Esempio n. 1
**	loadconfig (file, conf)
**	Loads a config file into the "conf" structure pointed to by "z".
**	If "z" is NULL then a new conf struct will be dynamically
**	allocated.
**	If no filename is given the conf struct will be initialized
**	by the builtin default config
zconf_t	*loadconfig (const char *filename, zconf_t *z)
	FILE		*fp;
	char		buf[1023+1];
	unsigned int	line;

	if ( z == NULL )	/* allocate new memory for zconf_t */
		if ( (z = calloc (1, sizeof (zconf_t))) == NULL )
			return NULL;

		if ( filename && *filename )
			memcpy (z, &def, sizeof (zconf_t));	/* init new struct with defaults */

	if ( filename == NULL || *filename == '\0' )	/* no file name given... */
		dbg_val0("loadconfig (NULL)\n");
		memcpy (z, &def, sizeof (zconf_t));		/* ..then init with defaults */
		return z;

	dbg_val1 ("loadconfig (%s)\n", filename);
	set_all_varptr (z);

	if ( (fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL )
		fatal ("Could not open config file \"%s\"\n", filename);

	line = 0;
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
		parseconfigline (buf, ++line, z);

	return z;
Esempio n. 2
zconf_t	*loadconfig_fromstr (const char *str, zconf_t *z)
	char		*buf;
	char		*tok,	*toksave;
	unsigned int	line;

	if ( z == NULL )
		if ( (z = calloc (1, sizeof (zconf_t))) == NULL )
			return NULL;
		memcpy (z, &def, sizeof (zconf_t));		/* init with defaults */

	if ( str == NULL || *str == '\0' )
		dbg_val0("loadconfig_fromstr (NULL)\n");
		memcpy (z, &def, sizeof (zconf_t));		/* init with defaults */
		return z;

	dbg_val1 ("loadconfig_fromstr (\"%s\")\n", str);
	set_all_varptr (z);

	/* str is const, so we have to copy it into a new buffer */
	if ( (buf = strdup (str)) == NULL )
		fatal ("loadconfig_fromstr: Out of memory");

	line = 0;
	tok = strtok_r (buf, STRCONFIG_DELIMITER, &toksave);
	while ( tok )
		parseconfigline (tok, line, z);
		tok = strtok_r (NULL, STRCONFIG_DELIMITER, &toksave);
	free (buf);
	return z;
Esempio n. 3
main(int argc, char **argv)
   const char *fnm_in, *fnm_out;
   char *desc;
   img_point pt;
   int result;
   point *fr = NULL, *to;
   double zMax = -DBL_MAX;
   point *p;
   const char *survey = NULL;
   const char *specfile = NULL;
   img *pimg;
   int have_xsect = 0;


   /* TRANSLATORS: Part of extend --help */
   cmdline_set_syntax_message(/*INPUT_3D_FILE [OUTPUT_3D_FILE]*/267, 0, NULL);
   cmdline_init(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL, help, 1, 2);
   while (1) {
      int opt = cmdline_getopt();
      if (opt == EOF) break;
      if (opt == 's') survey = optarg;
      if (opt == 'p') specfile = optarg;
   fnm_in = argv[optind++];
   if (argv[optind]) {
      fnm_out = argv[optind];
   } else {
      char * base_in = base_from_fnm(fnm_in);
      char * base_out = osmalloc(strlen(base_in) + 8);
      strcpy(base_out, base_in);
      strcat(base_out, "_extend");
      fnm_out = add_ext(base_out, EXT_SVX_3D);

   /* try to open image file, and check it has correct header */
   pimg = img_open_survey(fnm_in, survey);
   if (pimg == NULL) fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_in);

   puts(msg(/*Reading in data - please wait…*/105));

   htab = osmalloc(ossizeof(pfx*) * HTAB_SIZE);
       int i;
       for (i = 0; i < HTAB_SIZE; ++i) htab[i] = NULL;

   do {
      result = img_read_item(pimg, &pt);
      switch (result) {
      case img_MOVE:
	 fr = find_point(&pt);
      case img_LINE:
	 if (!fr) {
	    result = img_BAD;
	 to = find_point(&pt);
	 if (!(pimg->flags & (img_FLAG_SURFACE|img_FLAG_SPLAY)))
	    add_leg(fr, to, pimg->label, pimg->flags);
	 fr = to;
      case img_LABEL:
	 to = find_point(&pt);
	 add_label(to, pimg->label, pimg->flags);
      case img_BAD:
	 fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_in);
      case img_XSECT:
         have_xsect = 1;
   } while (result != img_STOP);

   desc = osstrdup(pimg->title);

   if (specfile) {
      FILE *fs = NULL;
      char *fnm_used;
      /* TRANSLATORS: for extend: */
      printf(msg(/*Applying specfile: “%s”*/521), specfile);
      fs = fopenWithPthAndExt("", specfile, NULL, "r", &fnm_used);
      if (fs == NULL) fatalerror(/*Couldn’t open file “%s”*/93, specfile);
      while (!feof(fs)) {
	 char *lbuf = getline_alloc(fs, 32);
	 if (!lbuf)
	    fatalerror_in_file(fnm_used, lineno, /*Error reading file*/18);
	 parseconfigline(fnm_used, lbuf);

   if (start == NULL) { /* i.e. start wasn't specified in specfile */

      /* start at the highest entrance with some legs attached */
      for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
	 if (p->order > 0 && p->p.z > zMax) {
	    const stn *s;
	    for (s = p->stns; s; s = s->next) {
	       if (s->flags & img_SFLAG_ENTRANCE) {
		  start = p;
		  zMax = p->p.z;
      if (start == NULL) {
	 /* if no entrances with legs, start at the highest 1-node */
	 for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
	    if (p->order == 1 && p->p.z > zMax) {
	       start = p;
	       zMax = p->p.z;
	 /* of course we may have no 1-nodes... */
	 if (start == NULL) {
	    for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
	       if (p->order != 0 && p->p.z > zMax) {
		  start = p;
		  zMax = p->p.z;
	    if (start == NULL) {
	       /* There are no legs - just pick the highest station... */
	       for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		  if (p->p.z > zMax) {
		     start = p;
		     zMax = p->p.z;
	       if (!start) fatalerror(/*No survey data*/43);

   /* TRANSLATORS: for extend:
    * Used to tell the user that a file is being written - %s is the filename
   printf(msg(/*Writing %s…*/522), fnm_out);
   pimg_out = img_open_write(fnm_out, desc, img_FFLAG_EXTENDED);

   /* Only does single connected component currently. */
   do_stn(start, 0.0, NULL, ERIGHT, 0);

   if (have_xsect) {
      /* Read ahead on pimg before writing pimg_out so we find out if an
       * img_XSECT_END comes next. */
      char * label = NULL;
      int flags = 0;
      do {
	 result = img_read_item(pimg, &pt);
	 if (result == img_XSECT || result == img_XSECT_END) {
	    if (label) {
	       if (result == img_XSECT_END)
		  flags |= img_XFLAG_END;
	       img_write_item(pimg_out, img_XSECT, flags, label, 0, 0, 0);
	       label = NULL;
	 if (result == img_XSECT) {
	    label = osstrdup(pimg->label);
	    flags = pimg->flags;
	    pimg_out->l = pimg->l;
	    pimg_out->r = pimg->r;
	    pimg_out->u = pimg->u;
	    pimg_out->d = pimg->d;
      } while (result != img_STOP);


   if (!img_close(pimg_out)) {
      fatalerror(img_error2msg(img_error()), fnm_out);

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;