Esempio n. 1
 * Atomically increments the pincount on a given entry.
 * Returns the value of the pincount after the increment.
static int32
SyncHTAddRef(SyncHT *syncHT, void *entry)
	int32 *pinCountPtr = (int32 *) ((char *) entry + syncHT->pinCountOffset);
	pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *)pinCountPtr,1);
	return *pinCountPtr;
Esempio n. 2
 * This method is used by a backend to switch the group leader. It is unique
 * in that it modifies the numFollowers field in its current group leader and new leader index.
 * The increments and decrements are done using atomic operations (else we may have race conditions
 * across processes). However, this code is not thread safe. We do not call these code in multi-threaded
 * situations.
static inline void
SwitchGroupLeader(int newLeaderIndex)
	BackoffBackendSharedEntry *myEntry = myBackoffSharedEntry();
	BackoffBackendSharedEntry *oldLeaderEntry = NULL;
	BackoffBackendSharedEntry *newLeaderEntry = NULL;

	if (backoffSingleton->sweeperInProgress == true)

	Assert(newLeaderIndex < myEntry->groupLeaderIndex);
	Assert(newLeaderIndex >= 0 && newLeaderIndex < backoffSingleton->numEntries);

	oldLeaderEntry = &backoffSingleton->backendEntries[myEntry->groupLeaderIndex];
	newLeaderEntry = &backoffSingleton->backendEntries[newLeaderIndex];

	pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &oldLeaderEntry->numFollowers, 1);
	pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &newLeaderEntry->numFollowers, 1);
	myEntry->groupLeaderIndex = newLeaderIndex;
Esempio n. 3
 * thread_DispatchCommand is the thread proc used to dispatch the command to one or more of the qExecs.
 * NOTE: This function MUST NOT contain elog or ereport statements. (or most any other backend code)
 *		 elog is NOT thread-safe.  Developers should instead use something like:
 *	if (DEBUG3 >= log_min_messages)
 *			write_log("my brilliant log statement here.");
 * NOTE: In threads, we cannot use palloc, because it's not thread safe.
static void *
thread_DispatchCommand(void *arg)
	DispatchCommandParms *pParms = (DispatchCommandParms *) arg;


	 * Mark that we are runnig a new thread.  The main thread will check
	 * it to see if there is still alive one.  Let's do this after we block
	 * signals so that nobody will intervent and mess up the value.
	 * (should we actually block signals before spawning a thread, as much
	 * like we do in fork??)
	pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &RunningThreadCount, 1);

	 * We need to make sure the value will be decremented once the thread
	 * finishes.  Currently there is not such case but potentially we could
	 * have pthread_exit or thread cancellation in the middle of code, in
	 * which case we would miss to decrement value if we tried to do this
	 * without the cleanup callback facility.
	pthread_cleanup_push(DecrementRunningCount, NULL);
		 * thread_DispatchWaitSingle might have a problem with interupts
		if (pParms->db_count == 1 && false)

	return (NULL);
Esempio n. 4
static void
	pg_atomic_uint32 var;
	uint32		expected;
	int			i;

	pg_atomic_init_u32(&var, 0);

	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_read_u32() #1 wrong");

	pg_atomic_write_u32(&var, 3);

	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != 3)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_read_u32() #2 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&var, 1) != 3)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_fetch_add_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_fetch_sub_u32(&var, 1) != 4)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_fetch_sub_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32(&var, 3) != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_sub_fetch_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32(&var, 10) != 10)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_add_fetch_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_exchange_u32(&var, 5) != 10)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_exchange_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_exchange_u32(&var, 0) != 5)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_exchange_u32() #0 wrong");

	/* test around numerical limits */
	if (pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&var, INT_MAX) != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32() #2 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&var, INT_MAX) != INT_MAX)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32() #3 wrong");

	pg_atomic_fetch_add_u32(&var, 1);	/* top up to UINT_MAX */

	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != UINT_MAX)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_read_u32() #2 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_fetch_sub_u32(&var, INT_MAX) != UINT_MAX)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_sub_u32() #2 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != (uint32) INT_MAX + 1)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_read_u32() #3 wrong: %u", pg_atomic_read_u32(&var));

	expected = pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32(&var, INT_MAX);
	if (expected != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32() #3 wrong: %u", expected);

	pg_atomic_sub_fetch_u32(&var, 1);

	/* fail exchange because of old expected */
	expected = 10;
	if (pg_atomic_compare_exchange_u32(&var, &expected, 1))
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_compare_exchange_u32() changed value spuriously");

	/* CAS is allowed to fail due to interrupts, try a couple of times */
	for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		expected = 0;
		if (!pg_atomic_compare_exchange_u32(&var, &expected, 1))
	if (i == 1000)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_compare_exchange_u32() never succeeded");
	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "atomic_compare_exchange_u32() didn't set value properly");

	pg_atomic_write_u32(&var, 0);

	/* try setting flagbits */
	if (pg_atomic_fetch_or_u32(&var, 1) & 1)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_or_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (!(pg_atomic_fetch_or_u32(&var, 2) & 1))
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_or_u32() #2 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_read_u32(&var) != 3)
		elog(ERROR, "invalid result after pg_atomic_fetch_or_u32()");

	/* try clearing flagbits */
	if ((pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32(&var, ~2) & 3) != 3)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32() #1 wrong");

	if (pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32(&var, ~1) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32() #2 wrong: is %u",
	/* no bits set anymore */
	if (pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32(&var, ~0) != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "pg_atomic_fetch_and_u32() #3 wrong");
Esempio n. 5
 * Atomically increments the performance counter
 * delta must be positive
Cache_AddPerfCounter(uint32 *counter, int delta)
	Assert(counter + delta >= 0);
	pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) counter,delta);
Esempio n. 6
 * Grabs one entry in the sessionStateArray for current session.
 * If the current session already has an entry, it just returns the
 * pointer to the previously grabbed entry.
static SessionState*
SessionState_Acquire(int sessionId)
	LWLockAcquire(SessionStateLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	SessionState *cur = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;

	while (cur != NULL && cur->sessionId != sessionId)
		Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID != cur->sessionId);
		cur = cur->next;

	if (NULL == cur && NULL == AllSessionStateEntries->freeList)
						errmsg("Too many sessions."),
						errdetail("Could not acquire resources for additional sessions."),
						errhint("Disconnect some sessions and try again.")));

	SessionState *acquired = cur;

	 * Nothing was acquired for this session from any other processes. Therefore,
	 * acquire a new entry, and reset its properties.
	if (NULL == acquired)
		acquired = AllSessionStateEntries->freeList;
		Assert(INVALID_SESSION_ID == acquired->sessionId &&
				acquired->runawayStatus == RunawayStatus_NotRunaway &&
				0 == acquired->pinCount &&
				CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY == acquired->cleanupCountdown &&
				0 == acquired->activeProcessCount &&
				0 == acquired->sessionVmem &&
				0 == acquired->spinLock &&
				0 == acquired->sessionVmemRunaway &&
				0 == acquired->commandCountRunaway &&

		AllSessionStateEntries->freeList = acquired->next;

		acquired->next = AllSessionStateEntries->usedList;
		AllSessionStateEntries->usedList = acquired;
		Assert(AllSessionStateEntries->numSession <= AllSessionStateEntries->maxSession);

		acquired->sessionId = sessionId;
		acquired->runawayStatus = RunawayStatus_NotRunaway;
		acquired->sessionVmemRunaway = 0;
		acquired->commandCountRunaway = 0;
		acquired->pinCount = 0;
		acquired->sessionVmem = 0;
		acquired->cleanupCountdown = CLEANUP_COUNTDOWN_BEFORE_RUNAWAY;
		acquired->activeProcessCount = 0;
		acquired->idle_start = 0;
		acquired->resGroupSlot = NULL;

		acquired->isModifiedSessionId = false;

		 * Make sure that the lock is reset to released. Note: this doesn't
		 * have a matching SpinLockAcquire. We are just resetting the lock
		 * as part of initialization

	Assert(NULL != acquired);
	int pinCount = pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &acquired->pinCount, 1);

	ereport(gp_sessionstate_loglevel, (errmsg("SessionState_Acquire: pinCount: %d, activeProcessCount: %d",
			pinCount, acquired->activeProcessCount), errprintstack(true)));


	return acquired;
Esempio n. 7
 * Marks the current process as clean. If all the processes are marked
 * as clean for this session (i.e., cleanupCountdown == 0 in the
 * MySessionState) then we reset session's runaway status as well as
 * the runaway detector flag (i.e., a new runaway detector can run).
 * Parameters:
 * 		ignoredCleanup: whether the cleanup was ignored, i.e., no elog(ERROR, ...)
 * 		was thrown. In such case a deactivated process is not reactivated as the
 * 		deactivation didn't get interrupted.
RunawayCleaner_RunawayCleanupDoneForProcess(bool ignoredCleanup)
	 * We don't do anything if we don't have an ongoing cleanup, or we already finished
	 * cleanup once for the current runaway event
	if (beginCleanupRunawayVersion != *latestRunawayVersion ||
			endCleanupRunawayVersion == beginCleanupRunawayVersion)
		/* Either we never started cleanup, or we already finished */

	/* Disable repeating call */
	endCleanupRunawayVersion = beginCleanupRunawayVersion;

	Assert(NULL != MySessionState);
	 * As the current cleanup holds leverage on the  cleanupCountdown,
	 * the session must stay as runaway at least until the current
	 * process marks itself clean
	Assert(MySessionState->runawayStatus != RunawayStatus_NotRunaway);

	/* We only cleanup if we were active when the runaway event happened */
	Assert((!isProcessActive && *latestRunawayVersion < deactivationVersion &&
			*latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion) ||
			(*latestRunawayVersion > activationVersion &&
			(activationVersion >= deactivationVersion && isProcessActive)));

	 * We don't reactivate if the process is already active or a deactivated
	 * process never errored out during deactivation (i.e., failed to complete
	 * deactivation)
	if (!isProcessActive && !ignoredCleanup)
		Assert(1 == *isRunawayDetector);
		Assert(0 < MySessionState->cleanupCountdown);
		 * As the process threw ERROR instead of going into ReadCommand() blocking
		 * state, we have to reactivate the process from its current Deactivated
		 * state

	Assert(0 < MySessionState->cleanupCountdown);
	int cleanProgress =
			pg_atomic_add_fetch_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *)&MySessionState->cleanupCountdown, -1);
	Assert(0 <= cleanProgress);

	uint32 expected = 0;
	bool finalCleaner = pg_atomic_compare_exchange_u32((pg_atomic_uint32 *) &MySessionState->cleanupCountdown,

	if (finalCleaner)
		 * The final cleaner is responsible to reset the runaway flag,
		 * and enable the runaway detection process.

	 * Finally we are done with all critical cleanup, which includes releasing all our memory and
	 * releasing our cleanup counter so that another session can be marked as runaway, if needed.
	 * Now, we have some head room to actually record our usage.
	write_stderr("Logging memory usage because of runaway cleanup. Note, this is a post-cleanup logging and may be incomplete.");