Esempio n. 1
unsigned char* DomainServer::addNodeToBroadcastPacket(unsigned char* currentPosition, Node* nodeToAdd) {
    *currentPosition++ = nodeToAdd->getType();
    currentPosition += packNodeId(currentPosition, nodeToAdd->getNodeID());
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, nodeToAdd->getPublicSocket());
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, nodeToAdd->getLocalSocket());
    // return the new unsigned char * for broadcast packet
    return currentPosition;
Esempio n. 2
unsigned char * addAgentToBroadcastPacket(unsigned char *currentPosition, Agent *agentToAdd) {
    *currentPosition++ = agentToAdd->getType();
    currentPosition += packAgentId(currentPosition, agentToAdd->getAgentId());
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, agentToAdd->getPublicSocket());
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, agentToAdd->getLocalSocket());
    // return the new unsigned char * for broadcast packet
    return currentPosition;
Esempio n. 3
unsigned char* DomainServer::addNodeToBroadcastPacket(unsigned char* currentPosition, Node* nodeToAdd) {
    *currentPosition++ = nodeToAdd->getType();
    QByteArray rfcUUID = nodeToAdd->getUUID().toRfc4122();
    memcpy(currentPosition, rfcUUID.constData(), rfcUUID.size());
    currentPosition += rfcUUID.size();
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, nodeToAdd->getPublicSocket());
    currentPosition += packSocket(currentPosition, nodeToAdd->getLocalSocket());
    // return the new unsigned char * for broadcast packet
    return currentPosition;
Esempio n. 4
void AgentList::sendDomainServerCheckIn() {
    static bool printedDomainServerIP = false;
    //  Lookup the IP address of the domain server if we need to
    if (atoi(DOMAIN_IP) == 0) {
        struct hostent* pHostInfo;
        if ((pHostInfo = gethostbyname(DOMAIN_HOSTNAME)) != NULL) {
            sockaddr_in tempAddress;
            memcpy(&tempAddress.sin_addr, pHostInfo->h_addr_list[0], pHostInfo->h_length);
            strcpy(DOMAIN_IP, inet_ntoa(tempAddress.sin_addr));
            printLog("Domain Server: %s \n", DOMAIN_HOSTNAME);
        } else {
            printLog("Failed domain server lookup\n");
    } else if (!printedDomainServerIP) {
        printLog("Domain Server IP: %s\n", DOMAIN_IP);
        printedDomainServerIP = true;
    // construct the DS check in packet if we need to
    static unsigned char* checkInPacket = NULL;
    static int checkInPacketSize;

    if (!checkInPacket) {
        int numBytesAgentsOfInterest = _agentTypesOfInterest ? strlen((char*) _agentTypesOfInterest) : 0;
        // check in packet has header, agent type, port, IP, agent types of interest, null termination
        int numPacketBytes = sizeof(PACKET_HEADER) + sizeof(AGENT_TYPE) + sizeof(uint16_t) + (sizeof(char) * 4) +
            numBytesAgentsOfInterest + sizeof(unsigned char);
        checkInPacket = new unsigned char[numPacketBytes];
        unsigned char* packetPosition = checkInPacket;
        *(packetPosition++) = (memchr(SOLO_AGENT_TYPES, _ownerType, sizeof(SOLO_AGENT_TYPES)))
        *(packetPosition++) = _ownerType;
        packetPosition += packSocket(checkInPacket + sizeof(PACKET_HEADER) + sizeof(AGENT_TYPE),
        // add the number of bytes for agent types of interest
        *(packetPosition++) = numBytesAgentsOfInterest;
        // copy over the bytes for agent types of interest, if required
        if (numBytesAgentsOfInterest > 0) {
            packetPosition += numBytesAgentsOfInterest;
        checkInPacketSize = packetPosition - checkInPacket;
    _agentSocket.send(DOMAIN_IP, DOMAINSERVER_PORT, checkInPacket, checkInPacketSize);
Esempio n. 5
int Assignment::packToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer) {
    int numPackedBytes = 0;
    // pack the UUID for this assignment, if this is an assignment create or deploy
    if (_command != Assignment::RequestCommand) {
        memcpy(buffer, _uuid.toRfc4122().constData(), NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID);
        numPackedBytes += NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID;
    memcpy(buffer + numPackedBytes, &_type, sizeof(_type));
    numPackedBytes += sizeof(_type);
    if (_attachedPublicSocket || _attachedLocalSocket) {
        sockaddr* socketToPack = (_attachedPublicSocket) ? _attachedPublicSocket : _attachedLocalSocket;
        // we have a socket to pack, add the designator
        buffer[numPackedBytes++] = (socketToPack->sa_family == AF_INET)
        numPackedBytes += packSocket(buffer + numPackedBytes, socketToPack);
    return numPackedBytes;
Esempio n. 6
void NodeList::sendDomainServerCheckIn(const char* assignmentUUID) {
    static bool printedDomainServerIP = false;
    //  Lookup the IP address of the domain server if we need to
    if (_domainIP.isNull()) {
        qDebug("Looking up DS hostname %s.\n", _domainHostname.toStdString().c_str());
        QHostInfo domainServerHostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(_domainHostname);
        for (int i = 0; i < domainServerHostInfo.addresses().size(); i++) {
            if (domainServerHostInfo.addresses()[i].protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
                _domainIP = domainServerHostInfo.addresses()[i];
                qDebug("DS at %s is at %s\n", _domainHostname.toStdString().c_str(), _domainIP.toString().toStdString().c_str());
                printedDomainServerIP = true;
            // if we got here without a break out of the for loop then we failed to lookup the address
            if (i == domainServerHostInfo.addresses().size() - 1) {
                qDebug("Failed domain server lookup\n");
    } else if (!printedDomainServerIP) {
        qDebug("Domain Server IP: %s\n", _domainIP.toString().toStdString().c_str());
        printedDomainServerIP = true;
    // construct the DS check in packet if we need to    
    if (!_checkInPacket) {
        int numBytesNodesOfInterest = _nodeTypesOfInterest ? strlen((char*) _nodeTypesOfInterest) : 0;
        const int IP_ADDRESS_BYTES = 4;
        // check in packet has header, optional UUID, node type, port, IP, node types of interest, null termination
        int numPacketBytes = sizeof(PACKET_TYPE) + sizeof(PACKET_VERSION) + sizeof(NODE_TYPE) +
            NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID + sizeof(uint16_t) + IP_ADDRESS_BYTES + numBytesNodesOfInterest + sizeof(unsigned char);
        _checkInPacket = new unsigned char[numPacketBytes];
        unsigned char* packetPosition = _checkInPacket;
        PACKET_TYPE nodePacketType = (memchr(SOLO_NODE_TYPES, _ownerType, sizeof(SOLO_NODE_TYPES)))
        int numHeaderBytes = populateTypeAndVersion(packetPosition, nodePacketType);
        packetPosition += numHeaderBytes;
        *(packetPosition++) = _ownerType;
        if (assignmentUUID) {
            // if we've got an assignment UUID to send add that here
            memcpy(packetPosition, assignmentUUID, NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID);
            packetPosition += NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID;
        packetPosition += packSocket(_checkInPacket + (packetPosition - _checkInPacket),
        // add the number of bytes for node types of interest
        *(packetPosition++) = numBytesNodesOfInterest;
        // copy over the bytes for node types of interest, if required
        if (numBytesNodesOfInterest > 0) {
            packetPosition += numBytesNodesOfInterest;
        _numBytesCheckInPacket = packetPosition - _checkInPacket;
    _nodeSocket.send(_domainIP.toString().toStdString().c_str(), _domainPort, _checkInPacket, _numBytesCheckInPacket);
    // increment the count of un-replied check-ins