Esempio n. 1
 bool SSH::findInstallation()
     auto env = new Environment();
     SubutaiLauncher::SubutaiString pathVar(env->getVar("PATH", ""));
     std::vector<std::string> path;
     pathVar.split(':', path);
     FileSystem fs;
     for (auto it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); it++) {
         if (fs.isFileExists(BIN)) {
             _installed = true;
             _path = (*it);
             _location = _path;
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

    // Init controller db file for backend
    Q_INIT_RESOURCE( controllerdb );

    // Uncomment this to enable the message handler for debugging and stack tracing
    // qInstallMessageHandler( phoenixDebugMessageHandler );

    // Handles stuff with the windowing system
    QGuiApplication app( argc, argv );

    // The engine that runs our QML-based UI
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    // Set application metadata
    QGuiApplication::setApplicationDisplayName( QStringLiteral( "Phoenix" ) );
    QGuiApplication::setApplicationName( QStringLiteral( "Phoenix" ) );
    QGuiApplication::setApplicationVersion( QStringLiteral( "0.0.1" ) );
    QGuiApplication::setOrganizationName( QStringLiteral( "Team Phoenix" ) );
    QGuiApplication::setOrganizationDomain( QStringLiteral( "" ) );

    // Figure out the right paths for the environment, and create user storage folders if not already there

    // For release builds, write to a log file along with the console
#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
    QFile logFile( Library::PhxPaths::userDataLocation() % '/' % QStringLiteral( "Logs" ) % '/' %
                   QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( QStringLiteral( "ddd MMM d yyyy - h mm ss AP" ) ) %
                   QStringLiteral( ".log" ) );

    // If this fails... how would we know? :) QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text );
    int logFD = logFile.handle();
    logFP = fdopen( dup( logFD ), "w" );
    qInstallMessageHandler( phoenixDebugMessageLog );

    // Open connections to the SQL databases.

    // Necessary to quit properly
    QObject::connect( &engine, &QQmlApplicationEngine::quit, &app, &QGuiApplication::quit );

    // Register our custom types for use within QML

    // Register our custom QML-accessable/instantiable objects
    qmlRegisterType<Library::PlatformsModel>( "vg.phoenix.models", 1, 0, "PlatformsModel" );
    qmlRegisterType<Library::CollectionsModel>( "vg.phoenix.models", 1, 0, "CollectionsModel" );
    qmlRegisterType<Library::LibraryModel>( "vg.phoenix.models", 1, 0, "LibraryModel" );
    qmlRegisterType<Library::CoreModel>( "vg.phoenix.models", 1, 0, "CoreModel" );
    qmlRegisterType<Library::ImageCacher>( "vg.phoenix.cache", 1, 0, "ImageCacher" );
    qmlRegisterType<GameLauncher>( "vg.phoenix.launcher", 1, 0, "GameLauncher" );

    // Register our custom QML-accessable objects and instantiate them here
    qmlRegisterSingletonType( QUrl( "qrc:/PhxTheme.qml" ), "vg.phoenix.themes", 1, 0, "PhxTheme" );
    qmlRegisterSingletonType<Library::PhxPaths>( "vg.phoenix.paths", 1, 0, "PhxPaths", PhxPathsSingletonProviderCallback );

    qRegisterMetaType<Library::GameData>( "GameData" );

    // Load the root QML object and everything under it
    engine.load( QUrl( QStringLiteral( "qrc:/main.qml" ) ) );

    // Ensure custom controller DB file exists
    QFile gameControllerDBFile( Library::PhxPaths::userDataLocation() % '/' % QStringLiteral( "gamecontrollerdb.txt" ) );

    if( !gameControllerDBFile.exists() ) { QIODevice::ReadWrite );
        QTextStream stream( &gameControllerDBFile );
        stream << "# Insert your custom definitions here" << endl;

    // Set InputManager's custom controller DB file
    QQmlProperty prop( engine.rootObjects().first(), "inputManager.controllerDBFile" );
    Q_ASSERT( prop.isValid() );
    QString path = Library::PhxPaths::userDataLocation() % QStringLiteral( "/gamecontrollerdb.txt" );
    QVariant pathVar( path );
    prop.write( pathVar );

    // Run the app and write return code to the log file if in release mode
#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
    int ret = app.exec();
    fprintf( logFP, "Returned %d", ret );
    fclose( logFP );
    return ret;
    // Otherwise, just run it normally
    return app.exec();
