int WIPX_Init (void) { int i; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; struct qsockaddr addr; char *p; int r; WORD wVersionRequested; if (COM_CheckParm ("-noipx")) return -1; // make sure LoadLibrary has happened successfully if (!winsock_lib_initialized) return -1; if (winsock_initialized == 0) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); r = pWSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1, 1), &winsockdata); if (r) { Con_Printf ("Winsock initialization failed.\n"); return -1; } } winsock_initialized++; for (i = 0; i < IPXSOCKETS; i++) ipxsocket[i] = 0; // determine my name & address if (pgethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0) { // if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name if (Q_strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0) { // see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough) for (p = buff; *p; p++) if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.') break; // if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the host if (*p) { for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (buff[i] == '.') break; buff[i] = 0; } Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff); } } if ((net_controlsocket = WIPX_OpenSocket (0)) == -1) { Con_Printf("WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket\n"); if (--winsock_initialized == 0) pWSACleanup (); return -1; } ((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_family = AF_IPX; memset(((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_netnum, 0, 4); memset(((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_nodenum, 0xff, 6); ((struct sockaddr_ipx *)&broadcastaddr)->sa_socket = htons((unsigned short)net_hostport); WIPX_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr); Q_strcpy(my_ipx_address, WIPX_AddrToString (&addr)); p = Q_strrchr (my_ipx_address, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; Con_Printf("Winsock IPX Initialized\n"); ipxAvailable = true; return net_controlsocket; }
int WINS_Init(void) { int i; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char *p; int r; WORD wVersionRequested; HINSTANCE hInst; // initialize the Winsock function vectors (we do this instead of statically linking // so we can run on Win 3.1, where there isn't necessarily Winsock) hInst = LoadLibrary("wsock32.dll"); if (hInst == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf("Failed to load winsock.dll\n"); winsock_lib_initialized = false; return -1; } winsock_lib_initialized = true; pWSAStartup = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSAStartup"); pWSACleanup = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSACleanup"); pWSAGetLastError = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSAGetLastError"); psocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "socket"); pioctlsocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "ioctlsocket"); psetsockopt = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "setsockopt"); precvfrom = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "recvfrom"); psendto = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "sendto"); pclosesocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "closesocket"); pgethostname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostname"); pgethostbyname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostbyname"); pgethostbyaddr = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostbyaddr"); pgetsockname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "getsockname"); if (!pWSAStartup || !pWSACleanup || !pWSAGetLastError || !psocket || !pioctlsocket || !psetsockopt || !precvfrom || !psendto || !pclosesocket || !pgethostname || !pgethostbyname || !pgethostbyaddr || !pgetsockname) { Con_SafePrintf("Couldn't GetProcAddress from winsock.dll\n"); return -1; } if (COM_CheckParm("-noudp")) { return -1; } if (winsock_initialized == 0) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); r = pWSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &winsockdata); if (r) { Con_SafePrintf("Winsock initialization failed.\n"); return -1; } } winsock_initialized++; // determine my name if (pgethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Con_DPrintf("Winsock TCP/IP Initialization failed.\n"); if (--winsock_initialized == 0) { pWSACleanup(); } return -1; } // if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name if (Q_strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0) { // see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough) for (p = buff; *p; p++) if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.') { break; } // if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the host if (*p) { for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (buff[i] == '.') { break; } buff[i] = 0; } Cvar_Set("hostname", buff); } i = COM_CheckParm("-ip"); if (i) { if (i < com_argc-1) { myAddr = inet_addr(com_argv[i+1]); if (myAddr == INADDR_NONE) { Sys_Error("%s is not a valid IP address", com_argv[i+1]); } strcpy(my_tcpip_address, com_argv[i+1]); } else { Sys_Error("NET_Init: you must specify an IP address after -ip"); } } else { myAddr = INADDR_ANY; strcpy(my_tcpip_address, "INADDR_ANY"); } if ((net_controlsocket = WINS_OpenSocket(0)) == -1) { Con_Printf("WINS_Init: Unable to open control socket\n"); if (--winsock_initialized == 0) { pWSACleanup(); } return -1; } ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_port = htons((unsigned short)net_hostport); Con_DPrintf("Winsock TCP/IP Initialized\n"); // edited tcpipAvailable = true; return net_controlsocket; }
void WINS_GetLocalAddress() { struct hostent *local = NULL; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; unsigned long addr; if (myAddr != INADDR_ANY) { return; } if (pgethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return; } blocktime = Sys_FloatTime(); WSASetBlockingHook(BlockingHook); local = pgethostbyname(buff); WSAUnhookBlockingHook(); if (local == NULL) { return; } myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0]; addr = ntohl(myAddr); sprintf(my_tcpip_address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr >> 24) & 0xff, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff, addr & 0xff); }
int WINS_Init (void) { int i; struct hostent *local = NULL; char buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; struct qsockaddr addr; char *p; int r; WORD wVersionRequested; // initialize the Winsock function vectors (we do this instead of statically linking // so we can run on Win 3.1, where there isn't necessarily Winsock) hInst = LoadLibrary("wsock32.dll"); if (hInst == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf ("Failed to load winsock.dll\n"); winsock_lib_initialized = false; return -1; } winsock_lib_initialized = true; pWSAStartup = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSAStartup"); pWSACleanup = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSACleanup"); pWSAGetLastError = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "WSAGetLastError"); psocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "socket"); pioctlsocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "ioctlsocket"); psetsockopt = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "setsockopt"); precvfrom = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "recvfrom"); psendto = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "sendto"); pclosesocket = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "closesocket"); pgethostname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostname"); pgethostbyname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostbyname"); pgethostbyaddr = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "gethostbyaddr"); pgetsockname = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInst, "getsockname"); if (!pWSAStartup || !pWSACleanup || !pWSAGetLastError || !psocket || !pioctlsocket || !psetsockopt || !precvfrom || !psendto || !pclosesocket || !pgethostname || !pgethostbyname || !pgethostbyaddr || !pgetsockname) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't GetProcAddress from winsock.dll\n"); return -1; } if (COM_CheckParm ("-noudp")) return -1; if (winsock_initialized == 0) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); r = pWSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1, 1), &winsockdata); if (r) { Con_SafePrintf ("Winsock initialization failed.\n"); return -1; } } winsock_initialized++; // determine my name & address if (pgethostname(buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0) { blocktime = Sys_FloatTime(); WSASetBlockingHook(BlockingHook); local = pgethostbyname(buff); WSAUnhookBlockingHook(); if (local == NULL) { Con_DPrintf ("Winsock TCP/IP Initialization timed out.\n"); if (--winsock_initialized == 0) pWSACleanup (); return -1; } } if (local) { myAddr = *(int *)local->h_addr_list[0]; // if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name if (strcmp(hostname.string, "UNNAMED") == 0) { // see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough) for (p = buff; *p; p++) if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.') break; // if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the host if (*p) { for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) if (buff[i] == '.') break; buff[i] = 0; } Cvar_Set ("hostname", buff); } } if ((net_controlsocket = WINS_OpenSocket (0)) == -1) { Con_Printf("WINS_Init: Unable to open control socket\n"); if (--winsock_initialized == 0) pWSACleanup (); return -1; } ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; ((struct sockaddr_in *)&broadcastaddr)->sin_port = htons((unsigned short)net_hostport); WINS_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr); strcpy(my_tcpip_address, WINS_AddrToString (&addr)); p = strrchr (my_tcpip_address, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; Con_Printf("Winsock TCP/IP Initialized\n"); tcpipAvailable = true; return net_controlsocket; }