int main(void) { Form paper("Piece of paper", 150, 150); Bureaucrat barneyStinson("Barney Stinson", 2); std::cout << "Printing \"paper(\"Piece of paper\", 150, 150);\": " << paper; barneyStinson.signForm(paper); std::cout << "Printing \"paper(\"Piece of paper\", 150, 150);\": " << paper; Form law("Law", 1, 1); std::cout << "Printing \"paper(\"Law\", 1, 1);\": " << law; barneyStinson.signForm(law); std::cout << "Printing \"paper(\"Law\", 1, 1);\": " << law; try { std::cout << "Trying to create \"something(\"something\", 151, 151);\"" << std::endl; Form something("something", 151, 151); } catch (Form::GradeTooLowException & e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } try { std::cout << "Trying to create \"something(\"something\", 0, 0);\"" << std::endl; Form something("something", 0, 0); } catch (Form::GradeTooHighException & e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }
QodeEditor::QodeEditor( QWidget* parent ) : CodeEditor( parent ) { setCaretLineBackground( QColor( 150, 150, 150, 150 ) ); MarginStacker* margins = new MarginStacker( this ); margins->setVisible( QodeEdit::BookmarkMargin, true ); margins->setVisible( QodeEdit::NumberMargin, true ); margins->setVisible( QodeEdit::RevisionMargin, true ); margins->setVisible( QodeEdit::FoldMargin, true ); margins->setVisible( QodeEdit::SpaceMargin, true ); setCaretLineBackground(paper()); // fake save document shortcut new QShortcut( QKeySequence::Save, this, SLOT( save() ) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+D"), this, SLOT(duplicateLine()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+Up"), this, SLOT(swapLineUp()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+Down"), this, SLOT(swapLineDown()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+]"), this, SLOT(indent()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+["), this, SLOT(unindent()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+J"), this, SLOT(joinLines()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+L"), this, SLOT(expandSelectionToLine()) ); new QShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+W"), this, SLOT(expandSelectionToWord()) ); }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){ computersThrow = computerThrow(); printf( "Your Score: %d\n", yourScore ); puts( "1. Rock" ); puts( "2. Paper" ); puts( "3. Scissors" ); printf( "%d: What do you want to throw? ", i ); fflush(stdout); fgets( response, max_length, stdin ); val = atoi( response ); if( val == 1 ){ rock(); } else if( val == 2 ){ paper(); } else if( val == 3){ scissors(); } else { puts( "Enter valid choice 1, 2 or 3" ); i -= 1; } } end_game(); return 0; }
// Refresh the style. void QsciStyle::refresh() { setColor(color()); setPaper(paper()); setFont(font()); setEolFill(eolFill()); setTextCase(textCase()); setVisible(visible()); setChangeable(changeable()); setHotspot(hotspot()); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { stk::rectangle paper(0,0,2400,3300); stk::logger::get()->add_target(&std::cout, stk::LL_Info); stk::surface_bitmap::ptr test=stk::surface_bitmap::create(paper); stk::graphics_context::ptr gc=stk::graphics_context::create(); gc->fill_color(0xfffffffa); gc->line_color(0x000000fa); stk::font_properties properties("Vera.ttf",60); properties.height=100; gc->font(stk::font_manager::get()->get_font(properties)); test->gc(gc); test->fill_rect(paper); test->draw_line(0,0,1000,1000); test->draw_line(0,1000,1000,1000); test->draw_text(stk::rectangle(20,20,1000,1000),L"Test",0); print(paper,test->get_bitmap()); }
void SqlEditorWidget::prefsChanged() { QFont baseFont(m_prefs->sqlFont()); baseFont.setPointSize(m_prefs->sqlFontSize()); lexer()->setFont(baseFont); setFont(baseFont); // syntax highlighting lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syDefaultColor(), QsciLexerSQL::Default); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syKeywordColor(), QsciLexerSQL::Keyword); QFont defFont(lexer()->font(QsciLexerSQL::Keyword)); defFont.setBold(true); lexer()->setFont(defFont, QsciLexerSQL::Keyword); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syNumberColor(), QsciLexerSQL::Number); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syStringColor(), QsciLexerSQL::SingleQuotedString); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syStringColor(), QsciLexerSQL::DoubleQuotedString); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syCommentColor(), QsciLexerSQL::Comment); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syCommentColor(), QsciLexerSQL::CommentLine); lexer()->setColor(m_prefs->syCommentColor(), QsciLexerSQL::CommentDoc); setAutoCompletionThreshold(m_prefs->codeCompletion() ? m_prefs->codeCompletionLength() : -1 ); if (m_prefs->textWidthMark()) { setEdgeColumn(m_prefs->textWidthMarkSize()); setEdgeColor(Qt::gray); setEdgeMode(QsciScintilla::EdgeLine); } else setEdgeMode(QsciScintilla::EdgeNone); setMarkerBackgroundColor(m_prefs->activeHighlighting() ? m_prefs->activeHighlightColor() : paper()); }
extern void aprstat_althist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, char * test, float * way, unsigned long * beacons, unsigned long * msgs, unsigned long * acks, unsigned long * rejs) { char h[256]; char s[256]; float maxalt; float minalt; float alt[5760]; float hdiv; float wdiv; unsigned long markx1; unsigned long markx; unsigned long xc; unsigned long sc; unsigned long x; unsigned long Maxx; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; float waysum; long markalt; size_t tmp[2]; unsigned long tmp0; *way = 0.0f; *beacons = 0UL; *msgs = 0UL; *acks = 0UL; *rejs = 0UL; if (op==0 || op->frames==0) { *test = 0; return; } Maxx = dynmaxx(8UL, 400UL, 720UL); decodealt(way, beacons, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, alt, &waysum, op, &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 0); if (waysum<0.05f) { *test = 0; /* no altitudes or km */ return; } if (*test) return; X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX), (tmp[0] = Maxx+16UL,tmp[1] = 136U,tmp),2u); useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1; if (*img==0) { osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul); return; } maptool_clr(*img); wdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)(Maxx*8UL-1UL),waysum); decodealt(way, beacons, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, alt, &waysum, op, &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 1); interpol(alt); norm(&hdiv, alt, &maxalt, &minalt); /* FOR x:=0 TO HIGH(alt) DO IF alt[x]>=0.0 THEN WrFixed(alt[x], 3,11) ELSE WrStr(".") END; END; WrStrLn(""); */ /*sc:=VAL(CARDINAL, maxalt-minalt) DIV sfact(FLOAT(maxalt-minalt)); */ sc = sfact(maxalt-minalt); strncpy(s," ",256u); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " dist=", 7ul); aprsstr_FixToStr(waysum, 2UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "km min=", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((long)X2C_TRUNCI(minalt,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint), 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m max=", 7ul); aprsstr_IntToStr((long)X2C_TRUNCI(maxalt,X2C_min_longint,X2C_max_longint), 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); if (markalt>X2C_min_longint) { aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m curs=", 8ul); aprsstr_IntToStr(markalt, 1UL, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m (NN)", 7ul); paper(img, minalt, maxalt, sc, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); tmp0 = Maxx+8UL; x = 5UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { setpix(*img, (long)x, 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L); if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ strncpy(h,"km",256u); if (waysum<5.0f) { waysum = waysum*1000.0f; strncpy(h,"m",256u); } sc = sfact(waysum); hdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)sc*(float)Maxx,waysum); wdiv = 0.0f; xc = 0UL; do { for (x = 5UL; x<=7UL; x++) { setpix(*img, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)+8UL), (long)x, 200L, 1000L, 200L); } /* end for */ if (xc>0UL && aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)<Maxx-10UL) { num(*img, (long)((aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)+8UL)-6UL), 8L, (long)xc, h, 256ul); h[0U] = 0; } xc += sc; wdiv = wdiv+hdiv; } while (aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)<=Maxx); if (markx>0UL) { for (x = 8UL; x<=128UL; x++) { setpix(*img, (long)(markx+8UL), (long)x, 50L, 400L, 500L); } /* end for */ } tmp0 = Maxx*8UL-1UL; x = 0UL; if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) { /* draw graph */ addpix(*img, (float)x*0.125f+8.0f, alt[x]+8.0f, 62UL, 62UL, 87UL); if (x==tmp0) break; } /* end for */ } /* end althist() */
extern void aprstat_wxgraph(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op, unsigned long stime, unsigned short * what, struct aprstat_LASTVAL * lastval) { aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr; unsigned long Maxx; unsigned long step; unsigned long xt; unsigned long xi; float XStep; float yax1; float yax0; float vh; struct WX min0; struct WX max0; char hh[256]; char h[256]; char s[256]; struct aprsdecode_DAT dat; float temp[1440]; float hyg[1440]; float baro[1440]; float winds[1440]; float windd[1440]; float gust[1440]; float rain1[1440]; float rain24[1440]; float rain0[1440]; float lumi[1440]; unsigned short have; char dirvalid; struct WX * anonym; if (op==0 || op->frames==0) { /*OR (op^.lastinftyp<100)*/ return; } Maxx = dynmaxx(8UL, 320UL, 720UL); XStep = X2C_DIVR((float)Maxx,1440.0f); *img = 0; for (xi = 0UL; xi<=1439UL; xi++) { temp[xi] = (-1.E+4f); hyg[xi] = (-1.E+4f); baro[xi] = (-1.E+4f); winds[xi] = (-1.E+4f); windd[xi] = (-1.E+4f); gust[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain1[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain24[xi] = (-1.E+4f); rain0[xi] = (-1.E+4f); lumi[xi] = (-1.E+4f); } /* end for */ { /* with */ struct WX * anonym = &max0; anonym->temp = (-1.E+4f); anonym->hyg = (-1.E+4f); anonym->baro = (-1.E+4f); anonym->wind = (-1.E+4f); anonym->rain = (-1.E+4f); anonym->lumi = (-1.E+4f); anonym->siev = (-1.E+4f); } dirvalid = 0; min0.temp = X2C_max_real; min0.baro = X2C_max_real; memset((char *)lastval,(char)0,sizeof(struct aprstat_LASTVAL)); fr = op->frames; do { if (((fr->time0>stime-86400UL && fr->time0<=stime) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul, &dat)>=0L) && dat.sym=='_') { xt = aprsdecode_trunc((float)(fr->time0-(stime-86400UL)) *1.6666666666667E-2f); if (xt>=1440UL) xt = 1439UL; vh = X2C_DIVR(dat.wx.temp-32.0f,1.8f); if (vh>=(-99.0f) && vh<=99.0f) { temp[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.temp) max0.temp = vh; if (vh<min0.temp) min0.temp = vh; lastval->temp = vh; } if (dat.wx.hygro>=0.0f && dat.wx.hygro<=100.0f) { hyg[xt] = dat.wx.hygro; if (dat.wx.hygro>max0.hyg) max0.hyg = dat.wx.hygro; lastval->hyg = dat.wx.hygro; } vh = dat.wx.baro*0.1f; if (vh>=900.0f && vh<=1100.0f) { baro[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.baro) max0.baro = vh; if (vh<min0.baro) min0.baro = vh; lastval->baro = vh; } vh = dat.wx.rain24*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain24[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; lastval->rain24 = vh; } vh = dat.wx.raintoday*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain0[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; } vh = dat.wx.rain1*0.254f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<300.0f) { rain1[xt] = vh; if (vh>max0.rain) max0.rain = vh; lastval->rain = vh; } if (dat.wx.lum>=0.0f && dat.wx.lum<=2000.0f) { lumi[xt] = dat.wx.lum; if (dat.wx.lum>max0.lumi) max0.lumi = dat.wx.lum; lastval->lumi = dat.wx.lum; } if (dat.wx.sievert>=0.0f && dat.wx.sievert<1000.0f) { /* siev[xt]:=dat.wx.sievert; */ if (dat.wx.sievert>max0.siev) max0.siev = dat.wx.sievert; lastval->siev = dat.wx.sievert; } if (dat.course>0UL && dat.course<=360UL) { lastval->winddir = (float)(dat.course%360UL); windd[xt] = lastval->winddir; dirvalid = 1; } vh = (float)dat.speed*1.609f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<=1000.0f) { winds[xt] = vh; lastval->winds = vh; if (vh>max0.wind) max0.wind = vh; } vh = dat.wx.gust*1.609f; if (vh>=0.0f && vh<=1000.0f) { gust[xt] = vh; lastval->gust = vh; if (vh>max0.wind) max0.wind = vh; } } fr = fr->next; } while (fr); aprstext_DateLocToStr(stime, h, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, " ", 2ul); aprsstr_Append(h, 256ul, op->call, 9ul); have = 0U; if (max0.temp!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x1U; if ((0x1U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(temp, 1440ul, min0.temp, max0.temp, 120.0f, 10.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->temp, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "\177C ", 4ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, temp, 1440ul, 1, 200UL, 700UL, 40UL); } } if (max0.baro!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x2U; if ((0x2U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(baro, 1440ul, min0.baro, max0.baro, 120.0f, 2.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->baro, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "hPa ", 5ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, baro, 1440ul, 1, 500UL, 400UL, 500UL); } } if (max0.wind!=(-1.E+4f) && max0.wind>0.0f) { have |= 0x8U; if ((0x8U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(winds, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.wind, 120.0f, 20.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(gust, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.wind, 120.0f, 20.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); s[0U] = 0; if (lastval->winds!=0.0f || lastval->gust==0.0f) { aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->winds, 2UL, hh, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(hh, 256ul, "km/h Wind ", 12ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, hh, 256ul); } if (lastval->gust!=0.0f) { aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->gust, 2UL, hh, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(hh, 256ul, "km/h Gust ", 12ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, hh, 256ul); } aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, winds, 1440ul, 1, 100UL, 500UL, 700UL); dots(XStep, img, gust, 1440ul, 1, 600UL, 100UL, 0UL); } if (dirvalid) { have |= 0x10U; if ((0x10U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(windd, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), 360.0f, 120.0f, 365.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->winddir, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "deg Wind Direction ", 20ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, 90UL, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, windd, 1440ul, 0, 200UL, 700UL, 700UL); } } } if (max0.hyg!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x4U; if ((0x4U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(hyg, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), 100.0f, 120.0f, 101.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->hyg, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "% Humidty ", 11ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, hyg, 1440ul, 1, 0UL, 500UL, 700UL); } } if (max0.lumi!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x40U; if ((0x40U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(lumi, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.lumi, 120.0f, 50.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->lumi, 0UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "W/m^2 Luminosity ", 18ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, lumi, 1440ul, 1, 600UL, 600UL, 0UL); } } if (max0.rain!=(-1.E+4f)) { have |= 0x20U; if ((0x20U & *what)) { if (!newimg(Maxx, img)) return; scale(rain1, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(rain24, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); scale(rain0, 1440ul, (-1.E+4f), max0.rain, 120.0f, 5.0f, &yax0, &yax1, &step); aprsstr_FixToStr(lastval->rain, 2UL, s, 256ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "mm Rain ", 9ul); aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul); paper(img, yax0, yax1, step, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul); timeline(stime, img, Maxx); dots(XStep, img, rain1, 1440ul, 1, 500UL, 100UL, 0UL); dots(XStep, img, rain24, 1440ul, 1, 50UL, 600UL, 50UL); dots(XStep, img, rain0, 1440ul, 1, 100UL, 100UL, 700UL); } } if (max0.siev>0.0f) have |= 0x400U; *what = have; /* IF img<>NIL THEN DISPOSE(img) END; */ } /* end wxgraph() */
void display(void) { // ****** declaracoes internas 'a funcao display() ****** float temp; // ****** fim de todas as declaracoes da funcao display() ****** glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); setCamera(); // permissao de atribuicao directa de cores // para objectos que nao tem material atribuido, como // e' o caso dos eixos e da esfera que simboliza a fonte de luz... /*glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);*/ // Actualizacao da posicao da fonte de luz... light0_position[0] = light0x; // por razoes de eficiencia, os restantes light0_position[1] = light0y; // parametros _invariaveis_ da LIGHT0 mantem os valores light0_position[2] = light0z; // definidos na funcao de inicializacao glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_position); // ... e da esfera que a simboliza /*glColor3f(1.0,1.0,0.0); // cor amarela gluQuadricOrientation( glQ, GLU_INSIDE); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(light0x,light0y,light0z); gluSphere(glQ, symb_light0_radius, symb_light0_slices, symb_light0_stacks); glPopMatrix(); gluQuadricOrientation( glQ, GLU_OUTSIDE); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);*/ glCallList(DP_GEOMETRY); glCallList(DP_MACHINE); glPushMatrix(); if(st==ST2){ glTranslated(centerX,0,centerZ); glRotated(ang,0,1,0); glTranslated(-centerX,0,-centerZ); } else if(st==ST5){ glTranslated(centerX,0,centerZ); glRotated(-ang,0,1,0); glTranslated(-centerX,0,-centerZ); } glTranslated(robotXa,0,robotZa); if(st==ST3||st==ST4||st==ST5) glRotated(90,0,1,0); light1_position[0] = light1x; light1_position[1] = light1y; light1_position[2] = light1z; glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, light1_cone_radius); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, light1_spot_direction); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, light1_position); if(n_newspapers>0){ glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(0,paperYf,0); paper(); glPopMatrix(); } glCallList(DP_ROBOT); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(printingMachineX,0,printingMachineZ+conveyorZ+machineZ); belt(conveyorX,conveyorY,conveyorZ); drawNewspapers(newspapersX,newspapersY,newspapersZi,newspapersZf); glPopMatrix(); if(st==ST01){ glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(newspaperX,0,newspaperZ); drawNewspaper(newspapersX,newspapersY,newspaperZi,newspaperZf); glPopMatrix(); } if(st==ST02){ glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(newspaperX,paperYa,paperZa); paper(); glPopMatrix(); } glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(platenX,platenY,platenZ); glRotated(-platen_ang,1.0,0.0,0.0); platen(); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(guillotinePosX,guillotineYa,guillotinePosZ); guillotine(guillotineX,guillotineY); glPopMatrix(); showCameraNumber(); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); // swapping the buffers causes the rendering above to be shown glutSwapBuffers(); // glFlush(); included in the above glutSwapBuffers() }
QVariant EnabledLocalesModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const { if ( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_locales.count() ) return QVariant(); const QString& localeCode = m_locales[index.row()]; Locale locale( localeCode.toLatin1() ); // Get language and country in current system locale UnicodeString uDisplayLanguage; UnicodeString uDisplayCountry; locale.getDisplayLanguage( locale, uDisplayLanguage ); locale.getDisplayCountry( locale, uDisplayCountry ); // Capitalize language and country UErrorCode status; BreakIterator* titleIterator = BreakIterator::createTitleInstance( locale, status ); uDisplayLanguage = uDisplayLanguage.toTitle( titleIterator ); uDisplayCountry = uDisplayCountry.toTitle( titleIterator ); QString displayLanguage = unicodeStringToQString( uDisplayLanguage ); QString displayCountry = unicodeStringToQString( uDisplayCountry ); switch ( role ) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return QString( "%1 - %2 (%3)" ).arg( displayLanguage ).arg( displayCountry ).arg( localeCode ); case LocaleCodeRole: return localeCode; case CountryRole: return displayCountry; case LanguageRole: return displayLanguage; case AddressRole: return address(); case CollateRole: return collate(); case CtypeRole: return ctype(); case IdentificationRole: return identification(); case LangRole: return lang(); case LanguageLcRole: return language(); case MeasurementRole: return measurement(); case MonetaryRole: return monetary(); case MessagesRole: return messages(); case NameRole: return name(); case NumericRole: return numeric(); case PaperRole: return paper(); case TelephoneRole: return telephone(); case TimeRole: return time(); } return QVariant(); }