Esempio n. 1
uint8_t CC110x::receiveData(uint8_t *buf) {												// read data packet from RX FIFO
	uint8_t rxBytes = readReg(CC1101_RXBYTES, CC1101_STATUS);							// how many bytes are in the buffer
	//Serial << rxBytes << ' ';

	if ((rxBytes & 0x7F) && !(rxBytes & 0x80)) {										// any byte waiting to be read and no overflow?
		buf[0] = readReg(CC1101_RXFIFO, CC1101_CONFIG);									// read data length

		if (buf[0] > CC1101_DATA_LEN)													// if packet is too long
			buf[0] = 0;																	// discard packet
		else {
			readBurst(&buf[1], CC1101_RXFIFO, buf[0]);									// read data packet
			readReg(CC1101_RXFIFO, CC1101_CONFIG);										// read RSSI

			uint8_t val = readReg(CC1101_RXFIFO, CC1101_CONFIG);						// read LQI and CRC_OK
			lqi = val & 0x7F;
			crc_ok = bitRead(val, 7);
	} else {
		buf[0] = 0;																		// nothing to do, or overflow

	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SFRX);																// flush Rx FIFO
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SIDLE);															// enter IDLE state
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SRX);																// back to RX state
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SWORRST);															// reset real time clock
//	trx868.rfState = RFSTATE_RX;														// declare to be in Rx state

	#if defined(CC_DBG)																	// debug message, string should be short, otherwise program stops
	if (buf[0] > 0) Serial << pHexL(&buf[1], buf[0]) << pTime();

	return buf[0];																		// return the data buffer
void CConsoleAlarmAlertSession::GetUserTimeL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
	TTime time;
	TPtrC8 pTime((TUint8 *)&time,sizeof(TTime));
BOOL CTorrentTrackerDlg::OnInitDialog() 
	SetIcon( theApp.LoadIcon( IDR_MAINFRAME ), TRUE );
	SkinMe( _T("CTorrentTrackerDlg") );
	m_sName			= m_pInfo.m_sName;
	m_sTracker		= m_pInfo.m_sTracker;
	m_sComment		= m_pInfo.m_sComment;
	m_sCreatedBy	= m_pInfo.m_sCreatedBy;
	if ( m_pInfo.m_tCreationDate > 0 )
		CTime pTime( (time_t)m_pInfo.m_tCreationDate );
		m_sCreationDate = pTime.Format( _T("%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M") );
	CRect rc;
	m_wndFiles.GetClientRect( &rc );
	rc.right -= GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL );
	m_wndFiles.SetImageList( ShellIcons.GetObject( 16 ), LVSIL_SMALL );
	m_wndFiles.InsertColumn( 0, _T("Filename"), LVCFMT_LEFT, rc.right - 80, -1 );
	m_wndFiles.InsertColumn( 1, _T("Size"), LVCFMT_RIGHT, 80, 0 );
	Skin.Translate( _T("CTorrentTrackerList"), m_wndFiles.GetHeaderCtrl() );

	for ( int nFile = 0 ; nFile < m_pInfo.m_nFiles ; nFile++ )
		CBTInfo::CBTFile* pFile = m_pInfo.m_pFiles + nFile;
		LV_ITEM pItem;
		ZeroMemory( &pItem, sizeof(pItem) );
		pItem.iItem		= m_wndFiles.GetItemCount();
		pItem.lParam	= (LPARAM)nFile;
		pItem.iImage	= ShellIcons.Get( pFile->m_sPath, 16 );
		pItem.pszText	= (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)pFile->m_sPath;
		pItem.iItem		= m_wndFiles.InsertItem( &pItem );
		m_wndFiles.SetItemText( pItem.iItem, 1, Settings.SmartVolume( pFile->m_nSize, FALSE ) );

	m_wndStartDownloads.SetItemData( 0, dtAlways );
	m_wndStartDownloads.SetItemData( 1, dtWhenRatio );
	m_wndStartDownloads.SetItemData( 2, dtNever );

	m_wndStartDownloads.SetCurSel( *m_pStartTorrentDownloads );
	UpdateData( FALSE );
	m_hThread = NULL;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
uint8_t CC110x::sendData(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t burst) {									// send data packet via RF

	// Going from RX to TX does not work if there was a reception less than 0.5
	// sec ago. Due to CCA? Using IDLE helps to shorten this period(?)
	//uint8_t cnt = 0xff;
	//while(cnt-- && (ccStrobe( CC1100_STX ) & 0x70) != 2)
 	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SIDLE);															// go to idle mode
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SFRX );															// flush RX buffer
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SFTX );															// flush TX buffer

	//Serial << "tx\r\n";

	if (burst) {																		// BURST-bit set?
		cmdStrobe(CC1101_STX  );														// send a burst
		_delay_ms(360);																	// according to ELV, devices get activated every 300ms, so send burst for 360ms
		//Serial << "send burst\r\n";

	} else {
		_delay_ms(1);																	// wait a short time to set TX mode

	writeBurst(CC1101_TXFIFO, buf, buf[0]+1);											// write in TX FIFO

	cmdStrobe(CC1101_SFRX);																// flush the RX buffer
	cmdStrobe(CC1101_STX);																// send a burst

	for(uint8_t i=0; i< 200;++i) {														// after sending out all bytes the chip should go automatically in RX mode
		if( readReg(CC1101_MARCSTATE, CC1101_STATUS) == MARCSTATE_RX)
			break;																		//now in RX mode, good
		if( readReg(CC1101_MARCSTATE, CC1101_STATUS) != MARCSTATE_TX) {
			break;																		//neither in RX nor TX, probably some error

	//uint8_t cnt = 0xff;
	//while(cnt-- && (sendSPI(CC1101_SRX) & 0x70) != 1)

	#if defined(CC_DBG)																	// some debug message
		Serial << F("<- ") << pHexL(&buf[0], buf[0]+1) << pTime();

	//Serial << "rx\r\n";
	return true;
BOOL CTorrentGeneralPage::OnInitDialog()
	if ( ! CPropertyPageAdv::OnInitDialog() )
		return FALSE;

	ASSUME_LOCK( Transfers.m_pSection );

	CDownload* pDownload = ((CDownloadSheet*)GetParent())->GetDownload();
	ASSERT( pDownload && pDownload->IsTorrent() );

	CBTInfo& oInfo = pDownload->m_pTorrent;

	m_sName			= oInfo.m_sName;
	m_sComment		= oInfo.m_sComment;
	m_sCreatedBy	= oInfo.m_sCreatedBy;
	if ( oInfo.m_tCreationDate > 0 )
		CTime pTime( (time_t)oInfo.m_tCreationDate );
		m_sCreationDate = pTime.Format( _T("%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M") );

	// Assembler 'other' string
	if ( oInfo.m_bPrivate )
		m_sTorrentOther += LoadString( IDS_BT_PRIVATE );
		m_sTorrentOther += _T(", ");
	if ( oInfo.HasEncodingError() )
		m_sTorrentOther += LoadString( IDS_BT_ENCODING );
		m_sTorrentOther += _T(", ");

	// Cut off last comma
	if ( ! m_sTorrentOther.IsEmpty() )
		m_sTorrentOther = m_sTorrentOther.Left( m_sTorrentOther.GetLength() - 2 );

	m_wndStartDownloads.SetCurSel( oInfo.m_nStartDownloads );

	m_sUploadTotal.Format( _T(" %s"),
		(LPCTSTR)Settings.SmartVolume( oInfo.m_nTotalUpload ) );

	UpdateData( FALSE );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
void ElPoly::FetchPore(){
  FILE *FNano = fopen("","w");
  double OldPos[5] = {pNanoPos(0,0),pNanoPos(0,1),pNanoPos(0,2),Nano->Rad,Nano->Height};
  FILE *StalkArea = fopen("PoreArea.dat","w");
  fprintf(StalkArea,"#time rad asy\n");
  for(int f=NFile[0];f<NFile[1];f++){
    if(OpenRisk(cFile[f],BF_PART)) return;
    double Asy = PorePos();
    Nano[0].Shape = ShapeId("pore");
    Nano->Height = .2;
    char String[120];
    fprintf(StalkArea,"%lf %lf %lf\n",pTime(),Nano->Rad,Asy);
    fprintf(FNano,"sed '/pore/c\\%s' %s > Ciccia.dat\n",String,cFile[f]);
    fprintf(FNano,"mv Ciccia.dat %s\n",cFile[f]);
    //command("chmod u+x %s\n","NanoPos.txt");
Esempio n. 7
   Simple Monte Carlo to find the best position and radius of the osculating torus.
void ElPoly::FetchStalk(){
  FILE *FNano = fopen("","w");
  double OldPos[5] = {pNanoPos(0,0),pNanoPos(0,1),pNanoPos(0,2),Nano->Rad,Nano->Height};
  FILE *StalkArea = fopen("StalkArea.dat","w");
  char FName[60];
  for(int f=NFile[0];f<NFile[1];f++){
    if(OpenRisk(cFile[f],BF_NO)) return;
    if(StalkPos(OldPos)) continue;
    char String[120];
    fprintf(StalkArea,"%lf %lf\n",pTime(),Nano->Area);
    fprintf(FNano,"sed '/Rigid/c\\%s' %s > Ciccia.dat\n",String,cFile[f]);
    fprintf(FNano,"mv Ciccia.dat %s\n",cFile[f]);
    //command("chmod u+x %s\n","NanoPos.txt");
void CConsoleAlarmAlertSession::SetDeferTimeL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
	TPckg<TTime> pTime(iDeferTime);
	aMessage.ReadL(KSlot0, pTime);
Esempio n. 9
bool VarData::WriteXvt(char *OutFile){
  FILE *FileToWrite = NULL;
  char Line2Put[512];
  FileToWrite = fopen(OutFile,"w");
  SigErr(FileToWrite==NULL,"The output file %s could not be opened\n",OutFile);
  fprintf(FileToWrite,"# L=%lf %lf %lf t=%lf blocks=%d\n",Gen->Edge[0],Gen->Edge[1],Gen->Edge[2],pTime(),Gen->NBlock);
  for(int b=0,cOff=0,pCurr=0;b<Gen->NBlock;b++,cOff+=Block[b].NChain){
    if(Block[b].NChain == 0) continue;
    fprintf(FileToWrite,"# n=%d N=%d name=%s\n",Block[b].NChain,Block[b].NPCh,Block[b].Name);
    for(int c=cOff;c<Block[b].NChain+cOff;c++){
      for(int p=0;p<Block[b].NPCh;p++,pCurr++){
	// if(p > 0){
	//   for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
	//     if(Pm[pCurr].Pos[d] - Pm[pCurr-1].Pos[d] > .5*pEdge(d))
	//       Pm[pCurr].Pos[d] -= pEdge(d);
	//     else if(Pm[pCurr].Pos[d] - Pm[pCurr-1].Pos[d] < -.5*pEdge(d))
	//       Pm[pCurr].Pos[d] += pEdge(d);
	//   }
	// }
	fprintf(FileToWrite,"%lf %lf %lf ",
	fprintf(FileToWrite,"%lf %lf %lf ",
	fprintf(FileToWrite," %d ",
  return 0;
Esempio n. 10
void CHostCacheWnd::Update(BOOL bForce)
	if ( !bForce ) 
		if ( !m_bAllowUpdates ) return;

	CSingleLock pLock( &Network.m_pSection );
	if ( ! pLock.Lock( 50 ) ) return;
	m_wndList.ModifyStyle( WS_VISIBLE, 0 );
	CLiveList pLiveList( 8 );
	PROTOCOLID nEffective = m_nMode ? m_nMode : PROTOCOL_G2;

	CHostCacheList* pCache = HostCache.ForProtocol( nEffective );
	m_nCookie = pCache->m_nCookie;
	int nProtocolRev = m_gdiImageList.GetImageCount() - 1;
	for ( CHostCacheHost* pHost = pCache->GetNewest() ; pHost ; pHost = pHost->m_pPrevTime )
		// cancel update if mouse moves ouside window or user right-clicks
		// do not break if different cache window button pressed
		if ( !m_bAllowUpdates && !bForce ) break;
		if ( m_nMode == PROTOCOL_NULL )
			if ( HubHorizonPool.Find( &pHost->m_pAddress ) == NULL ) continue;
		CLiveItem* pItem = pLiveList.Add( pHost );
		pItem->m_nImage			= theApp.m_bRTL ? nProtocolRev - pHost->m_nProtocol : pHost->m_nProtocol;
		pItem->m_nMaskOverlay	= pHost->m_bPriority;
		pItem->Set( 0, CString( inet_ntoa( pHost->m_pAddress ) ) );
		pItem->Format( 1, _T("%hu"), pHost->m_nPort );
#ifdef _DEBUG
		pItem->Format( 2, _T("K:%u A:%u Q:%u"),
			pHost->m_nKeyValue, pHost->m_tAck, pHost->m_tQuery );
		if ( pHost->m_pVendor )
			pItem->Set( 2, pHost->m_pVendor->m_sName );
		else if ( pHost->m_nProtocol == PROTOCOL_G2 )
			pItem->Set( 2, _T("(Gnutella2)") );
		else if ( pHost->m_nProtocol == PROTOCOL_ED2K )
			pItem->Set( 2, _T("(eDonkey Server)") );
		CTime pTime( (time_t)pHost->m_tSeen );
		pItem->Set( 3, pTime.Format( _T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) );
		pItem->Set( 4, pHost->m_sName );
		pItem->Set( 5, pHost->m_sDescription );
		if ( pHost->m_nUserCount ) pItem->Format( 6, _T("%u"), pHost->m_nUserCount );
		if ( pHost->m_nUserLimit ) pItem->Format( 7, _T("%u"), pHost->m_nUserLimit );
	if ( !m_bAllowUpdates && !bForce ) return;
	pLiveList.Apply( &m_wndList, TRUE );
	m_wndList.ShowWindow( SW_SHOW );

	tLastUpdate = GetTickCount();				// Update timer
Esempio n. 11
   Simple Monte Carlo to find the best position and radius of the osculating torus.
   The area and position of the torus are hence redifined counting how many hydrophilic beads are inside the torus.
void ElPoly::StalkArea(){
  FILE *FNano = fopen("","w");
  FILE *StalkArea = fopen("StalkArea.dat","w");
  FILE *AreaS = fopen("AreaS.dat","w");
  double OldPos[5] = {pNanoPos(0,0),pNanoPos(0,1),pNanoPos(0,2),Nano->Rad,Nano->Height};
  int NBin = 36;
  double *Count = (double *)calloc(NBin*NBin,sizeof(double));
  double RadTorus = 1.;//Nano->Rad;
  //fprintf(AreaS,"#l(%lf %lf %lf) \n",2.*Nano->Height,2.*Nano->Height,10.);
  fprintf(AreaS,"#l(%lf %lf %lf) \n",pEdge(0),pEdge(1),pEdge(2));
  char FName[60];
  for(int f=NFile[0];f<NFile[1];f++){
    if(OpenRisk(cFile[f],BF_NO)) return;
    if(StalkPos(OldPos)) continue;
    //Nano->Pos[CNorm] = pCm(CNorm);
    //Nano->Pos[CNorm] -= floor(Nano->Pos[CNorm]*pInvEdge(CNorm))*pEdge(CNorm);
    double Cm[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
    double CountCm = 0;
    int nPart = 0;
    double Pos[3];
    //counts the particles inside the torus
    for(int p=0;p<pNPart();p++){
      for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
	Pos[d] = pPos(p,d) - Nano->Pos[d];
	Pos[d] -= floor(pPos(p,d)*pInvEdge(d))*pEdge(d);
      double Rad = hypot(Pos[CLat1],Pos[CLat2]);
      if(Rad > Nano->Height) continue;
      if(fabs(Pos[CNorm]) > RadTorus) continue;
      // fprintf(AreaS,"{t[%d 0 %d] x(%lf %lf %lf)",nPart++,pType(p),pPos(p,0),pPos(p,1),pPos(p,2));
      // if(Ln[p].NLink > 0) fprintf(AreaS,"l[%d]",p-Ln[p].Link[0]+nPart+1);
      // fprintf(AreaS,"}\n");
      if(pType(p) == 1) continue;
      for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
	Cm[d] += pPos(p,d);
      CountCm += 1.;
      int vx = (int)(Pos[CLat1]/(2.*Nano->Height)*NBin);
      vx += NBin/2;
      if(vx < 0 || vx >= NBin) continue;
      int vy = (int)(Pos[CLat2]/(2.*Nano->Height)*NBin);
      vy += NBin/2;
      if(vy < 0 || vy >= NBin) continue;
      Count[vx*NBin+vy] += 1.;
    double Area = 0.;
    double Norm = 0.;
    for(int vx=0;vx<NBin;vx++){
      for(int vy=0;vy<NBin;vy++){
    	if(Count[vx*NBin+vy] < 1.) continue;
	// double x = vx*Nano->Height*2./(double)NBin;
	// double y = vy*Nano->Height*2./(double)NBin;
	// fprintf(AreaS,"{t[%d 0 2] x(%lf %lf %lf)}\n",nPart++,x+pNanoPos(0,0)-Nano->Height,y+pNanoPos(0,1)-Nano->Height,pNanoPos(0,2));
    	Area += 1.;
    if(CountCm <= 0.){
      printf("No particles in the torus %s\n",cFile[f]);
    Nano->Area = SQR(2.*Nano->Height)*Area/(double)(SQR(NBin));
    for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
      Cm[d] /= CountCm;
    Cm[CNorm] = pCm(CNorm);
    //fprintf(AreaS,"%lf %lf %lf\n",Cm[0]-Nano->Pos[0],Cm[1]-Nano->Pos[1],Cm[2]-Nano->Pos[2]);
    for(int d=0;d<3;d++){
      Nano->Pos[d] = Cm[d] - floor(Cm[d]*pInvEdge(d))*pEdge(d);
      fprintf(StalkArea,"%lf %lf\n",pTime(),Nano->Area);
    Nano->Height = Nano->Rad + sqrt(Nano->Area/DUE_PI);
    char String[120];
    fprintf(StalkArea,"%lf %lf\n",pTime(),Nano->Area);
    fprintf(FNano,"sed '/Rigid/c\\%s' %s > Ciccia.dat\n",String,cFile[f]);
    fprintf(FNano,"mv Ciccia.dat %s\n",cFile[f]);
void TCmdModifyAudioCodec::ExecuteL()
	// ---------- Setup --------------------------------------------------------

	// Get codec 
	CMceAudioCodec* codec = 
		reinterpret_cast<CMceAudioCodec*>(GetObjectForIdL(KCodecId, ETrue));
	/*CMceAmrCodec* codec = 
		reinterpret_cast<CMceAmrCodec*>(GetObjectForIdL(KCodecId, ETrue));*/
	// ---------- Execution ----------------------------------------------------

    // VAD
    TBool enableVad = EFalse; 
    TRAPD( err, enableVad = ExtractBooleanL( KParamVAD, ETrue ) );
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->EnableVAD( enableVad );
    // Bitrate
    TInt bitrate( 0 );
    TRAP( err, bitrate = ExtractIntegerL( KParamBitrates, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetBitrate( bitrate );
    // SamplingFrequency
    TInt samplingFrequency( 0 );
    TRAP( err, 
          samplingFrequency = ExtractIntegerL( KParamSamplingFreq, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetSamplingFreq( samplingFrequency );
    // PayloadType
    TInt payloadType( 0 );
    TRAP( err, payloadType = ExtractIntegerL( KParamPayloadType, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetPayloadType( payloadType );
    // CodecMode
    TInt codecMode( 0 );
    TRAP( err, codecMode = ExtractIntegerL( KParamCodecMode, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetCodecMode( codecMode );
    // PTime
    TInt pTime( 0 );
    TRAP( err, pTime = ExtractIntegerL( KParamPTime, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetPTime( pTime );
    // MaxPTime
    TInt maxPTime( 0 );
    TRAP( err, maxPTime = ExtractIntegerL( KParamMaxPTime, 0, ETrue ));
    if ( err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound )
        codec->SetMaxPTime( maxPTime );
    TInt allowedBitRate( 0 );
    TRAP(err, allowedBitRate = ExtractIntegerL(KParamAllowedBitRate, 0, ETrue));
    if(err != KTcErrMandatoryParameterNotFound)
	// ---------- Response creation --------------------------------------------
    AddIdResponseL( KCodecId, *codec );
 	AddTextResponseL( KResponseCodecName, codec->SdpName() );

 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponseBitrates, codec->Bitrate() );
 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponseSamplingFreq, codec->SamplingFreq() );
 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponseCodecMode, codec->CodecMode() );

 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponseFourCC, codec->FourCC() );
  	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponsePayloadType, codec->PayloadType() );
 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponsePTime, codec->PTime() );

 	AddIntegerResponseL( KResponseMaxPTime, codec->MaxPTime() );
 	AddIntegerResponseL (KResponseAllowedBitRate, codec->AllowedBitrates());

	AddBooleanResponseL( KResponseVAD, codec->VAD() );	
