Esempio n. 1
pc_patch_dimensional_serialized_size(const PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL *patch)
	int i;
	size_t size = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < p->schema->ndims; i++ )
		size += pc_bytes_serialized_size(&(p->bytes[i]));
	return size;
Esempio n. 2
static PCPATCH *
pc_patch_dimensional_deserialize(const SERIALIZED_PATCH *serpatch, const PCSCHEMA *schema)
	// typedef struct
	// {
	//  uint32_t size;
	//  uint32_t pcid;
	//  uint32_t compression;
	//  uint32_t npoints;
	//  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
	//  data:
	//    pcpoint[3] pcstats(min, max, avg)
	//    pcbytes[ndims];
	// }

	int i;
	const uint8_t *buf;
	int ndims = schema->ndims;
	int npoints = serpatch->npoints;
	size_t stats_size = pc_stats_size(schema); // 3 pcpoints worth of stats

	/* Reference the external data */
	patch = pcalloc(sizeof(PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL));

	/* Set up basic info */
	patch->type = serpatch->compression;
	patch->schema = schema;
	patch->readonly = true;
	patch->npoints = npoints;
	patch->bounds = serpatch->bounds;

	/* Point into the stats area */
	patch->stats = pc_patch_stats_deserialize(schema, serpatch->data);

	/* Set up dimensions */
	patch->bytes = pcalloc(ndims * sizeof(PCBYTES));
	buf = serpatch->data + stats_size;

	for ( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
		PCBYTES *pcb = &(patch->bytes[i]);
		PCDIMENSION *dim = schema->dims[i];
		pc_bytes_deserialize(buf, dim, pcb, true /*readonly*/, false /*flipendian*/);
		pcb->npoints = npoints;
		buf += pc_bytes_serialized_size(pcb);

	return (PCPATCH*)patch;
Esempio n. 3
pc_patch_dimensional_from_wkb(const PCSCHEMA *schema, const uint8_t *wkb, size_t wkbsize)
	byte:     endianness (1 = NDR, 0 = XDR)
	uint32:   pcid (key to POINTCLOUD_SCHEMAS)
	uint32:   compression (0 = no compression, 1 = dimensional, 2 = GHT)
	uint32:   npoints
	dimensions[]:  dims (interpret relative to pcid and compressions)
	static size_t hdrsz = 1+4+4+4; /* endian + pcid + compression + npoints */
	uint8_t swap_endian = (wkb[0] != machine_endian());
	uint32_t npoints, ndims;
	const uint8_t *buf;
	int i;

	if ( wkb_get_compression(wkb) != PC_DIMENSIONAL )
		pcerror("%s: call with wkb that is not dimensionally compressed", __func__);
		return NULL;

	npoints = wkb_get_npoints(wkb);
	ndims = schema->ndims;

	patch = pcalloc(sizeof(PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL));
	patch->type = PC_DIMENSIONAL;
	patch->readonly = PC_FALSE;
	patch->schema = schema;
	patch->npoints = npoints;
	patch->bytes = pcalloc(ndims*sizeof(PCBYTES));

	buf = wkb+hdrsz;
	for ( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
		PCBYTES *pcb = &(patch->bytes[i]);
		PCDIMENSION *dim = schema->dims[i];
		pc_bytes_deserialize(buf, dim, pcb, PC_FALSE /*readonly*/, swap_endian);
		pcb->npoints = npoints;
		buf += pc_bytes_serialized_size(pcb);

	return (PCPATCH*)patch;
Esempio n. 4
static PCPATCH *
pc_patch_dimensional_deserialize(const SERIALIZED_PATCH *serpatch, const PCSCHEMA *schema)
    int i;
    const uint8_t *buf;
    int ndims = schema->ndims;
    int npoints = serpatch->npoints;
	/* Reference the external data */
	patch = pcalloc(sizeof(PCPATCH_DIMENSIONAL));

	/* Set up basic info */
    patch->type = PC_DIMENSIONAL;
	patch->schema = schema;
	patch->readonly = true;
	patch->npoints = npoints;
	patch->xmin = serpatch->xmin;
	patch->ymin = serpatch->ymin;
	patch->xmax = serpatch->xmax;
	patch->ymax = serpatch->ymax;

    /* Set up dimensions */
    patch->bytes = pcalloc(ndims * sizeof(PCBYTES));
    buf = serpatch->data;
    for ( i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
        PCBYTES *pcb = &(patch->bytes[i]);
        PCDIMENSION *dim = schema->dims[i];
        pc_bytes_deserialize(buf, dim, pcb, true /*readonly*/, false /*flipendian*/);
        pcb->npoints = npoints;
        buf += pc_bytes_serialized_size(pcb); 

	return (PCPATCH*)patch;