main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /** Check the number of parameters */ if (argc < 3) { /** Tell the user how to run the program */ cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " num_col key_file" << endl; return 1; } mr_init_threading(); PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); SecureSelect *db=NULL; int m=atoi(argv[1]); string key_name(argv[2]); db = new SecureSelect(m,&pfc,pfc.order()); #ifdef VERBOSE int start = getMilliCount(); #endif db->KeyGen(key_name); #ifdef VERBOSE int milliSecondsElapsed = getMilliSpan(start); cout << "\texec time " << milliSecondsElapsed << endl; #endif }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve Big alpha,x,y,key,sA,sB; G1 gIDA,gIDB,dIDA,dIDB,RA,RB; GT K; time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // setup pfc.random(alpha); // extract private key for Alice pfc.hash_and_map(gIDA,(char *)"Alice"); dIDA=pfc.mult(gIDA,alpha); pfc.precomp_for_mult(dIDA); // extract private key for Bob pfc.hash_and_map(gIDB,(char *)"Robert"); dIDB=pfc.mult(gIDB,alpha); pfc.precomp_for_mult(dIDB); // Alice to Bob pfc.random(x); RA=pfc.mult(gIDA,x); // Bob to Alice pfc.random(y); RB=pfc.mult(gIDB,y); // Hash values pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(RA); pfc.add_to_hash(RB); sA=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(RB); pfc.add_to_hash(RA); sB=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); // Alice calculates mutual key K=pfc.pairing(pfc.mult(gIDB,sB)+RB,pfc.mult(dIDA,x+sA)); key=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(K); cout << "Alice's key= " << key << endl; // Bob calculates mutual key K=pfc.pairing(pfc.mult(gIDA,sA)+RA,pfc.mult(dIDB,y+sB)); key=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(K); cout << "Bob's key= " << key << endl; return 0; }
main() { // Set the random seed for A parameter generation srand(time(NULL)); // Load the master secret key from a file string fname; cout << "Insert the name of key file" << endl; cin >> fname; PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl* mip=get_mip(); Big order=pfc.order(); MSK Secret = load_msk(fname, &pfc, mip, order); int len = Secret.len; // Construct a row loaded from a file cout << "Insert the name of the table containing file ("<< len << " cells per row)" << endl; cin >> fname; fstream inputFile(fname); string line, *ROW; string fname2 = fname+"_enc_msgs"; //create_file(fname2); //DEVELOPMENT fname = fname+"_enc_ct"; int i=0; stringstream ss; ss << fname << i; string result = ss.str(); while(ifstream(result)){ i++; stringstream ss; ss << fname << i; result = ss.str(); } while (getline(inputFile, line)){ ROW=create_row2(line,len); time_t seed1,seed2; // Encrypt the row saving it into a file called 'fname_enc_msgs' cout << "Encrypting row " << i+1 << " with n=" << len << endl; time(&seed1); EncryptedRow *ER=Secret.EncRow(ROW, fname2); time(&seed2); cout << "\t" << seed2-seed1 << endl; // Save the encrypted row ciphertext in a file called 'fname_enc_ct' plus a sequential number stringstream ss; ss << fname << i; result = ss.str(); save_er(result, len, ER->ek); i++; } }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl *mip=get_mip(); // get handle on mip (Miracl Instance Pointer) mip->IOBASE=10; std::string test_name; int result = runTests(test_name); print_test_result(result,test_name); return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /** Check the number of parameters */ if (argc < 5) { /** Tell the user how to run the program */ cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " token encrows results num_threads" << endl; return 1; } mr_init_threading(); PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); SecureSelect *db=NULL; int m=0; string query_name(argv[1]); string enctable_name(argv[2]); string results_name(argv[3]); int num_threads = atoi(argv[4]); db = new SecureSelect(&pfc,pfc.order()); if (!ifstream(query_name+"_ptok")){ cout << "Query file doesn't exist" << endl; return 0; } if (!ifstream(enctable_name+"_enc_msgs")){ cout << "Enctable file doesn't exist" << endl; return 0; } #ifdef VERBOSE int start = getMilliCount(); #endif int res_num = db->ApplyPTokenMT(query_name, enctable_name, results_name, num_threads); //int res_num = db->ApplyPToken(query_name, enctable_name, results_name); #ifdef VERBOSE int milliSecondsElapsed = getMilliSpan(start); cout << "\texec time " << milliSecondsElapsed << endl; #endif if(res_num >=0){ cout << res_num << " result(s) found" << endl; return 1; } else return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl *mip=get_mip(); // get handle on mip (Miracl Instance Pointer) mip->IOBASE=10; time_t seed; // crude randomisation. Check if this is the version that is crypto-secure. time(&seed); irand((long)seed); std::string test_name = "Test BLAccessPolicy"; int result = runTests(pfc); print_test_result(result,test_name); return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /** Check the number of parameters */ if (argc < 6) { /** Tell the user how to run the program */ cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " key_file rows encrows noise num_threads" << endl; return 1; } /** Set the random seed for noise parameter generation */ srand(time(NULL)); mr_init_threading(); PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); SecureSelect *db=NULL; int m=0; string key_file(argv[1]); string table_name(argv[2]); string enctable_name(argv[3]); int rand_lim = atoi(argv[4]); int num_threads = atoi(argv[5]); db = new SecureSelect(&pfc,pfc.order()); if(!db->LoadKey(key_file)) return 0; if(rand_lim<1){ cout << "Random paramter < 1, it has to be >= 1" << endl; return 0; } #ifdef VERBOSE int start = getMilliCount(); #endif db->EncryptRowsMT(table_name,enctable_name,rand_lim, num_threads); // db->EncryptRows(table_name,enctable_name,rand_lim); #ifdef VERBOSE int milliSecondsElapsed = getMilliSpan(start); cout << "\texec time " << milliSecondsElapsed << endl; #endif }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); G1 g,h,PA; Big alpha,r,PB; GT t; G2 HW,TW; // keygen pfc.random(g); pfc.precomp_for_mult(g); // precompute on fixed g pfc.random(alpha); // private key h=pfc.mult(g,alpha); // public key pfc.precomp_for_mult(h); // PEKS pfc.random(r); pfc.hash_and_map(HW,(char *)"test"); t=pfc.pairing(HW,pfc.mult(h,r)); PA=pfc.mult(g,r); PB=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(t); // [PA,PB] added to ciphertext // Trapdoor pfc.hash_and_map(HW,(char *)"test"); // key word we are looking for TW=pfc.mult(HW,alpha); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(TW); // Test if (pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.pairing(TW,PA))==PB) cout << "yes" << endl; else cout << "no" << endl; return 0; }
void find(int now,int i,int cur) { int temp=i; if(now>bound) return; if(cur==4) { i++; } for(;i<=9;i++) { if(!flag) { step[now]=i; pfc(i); flag=Is(); find(now+1,i,temp==i?(cur+1):2); pbc(i); } } }
int main() { // miracl *mip = mirsys(5000,0); // C version: this is necessary to get the MIRACL functioning, which means that then I can call Bigs and so forth. // Miracl precision(5,0); // C++ version for the above, together with the next line // miracl* mip = &precision; // The constructor of PFC (in bn_pair.cpp) already invokes mirsys and initializes the mip pointer. // Because of this, I don't do that explicitly here. // It also sets the base to 16, but I include that here for clarity. One should not have to read the code of library classes to understand this code PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl *mip=get_mip(); // get handle on mip (Miracl Instance Pointer) mip->IOBASE=16; time_t seed; // crude randomisation. Check if this is the version that is crypto-secure. time(&seed); irand((long)seed); DEBUG("Calling first constructor"); ShamirTest tests(pfc); int result = tests.runTests(); print_test_result(result,; return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve float ext_time, set_time, enc_time, dec_time; clock_t begin_time; Big q=pfc.order(); Big z,b,SSV,r,H,t; G1 P,Z,R; G2 Q,KB; GT g,w; time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // setup begin_time = clock(); pfc.random(P); pfc.random(Q); g=pfc.pairing(Q,P); pfc.precomp_for_power(g); pfc.random(z); pfc.precomp_for_mult(P); Z=pfc.mult(P,z); pfc.precomp_for_mult(Q); set_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); // extract private key for Robert begin_time = clock(); b=pfc.hash_to_group((char *)"Robert"); KB=pfc.mult(Q,inverse(b+z,q)); ext_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); begin_time = clock(); // verify private key pfc.precomp_for_pairing(KB); // Bob can precompute on his own private key if (pfc.pairing(KB,pfc.mult(P,b)+Z)!=g) { cout << "Bad private key" << endl; exit(0); } // Send session key to Bob cout << "All set to go.." << endl; pfc.rankey(SSV); // random AES key pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(SSV); pfc.add_to_hash(b); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); R=pfc.mult(pfc.mult(P,b)+Z,r); t=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(g,r)); H=lxor(SSV,t); cout << "Encryption key= " << SSV << endl; enc_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); // Receiver begin_time = clock(); t=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.pairing(KB,R)); SSV=lxor(H,t); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(SSV); pfc.add_to_hash(b); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); if (pfc.mult(pfc.mult(P,b)+Z,r)==R) cout << "Decryption key= " << SSV << endl; else cout << "The key is BAD - do not use!" << endl; dec_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); cout << "Setup time: " << set_time << endl; cout << "Extract time: " << ext_time << endl; cout << "Encryption time: " << enc_time << endl; cout << "Decryption time: " << dec_time << endl; cout << " + --------" << endl; cout << "Total time: " << set_time + ext_time + enc_time + dec_time << endl; return 0; }
main() { time_t seed1,seed2; char ctt[300]; PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl* mip=get_mip(); Big order=pfc.order(); // print the number of points on the curve mip->IOBASE=16; ctt<<order; printf("Order: %s\n",ctt); mip->IOBASE=256; time(&seed1); irand((long)seed1); /* G1 aaa1,bb1; G2 aaa2, bb2; pfc.random(aaa1); pfc.hash_and_map(aaa1,(char *) "pippo"); pfc.random(bb1); pfc.hash_and_map(bb1,(char *) "pippo"); if (aaa1==bb1) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Different\n"); pfc.random(aaa2); pfc.hash_and_map(aaa2,(char *) "xypippo"); pfc.random(bb2); pfc.hash_and_map(bb2,(char *) "xypippo"); if (aaa2==bb2) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Different\n"); pfc.random(aaa1); pfc.random(aaa2); GT aaaT=pfc.pairing(aaa2,aaa1); char iv[16]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; char buff[32]={ 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07, 0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17, 0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27, 0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,}; aes context,context1; Big KeyB=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(aaaT); char *KeyC; KeyC=(char *)(&KeyB); aes_init(&context,MR_CBC,16,KeyC,iv); aes_encrypt(&context,buff); KeyB=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(aaaT); KeyC=(char *)(&KeyB); aes_init(&context1,MR_CBC,16,KeyC,iv); aes_decrypt(&context1,buff); for(int i=0;i<32;i++){ if (i%8==0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x",buff[i]); } printf("\n"); */ int n=3; cout << "n=" << n << " (" << SizeOfTable << ")"<< endl; Ipdb a1; a1.GenPar3(&pfc,mip); time(&seed2); /* printf("m=%d ell=%d\n",a1.m,a1.ell); cout << "Gen Param: " << seed2-seed1 << endl; time(&seed1); EncryptedRow *EncryptedTable[SizeOfTable]; char **ROW=new char*[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) ROW[i]=new char[16]; memcpy(ROW[0],"123456789abcdef",16); memcpy(ROW[1],"23456789abcdef1",16); memcpy(ROW[2],"3456789abcdef12",16); memcpy(ROW[3],"456789abcdef123",16); for(int k=0;k<SizeOfTable;k++){ EncryptedTable[k]=a1.EncRow(ROW); } time(&seed2); cout << "Enc Row : " << seed2-seed1 << endl; time(&seed1); int Cell=0; char *CQuery[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ CQuery[i]=new char[16]; memcpy(CQuery[i],ROW[i],16); } CQuery[Cell]=(char *)NULL; QueryKey *QQ=a1.QueryKeyGen(CQuery,Cell); time(&seed2); cout << "Query Gen: " << seed2-seed1 << endl; */ //printf("Checking the subencryption of length 3\n"); //IpdbCT *SubCT=EncryptedTable[0]->ek[1]; //IpdbKey *SubKey=QQ->Key[1]; //GT tmpT=a1.Dec(*SubCT,*SubKey); //if (a1.partial1==tmpT) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Different\n"); G1 tmpG1; a1.pfc->random(tmpG1); GT M=a1.pfc->pairing(a1.g2,tmpG1); Big X[3]; X[0]=0; X[1]=0; X[2]=0; Big s1,s2,s3,s4; a1.pfc->random(s1); a1.pfc->random(s2); a1.pfc->random(s3); a1.pfc->random(s4); IpdbCT *CT3=a1.Enc(M,X,3,0,s1,s2,s3,s4); Big Y[3]; Y[0]=0; Y[1]=0; Y[2]=0; Big lambda1,lambda2; a1.pfc->random(lambda1); a1.pfc->random(lambda2); IpdbKey *Key3=a1.KeyGen(Y,3,0,lambda1,lambda2); GT Res=a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->KA,CT3->A); Res=Res*a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->KB,CT3->B); for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ Res=Res*a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->K1[i],CT3->C1[i]); Res=Res*a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->K2[i],CT3->C2[i]); Res=Res*a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->K3[i],CT3->C3[i]); Res=Res*a1.pfc->pairing(Key3->K4[i],CT3->C4[i]); } GT M88=CT3->C/Res; if (M==M88) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Different\n"); /* time(&seed1); for(int k=0;k<SizeOfTable;k++){ char *MM=a1.DecRow(*(EncryptedTable[k]),*QQ,Cell); //printf("Decrypted message: %s\n",MM); } time(&seed2); //cout << "Dec : " << seed2-seed1 << endl; */ }
string getIbeParams(const char * id) { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve time_t seed; float ext_time, set_time, enc_time, dec_time; clock_t begin_time; Big s,r,sigma,c,M,V,W,sigma_hash; // Although in paper, generator P is an elementof G1, switch to G2 to allow precomputation with MIRACL library G2 P, Ppub, U, rP; G1 Q1, D, rQ; char* bytes; stringstream res; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // Get the miracl instance pointer // Can be used to access various internal parameters associated with the current instance of MIRACL // Set IOBASE to 256 such that Big M can contain all ASCII characters miracl* mip = get_mip(); mip->IOBASE = 16; /********** * SETUP * * happens at the side of the TA ***********/ begin_time = clock(); // Choose a random generator P elementof G2 pfc.random(P); // If an element of G1, G2 or GT is fixed, then it can be // precomputed on, using pfc.precomp_for_mult() for G1 and G2 // and pfc.precomp_for_power() for GT // P becomes read-only from this point onwards pfc.precomp_for_mult(P); // Pick a random s elementof Z_q pfc.random(s); // Set Ppub = sP Ppub = pfc.mult(P, s); set_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); /********** * EXTRACT * * happens at the side of the TA * later on Alice receives D over a secure channel ***********/ begin_time = clock(); // hash public key of Alice to Q1 pfc.hash_and_map(Q1, (char*)id); // Calculate private key of Alice as D=s.Q1 D = pfc.mult(Q1, s); ext_time = getExecutionTime(begin_time); res << D.g; return res.str(); }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl* mip=get_mip(); Big s,r,sigma,c,M,V,W; G2 P,Ppub,U; G1 Alice,D,rA; time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // common values pfc.random(P); pfc.precomp_for_mult(P); // Note that P is a constant - so precompute! pfc.random(s); Ppub=pfc.mult(P,s); // will exploit precomputation on P pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Ppub); // W is a system-wide constant //extract pfc.hash_and_map(Alice,(char *)"Alice"); // Alices public key D=pfc.mult(Alice,s); // Alice's private key //encrypt to (U,V,W) mip->IOBASE=256; M=(char *)"message"; // to be encrypted to Alice cout << "Message to be encrypted= " << M << endl; mip->IOBASE=16; pfc.rankey(sigma); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(sigma); pfc.add_to_hash(M); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); U=pfc.mult(P,r); // will exploit precomputation on P rA=pfc.mult(Alice,r); V=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.pairing(Ppub,rA)); // Use public key - will exploit precomputation on Ppub V=lxor(sigma,V); W=lxor(M,sigma); //decrypt from (U,V,W) sigma=lxor(V,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.pairing(U,D))); // Use private key M=lxor(W,sigma); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(sigma); pfc.add_to_hash(M); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); if (U!=pfc.mult(P,r)) { cout << "CIphertext rejected" << endl; return 0; } mip->IOBASE=256; cout << "Decrypted message= " << M << endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mr_init_threading(); /************************************************* * Get the public parameters from the PKGs * **************************************************/ // Initialise a strong random number generator char raw[256]; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r"); fread(&raw, 1, 256, fp); fclose(fp); time_t seed; csprng rng; time(&seed); strong_init(&rng,strlen(raw),raw,(long)seed); // Make sure all random PFC elements rely on strong random number generator PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY, &rng); miracl *mip = get_mip(); int bytes_per_big=(MIRACL/8)*(get_mip()->nib-1); mip->IOBASE=64; ThreadParams *myParams = new ThreadParams; G2 P; G2 Ppub; G1 Qpriv, Qid; G1 D; /************************************************* * Initialise client side socket for Scramble * **************************************************/ cout << "Socket is ready for Firefox requests. Listening:" << endl; int sockfd, newsockfd; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr; // Initialise the socket descriptor. sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket"); // Bind socket to port serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT_NB); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR on binding"); // Listen to socket and accept incoming connections listen(sockfd,5); clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); *closeSocket = false; //mr_init_threading(); //TODO: make encryption multithreaded paramsInitialised = false; while(!(*closeSocket) ){ newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if (newsockfd < 0) error("ERROR on accept"); if(paramsInitialised == false) { myParams->pfc = &pfc; bool extractionSucceeded = extractPrivateKey(myParams); if(extractionSucceeded == false) { cout << "Some DKGs were dishonest. Please select other DKGs." << endl; return 0; } P = myParams->P; D = myParams->D; Ppub = myParams->Ppub; paramsInitialised = true; } // Initialise new thread //pthread_t sniffer_thread; //pthread_attr_t attributes; ThreadParams *params = new ThreadParams; // params is a pointer to a threadParams struct //params = myParams; params->sockfd = newsockfd; params->pfc = &pfc; params->P = myParams->P; params->Ppub = myParams->Ppub; params->D = myParams->D; processXmlRequest(params); } //mr_end_threading(); sleep(5); return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve time_t seed; G1 Alice,Bob,sA,sB; G2 B6,Server,sS; GT res,sp,ap,bp; Big ss,s,a,b; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); pfc.random(ss); // TA's super-secret cout << "Mapping Server ID to point" << endl; pfc.hash_and_map(Server,(char *)"Server"); cout << "Mapping Alice & Bob ID's to points" << endl; pfc.hash_and_map(Alice,(char *)"Alice"); pfc.hash_and_map(Bob,(char *)"Robert"); cout << "Alice, Bob and the Server visit Trusted Authority" << endl; sS=pfc.mult(Server,ss); sA=pfc.mult(Alice,ss); sB=pfc.mult(Bob,ss); cout << "Alice and Server Key Exchange" << endl; pfc.random(a); // Alice's random number pfc.random(s); // Server's random number res=pfc.pairing(Server,sA); if (!pfc.member(res)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } ap=pfc.power(res,a); res=pfc.pairing(sS,Alice); if (!pfc.member(res)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=pfc.power(res,s); cout << "Alice Key= " << pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(sp,a)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(ap,s)) << endl; cout << "Bob and Server Key Exchange" << endl; pfc.random(b); // Bob's random number pfc.random(s); // Server's random number res=pfc.pairing(Server,sB); if (!pfc.member(res)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } bp=pfc.power(res,b); res=pfc.pairing(sS,Bob); if (!pfc.member(res)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=pfc.power(res,s); cout << "Bob's Key= " << pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(sp,b)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(bp,s)) << endl; return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl *mip=get_mip(); // get handle on mip (Miracl Instance Pointer) Big order=pfc.order(); // get pairing-friendly group order time_t seed; // crude randomisation time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // setup - for 20 attributes 1-20 int i,j,k,n,ik,S[NBOB]; Big s,y,qi,M,ED,t[NATTR]; Big poly[Nd]; G1 P,T[NATTR],E[Nd],AE[NALICE]; G2 Q,AD[NALICE],BD[NBOB]; GT Y,DB; pfc.random(P); pfc.random(Q); pfc.precomp_for_mult(Q); // Q is fixed, so precompute on it pfc.random(y); Y=pfc.power(pfc.pairing(Q,P),y); for (i=0;i<NATTR;i++) { pfc.random(t[i]); // Note t[i] will be 2*AES_SECURITY bits long T[i]=pfc.mult(P,t[i]); // which may be less than the group order. pfc.precomp_for_mult(T[i],TRUE); // T[i] are system params, so precompute on them // Note second parameter indicates that all multipliers // must be <=2*AES_SECURITY bits, which may be shorter // than the full group size. } // key generation for Alice // A d-1 degree polynomial is randomly chosen such that q(0)=y poly[0]=y; for (i=1;i<Nd;i++) pfc.random(poly[i]); // Private key consists of components D_i where D_i=g^(q(i)/t_i) for (j=0;j<NALICE;j++) { i=Alice[j]; qi=y; ik=i; for (k=1;k<Nd;k++) { // evaluate polynomial a0+a1*x+a2*x^2... for x=i; => result is q(i) qi+=modmult(poly[k],(Big)ik,order); ik*=i; qi%=order; } // D_i=g^(q(i)/t_i) AD[j]=pfc.mult(Q,moddiv(qi,t[i],order)); // exploits precomputation } // key generation for Bob poly[0]=y; for (i=1;i<Nd;i++) pfc.random(poly[i]); for (j=0;j<NBOB;j++) { i=Bob[j]; qi=y; ik=i; for (k=1;k<Nd;k++) { // evaluate polynomial a0+a1*x+a2*x^2... for x=i; qi+=modmult(poly[k],(Big)ik,order); ik*=i; qi%=order; } BD[j]=pfc.mult(Q,moddiv(qi,t[i],order)); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(BD[j]); // Bob precomputes on his private key } // Encryption to Alice mip->IOBASE=256; M=(char *)"test message"; cout << "Message to be encrypted= " << M << endl; mip->IOBASE=16; pfc.random(s); ED=lxor(M,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(Y,s))); for (j=0;j<NALICE;j++) { i=Alice[j]; // calculate T_i^s AE[j]=pfc.mult(T[i],s); // exploit precomputation } // Decryption by Bob // set up to exploit multi-pairing G1 *g1[5]; G2 *g2[5]; k=0; for (j=0;j<NBOB;j++) { // check for common attributes i=Bob[j]; n=has_attribute(NALICE,Alice,i); if (n<0) continue; // Alice doesn't have it S[k]=i; E[k]=AE[n]; g2[k]=&BD[j]; k++; } if (k<Nd) { cout << "Bob does not have enough attributes in common with Alice to decrypt successfully" << endl; exit(0); } // faster to multiply in G1 than to exponentiate in GT for (j=0;j<Nd;j++) { i=S[j]; E[j]=pfc.mult(E[j],lagrange(i,S,Nd,order)); g1[j]=&E[j]; } DB=pfc.multi_pairing(Nd,g2,g1); M=lxor(ED,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(DB)); mip->IOBASE=256; cout << "Decrypted message= " << M << endl; return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve Big q=pfc.order(); Big z,b,SSV,r,H,t; G1 P,Z,KB,R; GT g; time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); // setup pfc.random(P); g=pfc.pairing(P,P); pfc.precomp_for_power(g); pfc.random(z); pfc.precomp_for_mult(P); Z=pfc.mult(P,z); // extract private key for Robert b=pfc.hash_to_group((char *)"Robert"); KB=pfc.mult(P,inverse(b+z,q)); // verify private key pfc.precomp_for_pairing(KB); // Bob can precompute on his own private key if (pfc.pairing(KB,pfc.mult(P,b)+Z)!=g) { cout << "Bad private key" << endl; exit(0); } char *bytes; int len=pfc.spill(KB,bytes); // demo - spill precomputation to byte array // Send session key to Bob cout << "All set to go.." << endl; pfc.rankey(SSV); // random AES key pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(SSV); pfc.add_to_hash(b); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); R=pfc.mult(pfc.mult(P,b)+Z,r); t=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(g,r)); H=lxor(SSV,t); cout << "Encryption key= " << SSV << endl; // Receiver pfc.restore(bytes,KB); // restore precomputation for KB from byte array t=pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.pairing(KB,R)); SSV=lxor(H,t); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(SSV); pfc.add_to_hash(b); r=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); if (pfc.mult(pfc.mult(P,b)+Z,r)==R) cout << "Decryption key= " << SSV << endl; else cout << "The key is BAD - do not use!" << endl; return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl* mip=get_mip(); Big order=pfc.order(); Big s,u,a,b,x,c,h,M; G1 P,Ppub,Pa,Pb,R,S,U; G2 Q,Qsa,Qsb,T; GT g,N,V; time_t seed; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); //setup pfc.random(s); pfc.random(P); pfc.random(Q); g=pfc.pairing(Q,P); pfc.precomp_for_power(g); Ppub=pfc.mult(P,s); //Keygen a=pfc.hash_to_group((char *)"Alice"); Qsa=pfc.mult(Q,inverse(modmult(s,a,order),order)); b=pfc.hash_to_group((char *)"Bob"); Qsb=pfc.mult(Q,inverse(modmult(s,b,order),order)); Pa=pfc.mult(Ppub,a); Pb=pfc.mult(Ppub,b); //Signcrypt mip->IOBASE=256; M=(char *)"test message"; // to be signcrypted from Alice to Bob cout << "Signed Message= " << M << endl; mip->IOBASE=16; pfc.precomp_for_mult(Pa); pfc.precomp_for_mult(Qsa); pfc.random(x); N=pfc.power(g,inverse(x,order)); R=pfc.mult(Pa,x); S=pfc.mult(Pb,inverse(x,order)); c=lxor(M,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(N)); pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(R); pfc.add_to_hash(S); pfc.add_to_hash(c); h=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); T=pfc.mult(Qsa,inverse(x+h,order)); // Unsigncrypt pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Qsb); // Bob can precompute on his private key pfc.start_hash(); pfc.add_to_hash(R); pfc.add_to_hash(S); pfc.add_to_hash(c); h=pfc.finish_hash_to_group(); U=pfc.mult(Pa,h); V=pfc.pairing(T,R+U); N=pfc.pairing(Qsb,S); M=lxor(c,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(N)); mip->IOBASE=256; if (V==g) { cout << "Message is OK" << endl; cout << "Verified Message= " << M << endl; } else cout << "Message is bad " << M << endl; return 0; }
int main() { PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl *mip=get_mip(); // get handle on mip (Miracl Instance Pointer) time_t seed; int i,j,k,l,n,m,d,nS; Big **LSSS; int *attr; Big det,order=pfc.order(); // get pairing-friendly group order Big alpha,a,M,CT,s,t; G2 g2,g2a,*h,CD; G1 g1,g1a,K,L,MSK; GT eg2g1a,mask; time(&seed); // initialise (insecure!) random numbers irand((long)seed); // Setup pfc.random(alpha); pfc.random(a); pfc.random(g1); pfc.random(g2); pfc.precomp_for_mult(g1); // g1 is fixed, so precompute on it pfc.precomp_for_mult(g2); // g2 is fixed, so precompute on it eg2g1a=pfc.power(pfc.pairing(g2,g1),alpha); pfc.precomp_for_power(eg2g1a); g1a=pfc.mult(g1,a); g2a=pfc.mult(g2,a); pfc.precomp_for_mult(g2a); // g2a is fixed, so precompute on it h=new G2[U]; for (i=0;i<U;i++) { pfc.random(h[i]); pfc.precomp_for_mult(h[i]); // precompute on h[.] } MSK=pfc.mult(g1,alpha); // Encrypt m=find_m(Access); d=find_d(Access); LSSS=new Big *[m]; for (i=0;i<m;i++) LSSS[i]=new Big[d+1]; // get memory for each row attr=new int [m]; make_LSSS(Access,m,d,LSSS,attr); // create LSSS matrix from Access structure cout << "LSSS matrix " << m << "x" << d << endl; for (i=0;i<m;i++) { for (j=0;j<d;j++) cout << LSSS[i][j] << " "; cout << " " << (char)attr[i] << endl; } cout << endl; mip->IOBASE=256; M=(char *)"test message"; cout << "Message to be encrypted= " << M << endl; mip->IOBASE=16; Big *v=new Big [d]; Big *lambda=new Big [m]; Big *r=new Big [m]; for (i=0;i<d;i++) pfc.random(v[i]); s=v[0]; for (i=0;i<m;i++) pfc.random(r[i]); G2 *C=new G2 [m]; G1 *D=new G1 [m]; for (i=0;i<m;i++) { lambda[i]=0; for (j=0;j<d;j++) lambda[i]+=modmult(LSSS[i][j],v[j],order); lambda[i]%=order; } CT=lxor(M,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(pfc.power(eg2g1a,s))); CD=pfc.mult(g2,s); for (i=0;i<m;i++) { C[i]=pfc.mult(g2a,lambda[i])+pfc.mult(h[attr[i]-'A'],-r[i]); D[i]=pfc.mult(g1,r[i]); } // keygen cout << "Generating keys" << endl; pfc.random(t); K=MSK+pfc.mult(g1a,t); L=pfc.mult(g1,t); G2 *KX=new G2[U]; nS=0; while (auth[nS]!=0) { j=auth[nS++]-'A'; KX[j]=pfc.mult(h[j],t); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(KX[j]); } // decrypt - and apply some optimisations e.g. e(A,B)*e(A,C) = e(A,B+C) cout << "Decrypting" << endl; int *rows=new int [m]; Big *w=new Big [m]; if (!reduce_LSSS(order,m,d,LSSS,attr,auth,rows,w)) { cout << "Unable to decrypt - insufficient attributes" << endl; exit(0); } cout << "reduced matrix= " << m << "x" << d << endl; // Note that w[i] are usually very small, so this is fast G2 TC; for (i=0;i<m;i++) { cout << "w[i]= " << w[i] << endl; TC=TC+pfc.mult(C[rows[i]],w[i]); D[rows[i]]=pfc.mult(D[rows[i]],-w[i]); } TC=-TC; // combine rows which share same attribute for (i=0;i<m;i++) { k=rows[i]; for (j=i+1;j<m;j++) { if (attr[j]==attr[i]) { D[k]=D[k]+D[rows[j]]; // combine them for (n=j;n<m;n++) { rows[n]=rows[n+1]; attr[n]=attr[n+1]; } m--; // delete row } } } G2 **t2=new G2* [m+2]; G1 **t1=new G1* [m+2]; t2[0]=&CD; t1[0]=&K; // e(CD,K) t2[1]=&TC; t1[1]=&L; // e(TC,L) for (i=0;i<m;i++) { t2[i+2]=&KX[attr[i]-'A']; t1[i+2]=&D[rows[i]]; } mask=pfc.multi_pairing(m+2,t2,t1); // most pairings benefit from precomputation M=lxor(CT,pfc.hash_to_aes_key(mask)); mip->IOBASE=256; cout << "Decrypted message= " << M << endl; return 0; }
main() { time_t seed1,seed2; char ctt[300]; PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY); // initialise pairing-friendly curve miracl* mip=get_mip(); Big order=pfc.order(); // print the number of points on the curve mip->IOBASE=16; ctt<<order; printf("Order: %s\n",ctt); mip->IOBASE=256; time(&seed1); irand((long)seed1); Ipdb a1(3); a1.GenPar(&pfc,mip); time(&seed2); G1 tmpG1; a1.pfc->random(tmpG1); GT M=a1.pfc->pairing(a1.g2,tmpG1); Big X[3]; X[0]=1; X[1]=1; X[2]=-1; IpdbCT *CT3=a1.Enc(M,X); #ifdef BBBBB IpdbCT CT3(3); int i; Big s1,s2,s3,s4; Big x[3]; pfc.random(s1); pfc.random(s2); pfc.random(s3); pfc.random(s4); for (i=0;i<3;i++) pfc.random(x[i]); x[0]=1; x[1]=1; x[2]=-1; CT3.A=pfc.mult(a1.g1,s2); CT3.B=pfc.mult(a1.g1_1,s1); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { CT3.C1[i]=pfc.mult(a1.W1[i],s1)+pfc.mult(a1.F1[i],s2)+pfc.mult(a1.U1,modmult(x[i],s3,a1.order)); CT3.C2[i]=pfc.mult(a1.W2[i],s1)+pfc.mult(a1.F2[i],s2)+pfc.mult(a1.U2,modmult(x[i],s3,a1.order)); } for (i=0;i<3;i++) { CT3.C3[i]=pfc.mult(a1.T1[i],s1)+pfc.mult(a1.H1[i],s2)+pfc.mult(a1.V1,modmult(x[i],s4,a1.order)); CT3.C4[i]=pfc.mult(a1.T2[i],s1)+pfc.mult(a1.H2[i],s2)+pfc.mult(a1.V2,modmult(x[i],s4,a1.order)); } GT MME=pfc.power(a1.alpha,s2); CT3.C=M*MME; GT MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("1.Equal\n"); else printf("1.Different\n"); #endif Big Y[3]; Y[0]=1; Y[1]=0; Y[2]=1; IpdbKey *Key3=a1.KeyGen(Y); #ifdef AAAAAA IpdbKey Key3(3); Big v[3], r[3],phi[3]; Big lambda1,lambda2; Big t; for (i=0;i<3;i++) pfc.random(v[i]); inner_product(x,v,order); // frig v such that x.v=0 pfc.random(lambda1); pfc.random(lambda2); for (i=0;i<3;i++){pfc.random(r[i]); pfc.random(phi[i]); } for (i=0;i<3;i++){ t=modmult(lambda1,v[i],a1.order); Key3.K1[i]=pfc.mult(a1.g2,modmult(t,a1.w2[i],order)-modmult(a1.delta2,r[i],order)); Key3.K2[i]=pfc.mult(a1.g2,modmult(a1.delta1,r[i],order)-modmult(t,a1.w1[i],order)); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.K1[i]); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.K2[i]); } for (i=0;i<3;i++){ t=modmult(lambda2,v[i],a1.order); Key3.K3[i]=pfc.mult(a1.g2,modmult(t,a1.t2[i],a1.order)-modmult(a1.theta2,phi[i],a1.order)); Key3.K4[i]=pfc.mult(a1.g2,modmult(a1.theta1,phi[i],a1.order)-modmult(t,a1.t1[i],a1.order)); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.K3[i]); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.K4[i]); } MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("2.Equal\n"); else printf("2.Different\n"); #endif #ifdef AAAAAA Key3.KA=a1.g2_2; for (i=0;i<3;i++){ Key3.KA=Key3.KA+pfc.mult(Key3.K1[i],-a1.f1[i])+pfc.mult(Key3.K2[i],-a1.f2[i])+pfc.mult(Key3.K3[i],-a1.h1[i])+pfc.mult(Key3.K4[i],-a1.h2[i]); Key3.KB=Key3.KB+pfc.mult(a1.g2,-(r[i]+phi[i])%a1.order); } pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.KA); pfc.precomp_for_pairing(Key3.KB); MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("3.Equal\n"); else printf("3.Different\n"); #endif #ifdef AAAAAA G2 **left=new G2*[4*3+2]; G1 **right=new G1*[4*3+2]; left[0]=&Key3.KA; right[0]=&CT3.A; // e(K,CD) left[1]=&Key3.KB; right[1]=&CT3.B; // e(L,TC) int j=2; for (i=0;i<3;i++){ left[j]=&Key3.K1[i]; right[j]=&CT3.C1[i]; j++; left[j]=&Key3.K2[i]; right[j]=&CT3.C2[i]; j++; left[j]=&Key3.K3[i]; right[j]=&CT3.C3[i]; j++; left[j]=&Key3.K4[i]; right[j]=&CT3.C4[i]; j++; } MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("4.Equal\n"); else printf("4.Different\n"); // GT MMD=pfc.multi_pairing(4*3+2,left,right); MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("5.Equal\n"); else printf("5.Different\n"); GT M9; M9=CT3->C/MME; if (M==M9) printf("Equal\n"); else printf("Different\n"); MM1=CT3->C/MME; if (M==MM1) printf("6.Equal\n"); else printf("6.Different\n"); #endif GT M88=a1.Dec(*CT3,*Key3); if (M==M88) printf("88.Equal\n"); else printf("88.Different\n"); }