Esempio n. 1
bnflogdegree(GEN nf, GEN A, GEN ell)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  GEN AZ, A0Z, NA0;
  long vAZ;

  if (typ(ell) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("bnflogdegree", ell);
  nf = checknf(nf);
  A = idealhnf(nf, A);
  AZ = gcoeff(A,1,1);
  vAZ = Z_pvalrem(AZ, ell, &A0Z);
  if (is_pm1(A0Z))
    NA0 = gen_1;
    (void)Z_pvalrem(idealnorm(nf,A), ell, &NA0);
  if (vAZ)
    GEN Aell = ZM_hnfmodid(A, powiu(ell,vAZ));
    GEN S = idealprimedec(nf, ell), T;
    long l, i, s = 0;
    T = padicfact(nf, S, 100);
    l = lg(S);
    for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
      GEN P = gel(S,i);
      long v = idealval(nf, Aell, P);
      if (v) s += v * ftilde(nf, P, gel(T,i));
    if (s) NA0 = gmul(NA0, gpowgs(ell1(ell), s));
  return gerepileupto(av, NA0);
Esempio n. 2
nfislocalpower(GEN nf, GEN pr, GEN a, GEN n)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  long r;
  if (typ(n) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("nfislocalpower",n);
  r = nfislocalpower_i(nf, pr, a, n);
  avma = av; return r;
Esempio n. 3
group_ident(GEN G, GEN S)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  long idx = group_ident_i(G, S);
  if (idx < 0) pari_err_TYPE("group_ident [not a group]", G);
  if (!idx) pari_err_IMPL("galoisidentify for groups of order > 127");
  avma = av; return idx;
Esempio n. 4
/* return d = gcd(a,b), sets u, v such that au + bv = gcd(a,b) */
extgcd(GEN A, GEN B, GEN *U, GEN *V)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  GEN ux = gen_1, vx = gen_0, a = A, b = B;

  if (typ(a) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("extgcd",a);
  if (typ(b) != t_INT) pari_err_TYPE("extgcd",b);
  if (signe(a) < 0) { a = negi(a); ux = negi(ux); }
  while (!gequal0(b))
    GEN r, q = dvmdii(a, b, &r), v = vx;

    vx = subii(ux, mulii(q, vx));
    ux = v; a = b; b = r;
  *U = ux;
  *V = diviiexact( subii(a, mulii(A,ux)), B );
  gerepileall(av, 3, &a, U, V); return a;
Esempio n. 5
/* assume A or B is a t_LIST */
static GEN
listconcat(GEN A, GEN B)
  long i, l1, lx;
  GEN L, z, L1, L2;

  if (typ(A) != t_LIST) {
    if (list_typ(B)!=t_LIST_RAW) pari_err_TYPE("listconcat",B);
    L2 = list_data(B);
    if (!L2) return mklistcopy(A);
    lx = lg(L2) + 1;
    z = listcreate();
    list_data(z) = L = cgetg(lx, t_VEC);
    for (i = 2; i < lx; i++) gel(L,i) = gcopy(gel(L2,i-1));
    gel(L,1) = gcopy(A); return z;
  } else if (typ(B) != t_LIST) {
    if (list_typ(A)!=t_LIST_RAW) pari_err_TYPE("listconcat",A);
    L1 = list_data(A);
    if (!L1) return mklistcopy(B);
    lx = lg(L1) + 1;
    z = listcreate();
    list_data(z) = L = cgetg(lx, t_VEC);
    for (i = 1; i < lx-1; i++) gel(L,i) = gcopy(gel(L1,i));
    gel(L,i) = gcopy(B); return z;
  /* A, B both t_LISTs */
  if (list_typ(A)!=t_LIST_RAW) pari_err_TYPE("listconcat",A);
  if (list_typ(B)!=t_LIST_RAW) pari_err_TYPE("listconcat",B);
  L1 = list_data(A); if (!L1) return listcopy(B);
  L2 = list_data(B); if (!L2) return listcopy(A);

  l1 = lg(L1);
  lx = l1-1 + lg(L2);
  z = cgetg(3, t_LIST);
  z[1] = 0UL;
  list_data(z) = L = cgetg(lx, t_VEC);
  L2 -= l1-1;
  for (i=1; i<l1; i++) gel(L,i) = gclone(gel(L1,i));
  for (   ; i<lx; i++) gel(L,i) = gclone(gel(L2,i));
  return z;
Esempio n. 6
shallowconcat1(GEN x)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  long lx, t, i;
  GEN z;
    case t_VEC:
      lx = lg(x);
      if (lx==1) pari_err_DOMAIN("concat","vector","=",x,x);
    case t_LIST:
      if (list_typ(x)!=t_LIST_RAW) pari_err_TYPE("concat",x);
      if (!list_data(x)) pari_err_DOMAIN("concat","vector","=",x,x);
      x = list_data(x); lx = lg(x);
      return NULL; /* not reached */
  if (lx==2) return gel(x,1);
  z = gel(x,1); t = typ(z); i = 2;
  if (is_matvec_t(t) || t == t_VECSMALL || t == t_STR)
  { /* detect a "homogeneous" object: catmany is faster */
    for (; i<lx; i++)
      if (typ(gel(x,i)) != t) break;
    z = catmany(x + 1, x + i-1, t);
  for (; i<lx; i++) {
    z = shallowconcat(z, gel(x,i));
    if (gc_needed(av,3))
      if (DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"concat: i = %ld", i);
      z = gerepilecopy(av, z);
  return z;
Esempio n. 7
shallowextract(GEN x, GEN L)
  long i,j, tl = typ(L), tx = typ(x), lx = lg(x);
  GEN y;

    case t_VEC:
    case t_COL:
    case t_MAT:
    case t_VECSMALL: break;
    default: pari_err_TYPE("extract",x);

  if (tl==t_INT)
  { /* extract components of x as per the bits of mask L */
    long k, l, ix, iy, maxj;
    GEN Ld;
    if (!signe(L)) return cgetg(1,tx);
    y = new_chunk(lx);
    l = lgefint(L)-1; ix = iy = 1;
    maxj = BITS_IN_LONG - bfffo(*int_MSW(L));
    if ((l-2) * BITS_IN_LONG + maxj >= lx)
      pari_err_TYPE("vecextract [mask too large]", L);
    for (k = 2, Ld = int_LSW(L); k < l; k++, Ld = int_nextW(Ld))
      ulong B = *Ld;
      for (j = 0; j < BITS_IN_LONG; j++, B >>= 1, ix++)
        if (B & 1) y[iy++] = x[ix];
    { /* k = l */
      ulong B = *Ld;
      for (j = 0; j < maxj; j++, B >>= 1, ix++)
        if (B & 1) y[iy++] = x[ix];
    y[0] = evaltyp(tx) | evallg(iy);
    return y;
Esempio n. 8
static GEN
_matsize(GEN x)
  long t = typ(x), L = lg(x) - 1;
  { /* matsize */
    case t_VEC: return mkvecsmall2(1, L);
    case t_COL: return mkvecsmall2(L, 1);
    case t_MAT: return mkvecsmall2(L? nbrows(x): 0, L);
      if (is_noncalc_t(t)) pari_err_TYPE("_matsize", x);
      return mkvecsmall2(1, 1);
Esempio n. 9
gtrans(GEN x)
  long i, dx, lx;
  GEN y;
    case t_VEC: y = gcopy(x); settyp(y,t_COL); break;
    case t_COL: y = gcopy(x); settyp(y,t_VEC); break;
    case t_MAT:
      lx = lg(x); if (lx==1) return cgetg(1,t_MAT);
      dx = lgcols(x); y = cgetg(dx,t_MAT);
      for (i = 1; i < dx; i++) gel(y,i) = row_transposecopy(x,i);
    default: pari_err_TYPE("gtrans",x); return NULL;
  return y;
Esempio n. 10
// Digit reversal
rev(GEN n, long B)
    pari_sp av = avma;
    if (typ(n) != t_INT)
        pari_err_TYPE("rev", n);
    GEN m = modis(n, B);
    n = divis(n, B);
    pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
    while (signe(n)) {
        m = addis(mulis(m, B), smodis(n, B));
        n = divis(n, B);
        if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
            gerepileall(btop, 2, &m, &n);
    m = gerepilecopy(av, m);
    return m;
Esempio n. 11
vecsum(GEN v)
  pari_sp av = avma;
  long i, l;
  GEN p;
  if (!is_vec_t(typ(v)))
    pari_err_TYPE("vecsum", v);
  l = lg(v);
  if (l == 1) return gen_0;
  p = gel(v,1);
  if (l == 2) return gcopy(p);
  for (i=2; i<l; i++)
    p = gadd(p, gel(v,i));
    if (gc_needed(av, 2))
      if (DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"sum");
      p = gerepileupto(av, p);
  return gerepileupto(av, p);
Esempio n. 12
shallowmatconcat(GEN v)
  long i, j, h, l = lg(v), L = 0, H = 0;
  GEN M, maxh, maxl;
  if (l == 1) return cgetg(1,t_MAT);
    case t_VEC:
      for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
        GEN c = gel(v,i);
        GEN s = _matsize(c);
        H = maxss(H, s[1]);
        L += s[2];
      M = zeromatcopy(H, L);
      L = 0;
      for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
        GEN c = gel(v,i);
        GEN s = _matsize(c);
        matfill(M, c, 0, L, 1);
        L += s[2];
      return M;

    case t_COL:
      for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
        GEN c = gel(v,i);
        GEN s = _matsize(c);
        H += s[1];
        L = maxss(L, s[2]);
      M = zeromatcopy(H, L);
      H = 0;
      for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
        GEN c = gel(v,i);
        GEN s = _matsize(c);
        matfill(M, c, H, 0, 1);
        H += s[1];
      return M;
    case t_MAT:
      h = lgcols(v);
      maxh = zero_zv(h-1);
      maxl = zero_zv(l-1);
      for (j = 1; j < l; j++)
        for (i = 1; i < h; i++)
          GEN c = gcoeff(v,i,j);
          GEN s = _matsize(c);
          if (s[1] > maxh[i]) maxh[i] = s[1];
          if (s[2] > maxl[j]) maxl[j] = s[2];
      for (i = 1, H = 0; i < h; i++) H += maxh[i];
      for (j = 1, L = 0; j < l; j++) L += maxl[j];
      M = zeromatcopy(H, L);
      for (j = 1, L = 0; j < l; j++)
        for (i = 1, H = 0; i < h; i++)
          GEN c = gcoeff(v,i,j);
          matfill(M, c, H, L, minss(maxh[i], maxl[j]));
          H += maxh[i];
        L += maxl[j];
      return M;
      pari_err_TYPE("shallowmatconcat", v);
      return NULL;
Esempio n. 13
File: anal.c Progetto: jkeuffer/pari
eval_mnemonic(GEN str, const char *tmplate)
  pari_sp av=avma;
  ulong retval = 0;
  const char *etmplate = NULL;
  const char *arg;

  if (typ(str)==t_INT) return itos(str);
  if (typ(str)!=t_STR) pari_err_TYPE("eval_mnemonic",str);

  etmplate = strchr(tmplate, '\n');
  if (!etmplate)
    etmplate = tmplate + strlen(tmplate);

  while (1)
    long numarg;
    const char *e, *id;
    const char *negated;                /* action found with 'no'-ID */
    int negate;                 /* Arg has 'no' prefix removed */
    ulong l, action = 0, first = 1, singleton = 0;
    char *buf, *inibuf;
    static char b[80];

    while (isspace((int)*arg)) arg++;
    if (!*arg)
    e = arg;
    while (IS_ID(*e)) e++;
    /* Now the ID is whatever is between arg and e. */
    l = e - arg;
    if (l >= sizeof(b))
      pari_err(e_MISC,"id too long in a stringified flag");
    if (!l)                             /* Garbage after whitespace? */
      pari_err(e_MISC,"a stringified flag does not start with an id");
    strncpy(b, arg, l);
    b[l] = 0;
    arg = e;
    e = inibuf = buf = b;
    while (('0' <= *e) && (*e <= '9'))
    if (*e == 0)
      pari_err(e_MISC,"numeric id in a stringified flag");
    negate = 0;
    negated = NULL;
    id = tmplate;
    while ((id = strstr(id, buf)) && id < etmplate)
      if (IS_ID(id[l])) {       /* We do not allow abbreviations yet */
        id += l;                /* False positive */
      if ((id >= tmplate + 2) && (IS_ID(id[-1])))
        const char *s = id;

        if ( !negate && s >= tmplate+3
            && ((id[-1] == '_') || (id[-1] == '-')) )
        /* Check whether we are preceeded by "no" */
        if ( negate             /* buf initially started with "no" */
            || (s < tmplate+2) || (s[-1] != 'o') || (s[-2] != 'n')
            || (s >= tmplate+3 && IS_ID(s[-3]))) {
          id += l;              /* False positive */
        /* Found noID in the template! */
        id += l;
        negated = id;
        continue;               /* Try to find without 'no'. */
      /* Found as is */
      id += l;
    if ( !id && !negated && !negate
        && (l > 2) && buf[0] == 'n' && buf[1] == 'o' ) {
      /* Try to find the flag without the prefix "no". */
      buf += 2; l -= 2;
      if ((buf[0] == '_') || (buf[0] == '-')) { buf++; l--; }
      negate = 1;
      if (buf[0])
        goto find;
    if (!id && negated) /* Negated and AS_IS forms, prefer AS_IS */
      id = negated;     /* Otherwise, use negated form */
      negate = 1;
    if (!id)
      pari_err(e_MISC,"Unrecognized id '%s' in a stringified flag", inibuf);
    if (singleton && !first)
      pari_err(e_MISC,"Singleton id non-single in a stringified flag");
    if (id[0] == '=') {
      if (negate)
        pari_err(e_MISC,"Cannot negate id=value in a stringified flag");
      if (!first)
        pari_err(e_MISC,"Assign action should be first in a stringified flag");
      action = A_ACTION_ASSIGN;
      if (id[0] == '=') {
        singleton = 1;
    } else if (id[0] == '^') {
      if (id[1] != '~')
        pari_err(e_MISC, "Unrecognized action in a template");
      id += 2;
      if (negate)
        action = A_ACTION_SET;
        action = A_ACTION_UNSET;
    } else if (id[0] == '|') {
      if (negate)
        action = A_ACTION_UNSET;
        action = A_ACTION_SET;

    e = id;

    while ((*e >= '0' && *e <= '9')) e++;
    while (isspace((int)*e))
    if (*e && (*e != ';') && (*e != ','))
      pari_err(e_MISC, "Non-numeric argument of an action in a template");
    numarg = atol(id);          /* Now it is safe to get it... */
    switch (action) {
    case A_ACTION_SET:
      retval |= numarg;
    case A_ACTION_UNSET:
      retval &= ~numarg;
      retval = numarg;
      pari_err(e_MISC,"error in parse_option_string");
    first = 0;
    while (isspace((int)*arg))
    if (*arg && !(ispunct((int)*arg) && *arg != '-'))
      pari_err(e_MISC,"Junk after an id in a stringified flag");
    /* Skip punctuation */
    if (*arg)
  return retval;