Esempio n. 1
// Set up a two-level page table:
//    kern_pgdir is its linear (virtual) address of the root
// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP).  The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.

	uint32_t cr0, cr4;
	size_t n,i;

	// Find out how much memory the machine has (npages & npages_basemem).

	// Remove this line when you're ready to test this function.

	// create initial page directory.
	kern_pgdir = (pde_t *) boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
	memset(kern_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);

	// Recursively insert PD in itself as a page table, to form
	// a virtual page table at virtual address UVPT.
	// (For now, you don't have understand the greater purpose of the
	// following line.)

	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	kern_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(kern_pgdir) | PTE_U | PTE_P;

	// Allocate an array of npages 'struct PageInfo's and store it in 'pages'.
	// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
	// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct PageInfo in this
	// array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.  Use memset
	// to initialize all fields of each struct PageInfo to 0.
	// Your code goes here:

	pages = (struct PageInfo *)boot_alloc(npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo));
	memset(pages, 0, npages * sizeof(struct PageInfo));

	// Make 'envs' point to an array of size 'NENV' of 'struct Env'.
	// LAB 3: Your code here.

	//check pages address------>
	envs = (struct Env *)boot_alloc(NENV *sizeof(struct Env));
	memset(envs, 0, NENV *sizeof(struct Env));

	//allocating memory for transmit descriptor array LAB 6
	//tx_desc = (struct e1000_tx_desc *)boot_alloc(sizeof(struct e1000_tx_desc)*E1000_TXD_TOTAL);
	//memset(tx_desc, 0, sizeof(struct e1000_tx_desc)*E1000_TXD_TOTAL);

	//allocating buffer for each transmit descriptor.
	// for(i=0;i<E1000_TXD_TOTAL;i++)
	// {
	// 	txd_buffer[i] = (char *)boot_alloc(sizeof(char)*E1000_TXD_BUFFER_SIZE);
	// 	memset(txd_buffer[i], 0, E1000_TXD_BUFFER_SIZE);
	// }
	// rx_desc = (struct e1000_rx_desc *)boot_alloc(sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc)*E1000_RXD_TOTAL);
	// //memset(rx_desc, 0, sizeof(struct e1000_rx_desc)*E1000_RXD_TOTAL);

	// //allocating buffer for each transmit descriptor.
	// for(i=0;i<E1000_RXD_TOTAL;i++)
	// {
	// 	rxd_buffer[i] = (char *)boot_alloc(sizeof(char)*E1000_RXD_BUFFER_SIZE);
	// 	memset(rxd_buffer[i], 0, E1000_RXD_BUFFER_SIZE);
	// }

	// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
	// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
	// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
	// particular, we can now map memory using boot_map_region
	// or page_insert


	// Now we set up virtual memory

	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES ----- we need to map physical address of 
	//pages structure array to upages
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R
	//      (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
	//    - pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:

	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct PageInfo)*npages, PGSIZE) , PADDR(pages) , PTE_P | PTE_U);

	// Map the 'envs' array read-only by the user at linear address UENVS
	// (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P).
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UENVS  -- kernel R, user R
	//    - envs itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UENVS, ROUNDUP(sizeof(struct Env)*NENV, PGSIZE) , PADDR(envs) , PTE_P | PTE_U);

	// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:

	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE , PADDR(bootstack) , PTE_P | PTE_W);

	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:

	// Initialize the SMP-related parts of the memory map

	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, ~0x0 - KERNBASE, 0, PTE_P | PTE_W );
	// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.

	// Switch from the minimal entry page directory to the full kern_pgdir
	// page table we just created.	Our instruction pointer should be
	// somewhere between KERNBASE and KERNBASE+4MB right now, which is
	// mapped the same way by both page tables.
	// If the machine reboots at this point, you've probably set up your
	// kern_pgdir wrong.
	//cprintf("\nnow kernel virtual address\n");
	//print_kerndir((pde_t *)UVPT);

	// entry.S set the really important flags in cr0 (including enabling
	// paging).  Here we configure the rest of the flags that we care about.
	cr0 = rcr0();
	cr0 |= CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_AM|CR0_WP|CR0_NE|CR0_MP;
	cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS|CR0_EM);

	// Some more checks, only possible after kern_pgdir is installed.
Esempio n. 2
// Set up a two-level page table:
//    kern_pgdir is its linear (virtual) address of the root
// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP).  The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.
	uint32_t cr0;
	size_t n;

	// Find out how much memory the machine has (npages & npages_basemem).

	// Remove this line when you're ready to test this function.
	//panic("mem_init: This function is not finished\n");

	// create initial page directory.
	kern_pgdir = (pde_t *) boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
	memset(kern_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);

	// Recursively insert PD in itself as a page table, to form
	// a virtual page table at virtual address UVPT.
	// (For now, you don't have understand the greater purpose of the
	// following line.)

	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	kern_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(kern_pgdir) | PTE_U | PTE_P;

	// Allocate an array of npages 'struct PageInfo's and store it in 'pages'.
	// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
	// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct PageInfo in this
	// array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.
	// Your code goes here:
	// SUNUS, 22, October, 2013
	pages = boot_alloc(sizeof(struct PageInfo) * npages);

	// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
	// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
	// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
	// particular, we can now map memory using boot_map_region
	// or page_insert


	// Now we set up virtual memory

	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R
	//      (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
	//    - pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	// SUNUS, Nov 26, 2013
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, PTSIZE, PADDR(pages), PTE_U|PTE_P);

	// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	// SUNUS, Nov 27, 2013
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP - KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE, PADDR(bootstack), PTE_P|PTE_W);
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP - PTSIZE, PTSIZE - KSTKSIZE, 0, 0);

	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, 0x10000000, 0, PTE_P|PTE_W);

	// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.

	// Switch from the minimal entry page directory to the full kern_pgdir
	// page table we just created.	Our instruction pointer should be
	// somewhere between KERNBASE and KERNBASE+4MB right now, which is
	// mapped the same way by both page tables.
	// If the machine reboots at this point, you've probably set up your
	// kern_pgdir wrong.


	// entry.S set the really important flags in cr0 (including enabling
	// paging).  Here we configure the rest of the flags that we care about.
	cr0 = rcr0();
	cr0 |= CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_AM|CR0_WP|CR0_NE|CR0_MP;
	cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS|CR0_EM);

	// Some more checks, only possible after kern_pgdir is installed.
Esempio n. 3
File: main.c Progetto: ajdavis/mongo
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	WT_SESSION *session;
	clock_t ce, cs;
	pthread_t idlist[100];
	uint64_t i, id;
	char buf[100];

	/* Bypass this test for valgrind */
	if (testutil_is_flag_set("TESTUTIL_BYPASS_VALGRIND"))
		return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

	opts = &_opts;
	memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));
	opts->table_type = TABLE_ROW;
	opts->n_append_threads = N_APPEND_THREADS;
	opts->nrecords = N_RECORDS;
	testutil_check(testutil_parse_opts(argc, argv, opts));

	testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
	    opts->table_type == TABLE_FIX ? "500MB" : "2GB"));
	testutil_check(wiredtiger_open(opts->home, NULL, buf, &opts->conn));
	    opts->conn->open_session(opts->conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
	    opts->table_type == TABLE_FIX ? "8t" : "S"));
	testutil_check(session->create(session, opts->uri, buf));
	testutil_check(session->close(session, NULL));


	/* Force to disk and re-open. */
	testutil_check(opts->conn->close(opts->conn, NULL));
	testutil_check(wiredtiger_open(opts->home, NULL, NULL, &opts->conn));

	(void)signal(SIGINT, onsig);

	cs = clock();
	id = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < opts->n_append_threads; ++i, ++id) {
		printf("append: %" PRIu64 "\n", id);
		    pthread_create(&idlist[id], NULL, thread_append, opts));

	for (i = 0; i < id; ++i)
		testutil_check(pthread_join(idlist[i], NULL));

	ce = clock();
	printf("%" PRIu64 "M records: %.2lf processor seconds\n",
	    opts->max_inserted_id / MILLION,
	    (ce - cs) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 4
const char *
convert_gpdb4_heap_file(const char *src, const char *dst,
						bool has_numerics, AttInfo *atts, int natts)
	int			src_fd;
	int			dstfd;
	int			blkno;
	char		buf[BLCKSZ];
	ssize_t		bytesRead;
	const char *msg = NULL;

	curr_hasnumerics = has_numerics;
	curr_atts = atts;
	curr_natts = natts;

	overflow_blkno = 0;

	if ((src_fd = open(src, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
		return "can't open source file";

	if ((dstfd = open(dst, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
		return "can't create destination file";

	blkno = 0;
	curr_dstfd = dstfd;
	while ((bytesRead = read(src_fd, buf, BLCKSZ)) == BLCKSZ)
		msg = convert_gpdb4_heap_page(buf);
		if (msg)

		 * GPDB 4.x doesn't support checksums so we don't need to worry about
		 * retaining an existing checksum like for upgrades from 5.x. If we're
		 * not adding them we want a zeroed out portion in the header
		if (user_opts.checksum_mode == CHECKSUM_ADD)
			((PageHeader) buf)->pd_checksum = pg_checksum_page(buf, blkno);
			memset(&(((PageHeader) buf)->pd_checksum), 0, sizeof(uint16));

		if (write(dstfd, buf, BLCKSZ) != BLCKSZ)
			msg = "can't write new page to destination";



	if (msg)
		return msg;
	else if (bytesRead != 0)
		return "found partial page in source file";
		return NULL;
Esempio n. 5
 * This is the first real C function ever called. It performs a lot of
 * hardware-specific initialization, then creates a pseudo-context to
 * execute the bootstrap function in.

        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "Kernel binary:\n");
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  text: 0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_text, &kernel_end_text);
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  data: 0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_data, &kernel_end_data);
        dbgq(DBG_CORE, "  bss:  0x%p-0x%p\n", &kernel_start_bss, &kernel_end_bss);





        /* initialize slab allocators */
#ifdef __VM__

#ifdef __DRIVERS__

        void *bstack = page_alloc();
        pagedir_t *bpdir = pt_get();
        KASSERT(NULL != bstack && "Ran out of memory while booting.");
        /* This little loop gives gdb a place to synch up with weenix.  In the
         * past the weenix command started qemu was started with -S which
         * allowed gdb to connect and start before the boot loader ran, but
         * since then a bug has appeared where breakpoints fail if gdb connects
         * before the boot loader runs.  See
         * This loop (along with an additional command in init.gdb setting
         * gdb_wait to 0) sticks weenix at a known place so gdb can join a
         * running weenix, set gdb_wait to zero  and catch the breakpoint in
         * bootstrap below.  See for how to set GDBWAIT correctly.
         * DANGER: if GDBWAIT != 0, and gdb is not running, this loop will never
         * exit and weenix will not run.  Make SURE the GDBWAIT is set the way
         * you expect.
        while (gdb_wait) ;
        context_setup(&bootstrap_context, bootstrap, 0, NULL, bstack, PAGE_SIZE, bpdir);

        panic("\nReturned to kmain()!!!\n");
Esempio n. 6
/* determine version of OS by mem
 * 1.To get signature of multiply versions of os, which is the md5 of kernel code
 * 2.scan all pages of input memory, generate the md5 checksum of one page, compare to all the signature,
 * 	 if they are match, output the version of the os.
 * 3.Done!
 * 4.abandoned*/
void determineOsVersion2(Mem * mem)
    //get signature
    int osNumber = initDb();

    int pageSize = 4 * 1024;    //4k
    int totalPageNumber = mem->mem_size / (4 * 1024);   //assume that every page has 4k

    //record when two page have different page index and the same sharp
    int calledPages[totalPageNumber];
    int dsmPages[totalPageNumber];
    //record virtual address
    int i;
    unsigned virtualAddrs[totalPageNumber];
    for (i = 0; i < totalPageNumber; i++) {
        calledPages[i] = 0;
        dsmPages[i] = 0;
        virtualAddrs[i] = 0;

    //start address
    unsigned start_vaddr = KERNEL_START_ADDRESS;
    unsigned vaddr = start_vaddr;
    int matchCount = 0;
    int matchPageIndex = 0;
    int availableOs[FINGERPRINT_NO];
    for (i = 0; i < FINGERPRINT_NO; i++)
        availableOs[i] = 1;
    for (; vaddr > start_vaddr - 1; vaddr += 0x1000) {
        int rw = 0, us = 0, g = 0, ps = 0;      //page size 4M or 4k
        unsigned pAddr =
            vtopPageProperty(mem->mem, mem->mem_size, mem->pgd, vaddr, &rw,
                             &us, &g, &ps);
        if (pAddr == -1 || pAddr > mem->mem_size)
        int pageIndex = pAddr / pageSize;

        if (us == 0 && g == 256
            && is_code_page(mem, vaddr, pageSize, virtualAddrs) == 0) {
            page_init(mem, pageIndex, pageSize, dsmPages, 0, vaddr,
            if (dsmPages[pageIndex] != 1)

            void *startAdress =
                (void *) ((unsigned) mem->mem + pageIndex * pageSize);
            unsigned char md5digest[16];
            MDMem(startAdress, pageSize, md5digest);

            //search hash table
            int ret =
                match(osNumber, md5digest, &matchPageIndex, availableOs);
            while (ret == 2) {
                ret =
                    match(osNumber, md5digest, &matchPageIndex,
            if (ret >= 0) {
                if (ret == 1)



    if (matchCount == 0)
        puts("Unknown OS!");
    printf("match Count:%d\n", matchCount);
Esempio n. 7
File: pmap.c Progetto: ajsbu/cse506
// Set up a four-level page table:
//    boot_pml4e is its linear (virtual) address of the root
// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP).  The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.
	pml4e_t* pml4e;
	uint32_t cr0;
	int i;
	size_t n;
	int r;
	struct Env *env;
	//panic("i386_vm_init: This function is not finished\n");
	// create initial page directory.
	///panic("x64_vm_init: this function is not finished\n");
	pml4e = boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
	memset(pml4e, 0, PGSIZE);
	boot_pml4e = pml4e;
	boot_cr3 = PADDR(pml4e);

	// Allocate an array of npage 'struct Page's and store it in 'pages'.
	// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
	// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct Page in this
	// array.  'npage' is the number of physical pages in memory.
	// User-level programs will get read-only access to the array as well.
	// Your code goes here:
	pages = boot_alloc(npages * sizeof(struct Page));
	// Make 'envs' point to an array of size 'NENV' of 'struct Env'.
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
        envs = boot_alloc(NENV * sizeof(struct Env));
	// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
	// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
	// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
	// particular, we can now map memory using boot_map_segment or page_insert


	// Now we set up virtual memory 
	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R
	//      (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
	//    - pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:

	// Map the 'envs' array read-only by the user at linear address UENVS
	// (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P).
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UENVS  -- kernel R, user R
	//    - envs itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// LAB 3: Your code here.

	boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, UPAGES, ROUNDUP(npages*sizeof(struct Page), PGSIZE), PADDR(pages), PTE_U | PTE_P); 
	boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, (uintptr_t)pages, ROUNDUP(npages *sizeof(struct Page), PGSIZE), PADDR(pages), PTE_P | PTE_W);
        boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, UENVS, ROUNDUP(NENV*sizeof(struct Env), PGSIZE), PADDR(envs), PTE_U | PTE_P); 
        boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, (uintptr_t)envs, ROUNDUP(NENV *sizeof(struct Env), PGSIZE), PADDR(envs), PTE_P | PTE_W);
	// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP) 
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
	boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE, PADDR(bootstack), PTE_P | PTE_W); 
	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE. 
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here: 
	boot_map_segment(boot_pml4e, KERNBASE,  ~(uint32_t)0 - KERNBASE + 1, 0, PTE_P | PTE_W);

	// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.
	// Initialize the SMP-related parts of the memory map


	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	pdpe_t *pdpe = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pml4e[0]));
	pde_t *pgdir = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pdpe[3]));

Esempio n. 8
// Set up a two-level page table:
//    kern_pgdir is its linear (virtual) address of the root
// Then turn on paging.  Then effectively turn off segmentation.
// (i.e., the segment base addrs are set to zero).
// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP).  The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.
	uint32_t cr0;
	size_t n;

	// Ensure user & kernel struct Pages agree.
	static_assert(sizeof(struct Page) == sizeof(struct UserPage));

	// Find out how much memory the machine has (npages & npages_basemem).

	// Remove this line when you're ready to test this function.
	//panic("mem_init: This function is not finished\n");

	// create initial page directory.
	kern_pgdir = (pde_t *) boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
	memset(kern_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);

	// Recursively insert PD in itself as a page table, to form
	// a virtual page table at virtual address UVPT.
	// (For now, you don't have understand the greater purpose of the
	// following line.)
	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	kern_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(kern_pgdir) | PTE_U | PTE_P;

	// Allocate an array of npages 'struct Page's and store it in 'pages'.
	// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
	// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct Page in this
	// array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.
	pages = (Page *) boot_alloc(npages * sizeof(struct Page));

	// Make 'envs' point to an array of size 'NENV' of 'struct Env'.
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	envs = (Env *) boot_alloc(NENV * sizeof(struct Env));

	// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
	// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
	// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
	// particular, we can now map memory using page_map_segment
	// or page_insert


	// Now we set up virtual memory

	// Use the physical memory that 'entry_stack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	Page *pp = pa2page((physaddr_t)entry_stack-KERNBASE);
	for (uintptr_t ptr = KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE; ptr < KSTACKTOP; ptr += PGSIZE) {
		if (page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp, ptr, PTE_W | PTE_P) < 0)
			panic("Couldn't create page table entries for stack.\n");

	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	page_map_segment(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, 0xFFFFFFFF-KERNBASE, 0x0, PTE_W | PTE_P);
	//print_page_table(kern_pgdir, false, false);

	// Map the 'envs' array read-only by the user at linear address UENVS.
	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	// (That's the UENVS version; 'envs' itself is kernel RW, user NONE.)
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	page_map_segment(kern_pgdir, (uintptr_t) UENVS, ROUNDUP(NENV*sizeof(struct Env), PGSIZE), PADDR(envs), PTE_U | PTE_P);

	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES.
	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	// (That's the UPAGES version; 'pages' itself is kernel RW, user NONE.)
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	page_map_segment(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, ROUNDUP(npages*sizeof(struct Page), PGSIZE), PADDR(pages), PTE_U | PTE_P);

	// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.

	// Switch from the minimal entry page directory to the full kern_pgdir
	// page table we just created.	Our instruction pointer should be
	// somewhere between KERNBASE and KERNBASE+4MB right now, which is
	// mapped the same way by both page tables.
	// If the machine reboots at this point, you've probably set up your
	// kern_pgdir wrong.

        // entry.S set the really important flags in cr0 (including enabling
        // paging).  Here we configure the rest of the flags we need.
	cr0 = rcr0();
	cr0 |= CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_AM|CR0_WP|CR0_NE|CR0_MP;
	cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS|CR0_EM);

	// Some more checks, only possible after kern_pgdir is installed.
Esempio n. 9
int wmllogin(char * buf)
	char id[IDLEN + 2], pw[20];
	struct userec *x;
	struct user_info * uol[MULTI_LOGINS];
	char buf2[256], filename[256];
	int i, kick;
	strncpy(id, getparm("id"), IDLEN + 1);
	strncpy(pw, getparm("pw"), 19);
	if (!*pw)
		strncpy(pw, getparm("pw2"), 19);
	kick = atoi(getparm("kick")) - 1;
	if (!strcasecmp(id, "SYSOP"))
		strcpy (buf, "用户SYSOP登录受限。");
		return -65536;
	if(file_has_word(".bad_host", fromhost)) 
		sprintf (buf, "对不起, 本站不欢迎来自 [%s] 的登录。 若有疑问, 请与SYSOP联系,", fromhost);
		return -256;
	if(loginok && strcasecmp(id, currentuser.userid)) 
		sprintf (buf, "系统检测到目前你的计算机上已经登录有一个帐号 %s,请先退出。", currentuser.userid);
		return 1;
	x = getuser(id);
	if (!x)
		strcpy (buf, "错误的使用者帐号");
		return -1;
	sprintf(buf2, "home/%c/%s/badhost", toupper(x->userid[0]), x->userid);
		sprintf (buf, "对不起,此帐号已被设定为不可从 [%s] 登录本站。",fromhost);
		return -257;
	if(strcasecmp(id, "guest")) 
		if(!checkpasswd(x->passwd, pw)) 
				getdatestring (time(0), NA);
				sprintf(buf2, "%-12.12s  %-30s %s[Wap]\n",id, datestring, fromhost);
				sprintf(filename, "home/%c/%s/logins.bad", toupper(x->userid[0]), x->userid);
				f_append(filename, buf2);
			sprintf (buf, "密码错误");
			return -2;
		if (check_login_limit(x))
			strcpy (buf, "此ID在24小时内上站次数过多,请稍候再来。");
			return -4;
		if(!user_perm(x, PERM_BASIC))
			strcpy (buf, "此帐号已被停机。若有疑问,请用其他帐号在sysop版询问。");
			return -5;
		if (check_multi_d(x, uol, kick))
			printf ("<card title=\"登录 -- %s\">", BBSNAME);
			printf ("<p>用户%s已经在本站登录了%d个线程,你需要踢掉一个才能登录。<br />", x->userid, MULTI_LOGINS);
			for (i = 0; i < MULTI_LOGINS; i++)
				printf ("#%d %s %s%s 发呆%d分<br />", i, uol[i]->from, uol[i]->mode >= 20000 ? "@" : "", ModeType(uol[i]->mode >= 20000 ? uol[i]->mode - 20000 : uol[i]->mode), (time(0) - uol[i]->idle_time) / 60);
			printf ("踢掉哪个:<select name=\"inp_kick\">");
			for (i = 0; i < MULTI_LOGINS; i++)
				printf ("<option value=\"%d\">%d</option>", i + 1, i + 1);
			printf ("</select><br />");
			printf ("您的密码:<input type=\"password\" maxlength=\"8\" name=\"inp_pw\" /><br />");
			printf ("<anchor><go href=\"login.wml?id=%s\" method=\"post\"><postfield name=\"pw\" value=\"$(inp_pw)\" /><postfield name=\"kick\" value=\"$(inp_kick)\" /></go>登录</anchor></p>", x->userid);
			return 0;
		x->lastlogin = time(0);
    strsncpy(x->lasthost, fromhost, 17);
    currentuser = *x;
	int iutmpnum, iutmpkey;
	if (!wwwlogin(x, &iutmpnum, &iutmpkey))//0 : succeed
		sprintf(buf2, "%d", iutmpnum);
		headerCookie("utmpnum", buf2);
		sprintf(buf2, "%d", iutmpkey);
		headerCookie("utmpkey", buf2);
		headerCookie("utmpuserid", currentuser.userid);
		strcpy (buf, "抱歉,登录人数太多,请稍候再来:(");
		return -65537;
	sprintf (buf, "用户 %s 登录成功。", x->userid);
	printf ("<card title=\"登录 -- %s\" ontimer=\"%s\">", BBSNAME, "bbsboa.wml");
	printf ("<timer value=\"50\" />");
	printf ("<p>");
	printf ("</p>");
	printf ("<p>跳转中……</p>");
	printf ("<p><anchor><go href=\"%s\" />如果不能自动跳转,请使用此链接。</anchor></p>", "bbsboa.wml");
	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
void shim_init(void) {
  for (int i = 1; i <= SIZES; i++) {
    page_init(&pages[i], 1 << i);