static void y_add_line(char *line) { y_line_t *yline = p_malloc(sizeof(y_line_t)); if (yline) { yline->next = 0; yline->line = p_strcpy(line); if (y_ltail) { y_ltail->next = yline; y_ltail = yline; } else { y_lhead = y_ltail = yline; } } }
char *p_strdup_vprintf(pool_t pool, const char *format, va_list args) { char *tmp, *buf; unsigned int size; tmp = t_noalloc_strdup_vprintf(format, args, &size); if (pool->datastack_pool) { t_buffer_alloc(size); return tmp; } else { buf = p_malloc(pool, size); memcpy(buf, tmp, size - 1); return buf; } }
p_file * p_popen(const char *command, const char *mode) { /* WARNING- for non-console programs, returned FILE* causes * program to hang forever (according to msdn documentation) */ FILE *fp = _popen(command, mode); p_file *f = fp? p_malloc(sizeof(p_file)) : 0; if (f) { f->fp = fp; f->fd = fileno(fp); for (; mode[0] ; mode++) if (mode[0]=='b') break; f->binary = (mode[0]=='b') | 2; } return f; }
void http_client_request_set_payload_data(struct http_client_request *req, const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { struct istream *input; unsigned char *payload_data; if (size == 0) return; payload_data = p_malloc(req->pool, size); memcpy(payload_data, data, size); input = i_stream_create_from_data(payload_data, size); http_client_request_set_payload(req, input, FALSE); i_stream_unref(&input); }
psckt_t * psckt_listen(int *pport, void *ctx, psckt_cb_t *callback) { int lfd; int port = *pport; psckt_t *listener = p_malloc(sizeof(psckt_t)); struct addrinfo *ai, *ailist = listener? psckt_get_ailist(0, port, 1) : 0; if (!ailist) { if (listener) p_free(listener); return 0; } for (ai=ailist ; ai ; ai=ai->ai_next) { lfd = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if (lfd == -1) continue; if (!bind(lfd, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen)) break; close(lfd); } if (ailist) freeaddrinfo(ailist); if (lfd < 0) { p_free(listener); return 0; } if (port == 0) { struct sockaddr_storage sad; socklen_t lsad = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); struct sockaddr *psad = (struct sockaddr *)&sad; char sport[NI_MAXSERV]; if (getsockname(lfd, psad, &lsad) || getnameinfo(psad, lsad, 0, 0, sport, NI_MAXSERV, NI_NUMERICSERV)) { close(lfd); p_free(listener); return 0; } pport[0] = port = strtod(sport, 0); } if (listen(lfd, 10)) { close(lfd); p_free(listener); return 0; } listener->fd = lfd; listener->peer = 0; /* listener has no peer, could usefully be port */ return psckt_setup(listener, ctx, callback); }
static int *NewReg(long iMax, long ijMax) { if (tmpReg) FreeTmpReg(); tmpReg= (int *)p_malloc(sizeof(int)*(ijMax+iMax+1)); if (tmpReg) { long i, j=0; for (i=0 ; i<ijMax+iMax+1 ; i++) { if (i<1 || i>=iMax || j<1) tmpReg[i]= 0; else tmpReg[i]= 1; j++; if (j==iMax) j= 0; } } else { MMError(); } return tmpReg; }
char *p_strndup(pool_t pool, const void *str, size_t max_chars) { char *mem; size_t len; i_assert(str != NULL); i_assert(max_chars != (size_t)-1); len = 0; while (len < max_chars && ((const char *) str)[len] != '\0') len++; mem = p_malloc(pool, len+1); memcpy(mem, str, len); mem[len] = '\0'; return mem; }
P_LIB_API pchar * p_strdup (const pchar *str) { pchar *ret; psize len; if (P_UNLIKELY (str == NULL)) return NULL; len = strlen (str) + 1; if (P_UNLIKELY ((ret = p_malloc (len)) == NULL)) return NULL; memcpy (ret, str, len); return ret; }
static struct imap_match_glob * imap_match_init_multiple_real(pool_t pool, const char *const *patterns, bool inboxcase, char separator) { struct imap_match_glob *glob; struct imap_match_pattern *match_patterns; unsigned int i, len, pos, patterns_count, patterns_data_len = 0; patterns_count = str_array_length(patterns); match_patterns = p_new(pool, struct imap_match_pattern, patterns_count + 1); /* compress the patterns */ for (i = 0; i < patterns_count; i++) { match_patterns[i].pattern = pattern_compress(patterns[i]); match_patterns[i].inboxcase = inboxcase && pattern_is_inboxcase(match_patterns[i].pattern, separator); patterns_data_len += strlen(match_patterns[i].pattern) + 1; } patterns_count = i; /* now we know how much memory we need */ glob = p_malloc(pool, sizeof(struct imap_match_glob) + patterns_data_len); glob->pool = pool; glob->sep = separator; /* copy pattern strings to our allocated memory */ for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < patterns_count; i++) { len = strlen(match_patterns[i].pattern) + 1; i_assert(pos + len <= patterns_data_len); /* @UNSAFE */ memcpy(glob->patterns_data + pos, match_patterns[i].pattern, len); match_patterns[i].pattern = glob->patterns_data + pos; pos += len; } glob->patterns = match_patterns; return glob; }
static bool _file_memory_load(struct sieve_binary_file *file) { struct _file_memory *fmem = (struct _file_memory *) file; int ret; size_t size; void *indata; i_assert(file->fd > 0); /* Allocate memory buffer */ indata = p_malloc(file->pool, file->st.st_size); size = file->st.st_size; file->offset = 0; fmem->memory = indata; fmem->memory_size = file->st.st_size; /* Return to beginning of the file */ if ( lseek(file->fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) -1 ) { sieve_sys_error("failed to seek() in binary %s: %m", file->path); return FALSE; } /* Read the whole file into memory */ while (size > 0) { if ( (ret=read(file->fd, indata, size)) <= 0 ) { sieve_sys_error("failed to read from binary %s: %m", file->path); break; } indata = PTR_OFFSET(indata, ret); size -= ret; } if ( size != 0 ) { /* Failed to read the whole file */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
p_file * p_fopen(const char *unix_name, const char *mode) { FILE *fp = fopen(w_pathname(unix_name), mode); p_file *f = fp? p_malloc(sizeof(p_file)) : 0; if (f) { f->fp = fp; f->fd = _fileno(fp); for (; mode[0] ; mode++) if (mode[0]=='b') break; f->binary = (mode[0]=='b'); /* problem: * in _O_TEXT mode, ftell only works properly if the file * really is a DOS file with CRLF newlines; if it is a UNIX * file (like all of the distribution .i files), ftell fails * on the other hand, using _O_BINARY makes fgets fail to remove * the CR and fputs not insert CR * (may depend on Windows flavor, this is Win2k */ if (!f->binary) _setmode(f->fd, _O_BINARY); } return f; }
static int SaveName(int device, char *name) { int len; if (name == outNames[device]) return 0; len= name? (int)strlen(name) : 0; if (len>outLengths[device]) { if (outLengths[device]>0) p_free(outNames[device]); outNames[device]= (char *)p_malloc(len+1); if (!outNames[device]) { p_stderr("gist: (SEVERE) memory manager failed in SaveName\n"); outLengths[device]= 0; return 1; } outLengths[device]= len; } if (name) strcpy(outNames[device], name); else if (outLengths[device]>0) outNames[device][0]= '\0'; else outNames[device]= 0; return 0; }
char *i_strconcat(const char *str1, ...) { va_list args; char *ret; size_t len; va_start(args, str1); T_BEGIN { const char *temp = vstrconcat(str1, args, &len); if (temp == NULL) ret = NULL; else { t_buffer_alloc(len); ret = p_malloc(default_pool, len); memcpy(ret, temp, len); } } T_END; va_end(args); return ret; }
static int hash_format_string_analyze(struct hash_format *format, const char *str, const char **error_r) { struct hash_format_list *list; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (str[i] != '%') continue; i++; list = p_new(format->pool, struct hash_format_list, 1); list->encoding = HASH_ENCODING_HEX; *format->pos = list; format->pos = &list->next; if (str[i] == 'B') { list->encoding = HASH_ENCODING_BASE64; i++; } else if (str[i] == 'X') { list->encoding = HASH_ENCODING_HEX_SHORT; i++; } if (str[i++] != '{') { *error_r = "No '{' after '%'"; return -1; } if (hash_format_parse(str, &i, &list->method, &list->bits, error_r) < 0) return -1; list->context = p_malloc(format->pool, list->method->context_size); list->method->init(list->context); } return 0; }
psckt_t * psckt_accept(psckt_t *listener, char **ppeer, void *ctx, psckt_cb_t *callback) { struct sockaddr_storage sad; socklen_t lsad = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); struct sockaddr *psad = (struct sockaddr *)&sad; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; psckt_t *sock = p_malloc(sizeof(psckt_t)); SOCKET sfd, lfd = sock->fd; *ppeer = 0; if (listener->peer || !sock) { /* listeners have no peer */ if (sock) p_free(sock); return 0; } if (listener->callback && listener->waiting) { if (WaitForSingleObject(listener->ready, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) psckt_stop_thread(listener); listener->waiting = 0; if (listener->ready != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ResetEvent(listener->ready); } sfd = accept(listener->fd, psad, &lsad); if (sfd==INVALID_SOCKET || getnameinfo(psad, lsad, host, NI_MAXHOST, 0, 0, 0)) { closesocket(sfd); p_free(sock); return 0; } sock->fd = sfd; sock->peer = *ppeer = p_strcpy(host); return psckt_setup(sock, ctx, callback); }
void hash_format_deinit(struct hash_format **_format, string_t *dest) { struct hash_format *format = *_format; struct hash_format_list *list; const char *p; unsigned char *digest; unsigned int i, max_digest_size = 0; *_format = NULL; for (list = format->list; list != NULL; list = list->next) { if (max_digest_size < list->method->digest_size) max_digest_size = list->method->digest_size; } digest = p_malloc(format->pool, max_digest_size); list = format->list; for (i = 0; format->str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (format->str[i] != '%') { str_append_c(dest, format->str[i]); continue; } /* we already verified that the string is ok */ i_assert(list != NULL); list->method->result(list->context, digest); hash_format_digest(dest, list, digest); list = list->next; p = strchr(format->str+i, '}'); i_assert(p != NULL); i = p - format->str; } pool_unref(&format->pool); }
void Y_ml4read(int nArgs) { char *filename=""; char *varname=""; int leave_open = 0; if (nArgs==2) { filename=YGetString(sp-nArgs+1); varname=YGetString(sp-nArgs+2); leave_open = 0; } else if (nArgs==3) { filename=YGetString(sp-nArgs+1); varname=YGetString(sp-nArgs+2); leave_open=YGetInteger(sp-nArgs+3); } unsigned long bytes_read; int type,namelen; unsigned long nElements,nBytesToRead; int mrows,mcols,imagf; FILE *fs; int fileptr; int endian = 'L'; int size=0,i; fs = openmat(filename); if (fs == NULL) YError(p_strncat("Can't open file ",filename,0)); if (!matfind(fs,varname,50000)) YError(p_strncat("No Such variable ",varname,0)); fileptr = ftell(fs); if (DEBUG) printf("@ position %d\n",fileptr); bytes_read = fread(&type,sizeof(int),1,fs); if (bytes_read==0) { matclose(filename); YError("Premature end of file");; // end of file } fread(&mrows,sizeof(int),1,fs); fread(&mcols,sizeof(int),1,fs); fread(&imagf,sizeof(int),1,fs); fread(&namelen,sizeof(int),1,fs); if (namelen & 0xffff0000) { if (DEBUG) printf("Big endian file\n"); endian = 'B'; SWAP_INT(type); SWAP_INT(mrows); SWAP_INT(mcols); SWAP_INT(imagf); SWAP_INT(namelen); } type = type%1000; if (DEBUG) printf("rows,cols,namelen= %d %d %d\n",mrows,mcols,namelen); if (namelen>255) { fseek(fs,fileptr,SEEK_SET); // leave file ptr at begginning of this variable matclose(filename); YError("Variable name too long!"); } fread(tempvarname,(unsigned int)namelen,1,fs); // if ((*varname!='*') && strcmp(varname,tempvarname)) { // error if not same varname if (!matchvarname(tempvarname,varname)) { // error if not same varname fseek(fs,fileptr,SEEK_SET); // leave file ptr at begginning of this variable matclose(filename); YError(p_strncat("Can't find variable",varname,0)); } nElements = (unsigned)mrows*(unsigned)mcols; Dimension *tmp=tmpDims; tmpDims=0; FreeDimension(tmp); if (mrows<=1) { tmpDims= NewDimension(mcols, 1L, (Dimension *)0); } else if (mcols<=1) { tmpDims= NewDimension(mrows, 1L, (Dimension *)0); } else { tmpDims= NewDimension(mrows, 1L, (Dimension *)0); tmpDims= NewDimension(mcols, 1L, tmpDims); } if (type==0) { // 8-byte doubles size = 8; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&doubleStruct, tmpDims)); double *data = a->value.d; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); if (endian=='B') { for (i=0;i<nElements;i++) SWAP_DOUBLE(data[i]); } } else if (type==10) { // 4-byte reals size = 4; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&floatStruct, tmpDims)); float *data = a->value.f; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); if (endian=='B') { for (i=0;i<nElements;i++) SWAP_FLOAT(data[i]); } } else if ((type==120) || (type==20)) { // 4-byte int size = 4; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&intStruct, tmpDims)); int *data = a->value.l; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); if (endian=='B') { for (i=0;i<nElements;i++) SWAP_INT(data[i]); } } else if (type==30) { // 2-byte signed (30) shorts size = 2; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&shortStruct, tmpDims)); short *data = a->value.s; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); if (endian=='B') { for (i=0;i<nElements;i++) SWAP_SHORT(data[i]); } } else if (type==40) { // 2-byte unsigned (40) shorts size = 2; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&shortStruct, tmpDims)); short *data = a->value.s; Array *b= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&longStruct, tmpDims)); long *data2 = b->value.l; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); if (endian=='B') { for (i=0;i<nElements;i++) SWAP_SHORT(data[i]); } for (i=1;i<=nElements;i++) *(data2++) = (((long)*(data++))|0xFFFF0000)+65535; } else if (type==50) { // 1-byte signed or unsigned chars (50) size = 1; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&charStruct, tmpDims)); char *data = a->value.c; bytes_read = fread((void *)data,size,nElements,fs); } else if (type==51) { // text (51) size = 1; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&stringStruct, (Dimension *)0)); char *buf; a->value.q[0] = buf = p_malloc(nElements+1); if (DEBUG) printf("strlen: %d\n",(int)strlen((void *)a->value.q[0])); // bytes_read = fread(a->value.q[0],1,nElements,fs); bytes_read = fread(buf,1,nElements,fs); *((char *)buf + nElements) = 0; // append a NULL to text string } else { matclose(filename); sprintf(message,"Unknown type %d",type); YError(message); } if (bytes_read!=nElements) { fseek(fs,nElements*size,SEEK_CUR); matclose(filename); if (DEBUG) printf("read:%ld expected:%ld\n",bytes_read,nBytesToRead); YError("Premature end of file"); } if (!leave_open) matclose(filename); }
void Y_spawn(int nargs) { Dimension *dims = 0; char **argv = yarg_q(nargs-1, &dims); long argc = 1; Operand op; Operand *pop = yarg_op(nargs-2, &op); long callout=-1, callerr=-1; spawn_proc *proc; if (nargs<2 || nargs>3) YError("spawn: accepts precisely two or three arguments"); if (dims) { if (dims->next) YError("spawn: first argument must be string or 1D array of strings"); argc = dims->number; } if (!argv || !argv[0] || !argv[0][0]) YError("spawn: first element of first argument must be process name"); if (!pop || (op.ops!=&functionOps && op.ops!=&builtinOps)) YError("spawn: second argument must be callback function"); if (op.ops==&builtinOps) callout = ((BIFunction *)op.value)->index; else callout = ((Function *)op.value)->code[0].index; if (nargs == 3) { pop = yarg_op(0, &op); if (!pop || (op.ops!=&functionOps && op.ops!=&builtinOps)) YError("spawn: third argument must be callback function"); if (op.ops==&builtinOps) callerr = ((BIFunction *)op.value)->index; else callerr = ((Function *)op.value)->code[0].index; } if (argv[argc-1]) { /* must construct a 0-terminated argv list */ typedef struct tmpobj { int references; Operations *ops; void (*zapper)(void *to); char *argv[1]; } tmpobj; tmpobj *tmp; long i; /* CheckStack(2); fnctn.c guarantees at least 2 free stack slots */ tmp = PushDataBlock(y_new_tmpobj(sizeof(tmpobj)+argc*sizeof(char*), p_free)); for (i=0 ; i<argc ; i++) tmp->argv[i] = argv[i]; tmp->argv[i] = 0; argv = tmp->argv; /* tmp will be cleaned up when stack cleared */ } /* push result object onto stack */ proc = p_malloc(sizeof(spawn_proc)); proc->references = 0; proc->ops = &spawn_ops; proc->proc = p_spawn(argv[0], argv, spawn_callback, proc, callerr>=0); proc->argv0 = p_strcpy(argv[0]); proc->callout = callout; proc->callerr = callerr; proc->next = spawn_list; spawn_list = proc; PushDataBlock(proc); if (!proc->proc) { Drop(1); PushDataBlock(RefNC(&nilDB)); } if (!spawn_setclean) { spawn_setclean = 1; spawn_prevclean = CleanUpForExit; CleanUpForExit = spawn_cleanup; } }
/* do interpreted callback to process message from process */ static void spawn_callback(void *vproc, int err) { spawn_proc *proc = vproc; char *msg = 0; Array *msga; Instruction code[12]; Symbol *ctable; long callback = -1; if (err != 2) { long nbytes = 0; if (proc && proc->proc) callback = err? proc->callerr : proc->callout; if (callback<0) { /* probably a bug, but unclear that calling YError * would prevent the possible fault loop */ return; } /* read the message from process * - this just reads all available bytes, up to 2048 */ msg = p_malloc(2048); nbytes = p_recv(proc->proc, msg, 2048); if (nbytes <= 0) { p_free(msg); /* can get this when an unrelated process finishes, just ignore */ /* YError("spawn process read error in callback"); */ /* also could get this if the fd gave POLLERR, possibly should * find some way to figure out what's going on */ return; } msg = p_realloc(msg, nbytes+1); msg[nbytes] ='\0'; } else { if (!proc || proc->callout<0) return; callback = proc->callout; proc->callout = -1; p_spawf(proc->proc, 1); proc->proc = 0; } if (callback < 0) return; /* task constant table contains only message string */ msga = NewArray(&stringStruct, (Dimension *)0); msga->value.q[0] = msg; ctable = p_malloc(sizeof(Symbol)); ctable->ops = &dataBlockSym; ctable->value.db = (DataBlock *)msga; /* fill in function code */ code[0].Action = &PushVariable; code[1].index = callback; code[2].Action = &PushString; code[3].constant = ctable; code[4].Action = &Eval; code[5].count = 1; code[6].Action = &DropTop; code[7].Action = &PushNil; code[8].Action = &Return; code[9].Action = 0; code[10].index = 11; /* NewFunction moves this to beginning */ code[11].index = Globalize("*callback*", 0L); PushTask(NewFunction(ctable, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, code, 11)); }
//void doExec(char* filename, char* argv, char *en[]) void doExecvp(char *fn, char **argv) { PCB *pro; pro = running; char filename[20]; char param[10][20]; for(int i=0;i<10; i++) { //param[i] = (char*)(k_malloc(sizeof(char)*10)); strcpy(param[i], argv[i]); //printf("Parameters - %s %s\n", param[i], argv[i]); } //filename = (char*)(k_malloc((sizeof(char)*32))); strcpy(filename, fn); //printf("We will execute - %s %s\n", filename, fn); // delete all page table entries deletePageTables(); _ptcr3(pro->cr3); char **params; params = (char**)(p_malloc((sizeof(char*)*10))); for(int i=0;i<10; i++) { params[i] = (char*)(p_malloc(sizeof(char)*20)); strcpy(params[i], param[i]); //printf("Parameters - %s %s\n", params[i], param[i]); } printf("In Exec :: check PID=%p, cr3=%p ppid=%p\n", pro->pid, pro->cr3, pro->ppid); //char *filename2; //filename2 = filename; //read_tarfs(pro, "bin/world"); strcpy(pro->name, filename); pro->start_time = sec; read_tarfs(pro, filename); printf("We will execute - %s\n", filename); if ((pro->u_stack = process_stack()) == NULL) { printf("\n Cant allocate memory for process User stack"); //exit(); } /* __asm volatile( "movq %0,%%rdi\n\t" "movq %1,%%rsi\n\t" ::"r"((uint64_t)(filename)),"r"((uint64_t)(param)):"rdi","rsi","memory" );*/ //pushf; printf("We will execute - %s %p\n", filename, param); pro->u_stack[0] = pro->rip; pro->rsp = (uint64_t)(pro->u_stack); printf("user_stack_rsp%p",pro->rsp); tss.rsp0 = (uint64_t) &(pro->kernel_stack[255]); printf("In Execvp() GDT SET\n"); __asm volatile("\ push $0x23;\ push %0;\ push $0x200;\ push $0x1B;\ push %1"::"g"(pro->u_stack),"g"(pro->rip):"memory"); __asm volatile( "movq %0,%%rdi\n\t" ::"r"((uint64_t)(params)):"rdi","memory"); __asm volatile("\ iretq;\ "); }
void *YAsyncBytes(long n) { void *ptr= p_malloc(n); return keeplist? ListAppend(ptr) : ptr; }
static void simple_set(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; char *const buf = p_malloc(max_item_size); const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = buf, .size = 0, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; value.size = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % (max_item_size + 1); m_memset(buf, (char)value.size, value.size); if (!ybc_item_set(cache, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("Cannot store item in the cache"); } } free(buf); } static void simple_get_miss(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; if (ybc_item_get(cache, item, &key)) { M_ERROR("Unexpected item found"); } } } static void simple_get_hit(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; if (ybc_item_get(cache, item, &key)) { /* Emulate access to the item */ ybc_item_get_value(item, &value); if (value.size > max_item_size) { M_ERROR("Unexpected value size"); } if (!m_memset_check(value.ptr, (char)value.size, value.size)) { fprintf(stderr, "i=%zu, requests_count=%zu, value.size=%zu\n", i, requests_count, value.size); M_ERROR("Unexpected value"); } ybc_item_release(item); } } } static void m_open(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t items_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; const size_t data_file_size = max_item_size * items_count; const size_t hot_data_size = max_item_size * hot_items_count; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, items_count); ybc_config_set_hot_items_count(config, hot_items_count); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, data_file_size); ybc_config_set_hot_data_size(config, hot_data_size); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("Cannot create a cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); } static void measure_simple_ops(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { double start_time, end_time; double qps; m_open(cache, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size); printf("simple_ops(requests=%zu, items=%zu, " "hot_items=%zu, max_item_size=%zu)\n", requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_get_miss(cache, requests_count, items_count); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" get_miss: %.02f qps\n", qps); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_set(cache, requests_count, items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" set : %.02f qps\n", qps); const size_t get_items_count = hot_items_count ? hot_items_count : items_count; start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_get_hit(cache, requests_count, get_items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" get_hit : %.02f qps\n", qps); ybc_close(cache); }
void matscan(FILE *fs, int maxVarsToSearch, int returnString) { int info[5]; long i; long fileptr,tfileptr,tfp; long nbyt=0,nelem,skip; int type; int mrows,mcols; int imagf; int namelen; long varNumber = 0; char varname[80]; char *stype=""; int varnum=0; Array *a= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&stringStruct, (Dimension *)0)); long extra=1; fileptr = ftell(fs); if (DEBUG) printf("Entering matscan\n"); while (1) { tfileptr = ftell(fs); if (DEBUG) printf("at address %ld \n",tfileptr); if (fread(info,4,5,fs)==5) { if (info[4] & 0xffff0000) { // convert header from little endian to big indian // info[0] changed to info[4] 2006/3/15 as double type can be 0, hence // no way to know big from little endian info[0] for doubles. if (DEBUG) printf("swapping!\n"); for (i=0;i<5;i++) SWAP_INT(info[i]); } info[0] = info[0]%1000; tfp = ftell(fs); if (DEBUG) printf("at address %ld \n",tfp); if (DEBUG) printf("info = %d %d %d %d %d\n",info[0],info[1],info[2],info[3],info[4]); type = info[0]%1000; if ((namelen = info[4])<80L) { if (fread(varname,1,info[4],fs)==(int)info[4]) { if (type==0) { // 8-byte doubles stype=p_strcpy("double*8"); nbyt=8; } else if (type==10) { // 4-byte reals stype=p_strcpy("real*4 "); nbyt=4; } else if ((type==120) || (type==20)) { // 4-byte int stype=p_strcpy("int*4 "); nbyt=4; } else if (type==30) { // 2-byte signed (30) shorts stype=p_strcpy("short*2 "); nbyt=2; } else if (type==40) { // 2-byte unsigned (40) shorts stype=p_strcpy("ushort*2"); nbyt=2; } else if ((type==50) || (type==51)) { // 1-byte signed or unsigned chars (50) or text (51) stype=p_strcpy("char*1 "); nbyt=1; } else { sprintf(message,"Unknown data type %d",type); YError(message); } if (returnString) { if (varnum!=0) a= PushDataBlock((void *)GrowArray(a, extra)); a->value.q[varnum] = p_malloc(81); sprintf(a->value.q[varnum],"%30s %s array [%d,%d]",varname, \ stype,info[1],info[2]); varnum++; } else { printf("%30s %s array [%d,%d]\n",varname,stype,info[1],info[2]); } mrows=info[1]; mcols=info[2]; nelem=mrows*mcols; imagf=info[3]; if (imagf) nbyt=2*nbyt; skip = nbyt*nelem; if (DEBUG) printf("skiping data part: %ld bytes\n",skip); if (skip) fseek(fs,nbyt*nelem,SEEK_CUR); } } } else { break; } if (maxVarsToSearch) { if (++varNumber >= maxVarsToSearch) { break; } } } }
Engine *GpNewEngine(long size, char *name, g_callbacks *on, GpTransform *transform, int landscape, void (*Kill)(Engine*), int (*Clear)(Engine*,int), int (*Flush)(Engine*), void (*ChangeMap)(Engine*), int (*ChangePalette)(Engine*), int (*DrawLines)(Engine*,long,const GpReal*,const GpReal*,int,int), int (*DrawMarkers)(Engine*,long,const GpReal*,const GpReal *), int (*DrwText)(Engine*e,GpReal,GpReal,const char*), int (*DrawFill)(Engine*,long,const GpReal*,const GpReal*), int (*DrawCells)(Engine*,GpReal,GpReal,GpReal,GpReal, long,long,long,const GpColor*), int (*DrawDisjoint)(Engine*,long,const GpReal*,const GpReal*, const GpReal*,const GpReal*)) { long lname= name? strlen(name) : 0; Engine *engine; /* For Electric Fence package and maybe others, it is nice to ensure that size of block allocated for Engine is a multiple of the size of the most restrictively aligned object which can be in any Engine; assume this is a double. */ lname= (lname/sizeof(double) + 1)*sizeof(double); /* >= lname+1 */ engine= (Engine *)p_malloc(size+lname); if (!engine) return 0; /* Fill in Engine properties, link into gistEngines list */ engine->next= gistEngines; gistEngines= engine; engine->nextActive= 0; engine->name= (char *)engine + size; strcpy(name? engine->name : "", name); engine->on = on; engine->active= 0; engine->marked= 0; engine->transform= *transform; engine->landscape= landscape? 1 : 0; GpDeviceMap(engine); /* (a proper map will be installed when the engine is activated) */ engine->map.x.scale= engine->map.y.scale= 1.0; engine->map.x.offset= engine->map.y.offset= 0.0; /* No pseudocolor map initially */ engine->colorChange= 0; engine->colorMode= 0; engine->nColors= 0; engine->palette= 0; /* No associated drawing initially */ engine->drawing= 0; engine->lastDrawn= -1; engine->systemsSeen[0]= engine->systemsSeen[1]= 0; engine->inhibit= 0; engine->damaged= 0; /* causes Clear if no ClearArea virtual function */ engine->damage.xmin= engine->damage.xmax= engine->damage.ymin= engine->damage.ymax= 0.0; /* Fill in virtual function table */ engine->Kill= Kill; engine->Clear= Clear; engine->Flush= Flush; engine->ChangeMap= ChangeMap; engine->ChangePalette= ChangePalette; engine->DrawLines= DrawLines; engine->DrawMarkers= DrawMarkers; engine->DrwText= DrwText; engine->DrawFill= DrawFill; engine->DrawCells= DrawCells; engine->DrawDisjoint= DrawDisjoint; engine->ClearArea= &DefaultClearArea; /* damage causes complete redraw */ return engine; }
bool auth_request_handler_auth_begin(struct auth_request_handler *handler, const char *args) { const struct mech_module *mech; struct auth_request *request; const char *const *list, *name, *arg, *initial_resp; void *initial_resp_data; unsigned int id; buffer_t *buf; i_assert(!handler->destroyed); /* <id> <mechanism> [...] */ list = t_strsplit_tab(args); if (list[0] == NULL || list[1] == NULL || str_to_uint(list[0], &id) < 0) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent broken AUTH request", handler->client_pid); return FALSE; } if (handler->token_auth) { mech = &mech_dovecot_token; if (strcmp(list[1], mech->mech_name) != 0) { /* unsupported mechanism */ i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u requested invalid " "authentication mechanism %s (DOVECOT-TOKEN required)", handler->client_pid, str_sanitize(list[1], MAX_MECH_NAME_LEN)); return FALSE; } } else { mech = mech_module_find(list[1]); if (mech == NULL) { /* unsupported mechanism */ i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u requested unsupported " "authentication mechanism %s", handler->client_pid, str_sanitize(list[1], MAX_MECH_NAME_LEN)); return FALSE; } } request = auth_request_new(mech); request->handler = handler; request->connect_uid = handler->connect_uid; request->client_pid = handler->client_pid; request->id = id; request->auth_only = handler->master_callback == NULL; /* parse optional parameters */ initial_resp = NULL; for (list += 2; *list != NULL; list++) { arg = strchr(*list, '='); if (arg == NULL) { name = *list; arg = ""; } else { name = t_strdup_until(*list, arg); arg++; } if (auth_request_import_auth(request, name, arg)) ; else if (strcmp(name, "resp") == 0) { initial_resp = arg; /* this must be the last parameter */ list++; break; } } if (*list != NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent AUTH parameters after 'resp'", handler->client_pid); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } if (request->service == NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "didn't specify service in request", handler->client_pid); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } if (hash_table_lookup(handler->requests, POINTER_CAST(id)) != NULL) { i_error("BUG: Authentication client %u " "sent a duplicate ID %u", handler->client_pid, id); auth_request_unref(&request); return FALSE; } auth_request_init(request); request->to_abort = timeout_add(MASTER_AUTH_SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000, auth_request_timeout, request); hash_table_insert(handler->requests, POINTER_CAST(id), request); if (request->set->ssl_require_client_cert && !request->valid_client_cert) { /* we fail without valid certificate */ auth_request_handler_auth_fail(handler, request, "Client didn't present valid SSL certificate"); return TRUE; } /* Empty initial response is a "=" base64 string. Completely empty string shouldn't really be sent, but at least Exim does it, so just allow it for backwards compatibility.. */ if (initial_resp != NULL && *initial_resp != '\0') { size_t len = strlen(initial_resp); buf = buffer_create_dynamic(pool_datastack_create(), MAX_BASE64_DECODED_SIZE(len)); if (base64_decode(initial_resp, len, NULL, buf) < 0) { auth_request_handler_auth_fail(handler, request, "Invalid base64 data in initial response"); return TRUE; } initial_resp_data = p_malloc(request->pool, I_MAX(buf->used, 1)); memcpy(initial_resp_data, buf->data, buf->used); request->initial_response = initial_resp_data; request->initial_response_len = buf->used; } /* handler is referenced until auth_request_handler_reply() is called. */ handler->refcount++; /* before we start authenticating, see if we need to wait first */ auth_penalty_lookup(auth_penalty, request, auth_penalty_callback); return TRUE; }
void Y_edit_times(int nArgs) { Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1; IOStream *file; HistoryInfo *history; int *ifiles; long *offsets; Dimension *dims; long nKeep, *keepList= 0; double *newTimes= 0, *times, bad= 0.0; long *newNcycs= 0, *ncycs, nbad= 0; long i, nRecs, j; if (nArgs<1) YError("edit_times needs at least one argument"); file= YGetFile(stack); history= file->history; if (!history) YError("binary file in edit_times has no history records"); ifiles= history->ifile; offsets= history->offset; times= history->time; ncycs= history->ncyc; nRecs= history->nRecords; /* collect keepList, newTimes, and newNcycs arguments */ nKeep= 0; if (nArgs>1) { long lastKept= -1; stack++; keepList= YGet_L(stack, 1, &dims); if (keepList) nKeep= TotalNumber(dims); else nKeep= 0; for (i=0 ; i<nKeep ; i++) { if (keepList[i]<0 || keepList[i]>=nRecs || keepList[i]<=lastKept) YError("keep_list out of range or not increasing in edit_times"); lastKept= keepList[i]; } if (nArgs>2) { stack++; newTimes= YGet_D(stack, 1, &dims); i= TotalNumber(dims); if (newTimes && (nKeep? (i!=nKeep) : (i!=nRecs))) YError("new_times has wrong length in edit_times"); if (nArgs>3) { stack++; newNcycs= YGet_L(stack, 1, &dims); i= TotalNumber(dims); if (newNcycs && (nKeep? (i!=nKeep) : (i!=nRecs))) YError("new_ncycs has wrong length in edit_times"); } } } /* find appropriate bad value to mark records to be deleted */ if (times) { bad= times[0]; for (i=1 ; i<nRecs ; i++) if (times[i]>bad) bad= times[i]; if (bad>0.5) bad*= 1.001; else if (bad<-0.5) bad*= 0.999; else bad= 1.0; } else if (ncycs) { nbad= ncycs[0]; for (i=1 ; i<nRecs ; i++) if (ncycs[i]>nbad) nbad= ncycs[i]; nbad++; } /* mark the records to be deleted (if any) */ if (!keepList) nKeep= nRecs; if (!keepList && !newTimes && !newNcycs) { /* filter to record lists to force strictly increasing times or ncycs */ if (times) { double downTo; downTo= times[nRecs-1]; for (i=nRecs-2 ; i>=0 ; i--) { if (times[i]<downTo) downTo= times[i]; else { times[i]= bad; nKeep--; } /* mark records to be deleted */ } } else if (ncycs) { long downTo; downTo= ncycs[nRecs-1]; for (i=nRecs-2 ; i>=0 ; i--) { if (ncycs[i]<downTo) downTo= ncycs[i]; else { ncycs[i]= nbad; nKeep--; } /* mark records to be deleted */ } } } /* delete requested records */ if (nKeep && nKeep<nRecs) { if (keepList) { for (i=0 ; i<nKeep ; i++) { j= keepList[i]; ifiles[i]= ifiles[j]; offsets[i]= offsets[j]; if (times) times[i]= times[j]; if (ncycs) ncycs[i]= ncycs[j]; } history->nRecords= nRecs= nKeep; } else if (times) { for (i=j=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) { if (times[i]!=bad) { ifiles[j]= ifiles[i]; offsets[j]= offsets[i]; if (ncycs) ncycs[j]= ncycs[i]; times[j++]= times[i]; } } history->nRecords= nRecs= j; } else if (ncycs) { for (i=j=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) { if (ncycs[i]!=nbad) { ifiles[j]= ifiles[i]; offsets[j]= offsets[i]; ncycs[j++]= ncycs[i]; } } history->nRecords= nRecs= j; } } /* install new times */ if (newTimes && nRecs>0) { if (!times) times = history->time = p_malloc(sizeof(double)*(16+((nRecs-1)&~0xf))); for (i=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) times[i]= newTimes[i]; } /* install new ncycs */ if (newNcycs && nRecs>0) { if (!ncycs) ncycs = history->ncyc = p_malloc(sizeof(long)*(16+((nRecs-1)&~0xf))); for (i=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) ncycs[i]= newNcycs[i]; } }
void p_text(p_win *w, int x0, int y0, const char *text, int n) { HDC dc = w_getdc(w, 1); if (dc) { int i; if (n <= 0) n = 16350; for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) if (!text[i]) break; n = i; if (!w->orient) { TextOut(dc, x0, y0, text, n); } else { /* only do this with opaque background, * since only 8x8 patterned brushes supported under Win95 * (could read screen, rotate, TextOut, rotate back) */ TEXTMETRIC tm; SIZE sz; if (n>0 && GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm) && GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, text, n, &sz) &&>0) { int width =; int height = tm.tmHeight + 1; int base = tm.tmAscent; int scandx = ((width-1)/(8*sizeof(DWORD)) + 1)*(8*sizeof(DWORD)); int scandy = ((height-1)/(8*sizeof(DWORD)) + 1)*(8*sizeof(DWORD)); HDC offdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP offbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, scandx, scandy); HFONT font = GetCurrentObject(dc, OBJ_FONT); void *monodat = p_malloc(scandx*scandy/4); void *monorot = (char *)monodat + (scandx*scandy/8); struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; DWORD bmiColors[2]; } mono; mono.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); mono.bmiHeader.biWidth = scandx; mono.bmiHeader.biHeight = -scandy; mono.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; mono.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1; mono.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; mono.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; mono.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; mono.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; mono.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; mono.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; /* apparently, bmiColors ignored on read * -white bits are set, black bits reset no matter what */ mono.bmiColors[0] = RGB(0,0,0); mono.bmiColors[1] = RGB(255,255,255); if (offdc && offbm && font && monodat) { RECT r; SelectObject(offdc, offbm); SelectObject(offdc, font); SetBkMode(offdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(offdc, RGB(255,255,255)); SetTextAlign(offdc, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE | TA_NOUPDATECP); r.left = = 0; r.right = scandx; r.bottom = scandy; FillRect(offdc, &r, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); if (w->orient == 2) { TextOut(offdc, scandx-width, base, text, n); } else if (w->orient == 1) { TextOut(offdc, scandx-width, base, text, n); } else { TextOut(offdc, 0, scandy-height+base, text, n); } GetDIBits(offdc, offbm, 0, scandy, monodat, (BITMAPINFO *)&mono, DIB_RGB_COLORS); } if (offdc) DeleteDC(offdc); if (offbm) DeleteObject(offbm); if (monodat) { COLORREF bg = w_color(w,w->bg); COLORREF fg = w_color(w,w->color); if (w->orient == 2) { p_mrot180(monodat, monorot, scandx, height); x0 -= width-1; y0 -= (height-base)-1; scandx = width, width = height, height = scandx; } else if (w->orient == 1) { p_mrot090(monodat, monorot, scandx, scandy); x0 -= base; y0 -= width-1; } else { p_mrot270(monodat, monorot, scandx, scandy); x0 -= (height-base)-1; } mono.bmiColors[0] = W_SWAPRGB(bg); mono.bmiColors[1] = W_SWAPRGB(fg); mono.bmiHeader.biWidth = height; mono.bmiHeader.biHeight = -width; /* prefer this to SetDIBitsToDevice? */ StretchDIBits(dc, x0, y0, height, width, 0, 0, height, width, monorot, (BITMAPINFO *)&mono, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); p_free(monodat); } } } } }
struct maildir_filename * maildir_save_add(struct mail_save_context *_ctx, const char *tmp_fname, struct mail *src_mail) { struct maildir_save_context *ctx = (struct maildir_save_context *)_ctx; struct mail_save_data *mdata = &_ctx->data; struct maildir_filename *mf; struct istream *input; unsigned int keyword_count; i_assert(*tmp_fname != '\0'); /* allow caller to specify recent flag only when uid is specified (we're replicating, converting, etc.). */ if (mdata->uid == 0) mdata->flags |= MAIL_RECENT; else if ((mdata->flags & MAIL_RECENT) == 0 && ctx->last_nonrecent_uid < mdata->uid) ctx->last_nonrecent_uid = mdata->uid; /* now, we want to be able to rollback the whole append session, so we'll just store the name of this temp file and move it later into new/ or cur/. */ /* @UNSAFE */ keyword_count = mdata->keywords == NULL ? 0 : mdata->keywords->count; mf = p_malloc(ctx->pool, sizeof(*mf) + sizeof(unsigned int) * keyword_count); mf->tmp_name = mf->dest_basename = p_strdup(ctx->pool, tmp_fname); mf->flags = mdata->flags; mf->size = (uoff_t)-1; mf->vsize = (uoff_t)-1; ctx->file_last = mf; i_assert(*ctx->files_tail == NULL); *ctx->files_tail = mf; ctx->files_tail = &mf->next; ctx->files_count++; if (mdata->keywords != NULL) { /* @UNSAFE */ mf->keywords_count = keyword_count; memcpy(mf + 1, mdata->keywords->idx, sizeof(unsigned int) * keyword_count); ctx->have_keywords = TRUE; } if (mdata->pop3_uidl != NULL) mf->pop3_uidl = p_strdup(ctx->pool, mdata->pop3_uidl); mf->pop3_order = mdata->pop3_order; /* insert into index */ mail_index_append(ctx->trans, mdata->uid, &ctx->seq); mail_index_update_flags(ctx->trans, ctx->seq, MODIFY_REPLACE, mdata->flags & ~MAIL_RECENT); if (mdata->keywords != NULL) { mail_index_update_keywords(ctx->trans, ctx->seq, MODIFY_REPLACE, mdata->keywords); } if (mdata->min_modseq != 0) { mail_index_update_modseq(ctx->trans, ctx->seq, mdata->min_modseq); } if (ctx->first_seq == 0) { ctx->first_seq = ctx->seq; i_assert(ctx->files->next == NULL); } if (_ctx->dest_mail == NULL) { if (ctx->mail == NULL) ctx->mail = mail_alloc(_ctx->transaction, 0, NULL); _ctx->dest_mail = ctx->mail; } mail_set_seq_saving(_ctx->dest_mail, ctx->seq); if (ctx->input == NULL) { /* copying with hardlinking. */ i_assert(src_mail != NULL); index_copy_cache_fields(_ctx, src_mail, ctx->seq); ctx->cur_dest_mail = NULL; } else { input = index_mail_cache_parse_init(_ctx->dest_mail, ctx->input); i_stream_unref(&ctx->input); ctx->input = input; ctx->cur_dest_mail = _ctx->dest_mail; } return mf; }
static void test_set_txn_ops(struct ybc *const cache) { m_open_anonymous(cache); char set_txn_buf[ybc_set_txn_get_size()]; struct ybc_set_txn *const txn = (struct ybc_set_txn *)set_txn_buf; struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "abc", .size = 3, }; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "qwerty", .size = 6, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; test_set_txn_rollback(cache, txn, &key, value.size); test_set_txn_commit(cache, txn, &key, &value); test_set_txn_commit_item(cache, txn, &key, &value); /* Test zero-length key. */ key.size = 0; test_set_txn_commit(cache, txn, &key, &value); test_set_txn_commit_item(cache, txn, &key, &value); /* Test zero-length value. */ value.size = 0; test_set_txn_commit(cache, txn, &key, &value); test_set_txn_commit_item(cache, txn, &key, &value); /* Test too large key. */ value.size = 6; key.size = SIZE_MAX; test_set_txn_failure(cache, txn, &key, value.size); /* Test too large value. */ key.size = 3; test_set_txn_failure(cache, txn, &key, SIZE_MAX); test_set_txn_failure(cache, txn, &key, SIZE_MAX / 2); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_item_ops(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t iterations_count) { m_open_anonymous(cache); struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value; value.ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL; for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_miss(cache, &key); } for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); value.ptr = &i; value.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_set_no_acquire(cache, &key, &value); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); expect_item_remove(cache, &key); } for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_miss(cache, &key); } ybc_close(cache); } static void test_expiration(struct ybc *const cache) { m_open_anonymous(cache); const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "aaa", .size = 3, }; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "1234", .size = 4, .ttl = 200, }; expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); p_sleep(300); /* The item should expire now. */ expect_item_miss(cache, &key); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_dogpile_effect_ops(struct ybc *const cache) { m_open_anonymous(cache); struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "foo", .size = 3, }; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "bar", .size = 3, .ttl = 2 * 1000, }; /* * De-aware method should return an empty item on the first try * for non-existing item. The second try for the same non-existing item * will result in waiting for up to grace ttl period of time. */ expect_item_miss_de(cache, &key, 200); /* Will wait for 200 milliseconds. */ expect_item_miss_de(cache, &key, 10 * 1000); key.ptr = "bar"; expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); /* * If grace ttl is smaller than item's ttl, then the item should be returned. */ expect_item_hit_de(cache, &key, &value, value.ttl / 10); /* * If grace ttl is larger than item's ttl, then an empty item * should be returned on the first try and the item itself should be returned * on subsequent tries irregardless of grace ttl value. */ expect_item_miss_de(cache, &key, value.ttl * 10); expect_item_hit_de(cache, &key, &value, value.ttl * 10); expect_item_hit_de(cache, &key, &value, value.ttl / 10); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_dogpile_effect_ops_async(struct ybc *const cache) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; m_open_anonymous(cache); struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "foo", .size = 3, }; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "bar", .size = 3, .ttl = 2 * 1000, }; /* * De-aware method should return an empty item on the first try * for non-existing item. The second try for the same non-existing item * should result in YBC_DE_WOULDBLOCK. */ if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, 10 * 1000) != YBC_DE_NOTFOUND) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } /* Should return immediately instead of waiting for 10 seconds. */ if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, 5 * 1000) != YBC_DE_WOULDBLOCK) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } key.ptr = "bar"; expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, value.ttl / 10) != YBC_DE_SUCCESS) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } ybc_item_release(item); /* * If grace ttl is larger than item's ttl, then an empty item * should be returned on the first try and the item itself should be returned * on subsequent tries irregardless of grace ttl value. */ if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, value.ttl * 10) != YBC_DE_NOTFOUND) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, value.ttl * 10) != YBC_DE_SUCCESS) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } ybc_item_release(item); if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, value.ttl / 10) != YBC_DE_SUCCESS) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } ybc_item_release(item); ybc_close(cache); } static void m_test_de_hashtable(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t hashtable_size, const size_t pending_items_count) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_de_hashtable_size(config, hashtable_size); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create an anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; size_t i; struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &i, .size = sizeof(i), }; for (i = 0; i < pending_items_count; ++i) { if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, 1000) != YBC_DE_NOTFOUND) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } if (ybc_item_get_de_async(cache, item, &key, 1000) != YBC_DE_WOULDBLOCK) { M_ERROR("unexpected status returned from ybc_item_get_de_async()"); } } ybc_close(cache); } static void test_dogpile_effect_hashtable(struct ybc *const cache) { for (size_t hashtable_size = 1; hashtable_size <= 1000; hashtable_size *= 10) { for (size_t pending_items_count = 1; pending_items_count <= 10000; pending_items_count *= 100) { m_test_de_hashtable(cache, hashtable_size, pending_items_count); } } } static void test_cluster_ops(const size_t cluster_size, const size_t iterations_count) { char configs_buf[ybc_config_get_size() * cluster_size]; struct ybc_config *const configs = (struct ybc_config *)configs_buf; for (size_t i = 0; i < cluster_size; ++i) { ybc_config_init(YBC_CONFIG_GET(configs, i)); } char cluster_buf[ybc_cluster_get_size(cluster_size)]; struct ybc_cluster *const cluster = (struct ybc_cluster *)cluster_buf; /* Unfored open must fail. */ if (ybc_cluster_open(cluster, configs, cluster_size, 0)) { M_ERROR("cache cluster shouldn't be opened without force"); } /* Forced open must succeed. */ if (!ybc_cluster_open(cluster, configs, cluster_size, 1)) { M_ERROR("failed opening cache cluster"); } /* Configs are no longer needed, so they can be destroyed. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cluster_size; ++i) { ybc_config_destroy(YBC_CONFIG_GET(configs, i)); } struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value; value.ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL; for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); value.ptr = &i; value.size = sizeof(i); struct ybc *const cache = ybc_cluster_get_cache(cluster, &key); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } ybc_cluster_clear(cluster); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); value.ptr = &i; value.size = sizeof(i); struct ybc *const cache = ybc_cluster_get_cache(cluster, &key); expect_item_miss(cache, &key); } ybc_cluster_close(cluster); } static struct ybc_item *m_get_item(struct ybc_item *const items, const size_t i) { return (struct ybc_item *)(((char *)items) + ybc_item_get_size() * i); } static void test_overlapped_acquirements(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t items_count) { m_open_anonymous(cache); char added_items_buf[ybc_item_get_size() * items_count]; struct ybc_item *const added_items = (struct ybc_item *)added_items_buf; char obtained_items_buf[ybc_item_get_size() * items_count]; struct ybc_item *const obtained_items = (struct ybc_item *)obtained_items_buf; size_t i; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &i, .size = sizeof(i), }; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = &i, .size = sizeof(i), .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; const struct ybc_key static_key = { .ptr = "aaaabbb", .size = 7, }; for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_set_item(cache, m_get_item(added_items, i), &static_key, &value); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_get(cache, m_get_item(obtained_items, i), &static_key); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_release(m_get_item(obtained_items, i)); ybc_item_release(m_get_item(added_items, i)); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_set_item(cache, m_get_item(added_items, i), &key, &value); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_get(cache, m_get_item(obtained_items, i), &key); expect_value(m_get_item(obtained_items, i), &value); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_release(m_get_item(obtained_items, items_count - i - 1)); } for (i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { ybc_item_release(m_get_item(added_items, i)); } ybc_close(cache); } static void test_interleaved_sets(struct ybc *const cache) { m_open_anonymous(cache); char set_txn1_buf[ybc_set_txn_get_size()]; char set_txn2_buf[ybc_set_txn_get_size()]; struct ybc_set_txn *const txn1 = (struct ybc_set_txn *)set_txn1_buf; struct ybc_set_txn *const txn2 = (struct ybc_set_txn *)set_txn2_buf; char item1_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; char item2_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item1 = (struct ybc_item *)item1_buf; struct ybc_item *const item2 = (struct ybc_item *)item2_buf; const struct ybc_key key1 = { .ptr = "foo", .size = 3, }; const struct ybc_key key2 = { .ptr = "barz", .size = 4, }; const struct ybc_value value1 = { .ptr = "123456", .size = 6, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; const struct ybc_value value2 = { .ptr = "qwert", .size = 4, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; if (!ybc_set_txn_begin(cache, txn1, &key1, value1.size, value1.ttl)) { M_ERROR("Cannot start the first set transaction"); } if (!ybc_set_txn_begin(cache, txn2, &key2, value2.size, value2.ttl)) { M_ERROR("Cannot start the second set transaction"); } struct ybc_set_txn_value txn_value; ybc_set_txn_get_value(txn1, &txn_value); assert(txn_value.size == value1.size); memcpy(txn_value.ptr, value1.ptr, value1.size); ybc_set_txn_get_value(txn2, &txn_value); assert(txn_value.size == value2.size); memcpy(txn_value.ptr, value2.ptr, value2.size); expect_item_miss(cache, &key1); expect_item_miss(cache, &key2); ybc_set_txn_commit_item(txn1, item1); ybc_set_txn_commit_item(txn2, item2); expect_value(item1, &value1); expect_value(item2, &value2); ybc_item_release(item1); ybc_item_release(item2); expect_item_hit(cache, &key1, &value1); expect_item_hit(cache, &key2, &value2); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_instant_clear(struct ybc *const cache) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, 1000); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 128 * 1024); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value; /* Add a lot of items to the cache */ value.ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL; for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); value.ptr = &i; value.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } ybc_clear(cache); /* Test that the cache doesn't contain any items after the clearance. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_miss(cache, &key); } ybc_close(cache); } static void expect_persistent_survival(struct ybc *const cache, const uint64_t sync_interval) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_index_file(config, "./tmp_cache.index"); ybc_config_set_data_file(config, "./"); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, 10); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 1024); ybc_config_set_sync_interval(config, sync_interval); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create persistent cache"); } const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "foobar", .size = 6. }; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "qwert", .size = 5, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); ybc_close(cache); /* Re-open the same cache and make sure the item exists there. */ if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 0)) { M_ERROR("cannot open persistent cache"); } expect_item_hit(cache, &key, &value); ybc_close(cache); ybc_remove(config); ybc_config_destroy(config); } static void test_persistent_survival(struct ybc *const cache) { /* * Test persistence with enabled data syncing. */ expect_persistent_survival(cache, 10 * 1000); /* * Test persistence with disabled data syncing. */ expect_persistent_survival(cache, 0); } static void test_broken_index_handling(struct ybc *const cache) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_index_file(config, "./tmp_cache.index"); ybc_config_set_data_file(config, "./"); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, 1000); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 64 * 1024); /* Create index and data files. */ if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create persistent cache"); } struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "foobar", .size = 6, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; /* Add some data to cache. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } ybc_close(cache); /* Corrupt index file. */ FILE *const fp = fopen("./tmp_cache.index", "r+"); int rv = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); if (rv != 0) { M_ERROR("fseek(SEEK_END, 0) failed"); } const long pos = ftell(fp); if (pos < 0) { M_ERROR("ftell failed"); } const size_t file_size = (size_t)pos; rv = fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (rv != 0) { M_ERROR("fseek(SEEK_SET, 0) failed"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < file_size; ++i) { if (fputc((unsigned char)i, fp) == EOF) { M_ERROR("cannot write data"); } } fclose(fp); /* Try reading index file. It must become "empty". */ if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 0)) { M_ERROR("cannot open persistent cache"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_miss(cache, &key); } ybc_close(cache); /* Remove index and data files. */ ybc_remove(config); ybc_config_destroy(config); } static void test_large_cache(struct ybc *const cache) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, 10 * 1000); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 32 * 1024 * 1024); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); const size_t value_buf_size = 13 * 3457; char *const value_buf = p_malloc(value_buf_size); memset(value_buf, 'q', value_buf_size); struct ybc_key key; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = value_buf, .size = value_buf_size, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; /* Test handling of cache data size wrapping. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 10 * 1000; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } p_free(value_buf); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_out_of_memory(struct ybc *const cache) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 1024 * 1024); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); const size_t value_buf_size = 1024 * 1024 + 1; void *const value_buf = p_malloc(value_buf_size); memset(value_buf, 0, value_buf_size); char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = "foobar", .size = 6, }; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = value_buf, .size = value_buf_size, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; /* * The value size exceeds cache size. */ if (ybc_item_set(cache, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("unexpected item addition"); } /* * The acquired item should prevent from adding new item into the cache. */ value.size -= 1000; if (!ybc_item_set_item(cache, item, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("cannot store item to cache"); } char item2_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item2 =(struct ybc_item *)item2_buf; key.ptr = "abcdef"; value.size = 1000; if (ybc_item_set_item(cache, item2, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("unexpected item addition"); } ybc_item_release(item); /* * Now the item2 should be added, since the item is released * and the cache has enough room for the item2. */ if (!ybc_item_set_item(cache, item2, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("cannot store item to cache"); } ybc_item_release(item2); p_free(value_buf); ybc_close(cache); } static int is_item_exists(struct ybc *const cache, const struct ybc_key *const key) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; if (!ybc_item_get(cache, item, key)) { return 0; } ybc_item_release(item); return 1; } static void expect_cache_with_data(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t items_count, const size_t expected_hits_count, struct ybc_key *const key, struct ybc_value *const value) { size_t hits_count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { key->ptr = &i; key->size = sizeof(i); if (is_item_exists(cache, key)) { value->ptr = &i; value->size = sizeof(i); expect_item_hit(cache, key, value); ++hits_count; } } assert(hits_count > expected_hits_count); } static void expect_cache_works(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t items_count, const size_t expected_hits_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t hot_data_size, const uint64_t sync_interval) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); assert(items_count <= SIZE_MAX / 100); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, items_count * 2); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, items_count * 100); ybc_config_set_hot_items_count(config, hot_items_count); ybc_config_set_hot_data_size(config, hot_data_size); ybc_config_set_sync_interval(config, sync_interval); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value; value.ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL; for (size_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) { key.ptr = &i; key.size = sizeof(i); value.ptr = &i; value.size = sizeof(i); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } /* * Verify twice that the cache contains added data. * The second verification checks correctness of internal cache algorithms, * which may re-arrange data when reading it during the first check * (for instance, cache compaction algorithms). */ expect_cache_with_data(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, &key, &value); expect_cache_with_data(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, &key, &value); ybc_close(cache); } static void test_data_compaction(struct ybc *const cache) { /* * The cache will compact data on items' retrieval, * because items_count * item_size is greater than hot_data_size. * It is assumed that item_size is equal to 2*sizeof(size_t) * (8 bytes on 32-bit builds and 16 bytes on 64-bit builds). * See expect_cache_works() sources for details. */ const size_t items_count = 1000; const size_t expected_hits_count = 900; const size_t hot_items_count = 1000; const size_t hot_data_size = items_count * sizeof(size_t) * 3; const uint64_t sync_interval = 10 * 1000; expect_cache_works(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, hot_items_count, hot_data_size, sync_interval); } static void test_small_sync_interval(struct ybc *const cache) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, 100); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, 4000); ybc_config_set_sync_interval(config, 100); if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("cannot create anonymous cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); struct ybc_key key; const struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = "1234567890a", .size = 11, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 100; ++j) { key.ptr = &j; key.size = sizeof(j); expect_item_set(cache, &key, &value); } p_sleep(31); } ybc_close(cache); } static void test_disabled_hot_items_cache(struct ybc *const cache) { const size_t items_count = 1000; const size_t expected_hits_count = 900; const size_t hot_items_count = 0; const size_t hot_data_size = 100 * 1024; const uint64_t sync_interval = 10 * 1000; expect_cache_works(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, hot_items_count, hot_data_size, sync_interval); } static void test_disabled_data_compaction(struct ybc *const cache) { const size_t items_count = 1000; const size_t expected_hits_count = 900; const size_t hot_items_count = 100; const size_t hot_data_size = 0; const uint64_t sync_interval = 10 * 1000; expect_cache_works(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, hot_items_count, hot_data_size, sync_interval); } static void test_disabled_syncing(struct ybc *const cache) { const size_t items_count = 1000; const size_t expected_hits_count = 900; const size_t hot_items_count = 100; const size_t hot_data_size = 10 * 1024; const uint64_t sync_interval = 0; expect_cache_works(cache, items_count, expected_hits_count, hot_items_count, hot_data_size, sync_interval); } struct thread_task { struct ybc *const cache; int should_exit; }; static void thread_func(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct ybc_key key; struct ybc_value value; int tmp; key.size = sizeof(tmp); value.size = sizeof(tmp); value.ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL; while (!task->should_exit) { /* * It is OK using non-threadsafe rand() function here. */ tmp = rand() % 100; key.ptr = &tmp; value.ptr = &tmp; switch (rand() % 5) { case 0: case 1: if (!ybc_item_set_item(task->cache, item, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("error when storing item in the cache"); } expect_value(item, &value); ybc_item_release(item); break; case 2: (void)ybc_item_remove(task->cache, &key); break; default: if (ybc_item_get(task->cache, item, &key)) { expect_value(item, &value); ybc_item_release(item); } } } } static void test_multithreaded_access(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t threads_count) { m_open_anonymous(cache); struct p_thread threads[threads_count]; struct thread_task task = { .cache = cache, .should_exit = 0, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_count; ++i) { p_thread_init_and_start(&threads[i], thread_func, &task); } p_sleep(300); task.should_exit = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_count; ++i) { p_thread_join_and_destroy(&threads[i]); } ybc_close(cache); } int main(void) { char cache_buf[ybc_get_size()]; struct ybc *const cache = (struct ybc *)cache_buf; test_anonymous_cache_create(cache); test_persistent_cache_create(cache); test_set_txn_ops(cache); test_item_ops(cache, 1000); test_expiration(cache); test_dogpile_effect_ops_async(cache); test_dogpile_effect_ops(cache); test_dogpile_effect_hashtable(cache); test_cluster_ops(5, 1000); test_overlapped_acquirements(cache, 1000); test_interleaved_sets(cache); test_instant_clear(cache); test_persistent_survival(cache); test_broken_index_handling(cache); test_large_cache(cache); test_out_of_memory(cache); test_data_compaction(cache); test_small_sync_interval(cache); test_disabled_hot_items_cache(cache); test_disabled_data_compaction(cache); test_disabled_syncing(cache); test_multithreaded_access(cache, 100); printf("All functional tests done\n"); return 0; }
static void simple_set(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; char *const buf = p_malloc(max_item_size); const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = buf, .size = 0, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; value.size = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % (max_item_size + 1); m_memset(buf, (char)value.size, value.size); if (!ybc_item_set(cache, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("Cannot store item in the cache"); } } p_free(buf); } static void simple_set_simple(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; char *const buf = p_malloc(max_item_size); const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value = { .ptr = buf, .size = 0, .ttl = YBC_MAX_TTL, }; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; value.size = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % (max_item_size + 1); m_memset(buf, (char)value.size, value.size); if (!ybc_simple_set(cache, &key, &value)) { M_ERROR("Cannot store item in the cache"); } } p_free(buf); } static void simple_get_miss(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; if (ybc_item_get(cache, item, &key)) { M_ERROR("Unexpected item found"); } } } static void simple_get_hit(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { char item_buf[ybc_item_get_size()]; struct ybc_item *const item = (struct ybc_item *)item_buf; struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value; m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; if (ybc_item_get(cache, item, &key)) { /* Emulate access to the item */ ybc_item_get_value(item, &value); if (value.size > max_item_size) { M_ERROR("Unexpected value size"); } if (!m_memset_check(value.ptr, (char)value.size, value.size)) { fprintf(stderr, "i=%zu, requests_count=%zu, value.size=%zu\n", i, requests_count, value.size); M_ERROR("Unexpected value"); } ybc_item_release(item); } } } static void simple_get_simple_hit(struct ybc *const cache, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t max_item_size) { struct m_rand_state rand_state; uint64_t tmp; const struct ybc_key key = { .ptr = &tmp, .size = sizeof(tmp), }; struct ybc_value value; value.size = max_item_size; value.ptr = p_malloc(value.size); m_rand_init(&rand_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests_count; ++i) { tmp = m_rand_next(&rand_state) % items_count; value.size = max_item_size; int rv = ybc_simple_get(cache, &key, &value); if (rv == 0) { continue; } assert(rv == 1); if (value.size > max_item_size) { M_ERROR("Unexpected value size"); } if (!m_memset_check(value.ptr, (char)value.size, value.size)) { fprintf(stderr, "i=%zu, requests_count=%zu, value.size=%zu\n", i, requests_count, value.size); M_ERROR("Unexpected value"); } } p_free((void *)value.ptr); } static void m_open(struct ybc *const cache, const int use_shm, const size_t items_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t max_item_size, const int has_overwrite_protection) { char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; const size_t data_file_size = max_item_size * items_count; const size_t hot_data_size = max_item_size * hot_items_count; ybc_config_init(config); if (use_shm) { ybc_config_set_data_file(config, "/dev/shm/"); ybc_config_set_index_file(config, "/dev/shm/ybc-perftest-cache.index"); } ybc_config_set_max_items_count(config, items_count); ybc_config_set_hot_items_count(config, hot_items_count); ybc_config_set_data_file_size(config, data_file_size); ybc_config_set_hot_data_size(config, hot_data_size); if (!has_overwrite_protection) { ybc_config_disable_overwrite_protection(config); } if (!ybc_open(cache, config, 1)) { M_ERROR("Cannot create a cache"); } ybc_config_destroy(config); if (use_shm) { ybc_clear(cache); } } static void m_close(struct ybc *const cache, const int use_shm) { ybc_close(cache); if (!use_shm) { return; } char config_buf[ybc_config_get_size()]; struct ybc_config *const config = (struct ybc_config *)config_buf; ybc_config_init(config); ybc_config_set_data_file(config, "/dev/shm/"); ybc_config_set_index_file(config, "/dev/shm/ybc-perftest-cache.index"); ybc_remove(config); ybc_config_destroy(config); } static void measure_simple_ops(struct ybc *const cache, const int use_shm, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t max_item_size, const int has_overwrite_protection) { double start_time, end_time; double qps; m_open(cache, use_shm, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, has_overwrite_protection); printf("simple_ops(requests=%zu, items=%zu, " "hot_items=%zu, max_item_size=%zu, has_overwrite_protection=%d, use_shm=%d)\n", requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, has_overwrite_protection, use_shm); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_get_miss(cache, requests_count, items_count); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" get_miss : %.02f qps\n", qps); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_set(cache, requests_count, items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" set : %.02f qps\n", qps); const size_t get_items_count = hot_items_count ? hot_items_count : items_count; if (has_overwrite_protection) { start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_get_hit(cache, requests_count, get_items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" get_hit : %.02f qps\n", qps); } ybc_clear(cache); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_set_simple(cache, requests_count, items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" set_simple : %.02f qps\n", qps); start_time = p_get_current_time(); simple_get_simple_hit(cache, requests_count, get_items_count, max_item_size); end_time = p_get_current_time(); qps = requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; printf(" get_simple_hit : %.02f qps\n", qps); m_close(cache, use_shm); } struct thread_task { struct p_lock lock; struct ybc *cache; size_t requests_count; size_t items_count; size_t get_items_count; size_t max_item_size; }; static size_t get_batch_requests_count(struct thread_task *const task) { static const size_t batch_requests_count = 10000; size_t requests_count = batch_requests_count; p_lock_lock(&task->lock); if (task->requests_count < batch_requests_count) { requests_count = task->requests_count; } task->requests_count -= requests_count; p_lock_unlock(&task->lock); return requests_count; } static void thread_func_set(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } simple_set(task->cache, requests_count, task->items_count, task->max_item_size); } } static void thread_func_get_miss(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } simple_get_miss(task->cache, requests_count, task->get_items_count); } } static void thread_func_get_hit(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } simple_get_hit(task->cache, requests_count, task->get_items_count, task->max_item_size); } } static void thread_func_set_get(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } const size_t set_requests_count = (size_t)(requests_count * 0.1); const size_t get_requests_count = requests_count - set_requests_count; simple_set(task->cache, set_requests_count, task->items_count, task->max_item_size); simple_get_hit(task->cache, get_requests_count, task->get_items_count, task->max_item_size); } } static void thread_func_set_simple(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } simple_set_simple(task->cache, requests_count, task->items_count, task->max_item_size); } } static void thread_func_get_simple_hit(void *const ctx) { struct thread_task *const task = ctx; for (;;) { const size_t requests_count = get_batch_requests_count(task); if (requests_count == 0) { break; } simple_get_simple_hit(task->cache, requests_count, task->get_items_count, task->max_item_size); } } static double measure_qps(struct thread_task *const task, const p_thread_func thread_func, const size_t threads_count, const size_t requests_count) { struct p_thread threads[threads_count]; task->requests_count = requests_count; double start_time = p_get_current_time(); for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_count; ++i) { p_thread_init_and_start(&threads[i], thread_func, task); } for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_count; ++i) { p_thread_join_and_destroy(&threads[i]); } double end_time = p_get_current_time(); return requests_count / (end_time - start_time) * 1000; } static void measure_multithreaded_ops(struct ybc *const cache, const int use_shm, const size_t threads_count, const size_t requests_count, const size_t items_count, const size_t hot_items_count, const size_t max_item_size, const int has_overwrite_protection) { double qps; m_open(cache, use_shm, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, has_overwrite_protection); struct thread_task task = { .cache = cache, .items_count = items_count, .get_items_count = hot_items_count ? hot_items_count : items_count, .max_item_size = max_item_size, }; p_lock_init(&task.lock); printf("multithreaded_ops(requests=%zu, items=%zu, hot_items=%zu, " "max_item_size=%zu, threads=%zu, has_overwrite_protection=%d, use_shm=%d)\n", requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, threads_count, has_overwrite_protection, use_shm); qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_get_miss, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" get_miss : %.2f qps\n", qps); qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_set, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" set : %.2f qps\n", qps); if (has_overwrite_protection) { qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_get_hit, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" get_hit : %.2f qps\n", qps); qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_set_get, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" get_set : %.2f qps\n", qps); } ybc_clear(cache); qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_set_simple, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" set_simple : %.2f qps\n", qps); qps = measure_qps(&task, thread_func_get_simple_hit, threads_count, requests_count); printf(" get_simple_hit : %.2f qps\n", qps); p_lock_destroy(&task.lock); m_close(cache, use_shm); } int main(void) { char cache_buf[ybc_get_size()]; struct ybc *const cache = (struct ybc *)cache_buf; const size_t requests_count = 4 * 1000 * 1000; const size_t items_count = 200 * 1000; for (size_t max_item_size = 8; max_item_size <= 4096; max_item_size *= 2) { measure_simple_ops(cache, 0, requests_count, items_count, 0, max_item_size, 0); measure_simple_ops(cache, 0, requests_count, items_count, 0, max_item_size, 1); measure_simple_ops(cache, 1, requests_count, items_count, 0, max_item_size, 0); measure_simple_ops(cache, 1, requests_count, items_count, 0, max_item_size, 1); for (size_t hot_items_count = 1000; hot_items_count <= items_count; hot_items_count *= 10) { measure_simple_ops(cache, 0, requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, 0); measure_simple_ops(cache, 0, requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, 1); measure_simple_ops(cache, 1, requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, 0); measure_simple_ops(cache, 1, requests_count, items_count, hot_items_count, max_item_size, 1); } for (size_t threads_count = 1; threads_count <= 16; threads_count *= 2) { measure_multithreaded_ops(cache, 0, threads_count, requests_count, items_count, 10 * 1000, max_item_size, 0); measure_multithreaded_ops(cache, 0, threads_count, requests_count, items_count, 10 * 1000, max_item_size, 1); measure_multithreaded_ops(cache, 1, threads_count, requests_count, items_count, 10 * 1000, max_item_size, 0); measure_multithreaded_ops(cache, 1, threads_count, requests_count, items_count, 10 * 1000, max_item_size, 1); } } printf("All performance tests done\n"); return 0; }