double ConstraintEqual::grad(double *param) { double deriv=0.; if (param == param1()) deriv += 1; if (param == param2()) deriv += -1; return scale * deriv; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { char* buf = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); if (buf == NULL) { exit(0); } std::string buffer(buf); int position = buffer.find('&'); std::string::iterator iter = buffer.begin() + position; std::string param1(buffer.begin(), iter); std::string param2(iter + 1, buffer.end()); int nparam1 = atoi(param1.c_str()); int nparam2 = atoi(param2.c_str()); std::vector<char> content(1024*64); sprintf(&content[0], "Welcome to "); sprintf(&content[0], "%sTHE Internet addition portal.\r\n<p>", &content[0]); sprintf(&content[0], "%sThe answer is: %d + %d = %d \r\n<p>", &content[0], nparam1, nparam2, nparam1 + nparam2); sprintf(&content[0], "%sThanks for visiting!\r\n", &content[0]); printf("Content-length: %d\r\n", strlen(&content[0])); printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); printf("%s\n", &content[0]); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
double ConstraintDifference::grad(double *param) { double deriv=0.; if (param == param1()) deriv += -1; if (param == param2()) deriv += 1; if (param == difference()) deriv += -1; return scale * deriv; }
TInt CNitzRFSPluginTestModule::ExecuteCustomCommand(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ ) { TBuf<256> param1( KNullDesC ); STIF_ASSERT_NOT_LEAVES( iPlugin->ExecuteCustomCommandL( ENormalRfs, param1 ) ); TBuf<1> param2( KNullDesC ); STIF_ASSERT_NOT_LEAVES( iPlugin->ExecuteCustomCommandL( EDeepRfs, param2 ) ); STIF_ASSERT_NOT_LEAVES( iPlugin->ExecuteCustomCommandL( EInitRfs, param2 ) ); STIF_ASSERT_NOT_LEAVES( iPlugin->ExecuteCustomCommandL( static_cast<TRfsReason>( 100 ), param2 ) ); return KErrNone; }
ossimGpt ossimThreeParamDatum::shiftToWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const { if(ossim::almostEqual(param1(), 0.0)&& ossim::almostEqual(param2(), 0.0)&& ossim::almostEqual(param3(), 0.0)) { return ossimGpt(aPt.latd(), aPt.lond(), aPt.latd(), ossimGpt().datum()); } ossimEcefPoint p1 = aPt; ossimEcefPoint p2; if(withinMolodenskyRange(aPt.latd())) { ossimWgs84Datum wgs84; double latin, lonin, hgtin; double latout, lonout, hgtout; double da = wgs84.ellipsoid()->getA() - ellipsoid()->getA(); double df = wgs84.ellipsoid()->getFlattening() - ellipsoid()->getFlattening(); latin = aPt.latr(); lonin = aPt.lonr(); hgtin = aPt.height(); if(aPt.isHgtNan()) { hgtin = 0.0; } molodenskyShift(ellipsoid()->getA(), da, ellipsoid()->getFlattening(), df, param1(), param2(), param3(), latin, lonin, hgtin, latout, lonout, hgtout); ossimGpt g; g.latr(latout); g.lonr(lonout); g.height(hgtout); g.datum(this); return g; } else { p2 = ossimEcefPoint(p1.x() + theParam1, p1.y() + theParam2, p1.z() + theParam3); } return ossimGpt(p2); // defaults to WGS84 }
void UT_CMccResourceItem::UT_CMccResourceItem_UserMatchNotStrictL( ) { TMccResourceParams param(0,1,0,0,EFalse,0); TMccResourceParams param2(0,1,0,0,EFalse,0); EUNIT_ASSERT(iItem->UserMatchNotStrict(param, param2)) TMccResourceParams para3(0,0,1,0,EFalse,0); TMccResourceParams param4(0,0,1,0,EFalse,0); EUNIT_ASSERT(iItem->UserMatchNotStrict(param, param2)) }
int main() { Leph::MetaParameter param1("param1", 41.0); Leph::MetaParameter param2("param2", 42.0); Leph::MetaParameter param3("param3", 43.0); assert( == "param1"); assert( == "param2"); assert( == "param3"); assert(param1.value() == 41.0); assert(param2.value() == 42.0); assert(param3.value() == 43.0); param2.setMinimum(40.0); param3.setMinimum(30.0); param3.setMaximum(100.0); assert(param2.hasMinimum()); assert(!param2.hasMaximum()); assert(param3.hasMinimum()); assert(param3.hasMaximum()); param1.setValue(100.0); assert(param1.value() == 100.0); param2.setValue(0.0); assert(param2.value() == 40.0); param2.setValue(200.0); assert(param2.value() == 200.0); param3.setValue(40.0); assert(param3.value() == 40.0); param3.setValue(20.0); assert(param3.value() == 30.0); param3.setValue(300.0); assert(param3.value() == 100.0); std::cout << param1 << std::endl; std::cout << param2 << std::endl; std::cout << param3 << std::endl; TestOptimizable testOptimizable; assert(testOptimizable.parameterSize() == 2); assert(testOptimizable.getParameter(0).value() == 1.0); assert(testOptimizable.getParameter(1).value() == 2.0); assert(testOptimizable.setParameter(1, 3.0) == true); assert(testOptimizable.setParameter(1, 11.0) == false); testOptimizable.parameterPrint(); testOptimizable.parameterSave("/tmp/testMetaParameter.params"); testOptimizable.parameterLoad("/tmp/testMetaParameter.params"); testOptimizable.parameterPrint(); return 0; }
void UT_CMccResourceItem::UT_CMccResourceItem_UserMatchL( ) { TMccResourceParams param(0,0,0,0,EFalse,0); TMccResourceParams param2(0,0,0,0,EFalse,0); EUNIT_ASSERT(iItem->UserMatch(param, param2)); param.iStreamId = 2; param2.iStreamId = 3; EUNIT_ASSERT(!iItem->UserMatch(param, param2)); }
void CGroupPrice::UnsubscribeGroup(const CComVariant& params) { if(V_VT(¶ms) == VT_ERROR) { EgLib::CEgLibTraceManager::Trace(LogInfo, __FUNCTION__, _T("[%s]\t Checking Subscription Group"), m_strUserName.c_str()); UnsubscribeAll(); } else { _QuoteUpdateParams Params(params); EgLib::CEgLibTraceManager::Trace(LogInfo, __FUNCTION__, _T("[%s]\t Symbol: %s, Exchange: %s, Type: %d"), m_strUserName.c_str(), Params->Symbol?CW2T(Params->Symbol):_T(""), Params->Exchange?CW2T(Params->Exchange):_T(""), Params->Type); if(V_VT(&m_vtRequest) != VT_ERROR) { _QuoteUpdateParams param2(m_vtRequest); _bstr_t bsSymbol1(Params->Symbol) ; _bstr_t bsSymbol2(param2->Symbol) ; if(bsSymbol1 == bsSymbol2 && Params->Type == param2->Type) { _CancelOptions(); } } _SetDbKey(Params); char szSymbol[MAX_LENGTH + 1]; ZeroMemory(szSymbol,sizeof(szSymbol)); if(CUtilities::KeyToString(&m_dbaKey.dbaKey, szSymbol, MAX_LENGTH)) { CAutoLock lk(m_csGroupSubscript); grouptickermap::iterator itrGroup = m_mapGroupSubscript.find(szSymbol); if(itrGroup != m_mapGroupSubscript.end()) { for(tickerset::iterator iter = itrGroup->second.begin(); iter != itrGroup->second.end(); iter++) { DBA_KEYS dbaKey; ZeroMemory(&dbaKey, sizeof(DBA_KEYS)); DeleteSubscription(*iter); (*iter)->GetRawKey(&dbaKey.dbaKey); DecInterest(&dbaKey); } m_mapGroupSubscript.erase(itrGroup); } } } m_vtRequest.Clear(); }
void CGroupPrice::CancelGroupPrice(const CComVariant& Params) { if(V_VT(&Params) == VT_ERROR || V_VT(&m_vtRequest) == VT_ERROR) { _CancelOptions(); } else { _QuoteUpdateParams param1(Params); _QuoteUpdateParams param2(m_vtRequest); _bstr_t bsSymbol1(param1->Symbol) ; _bstr_t bsSymbol2(param2->Symbol) ; if(bsSymbol1 == bsSymbol2 && param1->Type == param2->Type) { _CancelOptions(); } } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { // initialize the rpc handle saga::rpc::rpc rm (std::string ("rpc://")); // initialize the parameter stack int input = 100, output = -1; saga::rpc::parameter param1 (&input, 1, saga::rpc::In); saga::rpc::parameter param2 (&output, 1, saga::rpc::Out); std::vector <saga::rpc::parameter> parameters; parameters.push_back (param1); parameters.push_back (param2); // invoke the remote procedure (parameters); // when completed, the output parameters are available std::cout << "Output: " << output << std::endl; return (0); }
void CGroupPrice::UnsubscribeGroup(const CComVariant& params) { if(V_VT(¶ms) == VT_ERROR) { UnsubscribeAll(); } else { _QuoteUpdateParams Params(params); if(V_VT(&m_vtRequest) != VT_ERROR) { _QuoteUpdateParams param2(m_vtRequest); _bstr_t bsSymbol1(Params->Symbol) ; _bstr_t bsSymbol2(param2->Symbol) ; if(bsSymbol1 == bsSymbol2 && Params->Type == param2->Type) { _CancelOptions(); } } _SetDbKey(Params); char szSymbol[MAX_LENGTH + 1]; ZeroMemory(szSymbol,sizeof(szSymbol)); KeyToString(&m_dbaKey.dbaKey, szSymbol, MAX_LENGTH); m_csSubscript.Lock(); for(tickerset::const_iterator iter = m_mapGroupSubscript[szSymbol].begin(); iter != m_mapGroupSubscript[szSymbol].end(); iter++) { ZeroMemory(&m_dbaKey.dbaKey, sizeof(DBA_KEY)); ::StringToKey(const_cast<char*>((*iter).c_str()), &m_dbaKey.dbaKey); m_mapSubscript.erase(*iter); DecInterest(); } m_mapGroupSubscript.erase(szSymbol); m_csSubscript.Unlock(); } m_vtRequest.Clear(); }
fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> test_MatrixGraph::create_MatrixGraph(testData* testdata, int localProc, int numProcs, bool bothFields, bool nonSymmetric, const char* name, fei::SharedPtr<fei::VectorSpace> vectorSpacePtr, fei::SharedPtr<fei::Factory> factory, const std::string& path, bool turnOnDebugOutput) { // //This function creates a MatrixGraph object, and initializes it as follows: // //setRowSpace(vectorSpacePtr) // //definePattern patternID=0, numIDs=4, idType=testdata->idTypes[0] // fieldID=testdata->fieldIDs[0] if !bothFields, else // fieldIDs=testdata->fieldIDs // //initConnectivityBlock blockID=0, numConnectivityLists=1 // //initConnectivity blockID, 0, testdata->ids // //If nonSymmetric==true, then also do the following: // definePattern patternID=1, numIDs=1, idType=testdata->idTypes[0] // fieldID=testdata->fieldIDs[0] if !bothFields, else // fieldIDs=testdata->fieldIDs // definePattern patternID=2, numIDs=4, idType=testdata->idTypes[0] // fieldID=testdata->fieldIDs[0] if !bothFields, else // fieldIDs=testdata->fieldIDs // //initConnectivityBlock blockID=1, patterns 1 and 2 // //initConnectivity blockID, 0, testdata->ids // fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> mgptr; if (factory.get() == NULL) { fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> tmp(new fei::MatrixGraph_Impl2(vectorSpacePtr, vectorSpacePtr, name)); mgptr = tmp; } else { mgptr = factory->createMatrixGraph(vectorSpacePtr, vectorSpacePtr, name); } fei::ParameterSet paramset; fei::Param param1("name", name); paramset.add(param1); if (turnOnDebugOutput) { if (path.empty()) { fei::Param param2("debugOutput", "."); paramset.add(param2); } else { fei::Param param2("debugOutput", path.c_str()); paramset.add(param2); } } fei::MatrixGraph* matrixGraphPtr = mgptr.get(); matrixGraphPtr->setParameters(paramset); matrixGraphPtr->setRowSpace(vectorSpacePtr); int patternID = 0; int numIDs = 4; int idType = testdata->idTypes[0]; int fieldID = testdata->fieldIDs[0]; if (bothFields) { std::vector<int> numFieldsPerID(numIDs, 2); std::vector<int> fieldIDsArray(numIDs*2); for(int i=0; i<numIDs; ++i) { fieldIDsArray[i*2] = testdata->fieldIDs[0]; fieldIDsArray[i*2+1] = testdata->fieldIDs[1]; } patternID = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numIDs, idType, &numFieldsPerID[0], &fieldIDsArray[0]); } else { patternID = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numIDs, idType, fieldID); } int blockID = 0; int numConnectivityLists = 1; matrixGraphPtr->initConnectivityBlock(blockID, numConnectivityLists, patternID); matrixGraphPtr->initConnectivity(blockID, 0, &(testdata->ids[0])); if (!nonSymmetric) { return(mgptr); } int patternID1 = 1, patternID2 = 2; int numRowIDs = 1, numColIDs = 4; if (bothFields) { std::vector<int> numFieldsPerID(numIDs, 2); std::vector<int> fieldIDsArray(numIDs*2); for(int i=0; i<numIDs; ++i) { fieldIDsArray[i*2] = testdata->fieldIDs[0]; fieldIDsArray[i*2+1] = testdata->fieldIDs[1]; } patternID1 = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numRowIDs, idType, &numFieldsPerID[0], &fieldIDsArray[0]); patternID2 = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numColIDs, idType, &numFieldsPerID[0], &fieldIDsArray[0]); } else { patternID1 = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numRowIDs, idType, fieldID); patternID2 = matrixGraphPtr->definePattern(numColIDs, idType, fieldID); } blockID = 1; matrixGraphPtr->initConnectivityBlock(blockID, numConnectivityLists, patternID1, patternID2); matrixGraphPtr->initConnectivity(blockID, 0, &(testdata->ids[0]), &(testdata->ids[0])); return(mgptr); }
double ConstraintEqual::error() { return scale * (*param1() - *param2()); }
double ConstraintDifference::error() { return scale * (*param2() - *param1() - *difference()); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ types::Function::ReturnValue sci_findfileassociation(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { types::String* pS = nullptr; std::wstring param1; std::wstring param2(L"open"); int rhs = static_cast<int>(in.size()); if (rhs != 1 && rhs != 2) { Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"),, 1, 2); return types::Function::Error; } if (_iRetCount != 1) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d expected.\n"),, 1); return types::Function::Error; } if (in[0]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),, 1); return types::Function::Error; } pS = in[0]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pS->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),, 1); return types::Function::Error; } param1 = pS->get()[0]; if (rhs == 2) { if (in[1]->isString() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),, 2); return types::Function::Error; } pS = in[1]->getAs<types::String>(); if (pS->isScalar() == false) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),, 2); return types::Function::Error; } param2 = pS->get()[0]; } wchar_t* output = FindFileAssociation(, ; if (output) { out.push_back(new types::String(output)); } else { out.push_back(types::Double::Empty()); } return types::Function::OK; }