void speedfan(int d) { int i=0; while(1) { if(i==360) break; setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,0+i,30+i,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,120+i,150+i,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,240+i,270+i,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); delay(d); cleardevice(); i=i+30; } }
int main() { int gd = DETECT, gm, midx, midy; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI"); setcolor(MAGENTA); rectangle(0,40,639,450); settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(275,10,"Pie Chart"); midx = getmaxx()/2; midy = getmaxy()/2; setfillstyle(LINE_FILL,BLUE); pieslice(midx, midy, 0, 75, 100); outtextxy(midx+100, midy - 75, "20.83%"); setfillstyle(XHATCH_FILL,RED); pieslice(midx, midy, 75, 225, 100); outtextxy(midx-175, midy - 75, "41.67%"); setfillstyle(WIDE_DOT_FILL,GREEN); pieslice(midx, midy, 225, 360, 100); outtextxy(midx+75, midy + 75, "37.50%"); getch(); return 0; }
void draw() {if(s==0){if(b==1)putpixel(x,y,c); if(b==2)putpixel(x,y,0);} else if(s==1){if(b==2)pieslice(x,y,0,360,5); if(b==1)pieslice(x,y,0,360,2);} else if(s==2){if(b==1)rectangle(x,y,x+10,y+10); if(b==2)bar(x,y,x+10,y+10);} }
int time_control(){ if (prev != new_time.ti_sec)//show hour minute and second when prev!=ti.te_sec { //that is after 1 second setfillstyle(1,4); setcolor(4); pieslice(550,260,angle,angle+1,30); angle-= INCREASE; if(increase==90) angle=359; if(increase==180) angle=269; if(increase==270) angle=179; sec++; increase+= INCREASE; if(sec==60){ min++; sec=0; } setfillstyle(1,15); bar(569,47,589,60); if(second<=9){ if(!second){ bar(550,47,560,60); if(!minute){ color_text(574,50,"00",4); outtextxy(550,50,"0"); setfillstyle(1,4); setcolor(4); pieslice(550,260,90,120,30); summary_content(); end_lesson(min,sec,eff,err,speed); return 1; } minute--; second=59; show_number(second,574,50,4,0,1); } else{ outtextxy(574,50,"0"); show_number(second,582,50,4,0,1); } } else show_number(second,574,50,4,0,1); show_number(minute,552,50,4,0,1); second--; prev = new_time.ti_sec; } return 0; }
void PlaceQueen(int row, int column) { if (column == 0)/*Queen was in HOme*/ { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, LIGHTBLUE) ; setcolor(LIGHTBLUE); pieslice(SQSIZE / 2, row * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, 0, 360, 4); } delay(100);sound(400);delay(DELAY);nosound(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE) ; setcolor(BLUE); pieslice((column + 1) * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, row * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, 0,360, 4); }
void drawfan() { setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,0,30,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,120,150,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); setfillstyle(1,15); pieslice(midx,midy,240,270,150); floodfill(midx,midy,15); }
void cardio(int col,int lin,int r) { int p[6]; fillellipse(col-r,lin,r,r); fillellipse(col+r,lin,r,r); pieslice(col,lin,180,210,2*r); pieslice(col,lin,330,360,2*r); p[0]=col-(1.75*r);p[1]=0.98*r+lin; p[2]=col;p[3]=3.3*r+lin; p[4]=col+(1.75*r);p[5]=0.98*r+lin; fillpoly(3, p); p[2]=col; p[3]=lin; fillpoly(3, p); }
void main() //Main function { int gd=DETECT,gm=VGAMAX; float i,j,xr,xy,x,y; initgraph(&gd,&gm,0); int a[]={50,100,100,100,100,150,150,150,150,200,200,200,200,250,250,250,250,300,300,300,300,350,50,350,50,100}; fillpoly(13,a); //Draw polygon setcolor(RED); pieslice(75,75,0,360,25); xr=75;xy=75; delay(100); for(j=0;j<5;j++) { x=xr+25;y=xy; for(i=180;i<=360;i++) { cleardevice(); setcolor(WHITE); fillpoly(13,a); setcolor(RED); pieslice(x+25*cos(i*3.14/180),y+25*sin(i*3.14/180),0,360,25); delay(10); xr=x+25*cos(i*3.14/180); xy=y+25*sin(i*3.14/180); } for(i=0;i<50;i++) { xy++; cleardevice(); setcolor(WHITE); fillpoly(13,a); setcolor(RED); pieslice(xr,xy,0,360,25); delay(10); } } getch(); closegraph(); //close graph }
void RemoveQueen(int row, int column) { delay(500); sound(200); delay(DELAY+300); nosound(); if (row % 2 != column % 2) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else { setcolor(YELLOW); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW); } pieslice((column + 1) * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, row * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, 0,360, 4); }
int main() { struct pie_data data[MAX]; int gd = DETECT, gm; int i, j, k, n, total_freq = 0, start_angle = 0, end_angle = 0, xmax, ystart = 80, yend; printf("Enter the number of items: "); scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 0, j = 1, k = 1; i < n; i++) { printf("Enter the item title: "); scanf("%s", data[i].desc); printf("Enter the item frequency: "); scanf("%d", &data[i].freq); total_freq += data[i].freq; data[i].color = j; data[i].style = k; if (j++ >= 13) j = 1; if (k++ >= 11) k = 1; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { float angle; data[i].angle = 360 * (data[i].freq /(float) total_freq); } initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TurboC3\\BGI"); xmax = getmaxx() - 150; setaspectratio(10000, 10000); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { end_angle = start_angle + data[i].angle; setcolor(data[i].color); setfillstyle(data[i].style, data[i].color); pieslice(X_CENTRE, Y_CENTRE, (int)start_angle, (int)end_angle, RADIUS); start_angle = end_angle; yend = ystart + 40; bar(xmax, ystart, xmax + 70, yend); ystart = yend + 15; outtextxy(xmax + 80, ystart - 20, data[i].desc); } getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
void eraser() { bar(15); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,15); int button,x,y; mousepos(button,x,y); if(button==1 && x>48&&x<592&&y<452&&y>68) { static int v1=0,v2=0; hidemouse(); pieslice(x, y, 0, 360, 6); if(v1!=x ||v2!=y) { fout<<"pieslice("<<x<<','<<y<<','<<"0,360,6);\n"; v1=x,v2=y; } mousecall(); } }
void HomeQueen(int row) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE) ; setcolor(BLUE); pieslice(SQSIZE / 2, row * SQSIZE + SQSIZE / 2, 0, 360, 4); }
void login() { struct login log; int gd,gm,x=60,y=8,p=155,q=35; int i,a=190,bo=50,d=90,c=75; int left, top, right, bottom; // int points[]={620,150,620,400,20,400,320,150}; int l,t,r,b; /* int counter=0,flag=0; char uid[25],pwd[25],s_uid[][25]={"9913103538"}; char s_pwd[][25]={"qwerty"},ch='a',bb[5],inst[5]; // int pa; // char arr[20]={"abc"}; int j=0; */ int j,counter=0,flag=0; char uid[25],pwd[25],abc[10],s_uid[][25]={"9913103563"},inst[5]; char s_pwd[][25]={"qwerty"},ch='a',bb[5]; char ch4; gd=DETECT; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); { delay(500); setcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(a,bo,"JAYPEE INSTITUTE"); settextstyle(1,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(c,d," OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY"); settextstyle(8,0,3); outtextxy(200,130,"SECTOR-128,NOIDA"); setcolor(CYAN); settextstyle(1,0,4); outtextxy(232,170,"INFO-KIOSK"); for(i=0;i<=360;i++) { circle(300,330,8); if(i<=90) continue; else if(i>90&&i<=180) { setcolor(CYAN); } else if(i>180&&i<=270) { setcolor(YELLOW); } else { setcolor(RED); } pieslice(300,330,0,i,80); settextstyle(3,0,2); outtextxy(215,410,"Loading....please Wait"); delay(10); } closegraph(); } initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi" ); left = getmaxy() / 1 - 500 ; top = getmaxy() / 2 - 1000; right = getmaxx() / 2 + 500; bottom = getmaxy() / 2-180; setfillstyle(1,6); rectangle(top,left,right,bottom); floodfill(getmaxx()/3,getmaxy()/100,15); settextstyle(3,0,3); outtextxy(x,y,"JAYPEE INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY"); settextstyle(3,0,1); outtextxy(p,q,"Deemed to be University under section 3 of UCG Act"); // int gd=DETECT,gm, delay(500); // initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\turboc3\\bgi"); l = getmaxy() / 1 - 350 ; t = getmaxy() / 2 - 240; r = getmaxx() / 2 + 340; b = getmaxy() / 1-60; setfillstyle(1,6); rectangle(t,l,r,b); floodfill(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2,15); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(1,0,9); outtextxy(15,140,"LOGIN"); settextstyle(1,0,9); outtextxy(22,240,"PAGE"); //fseek(fl,0,SEEK_END); gotoxy(45,13); printf("Institue:"); fflush(stdin); gets(inst); gotoxy(45,15); printf("User-Id:"); fflush(stdin); gets(uid); gotoxy(45,17); printf("Batch:"); fflush(stdin); gets(bb); gotoxy(45,19); printf("Password:"******"\b"); /*printing backspace to move cursor 1 pos back*/ printf("%c",32);/*making the char invisible which is already on console*/ printf("\b"); /*printing backspace to move cursor 1 pos back*/ i--; pwd[j]='\0'; } else continue; } else { putchar('*');/* char - '*' will be printed instead of the character */ pwd[j]=ch; j++; } } pwd[j]='\0'; for(j=0;j<=2;j++) { if((strcmp(pwd,s_pwd[j])==0) && (stricmp(uid,s_uid[j]))==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag) {gotoxy(45,21); printf(" USER AUTHENTICATED "); } else { gotoxy(45,21); printf("DENIED"); getch(); exit(0); } getch(); closegraph(); }
int main() { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, err; int i = 0, midx, midy; int xrad[9], yrad[9], x[9][60], y[9][60]; int pos[9], planet[9], tmp; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "../bgi"); err = graphresult(); if (err != grOk) { printf("Graphics Error: %s", grapherrormsg(err)); return 0; } midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2; planet[0] = 7; planet[1] = planet[0] + 1; pos[0] = 0 * 6; xrad[0] = 60, yrad[0] = 30; xrad[1] = xrad[0] + 30; yrad[1] = yrad[0] + 15; planetMotion(xrad[0], yrad[0], midx, midy, x[0], y[0]); while (!kbhit()) { setcolor(WHITE); ellipse(midx, midy, 0, 360, xrad[0], yrad[0]); /* sun at the mid of the solar system */ setcolor(RED); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, RED); circle(midx, midy, 20); floodfill(midx, midy, RED); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(midx, midy,"SUN"); setcolor(GREEN); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN); pieslice(x[0][pos[0]], y[0][pos[0]], 0, 360, planet[0]); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(x[0][pos[0]], y[0][pos[0]],"Earth"); setcolor(WHITE); ellipse(x[0][pos[0]], y[0][pos[0]], 0, 360, planet[0]*3,planet[0]*3 ); planetMotion(planet[0]*3,planet[0]*3 ,x[0][pos[0]], y[0][pos[0]], x[1], y[1]); setcolor(BLUE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE); pieslice(x[1][pos[1]], y[1][pos[1]], 0, 360, planet[1]); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(x[1][pos[1]], y[1][pos[1]],"Moon"); /* checking for one complete rotation */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (pos[i] <= 0) { pos[i] = 59; } else { pos[i] = pos[i] - 1; } } delay(100); cleardevice(); } closegraph(); return 0; }
void Dibuja() { pieslice(xi,yi,sa,ea,r); ver=1; }
main() { int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; int i,j,k,l,x,x1,x2,y1,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6,x7,y7,x8,y8; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); x1=115; y1=150; x2=145; y2=110; x3=155; y3=150; x4=185; y4=110; x5=195; y5=150; x6=225; y6=110; x7=235; y7=150; x8=265; y8=110; j=1; i=1; while(!(kbhit())) { i=0; //conveyor belt circle(90,200,50); circle(300,200,50); line(80,150,300,150); line(80,250,300,250); //bins rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); rectangle(x3,y3,x4,y4); rectangle(x5,y5,x6,y6); rectangle(x7,y7,x8,y8); if(x7>=320){ i=0; if(x8<=560 && y7<=300){ rectangle(x7+i,y7++,x8+i,y8++); i=i+8; }} if(x5>=320){ i=0; if(x6<=560 && y5<=300){ rectangle(x5+i,y5++,x6+i,y6++); i=i+10; }} if(x3>=320){ i=0; if(x4<=560 && y3<=300){ rectangle(x3+i,y3++,x4+i,y4++); i=i+10; }} if(x1>=320){ i=0; if(x2<=560 && y1<=300){ rectangle(x1+i,y1++,x2+i,y2++); i=i+10; }} //basket rectangle(350,300,560,250); setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL, getmaxcolor()); pieslice(90,200,45-x,135-x,50); pieslice(90,200,135-x,225-x,50); pieslice(90,200,225-x,315-x,50); pieslice(90,200,90-x,270-x,50); pieslice(90,200,0-x,180-x,50); pieslice(300,200,45-x,135-x,50); pieslice(300,200,135-x,225-x,50); pieslice(300,200,225-x,315-x,50); pieslice(300,200,90-x,270-x,50); pieslice(300,200,0-x,180-x,50); if(x1<=370 || x3<=370 || x5<=370 ||x7<=370){ x++; x1++,x2++;x3++;x4++;x5++;x6++;x7++; x8++; } delay(80); cleardevice(); } cleardevice(); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }