Esempio n. 1
void cgInitObjProps(IRLS& env, const IRInstruction* inst) {
  auto const cls = inst->extra<InitObjProps>()->cls;
  auto const obj = srcLoc(env, inst, 0).reg();
  auto& v = vmain(env);

  // Set the attributes, if any.
  auto const odAttrs = cls->getODAttrs();
  if (odAttrs) {
    static_assert(sizeof(ObjectData::Attribute) == 2,
                  "Codegen expects 2-byte ObjectData attributes");
    assertx(!(odAttrs & 0xffff0000));
    v << orwim{odAttrs, obj[ObjectData::attributeOff()], v.makeReg()};

  // Initialize the properties.
  auto const nprops = cls->numDeclProperties();
  if (nprops > 0) {
    if (cls->pinitVec().size() == 0) {
      // If the Class has no 86pinit property-initializer functions, we can
      // just copy the initial values from a data member on the Class.
      implInitObjPropsFast(v, env, inst, obj, cls, nprops);
    } else {
      // Load the Class's propInitVec from the target cache.  We know it's
      // already been initialized as a pre-condition on this op.
      auto const propHandle = cls->propHandle();

      auto const propInitVec = v.makeReg();
      auto const propData = v.makeReg();
      v << load{Vreg(rvmtl())[propHandle], propInitVec};
      v << load{propInitVec[Class::PropInitVec::dataOff()], propData};

      auto const propsOff = sizeof(ObjectData) + cls->builtinODTailSize();
      auto args = argGroup(env, inst)
        .addr(obj, safe_cast<int32_t>(propsOff))

      if (!cls->hasDeepInitProps()) {
        cgCallHelper(v, env, CallSpec::direct(memcpy), kVoidDest,
                     SyncOptions::None, args.imm(cellsToBytes(nprops)));
      } else {
        cgCallHelper(v, env, CallSpec::direct(deepInitHelper),
                     kVoidDest, SyncOptions::None, args.imm(nprops));
Esempio n. 2
APCHandle::Pair APCObject::Construct(ObjectData* objectData) {
  // This function assumes the object and object/array down the tree have no
  // internal references and do not implement the serializable interface.

  auto cls = objectData->getVMClass();
  auto clsOrName = make_class(cls);
  if (clsOrName.right()) return ConstructSlow(objectData, clsOrName);

  // We have a persistent Class. Build an array of APCHandle* to mirror the
  // declared properties in the object.
  auto const propInfo = cls->declProperties();
  auto const hasDynProps = objectData->hasDynProps();
  auto const numRealProps = propInfo.size();
  auto const numApcProps = numRealProps + hasDynProps;
  auto size = sizeof(APCObject) + sizeof(APCHandle*) * numApcProps;
  auto const apcObj = new (malloc_huge(size)) APCObject(clsOrName, numApcProps);
  apcObj->m_persistent = 1;

  // Set a few more flags for faster fetching: whether or not the object has a
  // wakeup method, and whether or not we can use a fast path that avoids
  // default-initializing properties before setting them to their APC values.
  if (!cls->lookupMethod(s___wakeup.get())) apcObj->m_no_wakeup = 1;
  if (!cls->instanceCtor()) {
    apcObj->m_fast_init = 1;

  auto const apcPropVec = apcObj->persistentProps();
  auto const objPropVec = objectData->propVec();
  const TypedValueAux* propInit = nullptr;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRealProps; ++i) {
    auto const attrs = propInfo[i].attrs;
    assert((attrs & AttrStatic) == 0);

    const TypedValue* objProp;
    if (attrs & AttrBuiltin) {
      // Special properties like the Memoize cache should be set to their
      // default value, not the current value.
      if (propInit == nullptr) {
        propInit = cls->pinitVec().empty() ? &cls->declPropInit()[0]
                                           : &(*cls->getPropData())[0];

      objProp = propInit + i;
    } else {
      objProp = objPropVec + i;

    auto val = APCHandle::Create(tvAsCVarRef(objProp), false,
                                 APCHandleLevel::Inner, true);
    size += val.size;
    apcPropVec[i] = val.handle;

  if (UNLIKELY(hasDynProps)) {
    auto val = APCHandle::Create(objectData->dynPropArray(), false,
                                 APCHandleLevel::Inner, true);
    size += val.size;
    apcPropVec[numRealProps] = val.handle;

  return {apcObj->getHandle(), size};