Esempio n. 1
int NeroMetRecluster::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent){

    if ( mOnlyMc  ) return 0; // in principle I would like to have the gen met: TODO

    // maybe handle should be taken before
    iEvent.getByToken(token, handle);
    if ( not handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle is not valid"<<endl;

    if ( not handle_puppi.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppi is not valid"<<endl;

    if ( not handle_puppiUncorr.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppiUncorr is not valid"<<endl;

    const pat::MET &met = handle->front();

    caloMet_Pt = met.caloMETPt();
    caloMet_Phi = met.caloMETPhi();
    caloMet_SumEt = met.caloMETSumEt();

    // FILL
    new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( met.px(),,met.pz(),  );

    sumEtRaw = met.uncorSumEt();

    ptJESUP -> push_back( met.shiftedPt(pat::MET::JetEnUp) );
    ptJESDOWN -> push_back( met.shiftedPt(pat::MET::JetEnDown) );

    rawMet_Pt = met.uncorPt(); 
    rawMet_Phi = met.uncorPhi();

    if (IsExtend())
        TLorentzVector metnomu(met.px(),,met.pz(),;
        TLorentzVector tkMet(0,0,0,0); 
        TLorentzVector pfmet_3p0(0,0,0,0); 

        if ( pf == NULL ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] PF pointer is null. Run NeroPF. "<<endl; 

        for (unsigned int i = 0, n = pf->handle->size(); i < n; ++i) {
            const pat::PackedCandidate &cand = (*pf->handle)[i];

            // only up to eta 3
            if (std::abs(cand.pdgId()) == 13)
                metnomu += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;  

            // only charge hadrons
            if ( cand.charge() != 0 )
                tkMet += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;

            if (std::abs(cand.eta()) < 3.0 ) 
                pfmet_3p0 += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;

        *pfMet_e3p0 = TLorentzVector( -pfmet_3p0 );
        *metNoMu = TLorentzVector(metnomu);  // no minus
        *trackMet = TLorentzVector( -tkMet );

        auto &puppi = handle_puppi->front(); 
        *metPuppi =  TLorentzVector( puppi.px(),,puppi.pz(), );
        sumEtRawPuppi = handle_puppiUncorr->front().sumEt();

    // GEN INFO
    if ( not iEvent.isRealData () ){
        new ( (*genP4)[genP4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( met.genMET()->px(),met.genMET()->py(),met.genMET()->pz(),met.genMET()->energy()  );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int NeroMet::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent){

    if ( mOnlyMc  ) return 0; // in principle I would like to have the gen met: TODO

    // maybe handle should be taken before
    iEvent.getByToken(token, handle);
    if ( not handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMet]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle is not valid"<<endl;

    if (rerunPuppi) {
        if ( not handle_puppiRerun.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppiRerun is not valid"<<endl;

        if ( not handle_puppiRerunUncorr.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMetRecluster]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppiRerunUncorr is not valid"<<endl;
    } else {
        if ( not handle_puppi.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMet]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppi is not valid"<<endl;

    // -- iEvent.getByToken(token_puppiUncorr,handle_puppiUncorr);
    // -- if ( not handle_puppiUncorr.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMet]::[analyze]::[ERROR] handle_puppiUncorr is not valid"<<endl;

    const pat::MET &met = handle->front();

    caloMet_Pt = met.caloMETPt();
    caloMet_Phi = met.caloMETPhi();
    caloMet_SumEt = met.caloMETSumEt();

    // FILL
    new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( met.px(),,met.pz(),  );

    sumEtRaw = met.uncorSumEt();

    ptJESUP -> push_back( met.shiftedPt(pat::MET::JetEnUp) );
    ptJESDOWN -> push_back( met.shiftedPt(pat::MET::JetEnDown) );

    rawMet_Pt = met.uncorPt(); 
    rawMet_Phi = met.uncorPhi();

    if (IsExtend())
        TLorentzVector metnomu(met.px(),,met.pz(),;
        TLorentzVector tkMet(0,0,0,0); 
        TLorentzVector pfmet_3p0(0,0,0,0); 

        if ( pf == NULL ) cout<<"[NeroMet]::[analyze]::[ERROR] PF pointer is null. Run NeroPF. "<<endl; 

        for (unsigned int i = 0, n = pf->handle->size(); i < n; ++i) {
            const pat::PackedCandidate &cand = (*pf->handle)[i];

            // only up to eta 3
            if (std::abs(cand.pdgId()) == 13)
                metnomu += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;  

            // only charge hadrons
            if ( cand.charge() != 0 )
                tkMet += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;

            if (std::abs(cand.eta()) < 3.0 ) 
                pfmet_3p0 += TLorentzVector(cand.px(),,cand.pz(),;

        *pfMet_e3p0 = TLorentzVector( -pfmet_3p0 );
        *metNoMu = TLorentzVector(metnomu);  // no minus
        *trackMet = TLorentzVector( -tkMet );

        if (rerunPuppi) {
            auto &puppi = handle_puppiRerun->front(); 
            *metPuppi =  TLorentzVector( puppi.px(),,puppi.pz(), );
            sumEtRawPuppi = handle_puppiRerunUncorr->front().sumEt();
        } else {
            auto &puppi = handle_puppi->front(); 
            *metPuppi =  TLorentzVector( puppi.px(),,puppi.pz(), );
            //sumEtRawPuppi = handle_puppiUncorr->front().sumEt();
            sumEtRawPuppi = puppi.uncorSumEt();

        for(Syst mysyst = (Syst)0; mysyst < MaxSyst ; mysyst = (Syst)((int)mysyst +1 ) )
            pat::MET::METUncertainty miniAODUnc=pat::MET::METUncertaintySize;
            // JetResUp=0, JetResDown=1, JetEnUp=2, JetEnDown=3,
            // MuonEnUp=4, MuonEnDown=5, ElectronEnUp=6, ElectronEnDown=7,
            // TauEnUp=8, TauEnDown=9, UnclusteredEnUp=10, UnclusteredEnDown=11,
            // PhotonEnUp=12, PhotonEnDown=13, NoShift=14, METUncertaintySize=15,
            // JetResUpSmear=16, JetResDownSmear=17, METFullUncertaintySize=18
            // translate
            switch (mysyst)
                case  JesUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::JetEnUp; break;}
                case  JesDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::JetEnDown; break;}
                case  JerUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::JetResUp; break;}
                case  JerDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::JetResDown; break;}
                case  UnclusterUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::UnclusteredEnUp; break;}
                case  UnclusterDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::UnclusteredEnDown; break;}
                case  TauUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::TauEnUp; break;}
                case  TauDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::TauEnDown; break;}
                case  PhotonUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::PhotonEnDown; break;}
                case  PhotonDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::PhotonEnDown; break;}
                case  ElectronUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::ElectronEnUp; break;}
                case  ElectronDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::ElectronEnDown; break;}
                case  MuonUp : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::MuonEnUp; break;}
                case  MuonDown : {miniAODUnc = pat::MET::MuonEnDown; break;}
                default : break;

            if (miniAODUnc == pat::MET::METUncertaintySize)
                cout <<"[NeroMet]::[analyze]::[WARNING] unable to translate met syst,"<< int(mysyst) <<endl;

            new ( (*metPuppiSyst)[ mysyst ] ) TLorentzVector( 
                    puppi . shiftedP4( miniAODUnc).px(), 
                    puppi . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).py(),  
                    puppi . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).pz(),  
                    puppi . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).energy()

            new ( (*metSyst)[ mysyst ] ) TLorentzVector( 
                    met . shiftedP4( miniAODUnc).px(), 
                    met . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).py(),  
                    met . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).pz(),  
                    met . shiftedP4(miniAODUnc).energy()
        }// end syst loop

    // GEN INFO
    if ( not iEvent.isRealData () ){
        new ( (*genP4)[genP4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( met.genMET()->px(),met.genMET()->py(),met.genMET()->pz(),met.genMET()->energy()  );

    return 0;