Esempio n. 1
void GUITable::setTextList(const std::vector<std::string> &content,
		bool transparent)

	if (transparent) {
		m_border = false;

	m_is_textlist = true;

	s32 empty_string_index = allocString("");

	for (s32 i = 0; i < (s32) content.size(); ++i) {
		Row *row = &m_rows[i];
		row->cells = new Cell[1];
		row->cellcount = 1;
		row->indent = 0;
		row->visible_index = i;

		Cell *cell = row->cells;
		cell->xmin = 0;
		cell->xmax = 0x7fff;  // something large enough
		cell->xpos = 6;
		cell->content_type = COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT;
		cell->content_index = empty_string_index;
		cell->tooltip_index = empty_string_index;
		cell->color.set(255, 255, 255, 255);
		cell->color_defined = false;
		cell->reported_column = 1;

		// parse row content (color)
		const std::string &s = content[i];
		if (s[0] == '#' && s[1] == '#') {
			// double # to escape
			cell->content_index = allocString(s.substr(2));
		else if (s[0] == '#' && s.size() >= 7 &&
					s.substr(0,7), cell->color, false)) {
			// single # for color
			cell->color_defined = true;
			cell->content_index = allocString(s.substr(7));
		else {
			// no #, just text
			cell->content_index = allocString(s);



	// Clamp scroll bar position
Esempio n. 2
	virtual video::SColor getItemstackColor(const ItemStack &stack,
		Client *client) const
		// Look for direct color definition
		const std::string &colorstring = stack.metadata.getString("color", 0);
		video::SColor directcolor;
		if (!colorstring.empty() && parseColorString(colorstring, directcolor, true))
			return directcolor;
		// See if there is a palette
		Palette *palette = getPalette(, client);
		const std::string &index = stack.metadata.getString("palette_index", 0);
		if (palette && !index.empty())
			return (*palette)[mystoi(index, 0, 255)];
		// Fallback color
		return get(;
Esempio n. 3
bool read_color(lua_State *L, int index, video::SColor *color)
	if (lua_istable(L, index)) {
		*color = read_ARGB8(L, index);
	} else if (lua_isnumber(L, index)) {
		color->set(lua_tonumber(L, index));
	} else if (lua_isstring(L, index)) {
		video::SColor parsed_color;
		if (!parseColorString(lua_tostring(L, index), parsed_color, true))
			return false;

		*color = parsed_color;
	} else {
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 4
void GUITable::setTable(const TableOptions &options,
		const TableColumns &columns,
		std::vector<std::string> &content)

	// Naming conventions:
	// i is always a row index, 0-based
	// j is always a column index, 0-based
	// k is another index, for example an option index

	// Handle a stupid error case... (issue #1187)
	if (columns.empty()) {
		TableColumn text_column;
		text_column.type = "text";
		TableColumns new_columns;
		setTable(options, new_columns, content);

	// Handle table options
	video::SColor default_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
	s32 opendepth = 0;
	for (size_t k = 0; k < options.size(); ++k) {
		const std::string &name = options[k].name;
		const std::string &value = options[k].value;
		if (name == "color")
			parseColorString(value, m_color, false);
		else if (name == "background")
			parseColorString(value, m_background, false);
		else if (name == "border")
			m_border = is_yes(value);
		else if (name == "highlight")
			parseColorString(value, m_highlight, false);
		else if (name == "highlight_text")
			parseColorString(value, m_highlight_text, false);
		else if (name == "opendepth")
			opendepth = stoi(value);
			errorstream<<"Invalid table option: \""<<name<<"\""
				<<" (value=\""<<value<<"\")"<<std::endl;

	// Get number of columns and rows
	// note: error case columns.size() == 0 was handled above
	s32 colcount = columns.size();
	assert(colcount >= 1);
	// rowcount = ceil(cellcount / colcount) but use integer arithmetic
	s32 rowcount = (content.size() + colcount - 1) / colcount;
	assert(rowcount >= 0);
	// Append empty strings to content if there is an incomplete row
	s32 cellcount = rowcount * colcount;
	while (content.size() < (u32) cellcount)

	// Create temporary rows (for processing columns)
	struct TempRow {
		// Current horizontal position (may different between rows due
		// to indent/tree columns, or text/image columns with width<0)
		s32 x;
		// Tree indentation level
		s32 indent;
		// Next cell: Index into m_strings or m_images
		s32 content_index;
		// Next cell: Width in pixels
		s32 content_width;
		// Vector of completed cells in this row
		std::vector<Cell> cells;
		// Stores colors and how long they last (maximum column index)
		std::vector<std::pair<video::SColor, s32> > colors;

		TempRow(): x(0), indent(0), content_index(0), content_width(0) {}
	TempRow *rows = new TempRow[rowcount];

	// Get em width. Pedantically speaking, the width of "M" is not
	// necessarily the same as the em width, but whatever, close enough.
	s32 em = 6;
	if (m_font)
		em = m_font->getDimension(L"M").Width;

	s32 default_tooltip_index = allocString("");

	std::map<s32, s32> active_image_indices;

	// Process content in column-major order
	for (s32 j = 0; j < colcount; ++j) {
		// Check column type
		ColumnType columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT;
		if (columns[j].type == "text")
			columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT;
		else if (columns[j].type == "image")
			columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_IMAGE;
		else if (columns[j].type == "color")
			columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_COLOR;
		else if (columns[j].type == "indent")
			columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_INDENT;
		else if (columns[j].type == "tree")
			columntype = COLUMN_TYPE_TREE;
			errorstream<<"Invalid table column type: \""

		// Process column options
		s32 padding = myround(0.5 * em);
		s32 tooltip_index = default_tooltip_index;
		s32 align = 0;
		s32 width = 0;
		s32 span = colcount;

		if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_INDENT) {
			padding = 0; // default indent padding
		if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_INDENT ||
				columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE) {
			width = myround(em * 1.5); // default indent width

		for (size_t k = 0; k < columns[j].options.size(); ++k) {
			const std::string &name = columns[j].options[k].name;
			const std::string &value = columns[j].options[k].value;
			if (name == "padding")
				padding = myround(stof(value) * em);
			else if (name == "tooltip")
				tooltip_index = allocString(value);
			else if (name == "align" && value == "left")
				align = 0;
			else if (name == "align" && value == "center")
				align = 1;
			else if (name == "align" && value == "right")
				align = 2;
			else if (name == "align" && value == "inline")
				align = 3;
			else if (name == "width")
				width = myround(stof(value) * em);
			else if (name == "span" && columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_COLOR)
				span = stoi(value);
			else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_IMAGE &&
					!name.empty() &&
					string_allowed(name, "0123456789")) {
				s32 content_index = allocImage(value);
			else {
				errorstream<<"Invalid table column option: \""<<name<<"\""
					<<" (value=\""<<value<<"\")"<<std::endl;

		// If current column type can use information from "color" columns,
		// find out which of those is currently active
		if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) {
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				TempRow *row = &rows[i];
				while (!row->colors.empty() && row->colors.back().second < j)

		// Make template for new cells
		Cell newcell;
		memset(&newcell, 0, sizeof newcell);
		newcell.content_type = columntype;
		newcell.tooltip_index = tooltip_index;
		newcell.reported_column = j+1;

		if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) {
			// Find right edge of column
			s32 xmax = 0;
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				TempRow *row = &rows[i];
				row->content_index = allocString(content[i * colcount + j]);
				const core::stringw &text = m_strings[row->content_index];
				row->content_width = m_font ?
					m_font->getDimension(text.c_str()).Width : 0;
				row->content_width = MYMAX(row->content_width, width);
				s32 row_xmax = row->x + padding + row->content_width;
				xmax = MYMAX(xmax, row_xmax);
			// Add a new cell (of text type) to each row
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				newcell.xmin = rows[i].x + padding;
				alignContent(&newcell, xmax, rows[i].content_width, align);
				newcell.content_index = rows[i].content_index;
				newcell.color_defined = !rows[i].colors.empty();
				if (newcell.color_defined)
					newcell.color = rows[i].colors.back().first;
				rows[i].x = newcell.xmax;
		else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_IMAGE) {
			// Find right edge of column
			s32 xmax = 0;
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				TempRow *row = &rows[i];
				row->content_index = -1;

				// Find content_index. Image indices are defined in
				// column options so check active_image_indices.
				s32 image_index = stoi(content[i * colcount + j]);
				std::map<s32, s32>::iterator image_iter =
				if (image_iter != active_image_indices.end())
					row->content_index = image_iter->second;

				// Get texture object (might be NULL)
				video::ITexture *image = NULL;
				if (row->content_index >= 0)
					image = m_images[row->content_index];

				// Get content width and update xmax
				row->content_width = image ? image->getOriginalSize().Width : 0;
				row->content_width = MYMAX(row->content_width, width);
				s32 row_xmax = row->x + padding + row->content_width;
				xmax = MYMAX(xmax, row_xmax);
			// Add a new cell (of image type) to each row
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				newcell.xmin = rows[i].x + padding;
				alignContent(&newcell, xmax, rows[i].content_width, align);
				newcell.content_index = rows[i].content_index;
				rows[i].x = newcell.xmax;
		else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_COLOR) {
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				video::SColor cellcolor(255, 255, 255, 255);
				if (parseColorString(content[i * colcount + j], cellcolor, true))
					rows[i].colors.push_back(std::make_pair(cellcolor, j+span));
		else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_INDENT ||
				columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE) {
			// For column type "tree", reserve additional space for +/-
			// Also enable special processing for treeview-type tables
			s32 content_width = 0;
			if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE) {
				content_width = m_font ? m_font->getDimension(L"+").Width : 0;
				m_has_tree_column = true;
			// Add a new cell (of indent or tree type) to each row
			for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
				TempRow *row = &rows[i];

				s32 indentlevel = stoi(content[i * colcount + j]);
				indentlevel = MYMAX(indentlevel, 0);
				if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE)
					row->indent = indentlevel;

				newcell.xmin = row->x + padding;
				newcell.xpos = newcell.xmin + indentlevel * width;
				newcell.xmax = newcell.xpos + content_width;
				newcell.content_index = 0;
				newcell.color_defined = !rows[i].colors.empty();
				if (newcell.color_defined)
					newcell.color = rows[i].colors.back().first;
				row->x = newcell.xmax;

	// Copy temporary rows to not so temporary rows
	if (rowcount >= 1) {
		for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
			Row *row = &m_rows[i];
			row->cellcount = rows[i].cells.size();
			row->cells = new Cell[row->cellcount];
			memcpy((void*) row->cells, (void*) &rows[i].cells[0],
					row->cellcount * sizeof(Cell));
			row->indent = rows[i].indent;
			row->visible_index = i;

	if (m_has_tree_column) {
		// Treeview: convert tree to indent cells on leaf rows
		for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i) {
			if (i == rowcount-1 || m_rows[i].indent >= m_rows[i+1].indent)
				for (s32 j = 0; j < m_rows[i].cellcount; ++j)
					if (m_rows[i].cells[j].content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE)
						m_rows[i].cells[j].content_type = COLUMN_TYPE_INDENT;

		// Treeview: close rows according to opendepth option
		std::set<s32> opened_trees;
		for (s32 i = 0; i < rowcount; ++i)
			if (m_rows[i].indent < opendepth)

	// Delete temporary information used only during setTable()
	delete[] rows;

	// Clamp scroll bar position
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Irrtum irrtum;

    float        opt_size = 16;
    u32          opt_color = 0xffffffUL;
    float        opt_dpi = 72;
    int          opt_outwidth = 0;
    int          opt_outheight = 0;
    IntervalList opt_ranges;

    struct poptOption poptopts[] = {
        {"size", 's', POPT_ARG_FLOAT, &opt_size, 0, "Set font size in points", "POINTS"},
        {"color", 'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 'c', "Set output color", "NAME|RRGGBB"},
        {"dpi", 'd', POPT_ARG_FLOAT, &opt_dpi, 0, "Set DPI value", "DPI"},
        {"outwidth", 'w', POPT_ARG_INT, &opt_outwidth, 0, "Set width of output image", "PIXELS"},
        {"outheight", 'h', POPT_ARG_INT, &opt_outheight, 0, "Set height of output image. Ignored if --outwidth is not set.", "PIXELS"},
        {"range", 'r', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 'r', "Add character range", "START-END"},
        {"version", 'V', 0, 0, 'V', "Display version number and exit", 0},

    poptContext poptcon = poptGetContext("irrtum",
            argc, const_cast<const char**>(argv), poptopts, 0);
    poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptcon, "[OPTION...] FILE...");
    int rc;
    while ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(poptcon)) > 0) {
        if (rc == 'c') {
            const char *color_str = poptGetOptArg(poptcon);
            if (!parseColorString(color_str, &opt_color)) {
                cerr << color_str << ": invalid color (must be a color name or RRGGBB)" << endl;
                return 1;
        } else if (rc == 'r') {
            const char *range_str = poptGetOptArg(poptcon);
            s32 from, to;
            if (opt_ranges.parseInterval(range_str, from, to)) {
                opt_ranges.addInterval(from, to);
            } else {
                cerr << range_str << ": invalid range (must be FROM-TO)" << endl;
                return 1;
        } else if (rc == 'V') {
            return version(irrtum);
    if (rc < -1) {
        /* an error occurred during option processing */
        cerr << poptBadOption(poptcon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS) << ": "
            << poptStrerror(rc) << endl;
        return 1;

    // Clean character range
    if (opt_ranges.isEmpty())
        opt_ranges.addInterval(32, 255);
    if (opt_ranges.getMin() < IRRTUM_CHAR_MIN)
        cerr << "warning: character ranges below " << IRRTUM_CHAR_MIN << " are ignored" << endl;
    if (opt_ranges.getMax() > IRRTUM_CHAR_MAX)
        cerr << "warning: character ranges above " << IRRTUM_CHAR_MAX << " are ignored" << endl;
    if (opt_ranges.isEmpty())
        cerr << "error: all specified character ranges are ignored, exiting" << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!irrtum.initLibpng())
        cerr << "Unable to initialize libpng: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
        return 1;

    if (!irrtum.initFreetype())
        cerr << "Unable to initialize freetype: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
        return 1;


    const char* filename = poptGetArg(poptcon);
    if (!filename)
        cerr << "irrtum: no input files" << endl;
        return 1;
    while (filename)
        // stage 1: loading the font face
        cerr << "Loading font face: " << filename << endl;
        if (!irrtum.loadFace(filename, opt_size, opt_dpi))
            cerr << filename << ": Unable to load font: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
            return 1;

        // stage 2: building the layout
        if (!irrtum.layout(opt_outwidth, opt_outheight))
            cerr << filename << ": Unable to create layout: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
            return 1;

        // stage 3: drawing an intermediate grayscale bitmap
        if (!irrtum.drawGrayscaleBitmap())
            cerr << filename << ": Unable to draw bitmap font: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
            return 1;

        // stage 4: converting to ARGB and writing the PNG file
        std::string outputFilename = irrtum.getOutputFilename(filename);
        cout << "Writing " << irrtum.getLayoutWidth() << "x" << irrtum.getLayoutHeight() << " PNG image: " << outputFilename << endl;
        if (!irrtum.outputPNG(outputFilename))
            cerr << outputFilename << ": Unable to write PNG: " << irrtum.getLastError() << endl;
            return 1;

        filename = poptGetArg(poptcon);

    return 0;
void getCurrentScheduleLighting(float result[])
{   int now=Time.hour()*60+Time.minute();
    int i=getScheduleRowForTime(now,0);
void initiateSchedule(int i, int fadeMS)
{   currentSchedule=i;
    float a[LEDS];