Esempio n. 1
Window_init( Handle self, HV * profile)
   SV * sv;
   inherited init( self, profile);

   opt_set( optSystemSelectable);
   opt_assign( optOwnerIcon, pget_B( ownerIcon));
   opt_assign( optMainWindow, pget_B( mainWindow));
   my-> set_icon( self, pget_H( icon));
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciFore,          pget_i( menuColor)            );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciBack,          pget_i( menuBackColor)        );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciHiliteText,    pget_i( menuHiliteColor)      );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciHilite,        pget_i( menuHiliteBackColor)  );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciDisabledText,  pget_i( menuDisabledColor)    );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciDisabled,      pget_i( menuDisabledBackColor));
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciLight3DColor,  pget_i( menuLight3DColor)     );
   my-> menuColorIndex( self, true, ciDark3DColor,   pget_i( menuDark3DColor)      );
   SvHV_Font( pget_sv( menuFont), &Font_buffer, "Window::init");
   my-> set_menu_font  ( self, Font_buffer);
   if ( SvTYPE( sv = pget_sv( menuItems)) != SVt_NULL)
      my-> set_menuItems( self, sv);
   my-> set_modalResult( self, pget_i( modalResult));
   my-> set_modalHorizon( self, pget_B( modalHorizon));
Esempio n. 2
Drawable_set( Handle self, HV * profile)
   if ( pexist( font))
      SvHV_Font( pget_sv( font), &Font_buffer, "Drawable::set");
      my-> set_font( self, Font_buffer);
      pdelete( font);
   if ( pexist( translate))
      AV * av = ( AV *) SvRV( pget_sv( translate));
      Point tr = {0,0};
      SV ** holder = av_fetch( av, 0, 0);
      if ( holder) tr.x = SvIV( *holder); else warn("RTC0059: Array panic on 'translate'");
      holder = av_fetch( av, 1, 0);
      if ( holder) tr.y = SvIV( *holder); else warn("RTC0059: Array panic on 'translate'");
      my-> set_translate( self, tr);
      pdelete( translate);
   if ( pexist( width) && pexist( height)) {
      Point size;
      size. x = pget_i( width);
      size. y = pget_i( height);
      my-> set_size( self, size);
      pdelete( width);
      pdelete( height);
   inherited set( self, profile);
Esempio n. 3
void Window_set( Handle self, HV * profile)
   Bool owner_icon = false;
   if ( pexist( menuFont)) {
      SvHV_Font( pget_sv( menuFont), &Font_buffer, "Window::set");
      my-> set_menu_font( self, Font_buffer);
      pdelete( menuFont);

   if ( pexist( owner)) {
      owner_icon = pexist( ownerIcon) ? pget_B( ownerIcon) : my-> get_ownerIcon( self);
      pdelete( ownerIcon);

   if ( pexist( frameOrigin) || pexist( frameSize)) {
      Bool io = 0, is = 0;
      Point o, s;
      if ( pexist( frameOrigin)) {
         int set[2];
         prima_read_point( pget_sv( frameOrigin), set, 2, "Array panic on 'frameOrigin'");
         pdelete( frameOrigin);
         o. x = set[0];
         o. y = set[1];
         io = 1;
      } else {
         o.x = o. y = 0;
      if ( pexist( frameSize)) {
         int set[2];
         prima_read_point( pget_sv( frameSize), set, 2, "Array panic on 'frameSize'");
         pdelete( frameSize);
         s. x = set[0];
         s. y = set[1];
         is = 1;
      } else {
         s.x = s. y = 0;
      if ( is && io)
         apc_widget_set_rect( self, o. x, o. y, s. x, s. y);
      else if ( io) 
         my-> set_frameOrigin( self, o);
         my-> set_frameSize( self, s);

   inherited set( self, profile);
   if ( owner_icon) {
      my-> set_ownerIcon( self, 1);
      opt_set( optOwnerIcon);
Esempio n. 4
AccelTable_init( Handle self, HV * profile)
	inherited init( self, profile);
	var-> system = false;
	my-> set_items( self, pget_sv( items));
Esempio n. 5
AbstractMenu_init( Handle self, HV * profile)
	inherited init( self, profile);
	var-> anchored = kind_of( self, CMenu);
	my-> update_sys_handle( self, profile);
	my-> set_items( self, pget_sv( items));
	if ( var-> system) apc_menu_update( self, nil, var-> tree);
	if ( pget_B( selected)) my-> set_selected( self, true);
Esempio n. 6
Drawable_init( Handle self, HV * profile)
   inherited init( self, profile);
   apc_gp_init( self);
   var-> w = var-> h = 0;
   my-> set_color        ( self, pget_i ( color));
   my-> set_backColor    ( self, pget_i ( backColor));
   my-> set_fillWinding  ( self, pget_B ( fillWinding));
   my-> set_fillPattern  ( self, pget_sv( fillPattern));
   my-> set_lineEnd      ( self, pget_i ( lineEnd));
   my-> set_lineJoin     ( self, pget_i ( lineJoin));
   my-> set_linePattern  ( self, pget_sv( linePattern));
   my-> set_lineWidth    ( self, pget_i ( lineWidth));
   my-> set_region       ( self, pget_H ( region));
   my-> set_rop          ( self, pget_i ( rop));
   my-> set_rop2         ( self, pget_i ( rop2));
   my-> set_textOpaque   ( self, pget_B ( textOpaque));
   my-> set_textOutBaseline( self, pget_B ( textOutBaseline));
   my-> set_splinePrecision( self, pget_i ( splinePrecision));
   if ( pexist( translate))
      AV * av = ( AV *) SvRV( pget_sv( translate));
      Point tr = {0,0};
      SV ** holder = av_fetch( av, 0, 0);
      if ( holder) tr.x = SvIV( *holder); else warn("RTC0059: Array panic on 'translate'");
      holder = av_fetch( av, 1, 0);
      if ( holder) tr.y = SvIV( *holder); else warn("RTC0059: Array panic on 'translate'");
      my-> set_translate( self, tr);
   SvHV_Font( pget_sv( font), &Font_buffer, "Drawable::init");
   my-> set_font( self, Font_buffer);
   my-> set_palette( self, pget_sv( palette));
Esempio n. 7
PImage IPA__Morphology_BWTransform(PImage img,HV *profile)
    const char *method="IPA::Morphology::BWTransform";
    PImage oimg;
    unsigned char *transtbl = nil;
    if ( !img || !kind_of(( Handle) img, CImage))
       croak("%s: not an image passed", "IPA::Morphology::BWTransform");
    if (pexist(lookup)) {
        SV *tblstr=pget_sv(lookup);
        if (SvPOK(tblstr)) {
            STRLEN tbllen;
            if (tbllen!=512) {
                croak("%s: 'lookup' is %d bytes long, must be 512",method,tbllen);
        else {
            croak("%s : 'lookup' is not a string",method);
    } else {
        croak("%s : 'lookup' option missed",method);

    switch (img->type) {
        case imByte:
            croak("%s: support for this type of images isn't realized yet",method);

    return oimg;
Esempio n. 8
Application_init( Handle self, HV * profile)
   int hintPause = pget_i( hintPause);
   Color hintColor = pget_i( hintColor), hintBackColor = pget_i( hintBackColor);
   SV * hintFont = pget_sv( hintFont);
   SV * sv;
   char * hintClass      = pget_c( hintClass);
   if ( application != nilHandle) 
      croak( "Attempt to create more than one application instance");

   CDrawable-> init( self, profile);
   list_create( &var->  widgets, 16, 16);
   list_create( &var->  modalHorizons, 0, 8);
   application = self;
   if ( !apc_application_create( self))
      croak( "Error creating application");
/* Widget init */
   SvHV_Font( pget_sv( font), &Font_buffer, "Application::init");
   my-> set_font( self, Font_buffer);
   SvHV_Font( pget_sv( popupFont), &Font_buffer, "Application::init");
   my-> set_popup_font( self, Font_buffer);
      AV * av = ( AV *) SvRV( pget_sv( designScale));
      SV ** holder = av_fetch( av, 0, 0);
      if ( holder)
         var->  designScale. x = SvNV( *holder);
         warn("Array panic on 'designScale'");
      holder = av_fetch( av, 1, 0);
      if ( holder)
         var->  designScale. y = SvNV( *holder);
         warn("Array panic on 'designScale'");
      pdelete( designScale);
   var->  text = duplicate_string("");
   opt_set( optModalHorizon);

   /* store extra info */
      HV * hv = ( HV *) SvRV( var-> mate);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "PrinterClass",  12, newSVpv( pget_c( printerClass),  0), 0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "PrinterModule", 13, newSVpv( pget_c( printerModule), 0), 0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "HelpClass",     9,  newSVpv( pget_c( helpClass),     0), 0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "HelpModule",    10, newSVpv( pget_c( helpModule),    0), 0);

      HV * profile = newHV();
      static Timer_vmt HintTimerVmt;

      pset_H( owner, self);
      pset_i( timeout, hintPause);
      pset_c( name, "HintTimer");
      var->  hintTimer = create_instance( "Prima::Timer");
      protect_object( var-> hintTimer);
      hv_clear( profile);
      memcpy( &HintTimerVmt, CTimer, sizeof( HintTimerVmt));
      HintTimerVmt. handle_event = Application_HintTimer_handle_event;
      (( PTimer) var->  hintTimer)-> self = &HintTimerVmt;

      pset_H( owner, self);
      pset_i( color, hintColor);
      pset_i( backColor, hintBackColor);
      pset_i( visible, 0);
      pset_i( selectable, 0);
      pset_i( showHint, 0);
      pset_c( name, "HintWidget");
      pset_sv( font, hintFont);
      var->  hintWidget = create_instance( hintClass);
      protect_object( var->  hintWidget);
      sv_free(( SV *) profile);

   if ( SvTYPE( sv = pget_sv( accelItems)) != SVt_NULL)
      my-> set_accelItems( self, sv);
   if ( SvTYPE( sv = pget_sv( popupItems)) != SVt_NULL)
      my-> set_popupItems( self, sv);
   pdelete( accelTable);
   pdelete( accelItems);
   pdelete( popupItems);

   my-> set( self, profile);