/** * @brief Updates the commodity window. * @param wid Window to update. * @param str Unused. */ static void commodity_update( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void)str; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *comname; Commodity *com; comname = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstGoods" ); if ((comname==NULL) || (strcmp( comname, "None" )==0)) { snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "NA Tons\n" "NA Credits/Ton\n" "\n" "NA Tons\n" ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDInfo", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc", "No outfits available." ); } com = commodity_get( comname ); /* modify text */ snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%d Tons\n" "%"CREDITS_PRI" Credits/Ton\n" "\n" "%d Tons\n", pilot_cargoOwned( player.p, comname ), planet_commodityPrice( land_planet, com ), pilot_cargoFree(player.p)); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDInfo", buf ); window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc", com->description ); }
static int commodity_canSell( char *name ) { int failure; failure = 0; if (pilot_cargoOwned( player.p, name ) == 0) { land_errDialogueBuild("You can't sell something you don't have!"); failure = 1; } return !failure; }