/* window.hidden -> true/false the window is visible? Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key */ int lui_window_get_hidden(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); lua_pushboolean(L, (panel_hidden(p) == TRUE)); return 1; }
static VALUE rbncurs_c_panel_hidden(VALUE rb_panel) { return panel_hidden(get_panel(rb_panel)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; }
static void show_panels(PANEL * px[MAX_PANELS + 1]) { static const char *help[] = { "", "Commands are letter/digit pairs. Digits are the panel number.", "", " b - put the panel on the bottom of the stack", " c - create the panel", " d - delete the panel", " h - hide the panel", " m - move the panel (M for continuous move)", " r - resize the panel", " s - show the panel", " b - put the panel on the top of the stack" }; struct { bool valid; bool hidden; PANEL *above; PANEL *below; } table[MAX_PANELS + 1]; WINDOW *win; PANEL *pan; int j; memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); for (j = 1; j <= MAX_PANELS; ++j) { table[j].valid = (px[j] != 0); if (table[j].valid) { table[j].hidden = panel_hidden(px[j]); table[j].above = panel_above(px[j]); table[j].below = panel_below(px[j]); } } if ((win = newwin(LINES - 1, COLS, 0, 0)) != 0) { keypad(win, TRUE); if ((pan = new_panel(win)) != 0) { werase(win); MvWPrintw(win, 0, 0, "Panels:\n"); for (j = 1; j <= MAX_PANELS; ++j) { if (table[j].valid) { wprintw(win, " %d:", j); if (table[j].hidden) { waddstr(win, " hidden"); } else { if (table[j].above) { wprintw(win, " above %d", which_panel(px, table[j].above)); } if (table[j].below) { wprintw(win, "%s below %d", table[j].above ? "," : "", which_panel(px, table[j].below)); } } waddch(win, '\n'); } } for (j = 0; j < (int) SIZEOF(help); ++j) { if (wprintw(win, "%s\n", help[j]) == ERR) break; } wgetch(win); del_panel(pan); pflush(); } delwin(win); } }
/*#DOC*/ int view_isHidden(View v) { return panel_hidden(view_pan(v)); }