int web_process_create(const char* appname, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, process_t *pid) { process_create_param_t param; memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(param)); #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) char cmdLine[MAX_PATH] = {0}; snprintf(cmdLine, sizeof(cmdLine)-1, "%s %s %s", appname, arg1, arg2?arg2:""); param.lpCommandLine = cmdLine; char workDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; path_getcwd(workDir, sizeof(workDir)); param.lpCurrentDirectory = workDir; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) param.dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; #endif #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE) param.dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT; #endif #else char* argv[] = { (char*)appname, (char*)arg1, (char*)arg2, NULL }; param.argv = argv; param.envp = envp; #endif return process_createve(appname, ¶m, pid); }
klogger_t* logger_create(const char* path, int level, int mode) { char temp[PATH_MAX] = {0}; klogger_t* logger = create(klogger_t); verify(logger); if (!logger) { return 0; } memset(logger, 0, sizeof(klogger_t)); logger->mode = mode; logger->level = level; logger->lock = lock_create(); verify(logger->lock); if (!path) { /* 日志建立在当前目录 */ path = path_getcwd(temp, sizeof(temp)); strcat(temp, "/knet.log"); } if (mode & logger_mode_file) { verify(path); if (mode & logger_mode_override) { /* 打开并清空 */ logger->fd = fopen(path, "w+"); } else { /* 添加到原有日志 */ logger->fd = fopen(path, "a+"); } if (!logger->fd) { goto fail_return; } } return logger; fail_return: destroy(logger); return 0; }
static int batch_queue_dryrun_create (struct batch_queue *q) { char *cwd = path_getcwd(); batch_queue_set_feature(q, "local_job_queue", NULL); batch_queue_set_feature(q, "batch_log_name", ""); batch_queue_set_option(q, "cwd", cwd); return 0; }
int path_absolute(const char* path, stralloc* sa) { int ret = 0; stralloc_zero(sa); if(!path_isabs(path)) { path_getcwd(sa); stralloc_catc(sa, PATHSEP_C); stralloc_cats(sa, path); return 1; } stralloc_copys(sa, path); return 0; }
int path_lookup (char *search_path, const char *exe, char *dest, size_t destlen) { char *s; char *e; size_t len = strlen(search_path); s = e = search_path; while(e < search_path+len) { DIR *dirp = NULL; while(*e != ':' && *e != '\0') e++; *e = '\0'; if( *s != '/' ){ char tmp[PATH_MAX]; char *cwd; cwd = path_getcwd(); snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cwd, s); free(cwd); s = tmp; } if(( dirp = opendir(s) )) { struct dirent *dp = NULL; while(( dp = readdir(dirp) )) { if( strcmp(dp->d_name, exe) == 0 ) { struct stat sb; char fn[PATH_MAX]; strncpy(fn, s, PATH_MAX); strncat(fn, "/", 1); strcat(fn, dp->d_name); if( stat(fn, &sb) == 0 && sb.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IFREG) ){ strncpy(dest, fn, destlen); closedir(dirp); return 0; } } } closedir(dirp); } *e = ':'; e++; s = e; } return 1; }
static batch_job_id_t batch_job_condor_submit (struct batch_queue *q, const char *cmd, const char *extra_input_files, const char *extra_output_files, struct jx *envlist, const struct rmsummary *resources ) { FILE *file; int njobs; int jobid; const char *options = hash_table_lookup(q->options, "batch-options"); if(setup_condor_wrapper("") < 0) { debug(D_BATCH, "could not create %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(!string_istrue(hash_table_lookup(q->options, "skip-afs-check"))) { char *cwd = path_getcwd(); if(!strncmp(cwd, "/afs", 4)) { debug(D_NOTICE|D_BATCH, "The working directory is '%s':", cwd); debug(D_NOTICE|D_BATCH, "This won't work because Condor is not able to write to files in AFS."); debug(D_NOTICE|D_BATCH, "Instead, run makeflow from a local disk like /tmp."); debug(D_NOTICE|D_BATCH, "Or, use the Work Queue with -T wq and condor_submit_workers."); free(cwd); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } free(cwd); } file = fopen("condor.submit", "w"); if(!file) { debug(D_BATCH, "could not create condor.submit: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } fprintf(file, "universe = vanilla\n"); fprintf(file, "executable =\n"); char *escaped = string_escape_condor(cmd); fprintf(file, "arguments = %s\n", escaped); free(escaped); if(extra_input_files) fprintf(file, "transfer_input_files = %s\n", extra_input_files); // Note that we do not use transfer_output_files, because that causes the job // to get stuck in a system hold if the files are not created. fprintf(file, "should_transfer_files = yes\n"); fprintf(file, "when_to_transfer_output = on_exit\n"); fprintf(file, "notification = never\n"); fprintf(file, "copy_to_spool = true\n"); fprintf(file, "transfer_executable = true\n"); fprintf(file, "keep_claim_idle = 30\n"); fprintf(file, "log = %s\n", q->logfile); const char *c_req = batch_queue_get_option(q, "condor-requirements"); char *bexp = blacklisted_expression(q); if(c_req && bexp) { fprintf(file, "requirements = %s && %s\n", c_req, bexp); } else if(c_req) { fprintf(file, "requirements = %s\n", c_req); } else if(bexp) { fprintf(file, "requirements = %s\n", bexp); } if(bexp) free(bexp); /* Getting environment variables formatted for a condor submit file is very hairy, due to some strange quoting rules. To avoid problems, we simply export vars to the environment, and then tell condor getenv=true, which pulls in the environment. */ fprintf(file, "getenv = true\n"); if(envlist) { jx_export(envlist); } if(options) fprintf(file, "%s\n", options); /* set same deafults as condor_submit_workers */ int64_t cores = 1; int64_t memory = 1024; int64_t disk = 1024; if(resources) { cores = resources->cores > -1 ? resources->cores : cores; memory = resources->memory > -1 ? resources->memory : memory; disk = resources->disk > -1 ? resources->disk : disk; } /* convert disk to KB */ disk *= 1024; if(batch_queue_get_option(q, "autosize")) { fprintf(file, "request_cpus = ifThenElse(%" PRId64 " > TotalSlotCpus, %" PRId64 ", TotalSlotCpus)\n", cores, cores); fprintf(file, "request_memory = ifThenElse(%" PRId64 " > TotalSlotMemory, %" PRId64 ", TotalSlotMemory)\n", memory, memory); fprintf(file, "request_disk = ifThenElse((%" PRId64 ") > TotalSlotDisk, (%" PRId64 "), TotalSlotDisk)\n", disk, disk); } else { fprintf(file, "request_cpus = %" PRId64 "\n", cores); fprintf(file, "request_memory = %" PRId64 "\n", memory); fprintf(file, "request_disk = %" PRId64 "\n", disk); } fprintf(file, "queue\n"); fclose(file); file = popen("condor_submit condor.submit", "r"); if(!file) return -1; char line[BATCH_JOB_LINE_MAX]; while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) { if(sscanf(line, "%d job(s) submitted to cluster %d", &njobs, &jobid) == 2) { pclose(file); debug(D_BATCH, "job %d submitted to condor", jobid); struct batch_job_info *info; info = malloc(sizeof(*info)); memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); info->submitted = time(0); itable_insert(q->job_table, jobid, info); return jobid; } } pclose(file); debug(D_BATCH, "failed to submit job to condor!"); return -1; }
static void start_mesos_scheduler(struct batch_queue *q) { pid_t mesos_pid; mesos_pid = fork(); if (mesos_pid > 0) { debug(D_INFO, "Start makeflow mesos scheduler."); } else if (mesos_pid == 0) { char *mesos_cwd; mesos_cwd = path_getcwd(); char exe_path[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; if(readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe_path, MAX_BUF_SIZE) == -1) { fatal("read \"proc/self/exe\" fail\n"); } char exe_dir_path[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; path_dirname(exe_path, exe_dir_path); char *exe_py_path = string_format("%s/mf_mesos_scheduler", exe_dir_path); char *ld_preload_str = NULL; char *python_path = NULL; if(mesos_preload) { ld_preload_str = string_format("LD_PRELOAD=%s", mesos_preload); } if(mesos_py_path) { char *mesos_python_path = xxstrdup(mesos_py_path); python_path = string_format("PYTHONPATH=%s", mesos_python_path); } char *envs[3]; if(ld_preload_str && python_path) { envs[0] = ld_preload_str; envs[1] = python_path; } else if(!ld_preload_str && python_path) { envs[0] = python_path; } else if(ld_preload_str && !python_path) { envs[0] = ld_preload_str; } else { envs[0] = NULL; } const char *batch_log_name = q->logfile; int mesos_fd = open(batch_log_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (mesos_fd == -1) { fatal("Failed to open %s \n", batch_log_name); } if (dup2(mesos_fd, 1) == -1) { fatal("Failed to duplicate file descriptor: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (dup2(mesos_fd, 2) == -1) { fatal("Failed to duplicate file descriptor: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } close(mesos_fd); execle("/usr/bin/python", "python", exe_py_path, mesos_cwd, mesos_master, (char *) 0, envs); exit(errno); } else { fatal("mesos batch system couldn't create new process: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } }