void FieldManager::start(std::string fileName, int numberOfThreads) {
   currentIteration = 0;
   stopped = false;
   numberOfiterations = LONG_MAX;
   this->numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads;
Esempio n. 2
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> CSVParser::tableRows(bool reparse) {
    if (_cachedResult.size() == 0 || reparse)
    std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> returnVec;
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _cachedResult.size(); i++)
    return returnVec;
Esempio n. 3
void TestParse::testParse()
	QCOMPARE(parseCSV(0, SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test41.csv"), 0);
	fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);

	QCOMPARE(parseDivingLog(), 0);
	fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);

	QCOMPARE(parseV2NoQuestion(), 0);
	fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);

	QCOMPARE(parseV3(), 0);
	fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);

	QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testout.ssrf"), 0);
		     SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40-42.xml");
Esempio n. 4
std::vector<std::string> CSVParser::tableHeader(bool reparse) {
    if (_cachedResult.size() == 0 || reparse)
    return _cachedResult[0];
 void FieldManager::start(std::string fileName, int numberOfThreads) {
   this->numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads;
   stopped = true;
Esempio n. 6
int main() {
	FILE *fp = fopen("BigShips_1280x720_60Hz_i420_part1_result.csv","w");
	double sheet1[600][3];	//用于存储600条QP、Bits、Y PSNR数据
	double sheet2[600][3];
	double sheet3[600][3];
	double sheet4[600][3];

	double QP[8];
	double R[8];
	double D[8];
	double lambda[8];
	double alpha[4];
	double beta[4];
	double c[4];
	double k[4];

	double Rbudget = 2000.0;	//2000kb/s
	double u;				//u=1/μ
	double low = -10000.0;		//二分法求公式(10)的解,区间下限
	double high = 20000.0;		//二分法求公式(10)的解,区间上限
	int framerate = 60;
	int imageWidth = 1280;
	int imageHeight = 720;

	parseCSV("BigShips_1280x720_60Hz_i420_part1.csv", sheet1, framerate, imageWidth, imageHeight);	//解析CSV文件,将600行R、D、QP存入sheet数组
	parseCSV("BigShips_1280x720_60Hz_i420_part2.csv", sheet2, framerate, imageWidth, imageHeight);
	parseCSV("City_corr_1280x720_60Hz_i420_part1.csv", sheet3, framerate, imageWidth, imageHeight);
	parseCSV("City_corr_1280x720_60Hz_i420_part2.csv", sheet4, framerate, imageWidth, imageHeight);

	for (int i = 0; i < 600; i ++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			QP[j] = sheet1[i + j][0];
			R[j] = sheet1[i + j][1];
			D[j] = sheet1[i + j][2];

			QP[j+2] = sheet2[i + j][0];
			R[j+2] = sheet2[i + j][1];
			D[j+2] = sheet2[i + j][2];

			QP[j+4] = sheet3[i + j][0];
			R[j+4] = sheet3[i + j][1];
			D[j+4] = sheet3[i + j][2];

			QP[j+6] = sheet4[i + j][0];
			R[j+6] = sheet4[i + j][1];
			D[j+6] = sheet4[i + j][2];
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			lambda[j * 2] = exp((QP[j * 2] - 13.7122) / 4.2005);			//用两个QP(对应两个Lamda), 编码出两个R,对应两个D(R)
			lambda[j * 2 + 1] = exp((QP[j * 2 + 1] - 13.7122) / 4.2005);	

			beta[j] = log(R[j * 2] / R[j * 2 + 1]) / log(lambda[j * 2] / lambda[j * 2 + 1]);	//把 α 和 β 求解出来
			alpha[j] = R[j * 2] / pow(lambda[j * 2], beta[j]);

			k[j] = -log(D[j * 2] / D[j * 2 + 1]) / log(R[j * 2] / R[j * 2 + 1]);	//把c k 求解出来
			c[j] = D[j * 2] / pow(R[j * 2], -k[j]);

		u = bisection(Rbudget, high, low, c, k);	//二分法求公式10的解

		fprintf(fp, "R,lambda,QP\n");	//即将保存的数据的表头:R	lambda	QP

		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			R[j] = pow(k[j] * c[j] * u, 1 / (k[j] + 1));			//利用Mu把各对c_i k_i 的 R_i算出来
			lambda[j] = pow(R[j] / alpha[j], 1 / beta[j]);			//利用R_i, 重新求解出λ_i
			QP[j] = 4.2005*log(lambda[j]) + 13.7122;				//利用λ_i重新求解出QP_i
			fprintf(fp, "%lf,%lf,%lf\n", R[j], lambda[j], QP[j]);	//保存数据

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
File: GetRHS.c Progetto: sclc/cacg
void GenVector_ReadCSV(denseType * vector, long length, long num_cols, char* rhsFile, int myid, int numprocs) {
    long idx;
    long local_length, local_length_normal;
    int ierr;
    double * Total_data_buffer;

    int sendCount[numprocs];
    int sendDispls[numprocs];

    long procCounter;
    double normel_ele_num;

    ierr = MPI_Bcast((void*) &length, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    printf("in GetRHS.c, myid=%d, length=%d\n", myid, length);

    local_length_normal = length / numprocs;
    if (myid == numprocs - 1)
        local_length = length - (numprocs - 1) * local_length_normal;
        local_length = local_length_normal;
    normel_ele_num = local_length_normal * num_cols;
    for (procCounter = 0; procCounter < numprocs; procCounter++) {
        sendCount[procCounter] = (int)normel_ele_num;
        sendDispls[procCounter] = (int)procCounter * normel_ele_num;
    sendCount[numprocs - 1] = (int)((length - (numprocs - 1) * local_length_normal) * num_cols);

    printf("in GetRHS.c, myid = %d, local_length=%d\n", myid, local_length);
    vector->local_num_row = local_length;
    vector->local_num_col = num_cols; // only consider
    vector->global_num_row = length;
    vector->global_num_col = num_cols;



    vector->data = (double *) calloc(vector->local_num_row * vector->local_num_col, sizeof (double));

    long local_num_element = vector->local_num_row * vector->local_num_col;

    // rank 0 read CSV
    if (myid == 0) {
        printf("Reading MRHS data from %s ... ...\n", rhsFile);
        parseCSV(rhsFile, &Total_data_buffer, length, num_cols);
        printf("Reading MRHS data from %s done.\n", rhsFile);
#ifdef GenVector_ReadCSV_DB
        //check_csv_array_print(Total_data_buffer, length, num_cols, myid);
        //        exit(0);

    //    // Scatter data

// int MPI_Scatterv(const void *sendbuf, const int *sendcounts, const int *displs,
//                  MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount,
//                  MPI_Datatype recvtype,
//                  int root, MPI_Comm comm)

    ierr = MPI_Scatterv((void*) Total_data_buffer, (int*)sendCount, (int*)sendDispls,
            MPI_DOUBLE, vector->data, (int)local_num_element,
            MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    //    // based on the assumption of equal division of rows among processes 
    vector->start_idx = myid * vector->global_num_col * local_length_normal;
#ifdef GenVector_ReadCSV_DB
    //    if (myid == 0){
    //        check_csv_array_print(vector->data, vector->local_num_row, vector->global_num_col, myid);
    //        printf ("local rows:%d, local cols %d, local nnz:%d\n", vector->local_num_row, vector->local_num_col,local_num_element);
    //    }
    if (myid == numprocs-1) {
        local_dense_mat_print(*vector, myid);
    if (myid == 0) {

PatientT * fetchPatient(char * uuid) {

	fprintf(stderr,"Fetching Patient INFO\n");
	if(patientCache == NULL) {
		patientCache = malloc(sizeof(PatientCacheT));
		if(patientCache == NULL) {
			//malloc error
		else {
			patientCache->item = NULL;
			patientCache->next = NULL;
	//First we need to search the cache for a proper user
	PatientCacheT * currentRecord = patientCache;
	while(true) {
		if(currentRecord->item == NULL) {
			//There is no record, ayyyyy
		//Match found
		if(strncmp(currentRecord->item->uuid, uuid, 33)) {
			return currentRecord->item;
		else {
			currentRecord = currentRecord->next;
	//No record :c
	fprintf(stderr,"NO RECORD SEARCHING FILE\n");
	char fileName[45];
	initializeString(fileName, 45);
	strncat(fileName, "records/", 8);
	strncat(fileName, uuid, 32);
	FILE * userRecords = fopen(fileName, "r");
	char line[500];
	initializeString(line, 500);
	//First thing we wanna read in is the basic information about the user
	fprintf(stderr,"Reading Basic info\n");
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	PatientT * patient = malloc(sizeof(PatientT));
	if(patient == NULL) {
		//Error during malloc
	if(feof(userRecords) && (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == ' ' || line[1] == '\0')) {
		return patient;
	char csvData[10][50];
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	strncpy(patient->uuid, uuid, 33);
	strncpy(patient->firstName, csvData[0], 29);
	strncpy(patient->lastName, csvData[1], 29);
	patient->smokes = (strncmp(csvData[2], "1", 1) == 0) ? true : false;
	strncpy(patient->race, csvData[3], 29);
	strncpy(patient->gender, csvData[4], 29);
	int age = (int) strtol(csvData[5], NULL, 10);
	if(age == 0) {
		//Errored out during conversion
		printf("System errored during age import. Setting age to -1\n");
		age = -1;
	patient->age = age;
	strncpy(patient->ssn, csvData[6], 10);
	strncpy(patient->dateOfBirth, csvData[7], 10);
	fprintf(stderr,"Read basic info\n");

	fprintf(stderr,"Reading insuracne info");
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	InsuranceT * insurance = malloc(sizeof(InsuranceT));
	if(insurance == NULL) {
		//Malloc error
	strncpy(insurance->name, csvData[0], 40);
	strncpy(insurance->policyNumber, csvData[1], 30);
	patient->insurance = insurance;
	//Immunization data
	fprintf(stderr,"Read Immunization");
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	int numberOfRecords = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
	if(numberOfRecords == 0) {
		printf("System errored during Immunization import. Ignoring.");
		numberOfRecords = 0;
	int i = 0;
	ImmunizationListT * lastRecordImmu = malloc(sizeof(ImmunizationListT));
	if(lastRecordImmu == NULL) {
		//Malloc error
	ImmunizationListT * firstRecordImmu = lastRecordImmu;
	for(i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++) {
		if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
			//Error during reading
		parseCSV(line, csvData);
		ImmunizationT * record = malloc(sizeof(ImmunizationT));
		if(record == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		initializeString(record->name, 40);
		initializeString(record->datePerformed, 20);
		initializeString(record->performingPerson, 33);
		strncpy(record->name, csvData[0], 40);
		strncpy(record->datePerformed, csvData[1], 20);
		strncpy(record->performingPerson, csvData[2], 33);
		lastRecordImmu->item = record;
		if(i + 1 >= numberOfRecords) {
			lastRecordImmu->next = NULL;
		lastRecordImmu->next = malloc(sizeof(ImmunizationListT));
		if(lastRecordImmu->next == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		lastRecordImmu = lastRecordImmu->next;
		lastRecordImmu->next = NULL;
	patient->immunizations = firstRecordImmu;
	//Medication data
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	numberOfRecords = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
	if(numberOfRecords == 0) {
		printf("System errored during Medication import. Ignoring.");
		numberOfRecords = 0;
	MedicationListT * lastRecordMedi = malloc(sizeof(MedicationListT));
	if(lastRecordMedi == NULL) {
		//Malloc error
	MedicationListT * firstRecordMedi = lastRecordMedi;
	for(i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++) {
		if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
			//Error during reading
		parseCSV(line, csvData);
		MedicationT * record = malloc(sizeof(MedicationT));
		if(record == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		initializeString(record->prescribingPerson, 33);
		strncpy(record->name, csvData[0], 40);
		const int dosage = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
		if(dosage == 0) {
			printf("System error during Medication import.");
			record->dosage = -1;
		else {
			record->dosage = dosage;
		strncpy(record->prescribingPerson, csvData[2], 33);
		lastRecordMedi->item = record;
		if(i + 1 >= numberOfRecords) {
			lastRecordMedi->next = NULL;
		lastRecordMedi->next = malloc(sizeof(MedicationListT));
		if(lastRecordMedi->next == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		lastRecordMedi = lastRecordMedi->next;
		lastRecordMedi->next = NULL;
	patient->medications = firstRecordMedi;
	//Visits data
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	numberOfRecords = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
	if(numberOfRecords == 0) {
		printf("System error during Visits import. Ignoring.");
		numberOfRecords = 0;
	VisitListT * lastVisitRecord = malloc(sizeof(VisitListT));
	if(lastVisitRecord == NULL) {
		//Malloc error
	VisitListT * firstVisitRecord = lastVisitRecord;
	for(i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++) {
		if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
			//Error during reading
		parseCSV(line, csvData);
		VisitT * record = malloc(sizeof(VisitT));
		if(record == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		initializeString(record->visitDateTime, 19);
		initializeString(record->personSeen, 33);
		const int heartRate = (int) strtol(csvData[0], NULL, 10);
		if(heartRate == 0) {
			printf("System error during Visit import");
			record->heartRate = -1;
		else {
			record->heartRate = heartRate;
		const int bloodPressure = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
		if(bloodPressure == 0) {
			printf("System error during Visit import");
			record->bloodPressure = -1;
		else {
			record->bloodPressure = bloodPressure;
		strncpy(record->visitDateTime, csvData[2], 19);
		strncpy(record->personSeen, csvData[3], 33);
		lastVisitRecord->item = record;
		if(i + 1 >= numberOfRecords) {
			lastVisitRecord->next = NULL;
		lastVisitRecord->next = malloc(sizeof(VisitT));
		if(lastVisitRecord->next == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		lastVisitRecord = lastVisitRecord->next;
		lastVisitRecord->next = NULL;
	patient->visits = firstVisitRecord;
	//Test Result data
	if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
		//Error during reading
	parseCSV(line, csvData);
	numberOfRecords = (int) strtol(csvData[1], NULL, 10);
	if(numberOfRecords == 0) {
		printf("System error during Test Results import. Ignoring.");
		numberOfRecords = 0;
	TestResultListT * lastTestRecord = malloc(sizeof(TestResultListT));
	if(lastTestRecord == NULL) {
		//Malloc error;
	TestResultListT * firstTestRecord = lastTestRecord;
	for(i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++) {
		if(fgets(line, 500, userRecords) == NULL) {
			//Error during reading
		parseCSV(line, csvData);
		TestResultT * record = malloc(sizeof(TestResultT));
		if(record == NULL) {
			//Malloc error
		initializeString(record->testName, 30);
		initializeString(record->testResults, 120);
		strncpy(record->testName, csvData[0], 30);
		strncpy(record->testResults, csvData[1], 120);
		lastTestRecord->item = record;
		if(i + 1 >= numberOfRecords) {
			lastTestRecord->next = NULL;
		lastTestRecord->next = malloc(sizeof(TestResultT));
		if(lastTestRecord->next == NULL) {
			//Malloc error;
		lastTestRecord = lastTestRecord->next;
		lastTestRecord->next = NULL;
	patient->testResults = firstTestRecord;
	//I think we're done here.
	patientCache->item = patient;
	patientCache->next = malloc(sizeof(PatientCacheT));
	if(patientCache->next == NULL) {
	return patient;
Esempio n. 9
File: main.c Progetto: sabra/ppr
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // TODO: Dodelat nacitani parametru z prikazovy radky
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);