolder(); m_nIcon32 = ShellIcons.Get( pFirst->GetPath(), 32 ); m_nIcon48 = ShellIcons.Get( pFirst->GetPath(), 48 ); m_nRating = 0; for ( POSITION pos = pSel->GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( pSel->GetNext( pos ) ); if ( pFile == NULL ) continue; nSize += pFile->GetSize() / 1024; if ( pFile->IsAvailable() && pFile->GetFolder().CompareNoCase( m_sFolder ) ) { LoadString( m_sFolder, IDS_LIBPANEL_MULTIPLE_FOLDERS ); } int nIcon = ShellIcons.Get( pFile->GetPath(), 48 ); if ( nIcon != m_nIcon48 ) m_nIcon48 = -1; nIcon = ShellIcons.Get( pFile->GetPath(), 32 ); if ( nIcon != m_nIcon32 ) m_nIcon32 = -1; } m_sSize = Settings.SmartVolume( nSize ); m_sPath.Empty(); m_sType.Empty(); } m_pSchema = NULL; if ( pSel ) { for ( POSITION pos = pSel->GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { const CLibraryListItem& pItem = pSel->GetNext( pos ); if ( pItem.Type != CLibraryListItem::LibraryFile ) continue; CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( pItem ); if ( pFile == NULL ) continue; m_pSchema = pFile->m_pSchema; if ( m_pSchema ) break; } } if ( m_pServiceData ) { m_pMetadata->Setup( m_pServiceData ); } else { m_pMetadata->Setup( m_pSchema ); if ( m_pSchema && pSel ) { for ( POSITION pos = pSel->GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { const CLibraryListItem& pItem = pSel->GetNext( pos ); if ( pItem.Type != CLibraryListItem::LibraryFile ) continue; if ( CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( pItem ) ) { if ( pFile->m_pMetadata != NULL && m_pSchema->Equals( pFile->m_pSchema ) ) { m_pMetadata->Combine( pFile->m_pMetadata ); } } } } } m_pMetadata->CreateLinks(); m_pMetadata->Clean( 4096 ); CClientDC dc( this ); if ( Settings.General.LanguageRTL ) SetLayout( dc.m_hDC, LAYOUT_BITMAPORIENTATIONPRESERVED ); SCROLLINFO pInfo; CRect rc; GetClientRect( &rc ); int nThumbSize = min( max( rc.Height() - 16, 64 ), (int)Settings.Library.ThumbSize ); int nHeight = 54 + m_pMetadata->Layout( &dc, rc.Width() - 24 - nThumbSize ); pInfo.cbSize = sizeof(pInfo); pInfo.fMask = SIF_ALL & ~SIF_TRACKPOS; pInfo.nMin = 0; pInfo.nMax = nHeight; pInfo.nPage = rc.Height(); pInfo.nPos = GetScrollPos( SB_VERT ); pInfo.nPos = max( 0, min( pInfo.nPos, pInfo.nMax - (int)pInfo.nPage + 1 ) ); SetScrollInfo( SB_VERT, &pInfo, TRUE ); if ( m_bForceUpdate || ( m_sThumb != m_sPath ) ) { m_bForceUpdate = FALSE; if ( m_bmThumb.m_hObject ) m_bmThumb.DeleteObject(); if ( ! IsThreadAlive() ) { BeginThread( "CtrlLibraryMetaPanel" ); } } pLock2.Unlock(); pLock1.Unlock(); Invalidate(); }