Esempio n. 1
static void add_scaled_fxnodeline(
                                  struct FXNodeLines **tofxnodeline,
                                  struct FXNodeLines *nodeline1,
                                  struct FXNodeLines *nodeline2,
                                  Place p,
                                  Place subtract
  struct FXNodeLines fxnodeline = *nodeline1;
  fxnodeline.l.p = p;

  R_ASSERT(p_Greater_Or_Equal(p,              nodeline1->l.p));
  R_ASSERT(p_Greater_Or_Equal(nodeline2->l.p, p));
  if (nodeline1->logtype != LOGTYPE_HOLD)
    fxnodeline.val = scale(p_float(p), p_float(nodeline1->l.p), p_float(nodeline2->l.p), nodeline1->val, nodeline2->val);

  add_fxnodeline(tofxnodeline, &fxnodeline, subtract);
Esempio n. 2
struct WSignatures *WSignatures_get(
                                    const struct Tracker_Windows *window,
                                    const struct WBlocks *wblock
        struct WSignatures *wsignatures = (struct WSignatures *)talloc_atomic_clean(sizeof(struct WSignatures)*wblock->num_reallines);

	int realline=0;
        int last_written_realline = -1;
        int last_written_new_bar_realline = -1;
        struct Beats *beat = wblock->block->beats;


                bool is_new_bar = beat->beat_num==1;
                if(PlaceNotEqual(&wblock->reallines[realline]->l.p,&beat->l.p)) {
                  float *f = (float*)talloc_atomic(sizeof(float));
                  float y1 = p_float(wblock->reallines[realline]->l.p);
                  float y2 = realline==wblock->num_reallines-1 ? wblock->num_reallines : p_float(wblock->reallines[realline+1]->l.p);
                  *f = scale( p_float(beat->l.p),
                              y1, y2,
                  VECTOR_push_back(&wsignatures[realline].how_much_below, f);

                if (realline==1) {
                  printf("1: %s %d %d %s\n",
                         wsignatures[realline].type != SIGNATURE_MUL ? "true" : "false"
                if (is_new_bar && realline != last_written_new_bar_realline) {  // Unlike the multi-behavior for other wxxx-types, we show the first element, and not the last.
                  wsignatures[realline].signature = beat->signature;
                  wsignatures[realline].bar_num  = beat->bar_num;
                  wsignatures[realline].beat_num  = beat->beat_num;
                } else if (realline != last_written_realline) {
                  wsignatures[realline].signature = beat->signature;
                  wsignatures[realline].bar_num  = beat->bar_num;
                  wsignatures[realline].beat_num  = beat->beat_num;
                } else {
                last_written_realline = realline;
                if (is_new_bar)
                  last_written_new_bar_realline = realline;
		beat = NextBeat(beat);

        return wsignatures;
Esempio n. 3
static void set_legal_start_and_end_pos(const struct Blocks *block, struct Tracks *track, struct Notes *note){
  Place *start = &note->l.p;
  Place *end = &note->end;
  Place endplace;

  if(PlaceGreaterOrEqual(start,&endplace)) {
    RError("note is placed after block end. start: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
    set_new_position(track, note, PlaceCreate(block->num_lines - 2, 0, 1), NULL);
    start = &note->l.p;
  if (start->line < 0) {
    RError("note is placed before block start. start: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
    set_new_position(track, note, PlaceCreate(0,1,1), NULL);
    start = &note->l.p;
  if(PlaceGreaterThan(end,&endplace)) {
    RError("note end is placed after block end. start: %f, end: %f. block end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end), GetfloatFromPlace(&endplace));
    set_new_position(track, note, NULL, &endplace);
    end = &note->end;

  if (note->velocities != NULL) {
      struct Velocities *first_velocity = note->velocities;
      if(PlaceGreaterThan(start, &first_velocity->l.p)){
        RError("note start is placed after first velocity. start: %f, first: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&first_velocity->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
        float e = p_float(first_velocity->l.p);
        e -= 0.01;
        e = R_MAX(0.0, e);
        Place new_start;
        Float2Placement(e, &new_start);
        set_new_position(track, note, &new_start, NULL);
        start = &note->l.p;

    struct Velocities *last_velocity = (struct Velocities*)ListLast3(&note->velocities->l);
    if(PlaceLessThan(end, &last_velocity->l.p)){
      RError("note end is placed before last velocity. start: %f, last: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&last_velocity->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
      float e = p_float(last_velocity->l.p);
      e += 0.01;
      Place new_end;
      Float2Placement(e, &new_end);
      set_new_position(track, note, NULL, &new_end);
      end = &note->end;

  if (note->pitches != NULL) {
      struct Pitches *first_pitch = note->pitches;
      if(PlaceGreaterThan(start, &first_pitch->l.p)){
        RError("note start is placed after first pitch. start: %f, first: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&first_pitch->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
        float e = p_float(first_pitch->l.p);
        e -= 0.01;
        e = R_MAX(0.0, e);
        Place new_start;
        Float2Placement(e, &new_start);
        set_new_position(track, note, &new_start, NULL);
        start = &note->l.p;
    struct Pitches *last_pitch = (struct Pitches*)ListLast3(&note->pitches->l);
    if(PlaceLessThan(end, &last_pitch->l.p)){
      RError("note end is placed before last pitch. start: %f, last: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&last_pitch->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
      float e = p_float(last_pitch->l.p);
      e += 0.01;
      Place new_end;
      Float2Placement(e, &new_end);
      set_new_position(track, note, NULL, &new_end);
      end = &note->end;
  if(PlaceLessOrEqual(end,start)) {
    RError("note end is placed before (or on) note start. start: %f, end: %f", GetfloatFromPlace(&note->l.p), GetfloatFromPlace(&note->end));
    float e = p_float(*start);
    e += 0.01;
    Place new_end;
    Float2Placement(e, &new_end);
    set_new_position(track, note, NULL, &new_end);
