Esempio n. 1
// INStatsMgrPimpl::parseCSVScores
// Parse the CSV input file used to save top scores.
void INStatsMgrPimpl::parseCSVScores(char *input)
   Collection<qstring> fields;

   // Go past the first line of input, which consists of column headers
   while(*input && *input != '\n')

   // Parse each remaining line
      parseCSVLine(input, fields);

      if(fields.getLength() >= FIELD_NUMFIELDS)
         int recordType = E_StrToNumLinear(recordTypeNames, INSTAT_NUMTYPES, 

         if(recordType < INSTAT_NUMTYPES)
            in_stat_t *newStats = estructalloc(in_stat_t, 1);

            newStats->levelkey   = fields[FIELD_LEVELKEY  ].duplicate(PU_STATIC);
            newStats->playername = fields[FIELD_PLAYERNAME].duplicate(PU_STATIC);
            newStats->skill      = fields[FIELD_SKILL     ].toInt();
            newStats->value      = fields[FIELD_VALUE     ].toInt();
            newStats->maxValue   = fields[FIELD_MAXVALUE  ].toInt();

            newStats->recordType = recordType;

            // add to hash tables
Esempio n. 2
void StatisticsObject::readHeaderFromFile()
    try {
        QFile inputFile(p_srcFilePath);

        if( == false)

        // cleanup old types

        // scan headerlines first
        // also count the lines per Frame for more efficient memory allocation
        // if an ID is used twice, the data of the first gets overwritten
        bool typeParsingActive = false;
        StatisticsType aType;

        while (!inputFile.atEnd())
            // read one line
            QByteArray aLineByteArray = inputFile.readLine();
            QString aLine(aLineByteArray);

            // get components of this line
            QStringList rowItemList = parseCSVLine(aLine, ';');

            if (rowItemList[0].isEmpty())

            // either a new type or a line which is not header finishes the last type
            if (((rowItemList[1] == "type") || (rowItemList[0][0] != '%')) && typeParsingActive)
                // last type is complete

                // start from scratch for next item
                aType = StatisticsType();
                typeParsingActive = false;

                // if we found a non-header line, stop here
                if( rowItemList[0][0] != '%' )

            if (rowItemList[1] == "type")   // new type
                aType.typeID = rowItemList[2].toInt();

                aType.readFromRow(rowItemList); // get remaining info from row
                typeParsingActive = true;
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "mapColor")
                int id = rowItemList[2].toInt();

                // assign color
                unsigned char r = (unsigned char)rowItemList[3].toInt();
                unsigned char g = (unsigned char)rowItemList[4].toInt();
                unsigned char b = (unsigned char)rowItemList[5].toInt();
                unsigned char a = (unsigned char)rowItemList[6].toInt();
                aType.colorMap[id] = QColor(r,g,b,a);
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "range")
                aType.colorRange = new ColorRange(rowItemList);
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "defaultRange")
                aType.colorRange = new DefaultColorRange(rowItemList);
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "vectorColor")
                unsigned char r = (unsigned char)rowItemList[2].toInt();
                unsigned char g = (unsigned char)rowItemList[3].toInt();
                unsigned char b = (unsigned char)rowItemList[4].toInt();
                unsigned char a = (unsigned char)rowItemList[5].toInt();
                aType.vectorColor = QColor(r,g,b,a);
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "gridColor")
                unsigned char r = (unsigned char)rowItemList[2].toInt();
                unsigned char g = (unsigned char)rowItemList[3].toInt();
                unsigned char b = (unsigned char)rowItemList[4].toInt();
                unsigned char a = 255;
                aType.gridColor = QColor(r,g,b,a);
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "scaleFactor")
                aType.vectorSampling = rowItemList[2].toInt();
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "scaleToBlockSize")
                aType.scaleToBlockSize = (rowItemList[2] == "1");
            else if (rowItemList[1] == "seq-specs")
                QString seqName = rowItemList[2];
                QString layerId = rowItemList[3];
                // For now do nothing with this information.
                // Show the file name for this item instead.
                if (rowItemList[4].toInt()>0)
                if (rowItemList[5].toInt()>0)
                if (rowItemList[6].toDouble()>0.0)


    } // try
    catch ( const char * str ) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing meta data: " << str << '\n';
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data: ") + QString(str));
    catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing meta data.";
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data."));

Esempio n. 3
void StatisticsObject::readStatisticsFromFile(int frameIdx, int typeID)
    try {
        QFile inputFile(p_srcFilePath);

        if( == false)

        StatisticsItem anItem;
        QTextStream in(&inputFile);
        Q_ASSERT_X(p_pocTypeStartList.contains(frameIdx) && p_pocTypeStartList[frameIdx].contains(typeID), "StatisticsObject::readStatisticsFromFile", "POC/type not found in file. Do not call this function with POC/types that do not exist.");
        qint64 startPos = p_pocTypeStartList[frameIdx][typeID];
        if (bFileSortedByPOC)
          // If the statistics file is sorted by POC we have to start at the first entry of this POC and parse the 
          // file until another POC is encountered. If this is not done, some information from a different typeID 
          // could be ignored during parsing.
          // Get the position of the first line with the given frameIdx
          startPos = std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max();
          QMap<int,qint64>::iterator it;
          for (it = p_pocTypeStartList[frameIdx].begin(); it != p_pocTypeStartList[frameIdx].end(); it++)
            if (it.value() < startPos)
              startPos = it.value();

        // fast forward;

        while (!in.atEnd())
            // read one line
            QString aLine = in.readLine();

            // get components of this line
            QStringList rowItemList = parseCSVLine(aLine, ';');

            if (rowItemList[0].isEmpty())

            int poc = rowItemList[0].toInt();
            int type = rowItemList[5].toInt();

            // if there is a new poc, we are done here!
            if( poc != frameIdx )
            // if there is a new type and this is a non interleaved file, we are done here.
            if ( !bFileSortedByPOC && type != typeID )

            int value1 = rowItemList[6].toInt();
            int value2 = (rowItemList.count()>=8)?rowItemList[7].toInt():0;

            int posX = rowItemList[1].toInt();
            int posY = rowItemList[2].toInt();
            unsigned int width = rowItemList[3].toUInt();
            unsigned int height = rowItemList[4].toUInt();

            // Check if block is within the image range
            if (posX + width > p_width || posY + height > p_height) {
              // Block not in image
              throw("A block is outside of the specified image size in the statistics file.");

            StatisticsType *statsType = getStatisticsType(type);
            Q_ASSERT_X(statsType != NULL, "StatisticsObject::readStatisticsFromFile", "Stat type not found.");
            anItem.type = ((statsType->visualizationType == colorMapType) || (statsType->visualizationType == colorRangeType)) ? blockType : arrowType;

            anItem.positionRect = QRect(posX, posY, width, height);

            anItem.rawValues[0] = value1;
            anItem.rawValues[1] = value2;
            anItem.color = QColor();

            if (statsType->visualizationType == colorMapType)
                ColorMap colorMap = statsType->colorMap;
                anItem.color = colorMap[value1];
            else if (statsType->visualizationType == colorRangeType)
                if (statsType->scaleToBlockSize)
                    anItem.color = statsType->colorRange->getColor((float)value1 / (float)(anItem.positionRect.width() * anItem.positionRect.height()));
                    anItem.color = statsType->colorRange->getColor((float)value1);
            else if (statsType->visualizationType == vectorType)
                // find color
                anItem.color = statsType->vectorColor;

                // calculate the vector size
                anItem.vector[0] = (float)value1 / statsType->vectorSampling;
                anItem.vector[1] = (float)value2 / statsType->vectorSampling;

            // set grid color. if unset for this type, use color of type for grid, too
            if (statsType->gridColor.isValid())
                anItem.gridColor = statsType->gridColor;
                anItem.gridColor = anItem.color;


    } // try
    catch ( const char * str ) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing: " << str << '\n';
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data: ") + QString(str));
    catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing.";
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data."));

Esempio n. 4
void StatisticsObject::readFrameAndTypePositionsFromFile()
    try {
        QFile inputFile(p_srcFilePath);

        if( == false)

        int lastPOC = INT_INVALID;
        int lastType = INT_INVALID;
        int numFrames = 0;
        qint64 nextSignalAtByte = 0;
        while (!inputFile.atEnd() && !p_cancelBackgroundParser)
            qint64 lineStartPos = inputFile.pos();

            // read one line
            QByteArray aLineByteArray = inputFile.readLine();
            QString aLine(aLineByteArray);

            // get components of this line
            QStringList rowItemList = parseCSVLine(aLine, ';');

            // ignore empty stuff
            if (rowItemList[0].isEmpty())

            // ignore headers
            if (rowItemList[0][0] == '%')

            // check for POC/type information
            int poc = rowItemList[0].toInt();
            int typeID = rowItemList[5].toInt();

            if (lastType == -1 && lastPOC == -1)
              // First POC/type line
              p_pocTypeStartList[poc][typeID] = lineStartPos;
              lastType = typeID;
              lastPOC = poc;
            else if (typeID != lastType && poc == lastPOC)
                // we found a new type but the POC stayed the same.
                // This seems to be an interleaved file
                // Check if we already collected a start position for this type
                bFileSortedByPOC = true;
                lastType = typeID;
                if (p_pocTypeStartList[poc].contains(typeID))
                    // POC/type start position already collected
                p_pocTypeStartList[poc][typeID] = lineStartPos;
            else if (poc != lastPOC)
                // We found a new POC
                lastPOC = poc;
                lastType = typeID;
                if (bFileSortedByPOC)
                    // There must not be a start position for any type with this POC already.
                    if (p_pocTypeStartList.contains(poc))
                        throw "The data for each POC must be continuous in an interleaved statistics file.";
                    // There must not be a start position for this POC/type already.
                    if (p_pocTypeStartList.contains(poc) && p_pocTypeStartList[poc].contains(typeID))
                        throw "The data for each typeID must be continuous in an non interleaved statistics file.";
                p_pocTypeStartList[poc][typeID] = lineStartPos;

                // update number of frames
                if( poc+1 > numFrames )
                    numFrames = poc+1;
                    p_numberFrames = numFrames;
                    p_endFrame = p_numberFrames - 1;   
                // Update after parsing 5Mb of the file
                if( lineStartPos > nextSignalAtByte )
                    // Set progress text
                    int percent = (int)((double)lineStartPos * 100 / (double)p_numBytes);
                    p_status = QString("Parsing (") + QString::number(percent) + QString("%) ...");
                    emit informationChanged();
                    nextSignalAtByte = lineStartPos + 5000000;
            // typeID and POC stayed the same
            // do nothing
        p_status = "OK";
        emit informationChanged();


    } // try
    catch ( const char * str ) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing meta data: " << str << '\n';
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data: ") + QString(str));
    catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "Error while parsing meta data.";
        setErrorState(QString("Error while parsing meta data."));
