Esempio n. 1
int parse_desc_file(FILE* f, DESC* desc)
    int c = 0;
    char* value;
    char line[256], buffer[256];

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != 0 && c < 4) {

    	if (sscanf(line, "%s", buffer) != 1)
    		return PARSE_ERROR;

    	value = strchr(buffer, '=');
    	if (!(value && strlen(value) > 1))
    		return PARSE_ERROR;

    	switch (c) {
	    	case 0:
	    		if (!parse_name(value, desc->name))
    				return PARSE_ERROR;

	    	case 1:
    			if (!parse_type(value, &(desc->type)))
    				return PARSE_ERROR;

	    	case 2:
		    	if (!parse_opcode(value, &(desc->opcode)))
	    			return PARSE_ERROR;

		    case 3:
		    	if (desc->type == 'R') {
		    		if (!parse_function(value, &(desc->function)))
	    				return PARSE_ERROR;
		    	else {
		    		desc->function = -1;
    return PARSE_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
/* MU/RT and this should be added to the current chemical potential */
void get_activity_coef(void)
  int i, L;
  double coef;

/* First calculate ln(solvent) if it is implemented */
   /* ln(solvent) implementation */
/* Now calculate the activity coefficient */
  for (i = 1; i <= mr; i++)
    L = ind[i];
    if (VCS_act[L] != MARKER)
      coef = parse_opcode(VCS_act[L]);
      #ifdef DEBUG2
      fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\nln gamma[%2d] = %+4e mu = %+4e sigma = %+4e",i,coef,initial_chem_pot[i],ds[i]);
      ff[i] += alpha*(initial_chem_pot[i] + coef - ff[i]);
Esempio n. 3
// Takes the first expression from a string.
// Pass null to take the next expression out of the string.
c16_expr *get_expr(char *str){
    char *in = (str) ? str : NULL;
    c16_expr *ret = malloc(sizeof(c16_expr));
    char *tok;
    static const char* const bin_ops[][2] = { { "and",   "&&" },
                                              { "or",    "||" },
                                              { "xand",  "!&" },
                                              { "xor",   "!|" },
                                              { "lshift","<<" },
                                              { "rshift",">>" },
                                              { "add",   "+"  },
                                              { "sub",   "-"  },
                                              { "mul",   "*"  },
                                              { "div",   "/"  },
                                              { "mod",   "%"  },
                                              { "min",   ""   },
                                              { "max",   ""   } };
    static const char* const un_ops[][2] =  { { "inv",   "~"  },
                                              { "inc",   "++" },
                                              { "dec",   "--" },
                                              { "set",   "="  },
                                              { "swap",  "\\\\" },
                                              { "gt",    ">"  },
                                              { "lt",    "<"  },
                                              { "gte",   ">=" },
                                              { "lte",   "<=" },
                                              { "eq",    "==" },
                                              { "neq",   "!=" } };
    static const char* const nrp_ops[][2] = { { "push",  ":"  },
                                              { "write", ""   },
                                              { "pop",   "$"  },
                                              { "peek",  "@"  },
                                              { "read",  ""   } };
    static const char* const fr_ops[][2] =  { { "flush", "#"  },
                                              { "halt",  ""   },
                                              { "nop",   ""   } };
    static const char* const jmp_ops[][2] = { { "jmp",   "=>" },
                                              { "jmpt",  "->" },
                                              { "jmpf",  "<-" } };
    int n;
    ret->is_valid = true;
    tok = strtok(in," \n");
    if (!tok){
        ret->op       = OP_TERM;
        ret->param_1  = no_param;
        ret->param_2  = no_param;
        ret->param_3  = no_param;
        ret->str_data = NULL;
        return ret;
    if (tok[0] == '@' && strlen(tok) > 1){
        ret->op       = OP_LABEL;
        ret->param_1  = no_param;
        ret->param_2  = no_param;
        ret->param_3  = no_param;
        ret->str_data = &tok[1];
        v_msgf("Adding label to expr list: '%s'\n",tok);
        return ret;
    if (!strcmp(tok,"mset") || !strcmp(tok,":=")){
        ret->op = OP_MSET_;
        ret->param_1  = next_param();
        ret->param_2  = next_param();
        ret->param_3  = no_param;
        ret->str_data = NULL;
        return ret;
    for (n = 0;n < 13;n++){
        if (!strcmp(tok,bin_ops[n][0])
            || !strcmp(tok,bin_ops[n][1])){
            ret->op       = parse_opcode(tok);
            ret->param_1  = next_param();
            ret->param_2  = next_param();
            ret->param_3  = next_param();
            ret->str_data = NULL;
            return ret;
    for (n = 0;n < 11;n++){
        if (!strcmp(tok,un_ops[n][0])
            || !strcmp(tok,un_ops[n][1])){
            ret->op       = parse_opcode(tok);
            ret->param_1  = next_param();
            ret->param_2  = next_param();
            ret->param_3  = no_param;
            ret->str_data = NULL;
            return ret;
    for (n = 0;n < 5;n++){
        if (!strcmp(tok,nrp_ops[n][0])
            || !strcmp(tok,nrp_ops[n][1])){
            ret->op       = parse_opcode(tok);
            ret->param_1  = next_param();
            ret->param_2  = no_param;
            ret->param_3  = no_param;
            ret->str_data = NULL;
            return ret;
    for (n = 0;n < 3;n++){
        if (!strcmp(tok,fr_ops[n][0])
            || !strcmp(tok,fr_ops[n][1])){
            ret->op       = parse_opcode(tok);
            ret->param_1  = no_param;
            ret->param_2  = no_param;
            ret->param_3  = no_param;
            ret->str_data = NULL;
            return ret;
    for (n = 0;n < 3;n++){
        if (!strcmp(tok,jmp_ops[n][0])
            || !strcmp(tok,jmp_ops[n][1])){
            ret->op            = parse_opcode(tok);
            ret->param_1       = malloc(sizeof(c16_param));
            ret->param_1->type = WORDLIT_PARAM;
            ret->param_1->data = 0;
            ret->param_2       = no_param;
            ret->param_3       = no_param;
            ret->str_data      = strdup(strtok(NULL," \n"));
            return ret;
    v_msgf("Read an unreckognized token: '%s'\n",tok);
    no_param = malloc(sizeof(c16_param));
    no_param->type = NO_PARAM;
    no_param->str  = NULL;
    ret->op        = OP_INVALID;
    ret->param_1   = no_param;
    ret->param_2   = no_param;
    ret->param_3   = no_param;
    ret->str_data  = strdup(tok);
    return ret;
Esempio n. 4
void debugger()
  int n, i;
  fd_set input_set;
  uint8_t dbg_z_instr;
  uint8_t dbg_z_instr_form;
  uint8_t dbg_number_of_operands;
  uint8_t *dbg_pc = pc;

  debugger_output(newsockfd, "\nEntering debugger.\n");

    sprintf(buffer, "\n: %6lx: %d %d %d\n", (long)(pc - z_mem),
        dbg_z_instr, dbg_z_instr_form, dbg_number_of_operands);
    debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
    for (i=0; i<number_of_locals_active; i++)
      if (i != 0)
        debugger_output(newsockfd, " ");
      sprintf(buffer, "L%02d:%x", i, local_variable_storage_index[i]);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
    debugger_output(newsockfd, "\n# ");

    FD_SET(newsockfd, &input_set);
    while (select(newsockfd+1, &input_set, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)
      if (errno != EINTR) 
        debugger_output(newsockfd, "select() socket error.\n");

    n = read(newsockfd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE-1);
    while (n < 0)
      if (errno != EINTR) 
        debugger_output(newsockfd, "read() socket error.\n");
    if (n > 2)
      *buffer = 0;

    debugger_output(newsockfd, "\n");
    if ( (strcmp(buffer, "exit") == 0) || (strcmp(buffer, "quit") == 0) )
    else if (strcmp(buffer, "help") == 0)
      debugger_output(newsockfd, "Valid commands:\n");
      debugger_output(newsockfd, " - stack:       Dump stack contents.\n");
          " - story:       Print story file information.\n");
      debugger_output(newsockfd, " - exit, quit:  Leave debugger.\n");
    else if (strcmp(buffer, "stack") == 0)
      i = 0;
      n = z_stack_index - z_stack;
      while (i < n)
        if ( (i % 8) == 0)
          if (i > 0)
            debugger_output(newsockfd, "\n");
          sprintf(buffer, "%06x:", i);
          debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
        sprintf(buffer, " %04x", z_stack[i]);
        debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, "\n");
    else if (strcmp(buffer, "story") == 0)
      sprintf(buffer, "Z-Story version: %d.\n", active_z_story->version);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "Release code: %d.\n", active_z_story->release_code);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "Serial code: %s.\n", active_z_story->serial_code);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "Checksum: %d.\n", active_z_story->checksum);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "Dynamic memory end: $%lx.\n",
          (long)(active_z_story->dynamic_memory_end - z_mem));
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "Static memory end: $%lx.\n",
          (long)(active_z_story->static_memory_end - z_mem));
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "High memory: $%lx.\n",
          (long)(active_z_story->high_memory - z_mem));
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      sprintf(buffer, "High memory end: $%lx.\n",
          (long)(active_z_story->high_memory_end - z_mem));
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, "Unknown command \"");
      debugger_output(newsockfd, buffer);
      debugger_output(newsockfd, "\".\n");
  debugger_output(newsockfd, "Leaving debugger.\n");

Esempio n. 5
/* using fel[], tmole1[] & wt[] as temporary values */
enum path calc_result(void)
  #ifdef DEBUG3
  int i,j,k;                      /* loop counters , temp values */
  int   mr1;
  double  g;
  #ifdef DEBUG2
  int   L;
  double  lnK;

  #ifdef DEBUG1
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\nTransfering data to spreadsheet");
  #ifdef DEBUG3
  j = mr + 1;
  k = nr + 1;
  for (i = 1; i <= nr; i++) {
    dg[j] = dg[k];
  for (i = 1; i < MAXPHASE; i++)
    tmole1[i] = 0.0;
  /* first calculate total mass */
  /* we will use fel as the temp variable for the mass% */
  /* and tmole1 as the total mass for the phase */
  for ( i = 1; i <= mr; i++ )
    fel[i] = c_mole_mass(VCS_specie[ind[i]])*w[i];
    tmole1[si[i]] += fel[i];
  /* calculate mass% and mole fractions */
  for (i = 1; i <= mr; i++)
    if ( si[i] == SINGLE )
      if ( w[i] == 0.0)
        wt[i] = 0.0;          /* single-species phase */
        fel[i] = 0.0;     /* wt% */
      else if ( w[i] > 0.0 )
        wt[i] = 1.0;          /* mole fraction */
        fel[i] = 100.0;       /* wt% */
      if (tmole1[si[i]] != 0.0)
        wt[i] = w[i]/tmole[si[i]];    /* all other phases */
        fel[i] = fel[i]/tmole1[si[i]]*100.0;
      else fel[i] = 0.0;
  /* --------------- print out the results -------------------- */
  /* --------- to be included ------------*/
  fprintf(debug_prn_file, CONDENSED_ON);
  if (ICONV) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n Convergence criterion not statisfied.");
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n Number of iterations = %3d",iter);
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n Number of times a new stoichiometry matrix was evaluated = %3d\n",nopt);
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"Species       Equilibrium moles  Mole Fraction  DG/RT Reaction  Mass Perc  ln gamma\n");
  /* All the components */
  for (i = 1; i <= nc; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < 10; j++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%c",comp_array[VCS_specie[ind[i]]].name[j]);
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"    ");
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%+.7e  %+.7e                    %8.4f", w[i], wt[i], fel[i] );
    if (VCS_act[ind[i]] != MARKER)
      fprintf(debug_prn_file,"   %8.4f", parse_opcode(VCS_act[ind[i]]));
  /* Now all the reactions */
  for (i = nc+1;i <= mr; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < 10; j++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%c",comp_array[VCS_specie[ind[i]]].name[j]);
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"    ");
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%+.7e  %+.7e  %+.7e    %8.4f", w[i], wt[i], dg[i], fel[i]);
    if (VCS_act[ind[i]] != MARKER)
      fprintf(debug_prn_file,"   %8.4f", parse_opcode(VCS_act[ind[i]]));
  /* print the deleted species */
  if ( mr != m ) {
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n    LESS THAN 1.E-32 MOLES \n");
    mr1 = mr + 1;
    for (i = mr1; i <= m; i++) {
      for(j = 0; j <= 10; j++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%c",comp_array[VCS_specie[ind[i]]].name[j]);
  g = 0.0;
  for (i = 1; i <= no_phases; i++)
    if ( tmole[i] > 0.0 && tinert[i] > 0.0 ) g += tinert[i]*log((double)tinert[i]/tmole[i]);
  for (i =1; i <= mr; i++) g += w[i]*fe[i];
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\nDG/RT = %+.7e",g);
  for (i = 1; i <= no_phases; i++)
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\nTotal phase %1d moles = %+.7e mass = %+.7e kg",i,tmole[i], tmole1[i]/1000.0);
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n\nElemental abundances");
  for (i =1; i <= ne; i++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n           %2d %s   %+.7e",i,Elem_txt[VCS_elem[i]], ga[i]);
  #ifdef DEBUG2
  fprintf(debug_prn_file,"\n\nStoichiometric matrix sc[i][j]\n\n            ");
  for (i = 1; i <= nc; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%c",comp_array[VCS_specie[ind[i]]].name[j]);
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"  ");
  /* now lets calculate ln K for the non-ideal case */
  fprintf(debug_prn_file," Delta Gø  ln K(non-ideal)\n");
  for (i = 1; i <= nr; i++) {
    L = ir[i];
    lnK = ff[L];    /* - ln K */
    g = da[L];    /* delta G */
    for (j = 1; j <= nc; j++)
     g += sc[j][i]*da[j];
     lnK += sc[j][i]*ff[j];
    fprintf(debug_prn_file," 0 = ");
    for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%c",comp_array[VCS_specie[ind[L]]].name[j]);
    fprintf(debug_prn_file," ");
    for (j = 1; j <= nc; j++)
      fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%4.2g     ",sc[j][i]);
    fprintf(debug_prn_file,"%-8.6f  %-8.6f\n", g, -lnK);
  return ( route = RESULT );
Esempio n. 6
int parse_function(char* str, uint* function)
	/* idem, 6 binary digits */
	return parse_opcode(str, function);