Esempio n. 1
/* SImage::maskFromColour
 * Changes the mask/alpha channel so that pixels that match [colour]
 * are fully transparent, and all other pixels fully opaque
bool SImage::maskFromColour(rgba_t colour, Palette8bit* pal)
	if (type == PALMASK)
		// Get palette to use
		if (has_palette || !pal)
			pal = &palette;

		// Palette+Mask type, go through the mask
		for (int a = 0; a < width * height; a++)
			if (pal->colour(data[a]).equals(colour))
				mask[a] = 0;
				mask[a] = 255;
	else if (type == RGBA)
		// RGBA type, go through alpha channel
		uint32_t c = 0;
		for (int a = 0; a < width * height; a++)
			rgba_t pix_col(data[c], data[c + 1], data[c + 2], 255);

			if (pix_col.equals(colour))
				data[c + 3] = 0;
				data[c + 3] = 255;

			// Skip to next pixel
			c += 4;
		return false;

	// Announce change

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
Color Scene::ray_to_raster(const Ray& r, unsigned int depth) {
  float raymin;
  ShadeHint hitsh;
  int ox = 0;
  int oy = 0;
  SceneObject *curobj = getClosestObject(r, &raymin, &hitsh);
  if (curobj == nullptr) {
    return BG_COLOR;
  } else {
    Color pix_col(ambient_light);
    // we've intesected an object
    #ifdef SOFT_SHADOW
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for (ox = 0; ox < 2; ox++) {
    for (oy = 0; oy < 2; oy++) {
      for (auto &light : lights) {
          const Ray& shadowRay = r.createShadowRay(ox*0.2, oy*0.2, raymin, light);
          if (hasNoObjectIntersections(curobj, shadowRay)) {
            switch (curobj->type()) {
              case SceneObject::TYPE::SPHERE:
              case SceneObject::TYPE::TRIANGLE:
                pix_col += curobj->calc_color(this, shadowRay, light, &hitsh, depth + 1);
    #ifdef SOFT_SHADOW
      } } }
      pix_col.r /= 15.0;
      pix_col.g /= 15.0;
      pix_col.b /= 15.0;
    return pix_col;