Esempio n. 1
void QuantixCamera::waitForImage()
	int16 status;
    uns32 not_needed;
	int i = 0;

	unsigned long waitS, waitNS;

	//Wait for the acquisition to start before checking for data
		if (!isAcquiring)

	//Wait for an image to be acquired; stop acquisition if an error has occurred.


			if (!isAcquiring)

		if(!pl_exp_check_status( cameraHandle, &status, &not_needed))

		if (status == READOUT_FAILED)
			std::cerr << "Readout failed" << std::endl;

		if (status == READOUT_COMPLETE)
			std::cerr << "Waited " << i << "times" << std::endl;
				omni_thread::get_time(&waitS, &waitNS, 0, 500000000);


	stopEvent = true;

Esempio n. 2
void QuantixCamera::checkQuantixStatus()
	int16 status;
	uns32 byteCount;
	pl_exp_check_status(cameraHandle, &status, &byteCount);


Esempio n. 3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // Testing of external linking of classes defined in other dll-s
    // don't forget to copy the current version of the externally linked dll into the same directory where
    // the this file is located
    OBuffer oCircularBuffer;
    oCircularBuffer.Test(sTest, MAX_STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH);

    mexPrintf("Start continous exposure");

    // init stuff
    // prepare variables
    bool bVerbose = false;
    unsigned int expTime, lNonexposureTime, lNumOfFrames;
    double *ptrImageArray=NULL;
    char cam_name[CAM_NAME_LEN];
    int16 hCam = 0;
    rs_bool avFlag;
    rs_bool retCode = FALSE;
    uns16* poImageBuffer = 0;
    uns16** poImagesBuffer[2];
    OCircularBuffer oImageBuffer1, oImageBuffer2;

    // Usage:
    // read command-line arguments
    // correct number of parameters?
    if (nrhs != 11 )
        mexPrintf("\nUsage: >> nmssCAMGetImage(hCam, x,y,w,h,bx,by,expTime)");
        mexPrintf("\nwhere: ");
        mexPrintf("\n        - hCam: the camera handle (integer number)");
        mexPrintf("\n        - x,y: upper left corner of used rectangle on the CCD-chip");
        mexPrintf("\n        - w,h: width and height of that rectangle");
        mexPrintf("\n        - bx,by: binning factors in x- and y-direction");
        mexPrintf("\n        - expTime: exposure time in milliseconds");
        mexPrintf("\n        - lNonexposureTime: time in milliseconds until a new exposure is being taken");
        mexPrintf("\n        - lNumOfFrames: the number of frames to be taken");
        mexPrintf("\n        - verbose: if 0, no output, if 1 output generated and printed");

    hCam = (uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
    uns16 x1=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
    uns16 y1=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
    uns16 x2=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
    uns16 y2=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
    uns16 by=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);
    uns16 bx=(uns16) mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
    // exposure time in the unit given by PARAM_EXP_RES (usually ms)
    expTime=(unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);
    lNonexposureTime = (unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);
    lNumOfFrames = (unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[9]);
    // exit, if number of frames is smaller than 1 - no frame - no image
    if (lNumOfFrames < 1)
        throw "Number of frames should be >= 1!";
    if (lNumOfFrames > 1)
        throw "Acquisition of more than 1 frames is not implemented fully yet! :-(";

    bVerbose = ((unsigned int) mxGetScalar(prhs[10]) == 1);

    // greeting to user
    if (bVerbose)
        mexPrintf("\n nmssCAMGetImage();\n");

    try {

        // take picture
        // region of interest
        try {
            nmssCAM_CheckROIRange(hCam, x2, y2, x1, y1);
        catch (...) {

        rgn_type reg[1];
        reg[0].s1 = x1-1;
        reg[0].s2 = x2-1;
        reg[0].sbin = bx;
        reg[0].p1 = y1-1;
        reg[0].p2 = y2-1;
        reg[0].pbin = by;

        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nROI: (%d; %d) .. (%d; %d)", reg[0].s1,reg[0].s2, reg[0].p1, reg[0].p2);

        // Experimental: Display time resolution setting

        // number of images to take
        uns16 expTotal = 1;
        // total number of region definitions
        uns16 regTotal = 1;
        // exposure mode
        int16 mode = TIMED_MODE;
        // number of bytes in the "pixel stream"
        uns32 nNumberOfBytes = 1;
        // status of exposure
        int16 status;
        uns32 na = 0;

        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nInitializing exposure controller...");
        retCode = pl_exp_init_seq();
        if (retCode == 0) throw retCode;

        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nPreparing camera for readout...");
        retCode = pl_exp_setup_cont( hCam, regTotal, reg, mode , expTime,
                                     &nNumberOfBytes, CIRC_OVERWRITE);
        if (retCode == 0) throw retCode;

        // allocate memory
        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nReceived %d bytes", nNumberOfBytes);
            mexPrintf("\nsizeof(uns16)=%d", sizeof(uns16));
        poImagesBuffer = oImageBuffer.CreateFrameBuffer(lNumOfFrames, nNumberOfBytes);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // start image acquisition
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (bVerbose) mexPrintf("\nStarting readout...");

        // start continous acquisition of frames into the circular buffer
        pl_exp_start_cont(hCam, poImagesBuffer, oImageBuffer.GetSize());

        unsigned int k = 0;
        while (k < lNumOfFrames) {

            retCode = pl_exp_start_seq(hCam, (void*)poImagesBuffer[k]);

            if (retCode>0)

                clock_t oStartTime = clock();
                clock_t oTimeOut = (expTime / 1000.0 + 60) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // timeout 60s

                if (bVerbose)
                    mexPrintf("\nWait until camera is ready...");
                // wait for exposure to finish
                while( pl_exp_check_status(hCam, &status, &na)
                        && (status!=READOUT_COMPLETE)
                        && (status != READOUT_FAILED) )
                    if ((clock() - oStartTime) > oTimeOut)
                        throw "Camera seems to be blocking!";
                plhs[0] = mxCreateString("OK");
                throw retCode;

        // finish acq.
        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nFinished readout...");

        if (bVerbose)
            mexPrintf("\nUninitializing exposure needs some rest, yeah");


        uns16 nXSize = reg[0].s2 - reg[0].s1 + 1;
        uns16 nYSize = reg[0].p2 - reg[0].p1 + 1;
        if (bVerbose)
            uns16 nYSize_chip;
            uns16 nXSize_chip;
            mexPrintf("\nGet YSize of the chip");
            pl_get_param(hCam, PARAM_PAR_SIZE, ATTR_CURRENT, &nYSize_chip);
            mexPrintf("\nGet XSize of the chip");
            pl_get_param(hCam, PARAM_SER_SIZE, ATTR_CURRENT, &nXSize_chip);
            mexPrintf("\nChip size %d x %d", nXSize, nYSize);

        //if (size != nXSize * nYSize)
        //	std::string sThrowThisError("Error while reading CCD\n");
        //	sThrowThisError += "Number of bytes readed is larger than X x Y!"
        //	throw(sThrowThisError);
        plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(nXSize, nYSize,      // matrix dimensions
                                        mxUINT16_CLASS,      // the camera returns unsigned int
                                        mxREAL);             // no complex numbers

        unsigned short * poImage = (unsigned short *)mxGetData(plhs[1]);
        size_t bytes_to_copy = nXSize * nYSize * mxGetElementSize(plhs[1]);
        if (bVerbose)
            //mexPrintf("\nElement size of plhs[1]= %d", mxGetElementSize(plhs[1]));
            mexPrintf("\nNumber of bytes read from camera: %d", bytes_to_copy);

        // works only for one frame
        memcpy(poImage, poImagesBuffer[0], bytes_to_copy);

        // clean up after multiple exposure
        if (lNumOfFrames >= 1)
            pl_exp_finish_seq(hCam, poImageBuffer,0);
    // camera hardware error message
    catch (rs_bool retCode)
        nmssCAMError(nlhs, plhs);
    // nanobiotech error message
    catch (char* msg)
        plhs[0] = mxCreateString("ERROR");
        plhs[1] = mxCreateString(msg);
    catch (std::string sErrorMsg)
        plhs[0] = mxCreateString("ERROR");
        plhs[1] = mxCreateString(sErrorMsg.c_str());
