Esempio n. 1
static int
read_image_block (pixma_t * s, uint8_t * data, unsigned size)
  int error;
  unsigned maxchunksize, chunksize, count = 0;
  maxchunksize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE * ((s->cfg->pid == MF3010_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF4410_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF4770_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF4550_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF4600_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF6500_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF8030_PID) ? 4 : 1);
  while (size)
      if (size >= maxchunksize)
      	chunksize = maxchunksize;
      else if (size < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
      	chunksize = size;
      	chunksize = size - (size % MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);
      error = pixma_read (s->io, data, chunksize);
      if (error < 0)
      	return count;
      count += error;
      data += error;
      size -= error;
  return count;
Esempio n. 2
static int
read_image_block (pixma_t * s, uint8_t * data, unsigned size)
  iclass_t *mf = (iclass_t *) s->subdriver;
  int error;
  unsigned maxchunksize, chunksize, count = 0;
  maxchunksize = MAX_CHUNK_SIZE * ((mf->generation >= 2 ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF4600_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF6500_PID ||
                                    s->cfg->pid == MF8030_PID) ? 4 : 1);
  while (size)
      if (size >= maxchunksize)
      	chunksize = maxchunksize;
      else if (size < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE)
      	chunksize = size;
      	chunksize = size - (size % MIN_CHUNK_SIZE);
      error = pixma_read (s->io, data, chunksize);
      if (error < 0)
      	return count;
      count += error;
      data += error;
      size -= error;
  return count;
Esempio n. 3
static int
read_image_block (pixma_t * s, uint8_t * data)
  int count, temp;

  count = pixma_read (s->io, data, IMAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
  if (count < 0)
    return count;
  if (count == IMAGE_BLOCK_SIZE)
      int error = pixma_read (s->io, &temp, 0);
      if (error < 0)
          PDBG (pixma_dbg
          (1, "WARNING: reading zero-length packet failed %d\n", error));
  return count;
Esempio n. 4
static void
workaround_first_command (pixma_t * s)
  /* FIXME: Send a dummy command because the device doesn't response to the
     first command that is sent directly after the USB interface has been
     set up. Why? USB isn't set up properly? */
  uint8_t cmd[10];
  int error;

  if (s->cfg->pid == MP750_PID)
    return;			/* MP750 doesn't have this problem(?) */

  PDBG (pixma_dbg
	 "Work-around for the problem: device doesn't response to the first command.\n"));
  memset (cmd, 0, sizeof (cmd));
  pixma_set_be16 (cmd_calibrate, cmd);
  error = pixma_write (s->io, cmd, 10);
  if (error != 10)
      if (error < 0)
	  PDBG (pixma_dbg
		(1, "  Sending a dummy command failed: %s\n",
		 pixma_strerror (error)));
	  PDBG (pixma_dbg
		(1, "  Sending a dummy command failed: count = %d\n", error));
  error = pixma_read (s->io, cmd, sizeof (cmd));
  if (error >= 0)
      PDBG (pixma_dbg
	    (1, "  Got %d bytes response from a dummy command.\n", error));
      PDBG (pixma_dbg
	    (1, "  Reading response of a dummy command failed: %s\n",
	     pixma_strerror (error)));
Esempio n. 5
static int
read_image_block (pixma_t * s, uint8_t * header, uint8_t * data)
  static const uint8_t cmd[10] =	/* 0xd420 cmd */
  { 0xd4, 0x20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, IMAGE_BLOCK_SIZE / 256, 4, 0 };
  mp730_t *mp = (mp730_t *) s->subdriver;
  const int hlen = 2 + 4;
  int error, datalen;

  mp->state = state_transfering;
  mp->cb.reslen =
    pixma_cmd_transaction (s, cmd, sizeof (cmd), mp->cb.buf, 512);
  datalen = mp->cb.reslen;
  if (datalen < 0)
    return datalen;

  memcpy (header, mp->cb.buf, hlen);
  if (datalen >= hlen)
      datalen -= hlen;
      memcpy (data, mp->cb.buf + hlen, datalen);
      data += datalen;
      if (mp->cb.reslen == 512)
	  error = pixma_read (s->io, data, IMAGE_BLOCK_SIZE - 512 + hlen);
	  if (error < 0)
	    return error;
	  datalen += error;

  mp->state = state_scanning;
  mp->cb.expected_reslen = 0;
  error = pixma_check_result (&mp->cb);
  if (error < 0)
    return error;
  if (mp->cb.reslen < hlen)
    return PIXMA_EPROTO;
  return datalen;
Esempio n. 6
static void
drain_bulk_in (pixma_t * s)
  mp730_t *mp = (mp730_t *) s->subdriver;
  while (pixma_read (s->io, mp->imgbuf, IMAGE_BLOCK_SIZE) >= 0);