JBoolean CBSearchTextDialog::BuildSearchFileList ( JPtrArray<JString>* fileList, JPtrArray<JString>* nameList ) const { (JXGetApplication())->DisplayBusyCursor(); fileList->SetCleanUpAction(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); fileList->SetCompareFunction(JCompareStringsCaseSensitive); nameList->SetCleanUpAction(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); nameList->SetCompareFunction(JCompareStringsCaseSensitive); if (itsMultifileCB->IsChecked()) { const JPtrArray<JString>& fullNameList = itsFileList->GetFullNameList(); const JSize count = fullNameList.GetElementCount(); for (JIndex i=1; i<=count; i++) { SaveFileForSearch(*(fullNameList.NthElement(i)), fileList, nameList); } } JBoolean ok = kJTrue; JString path, fileFilter, pathFilter; if (GetSearchDirectory(&path, &fileFilter, &pathFilter)) { JRegex* fileRegex = NULL; JString regexStr; if (JDirInfo::BuildRegexFromWildcardFilter(fileFilter, ®exStr)) { fileRegex = jnew JRegex(regexStr); assert( fileRegex != NULL ); fileRegex->SetCaseSensitive(kJFalse); } JRegex* pathRegex = NULL; if (JDirInfo::BuildRegexFromWildcardFilter(pathFilter, ®exStr)) { pathRegex = jnew JRegex(regexStr); assert( pathRegex != NULL ); pathRegex->SetCaseSensitive(kJFalse); } JLatentPG pg(100); pg.VariableLengthProcessBeginning("Collecting files...", kJTrue, kJFalse); ok = SearchDirectory(path, fileRegex, pathRegex, fileList, nameList, pg); pg.ProcessFinished(); jdelete fileRegex; jdelete pathRegex; } return JI2B( ok && !fileList->IsEmpty() ); }
cVillage( int a_Seed, int a_GridX, int a_GridZ, int a_OriginX, int a_OriginZ, int a_MaxRoadDepth, int a_MaxSize, int a_Density, cVillagePiecePool & a_Prefabs, cTerrainHeightGenPtr a_HeightGen ) : super(a_GridX, a_GridZ, a_OriginX, a_OriginZ), m_Seed(a_Seed), m_Noise(a_Seed), m_MaxSize(a_MaxSize), m_Density(a_Density), m_Borders(a_OriginX - a_MaxSize, 0, a_OriginZ - a_MaxSize, a_OriginX + a_MaxSize, cChunkDef::Height - 1, a_OriginZ + a_MaxSize), m_Prefabs(a_Prefabs), m_HeightGen(a_HeightGen) { // Generate the pieces for this village; don't care about the Y coord: cBFSPieceGenerator pg(*this, a_Seed); pg.PlacePieces(a_OriginX, a_OriginZ, a_MaxRoadDepth + 1, m_Pieces); if (m_Pieces.empty()) { return; } }
void MainWindow::on_actionInsertRandomPoints_triggered() { QRectF rect = CGAL::Qt::viewportsBbox(&m_scene); CGAL::Qt::Converter<Kernel> convert; Iso_rectangle_2 isor = convert(rect); CGAL::Random_points_in_iso_rectangle_2<Point_2> pg((isor.min)(), (isor.max)()); bool ok = false; const int number_of_points = QInputDialog::getInteger(this, tr("Number of random points"), tr("Enter number of random points"), 100, 0, (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), 1, &ok); if(!ok) { return; } // wait cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_points; ++i){ m_sites.push_back(*pg++); } calculate_envelope(); // default cursor QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); emit(changed()); }
void Test_PG_Output::testGet_JSON_vertex_ids_first() { ProductGraph pg(f,s); pg.setProductGraph(p); std::string result = PG_Output::get_JSON_vertex_ids_first(pg, clique); std::string check = "[\n\t10,\n\t20,\n\t30,\n\t40\n]"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == check); }
void Test_PG_Output::testGet_JSON_vertex_ids_second() { ProductGraph pg(f,s); pg.setProductGraph(p); std::string result = PG_Output::get_JSON_vertex_ids_second(pg, clique); std::string check = "[\n\t11,\n\t33,\n\t44,\n\t55\n]"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == check); }
void MainWindow::on_actionInsertRandomPoints_triggered() { QRectF rect = CGAL::Qt::viewportsBbox(&scene); CGAL::Qt::Converter<K> convert; Iso_rectangle_2 isor = convert(rect); CGAL::Random_points_in_iso_rectangle_2<Point_2> pg((isor.min)(), (isor.max)()); CGAL::Random rnd(CGAL::get_default_random()); const int number_of_points = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("Number of random points"), tr("Enter number of random points"), 100, 0); // wait cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); std::vector<Weighted_point_2> points; points.reserve(number_of_points); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_points; ++i){ Weighted_point_2 wp(*pg++, rnd.get_double(0, 500)); points.push_back(wp); } dt.insert(points.begin(), points.end()); // default cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); Q_EMIT( changed()); }
Vector<Real, STATE_NF> State::scalar_y_flux(const _3Vec& X) const { Vector<Real, STATE_NF> flux = 0.0; #ifdef USE_LZ flux[sx_index] = pg(X); #endif return flux; }
DH::DH(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits) { PrimeAndGenerator pg(1, rng, pbits); p = pg.Prime(); g = pg.Generator(); gpc.Precompute(p, g, ExponentBitLength(), 1); }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * When an Onion receives a mob, carried by Pikmin. */ void onion_fsm::receive_mob(mob* m, void* info1, void* info2) { size_t seeds = (size_t) info1; onion* o_ptr = (onion*) m; if(o_ptr->spew_queue == 0) { o_ptr->full_spew_timer.start(); o_ptr->next_spew_timer.time_left = 0.0f; } o_ptr->spew_queue += seeds; particle p( PARTICLE_TYPE_BITMAP, m->x, m->y, 24, 1.5, PARTICLE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM ); p.bitmap = bmp_smoke; particle_generator pg(0, p, 15); pg.number_deviation = 5; pg.angle = 0; pg.angle_deviation = M_PI; pg.speed = 70; pg.speed_deviation = 10; pg.duration_deviation = 0.5; pg.emit(particles); }
void MainWindow::on_actionInsertRandomPoints_triggered() { QRectF rect = CGAL::Qt::viewportsBbox(&scene); CGAL::Qt::Converter<K> convert; Iso_rectangle_2 isor = convert(rect); CGAL::Random_points_in_iso_rectangle_2<Point_2> pg(isor.min(), isor.max()); bool ok = false; const int number_of_points = QInputDialog::getInteger(this, tr("Number of random points"), tr("Enter number of random points"), 100, 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 1, &ok); if(!ok) { return; } // wait cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); std::vector<Point_2> points; points.reserve(number_of_points); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_points; ++i){ points.push_back(*pg++); } dt.insert(points.begin(), points.end()); // default cursor QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); emit(changed()); }
void VirtualKeyboardContainer::showVirtualKeyboard(QWidget *w) { if ( w ) { QPoint pg(w->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) ); QPoint pd(parent->mapFromGlobal( pg ) ); int origin = pd.y(); int keyboardWidth = parent->width() - 10; int keyboardHeight = std::min(vk.heightForWidth( keyboardWidth ), parent->height() - w->height() - 5); QRect kRect; if ( origin + w->height() + keyboardHeight <= parent->height() ) { // keyboard can be placed below the widget kRect = QRect( 0, origin + w->height(), keyboardWidth, keyboardHeight ); } else if ( origin - keyboardHeight >= 0 ) { // keyboard can be placed above the widget kRect = QRect( 0, origin - keyboardHeight, keyboardWidth, keyboardHeight ); } else { // we need to resize the dialog to place the keyboard below the widget int remainHeight = parent->height() - origin - w->height(); extraSize = keyboardHeight - remainHeight; QPoint p(parent->pos()); parent->move( p.x(), p.y() - extraSize ); QSize s(parent->size()); parent->resize( s.width(), s.height() + extraSize ); kRect = QRect( 0, origin + w->height(), keyboardWidth, keyboardHeight ); } if ( kRect.isValid() ) { vk.setGeometry( kRect ); vk.raise(); vk.show(); } else { vk.hide(); } } else { if ( extraSize > 0 ) { QPoint p(parent->pos()); parent->move( p.x(), p.y() + extraSize ); QSize s(parent->size()); parent->resize( s.width(), s.height() - extraSize ); extraSize = 0; } vk.hide(); } vk.setBuddy(w); }
void Test_PG_Output::testGet_vertex_ids_first() { ProductGraph pg(f,s); pg.setProductGraph(p); std::list<int> result = PG_Output::get_vertex_ids_first(pg, clique); result.sort(); std::list<int> check = {10,20,30,40}; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == check); }
void Test_PG_Output::testGet_vertex_ids_second() { ProductGraph pg(f,s); pg.setProductGraph(p); std::list<int> result = PG_Output::get_vertex_ids_second(pg, clique); result.sort(); std::list<int> check = {11,33,44,55}; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == check); }
void Test_PG_Output::testGet_common_second() { ProductGraph pg(f,s); pg.setProductGraph(p); std::list<unsigned long> result = PG_Output::get_common_second(pg, clique); result.sort(); std::list<unsigned long> check = {0,2,3,4}; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result == check); }
ompl::geometric::PathGeometric ompl::control::PathControl::asGeometric(void) const { PathControl pc(*this); pc.interpolate(); geometric::PathGeometric pg(si_); pg.getStates().swap(pc.states_); return pg; }
ElGamalDecryptor::ElGamalDecryptor(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits) { PrimeAndGenerator pg(1, rng, pbits); m_p = pg.Prime(); m_g = pg.Generator(); m_x.Randomize(rng, ExponentBitLength()); m_gpc.SetModulusAndBase(m_p, m_g); m_y = m_gpc.Exponentiate(m_x); m_ypc.SetModulusAndBase(m_p, m_y); }
marathon_group::ptr_t mesos_state_t::add_group(const Json::Value& group, marathon_group::ptr_t to_group, const std::string& framework_id) { Json::Value group_id = group["id"]; if(!group_id.isNull()) { std::string id = group_id.asString(); std::ostringstream os; os << "Adding Marathon group [" + id + ']'; if(to_group) { os << " to group [" + to_group->get_id() << ']'; } g_logger.log(os.str(), sinsp_logger::SEV_INFO); marathon_group::ptr_t pg(new marathon_group(id)); marathon_group::ptr_t p_group = add_or_replace_group(pg, to_group); if(!framework_id.empty()) { Json::Value apps = group["apps"]; if(!apps.isNull()) { for(const auto& app : apps) { Json::Value app_id = app["id"]; if(!app_id.isNull()) { marathon_app::ptr_t p_app = get_app(app_id.asString()); if(!p_app) { p_app = add_app(app, framework_id); } if(p_app) { p_group->add_or_replace_app(p_app); for(const auto& task : get_tasks(framework_id)) { if(task.second->get_marathon_app_id() == app_id.asString()) { add_task_to_app(p_app, task.first); } } } else { g_logger.log("An error occured adding app [" + app_id.asString() + "] to group [" + id + ']', sinsp_logger::SEV_ERROR); } } } } } return p_group; } return 0; }
NRDigestSigner::NRDigestSigner(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits) { PrimeAndGenerator pg(1, rng, pbits, 2*DiscreteLogWorkFactor(pbits)); p = pg.Prime(); q = pg.SubPrime(); g = pg.Generator(); x.Randomize(rng, 2, q-2, Integer::ANY); gpc.Precompute(p, g, ExponentBitLength(), 1); y = gpc.Exponentiate(x); ypc.Precompute(p, y, ExponentBitLength(), 1); }
NRDigestSigner::NRDigestSigner(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits) { PrimeAndGenerator pg(1, rng, pbits, 2*DiscreteLogWorkFactor(pbits)); m_p = pg.Prime(); m_q = pg.SubPrime(); m_g = pg.Generator(); m_x.Randomize(rng, 1, m_q-1, Integer::ANY); m_gpc.SetModulusAndBase(m_p, m_g); m_y = m_gpc.Exponentiate(m_x); m_ypc.SetModulusAndBase(m_p, m_y); }
QImage DkPageExtractionPlugin::drawPoly(const QSize & imgSize, const QPolygonF & poly) const { QImage img(imgSize, QImage::Format_RGB888); img.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0)); QPainter pg(&img); pg.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)); pg.drawPolygon(poly); return img; }
int KQtTester::testPathgradientFillRectPath() { QPainterPath path; path.addRect(0, 0, 500, 500); QPathGradient pg(path); pg.setColorAt(0, Qt::red); pg.setColorAt(0.5, Qt::green); pg.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::blue); return testFillRectPath(QBrush(pg)); }
MultiNdbWakeupHandler::~MultiNdbWakeupHandler() { if (localWakeupMutexPtr) { NdbMutex_Destroy(localWakeupMutexPtr); localWakeupMutexPtr = NULL; } PollGuard pg(* wakeNdb->theImpl); bool rc = wakeNdb->theImpl->m_transporter_facade-> unregisterForWakeup(wakeNdb->theImpl); require(rc); }
int platform_cpu_get_interrupt( elua_int_id id, elua_int_resnum resnum ) { elua_int_p_get_status pg; if( id < ELUA_INT_FIRST_ID || id > INT_ELUA_LAST ) return PLATFORM_INT_INVALID; if( ( pg = elua_int_table[ id - ELUA_INT_FIRST_ID ].int_get_status ) == NULL ) return PLATFORM_INT_NOT_HANDLED; if( id == INT_TMR_MATCH ) return cmn_tmr_int_get_status( resnum ); return pg( resnum ); }
JError JDirInfo::BuildInfo() { if (!JDirectoryReadable(*itsCWD)) { return JAccessDenied(*itsCWD); } const JString origDir = JGetCurrentDirectory(); JError err = JChangeDirectory(*itsCWD); if (!err.OK()) { return err; } // clear old information itsDirEntries->CleanOut(); // update instance variables JStripTrailingDirSeparator(itsCWD); // keep Windows happy ACE_stat stbuf; ACE_OS::stat(*itsCWD, &stbuf); itsIsValidFlag = kJTrue; itsIsWritableFlag = JDirectoryWritable(*itsCWD); itsModTime = stbuf.st_mtime; itsStatusTime = stbuf.st_ctime; JAppendDirSeparator(itsCWD); // process files in the directory JLatentPG pg(itsContentRegex == NULL ? 100 : 10); if (itsPG != NULL) { pg.SetPG(itsPG, kJFalse); } pg.VariableLengthProcessBeginning("Scanning directory...", kJTrue, kJFalse); BuildInfo1(pg); pg.ProcessFinished(); err = JChangeDirectory(origDir); assert_ok( err ); ApplyFilters(kJFalse); return JNoError(); }
MultiNdbWakeupHandler::MultiNdbWakeupHandler(Ndb* _wakeNdb) : wakeNdb(_wakeNdb) { localWakeupMutexPtr = NdbMutex_Create(); assert(localWakeupMutexPtr); /* Register the waiter Ndb to receive wakeups for all Ndbs in the group */ PollGuard pg(* wakeNdb->theImpl); woken = false; ignore_wakeups(); bool rc = wakeNdb->theImpl->m_transporter_facade->registerForWakeup(wakeNdb->theImpl); require(rc); wakeNdb->theImpl->wakeHandler = this; }
QStringList ProfileManager::availableProfiles(QString profileType) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList profiles = group.readEntry(profileType, QStringList()); QStringList profileNames; for (int i = 0; i != profiles.count() ; i++) { KConfigGroup pg(krConfig, profileType + " - " + profiles[ i ]); profileNames.append(pg.readEntry("Name")); } return profileNames; }
void PaletteGenerator_Test::initial() { Doc doc(this, m_fixtureDefCache); QList <Fixture*> list; list << new Fixture(&doc); list << new Fixture(&doc); list << new Fixture(&doc); PaletteGenerator pg(&doc, list); QCOMPARE(pg.m_doc, &doc); QCOMPARE(pg.m_fixtures.size(), 3); QCOMPARE(pg.m_scenes.size(), 0); }
Vector<Real, STATE_NF> State::vector_z_flux(const _3Vec& X, const _3Vec& V) const { Vector<Real, STATE_NF> flux = 0.0; Real v, v0, p; v = vz(X); v0 = v - V[2]; p = pg(X); for (int i = 0; i < STATE_NF; i++) { flux[i] = (*this)[i] * v0; } flux[sz_index] += p; flux[et_index] += v * p; return flux; }
// create per-port, per-priority_group instance static t_std_error create_port_priority_group(hal_ifindex_t port_id, uint8_t local_id, ndi_obj_id_t ndi_priority_group_id) { interface_ctrl_t intf_ctrl; if (nas_qos_get_port_intf(port_id, &intf_ctrl) != true) { EV_LOG_TRACE(ev_log_t_QOS, ev_log_s_MAJOR, "QOS", "Cannot find NPU id for ifIndex: %d", port_id); return NAS_QOS_E_FAIL; } nas_qos_switch *switch_p = nas_qos_get_switch_by_npu(intf_ctrl.npu_id); if (switch_p == NULL) { EV_LOG_TRACE(ev_log_t_QOS, ev_log_s_MAJOR, "QOS", "switch_id of ifindex: %u cannot be found/created", port_id); return NAS_QOS_E_FAIL; } try { // create the priority_group and add the priority_group to switch nas_obj_id_t priority_group_id = switch_p->alloc_priority_group_id(); nas_qos_priority_group_key_t key; key.port_id = intf_ctrl.if_index; key.local_id = local_id; nas_qos_priority_group pg (switch_p, key); pg.set_priority_group_id(priority_group_id); pg.add_npu(intf_ctrl.npu_id); pg.set_ndi_port_id(intf_ctrl.npu_id, intf_ctrl.port_id); pg.set_ndi_obj_id(ndi_priority_group_id); pg.mark_ndi_created(); EV_LOG_TRACE(ev_log_t_QOS, ev_log_s_MAJOR, "QOS", "NAS priority_group_id 0x%016lX is allocated for priority_group:" "local_qid %u, ndi_priority_group_id 0x%016lX", priority_group_id, local_id, ndi_priority_group_id); switch_p->add_priority_group(pg); } catch (...) { return NAS_QOS_E_FAIL; } return STD_ERR_OK; }
page_id_t TPIO::RebaseTPIOTxSession::rebaseForceVisit(page_id_t pgid) { m_visited.insert(pgid); #ifdef VERBOSE_REBASE std::cout << "rebase visit pgid: " << pgid << std::endl; #endif Page pg(readPage(pgid)); mod_info_t mod; pg.updateLinks(&mod, this); return mod.isValid() ? mod.idOvr : pgid; }