TEST_P(CsvRecordParserParamTest, Generic){
    const CsvRecordParserConfig& p = GetParam();

    std::string filename = p.filename;

    base::ScopedFile file(filename);
    blockreader::IBlockReaderPtr b = blockreader::BlockReaderFactory::makeBlockReader(base::utils::getExtension(filename));
    splitproducer::ISplitProducerPtr s = splitproducer::SplitProducerFactory::makeSplitProducer(base::utils::getExtension(filename));
    IRecordParserPtr r = RecordParserFactory::makeRecordParser(base::utils::getExtension(filename));

    base::ConfigurationMap blockReaderConf;
    blockReaderConf["blocksize"] = (uint64_t)(32 * 1024 * 1024);
    blockReaderConf["filename"] = filename;

    base::ConfigurationMap splitProducerConf;
    splitProducerConf["delimiter"] = (uint8_t)'\n';
    splitProducerConf["splitStart"] = (uint64_t)0;
    splitProducerConf["splitEnd"] = file.stat().length;
    splitProducerConf["fileEnd"] = file.stat().length;
    splitProducerConf["blockReader"] = b;
    splitProducerConf["skipHeader"] = false;

    base::ConfigurationMap recordParserConf;
    recordParserConf["splitProducer"] = s;
    std::string schema = p.schema;
    recordParserConf["schema"] = parseSchema(schema);
    recordParserConf["delimiter"] = ',';
    recordParserConf["commentCharacter"] = '#';

    // only useful for debugging failures
    recordParserConf["chunkStart"] = (uint64_t)0;
    recordParserConf["chunkEnd"] = (uint64_t)0;
    recordParserConf["url"] = std::string();


    assembler::IAssemblerPtr fakeAssembler = assembler::AssemblerFactory::makeAssembler("fake");

    std::vector<boost::any> records;
    while(r->hasNext()) {
        boost::any record = r->next();

    EXPECT_EQ(records.size(), p.numLines * p.numCols);
    recordparser::CsvRecord csvRecord =
    double value = boost::get<double>(csvRecord.value);
    EXPECT_TRUE(base::utils::areEqual(value, (double)0));
    recordparser::CsvRecord csvRecord2 =
            boost::any_cast<recordparser::CsvRecord>(records[records.size() - 1]);
    double value2 = boost::get<double>(csvRecord2.value);
    EXPECT_TRUE(base::utils::areEqual(value2, (double)(records.size() - 1)));

Esempio n. 2
void SGMLParser :: loadSchema(const char * aSchemaFile) {

	string schemaFileName = aSchemaFile;

	if (mSchemas.size() == 0) {
		// We need to parse it first.
		printf("Parsing first schema\n");
		mSchemas.insert(map<string, TSchemaPtr>::value_type(schemaFileName, mSchema));
	else if (mSchemas.count(schemaFileName)) {
		// We already parsed it once. Just reload it as current.
		map<string, TSchemaPtr>::iterator i = mSchemas.find(schemaFileName);
		printf("Found an existing schema\n");
		mSchema = (*i).second;
	else {
		// There are already schemas parsed, but not the one requested.
		printf("Parsing additional schema\n");
		// Create a new schema to parse into.
		mSchema = TSchemaPtr(new TSchema());
		printf("Setup done. Now assigning\n");
		// Parse the schema and store it.
		mSchemas.insert(map<string, TSchemaPtr>::value_type(schemaFileName, mSchema));

void JsonValidator::readSchema(const char *schema_file)
   std::ifstream t(schema_file);

   // reserver memory for entire schema instead of string class automatic
   // reallocation
   std::string str;
   t.seekg(0, std::ios::end);   
   t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);


Esempio n. 4
      bool parse(const std::string& url) {
          // setup
          protocol = ""; host = ""; port = 0; 
          username = ""; password = ""; path = ""; 
          parameters = ""; anchor =""; pathless = true;

          if (url.size() > YAHTTP_MAX_URL_LENGTH) return false;
          size_t pos = 0;
          if (*(url.begin()) != '/') { // full url?
             if (parseSchema(url, pos) == false) return false;
             if (pathless) {
                parameters = url.substr(pos);
                return true;
             if (parseUserPass(url, pos) == false) return false;
             if (parseHost(url, pos) == false) return false;
          if (parsePath(url, pos) == false) return false;
          if (parseParameters(url, pos) == false) return false;
          return parseAnchor(url, pos);
Esempio n. 5

START_TEST (test_strict_option)
	EXIPSchema schema;
	Parser testParser;
	errorCode tmp_err_code = UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	char exipath[MAX_PATH_LEN + strlen(EMPTY_TYPE_DEFAULT)];
	size_t pathlen;
	FILE *infile;
	struct appData parsingData;

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufContent = 0;
	buffer.bufLen = OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = NULL;
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;

	// Parsing steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(EMPTY_TYPE_SCHEMA, &schema);

	// I.B: Define an external stream for the input to the parser if any
	pathlen = strlen(dataDir);
	memcpy(exipath, dataDir, pathlen);
	exipath[pathlen] = '/';
	memcpy(&exipath[pathlen+1], EMPTY_TYPE_STRICT, strlen(EMPTY_TYPE_STRICT)+1);

	infile = fopen(exipath, "rb" );
		fail("Unable to open file %s", exipath);

	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = readFileInputStream;
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = infile;

	// II: Second, initialize the parser object
	tmp_err_code = initParser(&testParser, buffer, &schema, &parsingData);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == ERR_OK, "initParser returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// III: Initialize the parsing data and hook the callback handlers to the parser object
	parsingData.eventCount = 0;
	parsingData.expectAttributeData = 0;

	testParser.handler.fatalError    = sample_fatalError;
	testParser.handler.error         = sample_fatalError;
	testParser.handler.startElement  = sample_startElement;
	testParser.handler.attribute     = sample_attribute;
	testParser.handler.stringData    = sample_stringData;
	testParser.handler.intData       = sample_intData;

	// IV: Parse the header of the stream

	tmp_err_code = parseHeader(&testParser);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == ERR_OK, "parsing the header returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// V: Parse the body of the EXI stream

	while(tmp_err_code == ERR_OK)
		tmp_err_code = parseNext(&testParser);

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the parser object

	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == PARSING_COMPLETE, "Error during parsing of the EXI body %d", tmp_err_code);
Esempio n. 6
File: exipe.c Progetto: actility/ong
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	errorCode tmp_err_code = UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	FILE *outfile = stdout; // Default is the standard output
	char sourceFile[100];
	EXIPSchema schema;
	EXIPSchema* schemaPtr = NULL;
	int argIndex = 1;

	strcpy(sourceFile, "stdout");

	if(argc >= 2)
		if(strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-help") == 0)
			return 0;
		else if(strstr(argv[argIndex], "-schema") != NULL)
			// Schema enabled encoding is requested.
			// All the xsd files should be passed as comma-separated list
			char* xsdList = argv[argIndex] + 7;

			parseSchema(xsdList, &schema);

			schemaPtr = &schema;

	if(argIndex < argc)
		strcpy(sourceFile, argv[argIndex]);

		outfile = fopen(sourceFile, "wb" );
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s", sourceFile);
			return 1;

	tmp_err_code = encode(schemaPtr, outfile, writeFileOutputStream);

	if(schemaPtr != NULL)

	if(tmp_err_code != ERR_OK)
		printf("\nError (code: %d) during encoding of: %s\n", tmp_err_code, sourceFile);
		printf("\nSuccessful encoding in %s\n", sourceFile);

JsonValidator::JsonValidator(std::string &schema)
   m_primitive = NULL;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	FILE *infile = stdin;
	char sourceFileName[500];
	EXIPSchema schema;
	EXIPSchema* schemaPtr = NULL;
	EXIOptions ops;
	EXIOptions* opsPtr = NULL;
	boolean outOfBandOpts = FALSE;
	unsigned char outFlag = OUT_EXI; // Default output option
	unsigned int argIndex = 1;
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;

	strcpy(sourceFileName, "stdin");
	struct timespec start, stopGrammar, stopGrAndInstance;

	if(argc > 1)
		if(strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-help") == 0)
			return 0;
		else if(strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-exi") == 0)
			outFlag = OUT_EXI;
			if(argc == 2)
				return 0;

			argIndex += 1;
		else if(strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-xml") == 0)
			outFlag = OUT_XML;
			if(argc == 2)
				return 0;

			argIndex += 1;

		if(strstr(argv[argIndex], "-ops") != NULL)
			char *mask = argv[argIndex] + 4;
			outOfBandOpts = TRUE;

			parseOpsMask(mask, &ops);
			opsPtr = &ops;

			argIndex += 1;

		if(strstr(argv[argIndex], "-schema") != NULL)
			char *xsdList = argv[argIndex] + 7;

		    if( clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start) == -1 ) {
		      perror( "clock gettime" );
		      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

			parseSchema(xsdList, &schema);

		    if( clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stopGrammar) == -1 ) {
		      perror( "clock gettime" );
		      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

		    printf( "%ld ; ", ((long) (stopGrammar.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000000) + (long) (stopGrammar.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec));

//		    printf( "SECONDS: %ld\n", (long) (stopGrammar.tv_sec - start.tv_sec));
//		    printf( "NANOSEC: %ld\n", (long) (stopGrammar.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec));

			schemaPtr = &schema;

			argIndex += 1;

	if(argIndex < argc)
		strcpy(sourceFileName, argv[argIndex]);

		infile = fopen(sourceFileName, "rb" );
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s\n", sourceFileName);

	tmp_err_code = decode(schemaPtr, outFlag, infile, outOfBandOpts, opsPtr, readFileInputStream);

	if(schemaPtr != NULL)

    if( clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stopGrAndInstance) == -1 ) {
      perror( "clock gettime" );
      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    printf( "%ld", ((long) (stopGrAndInstance.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000000) + (long) (stopGrAndInstance.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec));

//    printf( "SECONDS: %ld\n", (long) (stopGrAndInstance.tv_sec - start.tv_sec));
//    printf( "NANOSEC: %ld\n", (long) (stopGrAndInstance.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec));

	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		printf("\nError (code: %d) during parsing of the EXI stream: %s\n", tmp_err_code, sourceFileName);
		return 1;
//		printf("\nSuccessful parsing of the EXI stream: %s\n", sourceFileName);
		return 0;
Esempio n. 9
static error_code serializeDevDescMsg(char* buf, unsigned int buf_size, unsigned int* msg_size, DevDescribtion devDesc)
	EXIStream strm;
	String uri;
	String ln;
	String ch;
	QName qname = {&uri, &ln, NULL};
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	EXIPSchema lkab_schema;
	const char *schemafname = "SchemaStrict/lkab-devices-xsd.exi";
	EXITypeClass valueType;

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufLen = buf_size;
	buffer.bufContent = 0;

	// Serialization steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &lkab_schema);

	// I: First initialize the header of the stream

	// II: Set any options in the header, if different from the defaults
	strm.header.has_options = TRUE;

	// III: Define an external stream for the output if any
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;
	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = NULL;

	// IV: Initialize the stream
	tmp_err_code = serialize.initStream(&strm, buffer, &lkab_schema);
	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	// V: Start building the stream step by step: header, document, element etc...
	tmp_err_code += serialize.exiHeader(&strm);

	tmp_err_code += serialize.startDocument(&strm);

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_DEV_DESC_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <DeviceDescription>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_ID_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <id>

	ch.str = devDesc.id;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.id);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // device id

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </id>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_NAME_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <name>

	ch.str = devDesc.name;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.name);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // device name

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </name>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_TYPE_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <type>

	ch.str = devDesc.type;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.type);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // device type

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </type>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_LOCATION_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <location>

	ch.str = devDesc.location;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.location);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // device location

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </location>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_PROSS_VAL_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <processValues>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_NAME_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <name>

	ch.str = devDesc.processValue.name;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.processValue.name);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // processValues name

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </name>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_TYPE_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <type>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ENUM_DATA_VAL_TYPE[devDesc.processValue.type]); // processValues type

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </type>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_IS_READONLY_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <isReadOnly>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.booleanData(&strm, 0); // processValues isReadOnly

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </isReadOnly>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_DESC_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <description>

	ch.str = devDesc.processValue.description;
	ch.length = strlen(devDesc.processValue.description);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ch); // processValues description

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </description>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </processValues>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </DeviceDescription>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endDocument(&strm);

	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	*msg_size = strm.context.bufferIndx + 1;

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the EXI stream object
	tmp_err_code = serialize.closeEXIStream(&strm);

	return EXIP_OK;
Esempio n. 10
static error_code serializeIOMsg(char* buf, unsigned int buf_size, unsigned int* msg_size, BoolValue val)
	EXIStream strm;
	String uri;
	String ln;
	QName qname = {&uri, &ln, NULL};
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	EXIPDateTime dt;
	EXIPSchema lkab_schema;
	const char *schemafname = "SchemaStrict/lkab-devices-xsd.exi";
	EXITypeClass valueType;

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufLen = buf_size;
	buffer.bufContent = 0;

	// Serialization steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &lkab_schema);

	// I: First initialize the header of the stream

	// II: Set any options in the header, if different from the defaults
	strm.header.has_options = TRUE;

	// III: Define an external stream for the output if any
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;
	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = NULL;

	// IV: Initialize the stream
	tmp_err_code = serialize.initStream(&strm, buffer, &lkab_schema);
	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	// V: Start building the stream step by step: header, document, element etc...
	tmp_err_code += serialize.exiHeader(&strm);

	tmp_err_code += serialize.startDocument(&strm);

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_BOOL_VAL_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <BoolValue>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_TIMESTAMP_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <timeStamp>

	dt.presenceMask = FRACT_PRESENCE;

	dt.dateTime.tm_year = val.ts.year;
	dt.dateTime.tm_mon = val.ts.month;
	dt.dateTime.tm_mday = val.ts.mday;
	dt.dateTime.tm_hour = val.ts.hour;
	dt.dateTime.tm_min = val.ts.min;
	dt.dateTime.tm_sec = val.ts.sec;
	dt.fSecs.value = val.ts.msec;
	dt.fSecs.offset = 2;

	tmp_err_code += serialize.dateTimeData(&strm, dt);

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </timeStamp>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_QUAL_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <quality>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&strm, ENUM_DATA_QUALITY[val.quality]); // quality

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </quality>

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_VALUE_STR;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&strm, qname, &valueType); // <value>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.booleanData(&strm, val.val);

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </value>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&strm); // </BoolValue>

	tmp_err_code += serialize.endDocument(&strm);

	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	*msg_size = strm.context.bufferIndx + 1;

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the EXI stream object
	tmp_err_code = serialize.closeEXIStream(&strm);

	return EXIP_OK;
Esempio n. 11

 * Verifies error when more elements than schema maxOccurs permits. Attempts 
 * to encode:
 * <A xmlns='urn:foo'>
 *   <AB/><AC/><AC/><AC/>
 * </A>
START_TEST (test_acceptance_for_A_01b)
	EXIPSchema schema;
	EXIStream testStrm;
	String uri;
	String ln;
	QName qname = {&uri, &ln, NULL};
	const char *schemafname = "testStates/acceptance-xsd.exi";
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	EXITypeClass valueType;
	const String NS_STR = {"urn:foo", 7};
	const String ELEM_A = {"A", 1};
	const String ELEM_AB = {"AB", 2};
	const String ELEM_AC = {"AC", 2};
	const String CH = {"", 0};
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufLen = OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	buffer.bufContent = 0;

	// Serialization steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &schema);

	// I: First initialize the header of the stream

	// II: Set any options in the header, if different from the defaults
	testStrm.header.has_cookie = TRUE;
	testStrm.header.has_options = TRUE;
	testStrm.header.opts.valueMaxLength = 300;
	testStrm.header.opts.valuePartitionCapacity = 50;

	// III: Define an external stream for the output if any
	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = NULL;
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;

	// IV: Initialize the stream
	tmp_err_code = serialize.initStream(&testStrm, buffer, &schema);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "initStream returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// V: Start building the stream step by step: header, document, element etc...
	tmp_err_code += serialize.exiHeader(&testStrm);

	tmp_err_code += serialize.startDocument(&testStrm);

	qname.uri = &NS_STR;
	qname.localName = &ELEM_A;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&testStrm, qname, &valueType);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "serialization returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	qname.localName = &ELEM_AB;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&testStrm, qname, &valueType);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&testStrm, CH);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&testStrm);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "serialization returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	qname.localName = &ELEM_AC;
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&testStrm, qname, &valueType);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&testStrm, CH);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&testStrm);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "serialization returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&testStrm, qname, &valueType);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.stringData(&testStrm, CH);
	tmp_err_code += serialize.endElement(&testStrm);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "serialization returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);
	/* Expect failure when start third AC element */
	tmp_err_code += serialize.startElement(&testStrm, qname, &valueType);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_INCONSISTENT_PROC_STATE, 
	    "Expected EXIP_INCONSISTENT_PROC_STATE, but returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the EXI stream object
	tmp_err_code = serialize.closeEXIStream(&testStrm);
Esempio n. 12

/* Verifies a single global element also used as a reference. */
START_TEST (test_acceptance_for_A_01_exip1)
	EXIPSchema schema;
	FILE *infile;
	Parser testParser;
	const char *schemafname = "testStates/acceptance-xsd.exi";
	const char *exifname = "testStates/acceptance_a_01a.exi";
	char exipath[MAX_PATH_LEN + strlen(exifname)];
	struct appData parsingData;
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufContent = 0;
	buffer.bufLen = INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;

	// Parsing steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &schema);

	// I.B: Define an external stream for the input to the parser if any
	size_t pathlen = strlen(dataDir);
	memcpy(exipath, dataDir, pathlen);
	exipath[pathlen] = '/';
	memcpy(&exipath[pathlen+1], exifname, strlen(exifname)+1);
	infile = fopen(exipath, "rb" );
		fail("Unable to open file %s", exipath);
	buffer.ioStrm.readWriteToStream = readFileInputStream;
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = infile;

	// II: Second, initialize the parser object
	tmp_err_code = initParser(&testParser, buffer, &parsingData);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "initParser returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// III: Initialize the parsing data and hook the callback handlers to the parser object
	parsingData.eventCount = 0;
	parsingData.expectAttributeData = 0;
	if (EXIP_OK != initAllocList(&parsingData.allocList))
		fail("Memory allocation error!");

	testParser.handler.fatalError    = sample_fatalError;
	testParser.handler.error         = sample_fatalError;
	testParser.handler.startDocument = sample_startDocument;
	testParser.handler.endDocument   = sample_endDocument;
	testParser.handler.startElement  = sample_startElement;
	testParser.handler.attribute     = sample_attribute;
	testParser.handler.stringData    = sample_stringData;
	testParser.handler.endElement    = sample_endElement;
	testParser.handler.decimalData   = sample_decimalData;
	testParser.handler.intData       = sample_intData;
	testParser.handler.floatData     = sample_floatData;
	// IV: Parse the header of the stream
	tmp_err_code = parseHeader(&testParser, FALSE);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "parsing the header returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	tmp_err_code = setSchema(&testParser, &schema);
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK, "setSchema() returns an error code %d", tmp_err_code);

	// V: Parse the body of the EXI stream
	while(tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK)
		switch (parsingData.eventCount)
			case 0:
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "SD"));
			case 1:
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "SE"));
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.uri, "urn:foo"));
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.localName, "AB"));
			case 2:
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "CH"));
			case 3:
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "EE"));
			case 4:
				fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "ED"));
				// Unexpected event count caught below.

		tmp_err_code = parseNext(&testParser);
	fail_unless(stringEqualToAscii(parsingData.eventCode, "ED"));

	fail_unless(parsingData.eventCount == 4,
	            "Unexpected event count: %u", parsingData.eventCount);

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the parser object
	fail_unless (tmp_err_code == EXIP_PARSING_COMPLETE, "Error during parsing of the EXI body %d", tmp_err_code);
Esempio n. 13
static error_code parseDevDescMsg(char* buf, unsigned int buf_size, DevDescribtion* devDesc)
	Parser lkabParser;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	struct appDataLKAB parsingData;
	EXIPSchema lkab_schema;
	const char *schemafname = "SchemaStrict/lkab-devices-xsd.exi";

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufLen = buf_size;
	buffer.bufContent = buf_size;

	// Parsing steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &lkab_schema);

	// I: First, define an external stream for the input to the parser if any
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;

	// II: Second, initialize the parser object
	tmp_err_code = initParser(&lkabParser, buffer, &parsingData);
	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	// III: Initialize the parsing data and hook the callback handlers to the parser object

	parsingData.currElementNumber = 0;
	parsingData.devDesc.id[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.location[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.name[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.type[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.processValue.description[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.processValue.name[0] = '\0';
	parsingData.devDesc.processValue.isReadOnly = 0;
	parsingData.devDesc.processValue.type = Bool;

	lkabParser.handler.fatalError = lkab_fatalError;
	lkabParser.handler.error = lkab_fatalError;
	lkabParser.handler.startElement = lkab_startElement_desc;
	lkabParser.handler.stringData = lkab_stringData_desc;
	lkabParser.handler.endElement = lkab_endElement;
	lkabParser.handler.booleanData = lkab_booleanData_desc;

	// IV: Parse the header of the stream

	tmp_err_code = parseHeader(&lkabParser, FALSE);

	tmp_err_code = setSchema(&lkabParser, &lkab_schema);
	// V: Parse the body of the EXI stream

	while(tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK)
		tmp_err_code = parseNext(&lkabParser);

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the parser object


	strcpy(devDesc->id, parsingData.devDesc.id);
	strcpy(devDesc->location, parsingData.devDesc.location);
	strcpy(devDesc->name, parsingData.devDesc.name);
	strcpy(devDesc->type, parsingData.devDesc.type);
	strcpy(devDesc->processValue.description, parsingData.devDesc.processValue.description);
	strcpy(devDesc->processValue.name, parsingData.devDesc.processValue.name);
	devDesc->processValue.isReadOnly = parsingData.devDesc.processValue.isReadOnly;
	devDesc->processValue.type = parsingData.devDesc.processValue.type;

	if(tmp_err_code == EXIP_PARSING_COMPLETE)
		return EXIP_OK;
		return tmp_err_code;
Esempio n. 14
static error_code parseIOMsg(char* buf, unsigned int buf_size, BoolValue *val)
	Parser lkabParser;
	BinaryBuffer buffer;
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	struct appDataLKAB parsingData;
	EXIPSchema lkab_schema;
	const char *schemafname = "SchemaStrict/lkab-devices-xsd.exi";

	buffer.buf = buf;
	buffer.bufLen = buf_size;
	buffer.bufContent = buf_size;
	// Parsing steps:

	// I.A: First, read in the schema
	parseSchema(schemafname, &lkab_schema);

	// I: First, define an external stream for the input to the parser if any
	buffer.ioStrm.stream = NULL;

	// II: Second, initialize the parser object
	tmp_err_code = initParser(&lkabParser, buffer, &parsingData);
	if(tmp_err_code != EXIP_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	// III: Initialize the parsing data and hook the callback handlers to the parser object

	parsingData.currElementNumber = 0;
	parsingData.val.quality = Good;
	parsingData.val.val = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.year = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.month = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.mday = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.hour = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.min = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.sec = 0;
	parsingData.val.ts.msec = 0;

	lkabParser.handler.fatalError = lkab_fatalError;
	lkabParser.handler.error = lkab_fatalError;
	lkabParser.handler.startElement = lkab_startElement_io;
	lkabParser.handler.stringData = lkab_stringData_io;
	lkabParser.handler.endElement = lkab_endElement;
	lkabParser.handler.booleanData = lkab_booleanData_io;
	lkabParser.handler.dateTimeData = lkab_dateTimeData;

	// IV: Parse the header of the stream

	tmp_err_code = parseHeader(&lkabParser, FALSE);

	tmp_err_code = setSchema(&lkabParser, &lkab_schema);
	// V: Parse the body of the EXI stream

	while(tmp_err_code == EXIP_OK)
		tmp_err_code = parseNext(&lkabParser);

	// VI: Free the memory allocated by the parser object


	val->ts = parsingData.val.ts;
	val->val = parsingData.val.val;
	val->quality = parsingData.val.quality;

	if(tmp_err_code == EXIP_PARSING_COMPLETE)
		return EXIP_OK;
		return tmp_err_code;