Esempio n. 1
void MainWindow::slotDisplayPackageInfo( QListViewItem *packageItem )
    QString packageName( ( static_cast<QCheckListItem*>( packageItem ) )->text() );

    // Create package manager output widget
    PackageInfoDlg *dlg = new PackageInfoDlg( this, &m_packman, packageName );

    // Display widget
    m_widgetStack.addWidget( dlg, 3 );
    m_widgetStack.raiseWidget( dlg );
Esempio n. 2
void Web::ParseFile(wxString whaturl)
	if(whaturl == "/KIKU/packages.txt") {
		wxString packageName(wxT("MSW"));
		#if defined(__WXGTK__)
			packageName = wxT("GTK");
		#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
			packageName = wxT("MAC");

		wxArrayString lines = wxStringTokenize(m_dataRead, wxT("\n"));
		for (size_t i=0; i<lines.GetCount(); i++) {
			wxString line = lines.Item(i);
			line = line.Trim().Trim(false);
			if (line.StartsWith(wxT("#"))) {
				//comment line

			// parse the line
			wxArrayString tokens = wxStringTokenize(line, wxT("|"));
			if (tokens.GetCount() > 3) {
				// find the entry with our package name
				if (tokens.Item(0).Trim().Trim(false) == packageName) {
					wxString url = tokens.Item(2).Trim().Trim(false);
					wxString rev = tokens.Item(1).Trim().Trim(false);
					wxString releaseNotesUrl = tokens.Item(3).Trim().Trim(false);

					long currev;
					long webrev(0);

					// convert strings to long
					wxString sCurRev(VERSION);

					wxString sUrlRev(rev);

					if ( webrev > currev ) {
						// notify the user that a new version is available
						//e.SetClientData(new WebJobData(url.c_str(), releaseNotesUrl.c_str(), currev, webrev, false, m_userRequest));
						wxCommandEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, WEB_ID );
						wxGetApp().AddPendingEvent( event );
						//m_pHandler->OnWeb(url, releaseNotesUrl, currev, webrev);
 * Write files to the given output.  This implementation does *not* create
 * a standalone archive suitable for restore on its own.  In particular, the identification of
 * the application's name etc is not in-band here; it's assumed that the calling code has
 * taken care of supplying that information previously in the output stream.
 * The file format is 'tar's, with special semantics applied by use of a "fake" directory
 * hierarchy within the tar stream:
 * apps/packagename/a/Filename.apk - this is an actual application binary, which will be
 *   installed on the target device at restore time.  These need to appear first in the tar
 *   stream.
 * apps/packagename/obb/[relpath] - OBB containers belonging the app
 * apps/packagename/r/[relpath] - these are files at the root of the app's data tree
 * apps/packagename/f/[relpath] - this is a file within the app's getFilesDir() tree, stored
 *   at [relpath] relative to the top of that tree.
 * apps/packagename/db/[relpath] - as with "files" but for the getDatabasePath() tree
 * apps/packagename/sp/[relpath] - as with "files" but for the getSharedPrefsFile() tree
 * apps/packagename/c/[relpath] - as with "files" but for the getCacheDir() tree
 * and for the shared storage hierarchy:
 * shared/[relpaths] - files belonging in the device's shared storage location.  This will
 *    *not* include .obb files; those are saved with their owning apps.
 * This method writes one file data block.  'domain' is the name of the appropriate pseudo-
 * directory to be applied for this file; 'linkdomain' is the pseudo-dir for a relative
 * symlink's antecedent.
 * packagename: the package name to use as the top level directory tag
 * domain:      which semantic name the file is to be stored under (a, r, f, db, etc)
 * linkdomain:  where a symlink points for purposes of rewriting; current unused
 * rootpath:    prefix to be snipped from full path when encoding in tar
 * path:        absolute path to the file to be saved
 * dataOutput:  the BackupDataOutput object that we're saving into
static int backupToTar(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring packageNameObj,
        jstring domainObj, jstring linkdomain,
        jstring rootpathObj, jstring pathObj, jobject dataOutputObj) {
    int ret;

    // Extract the various strings, allowing for null object pointers
    const char* packagenamechars = (packageNameObj) ? env->GetStringUTFChars(packageNameObj, NULL) : NULL;
    const char* rootchars = (rootpathObj) ? env->GetStringUTFChars(rootpathObj, NULL) : NULL;
    const char* pathchars = (pathObj) ? env->GetStringUTFChars(pathObj, NULL) : NULL;
    const char* domainchars = (domainObj) ? env->GetStringUTFChars(domainObj, NULL) : NULL;

    String8 packageName(packagenamechars ? packagenamechars : "");
    String8 rootpath(rootchars ? rootchars : "");
    String8 path(pathchars ? pathchars : "");
    String8 domain(domainchars ? domainchars : "");

    if (domainchars) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(domainObj, domainchars);
    if (pathchars) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathObj, pathchars);
    if (rootchars) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(rootpathObj, rootchars);
    if (packagenamechars) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(packageNameObj, packagenamechars);

    // Extract the data output fd
    BackupDataWriter* writer = (BackupDataWriter*) env->GetIntField(dataOutputObj,

    // Validate
    if (!writer) {
        LOGE("No output stream provided [%s]", path.string());
        return -1;

    if (path.length() < rootpath.length()) {
        LOGE("file path [%s] shorter than root path [%s]",
                path.string(), rootpath.string());
        return -1;

    return write_tarfile(packageName, domain, rootpath, path, writer);
Esempio n. 4
QString AndroidManager::intentName(ProjectExplorer::Target *target)
    return packageName(target) + QLatin1Char('/') + activityName(target);