Esempio n. 1
 * @brief	Get a placer pointing to the specified line ('\n' delimited) of content in a data buffer.
 * @param	block	a pointer to the block of data to be scanned.
 * @param	length	the length, in bytes, of the specified data buffer.
 * @param	number	the zero-based index of the line to be retrieved from the buffer.
 * @return	a null placer on failure, or a placer pointing to the specified line on success.
placer_t line_pl_bl(char *block, size_t length, uint64_t number) {

	char *start;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty blocks.
	if (mm_empty(block, length)) {
		log_pedantic("Passed an invalid parameter.");
		return pl_null();

	// Keep advancing till we reach the requested line, or the end of the block.
	while (number && length--) {

		if (*block++ == '\n') {


	// If we hit the end of the string before finding the requested line, return NULL.
	if (!length || number) {
		return pl_null();

	// Advance through until we reach the next new-line character.
	start = block;

	while (length-- && *block++ != '\n');

	if (*(block - 1) != '\n') {
		return pl_null();

	return pl_init(start, block - start);
Esempio n. 2
 * on error the function returns -1 and sets value to EMPTY_PLACER
 * on success the function returns 0 and stores the token in the placer pointed at by value
 * if the end is hit, then the function returns 1, and places any remaining data in value
int tok_pop(tok_state_t *state, placer_t *value) {

	char *startPosition;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (!value || !state || !state->position) {

		if (value) {
			*value = pl_null();

		return -1;

	// Handle situations where there is no more data.
	if (!(state->remaining)) {
		*value = pl_null();
		return 1;

	// Handle situations where the pointer is already at the token.
	if (*(state->position) == state->token) {

		*value = pl_null();

		if (!(state->remaining)) {
			return 1;

		return 0;

	startPosition = state->position;

	while (*(state->position) != state->token && (state->remaining)) {

	// If we hit the token on the first character, return NULL
	if ((startPosition) == state->position) {
		*value = pl_null();
	} else {
		*value = pl_init(startPosition, state->position - startPosition);

	// We hit the end of the block
	if (!(state->remaining)) {
		return 1;

	// Advance to the next character for next time.

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief	Retrieve a specified token from a null-terminated string.
 * @param	string		a pointer to the null-terminated string to be tokenized.
 * @param	length		the maximum number of characters to be scanned from the input string.
 * @param	token		the token character that will be used to split the string.
 * @param	fragment	the zero-indexed token number to be extracted from the string.
 * @param	value		a pointer to a placer that will receive the value of the extracted token on success, or pl_null() on failure.
 * @return	-1 on failure, 0 on success, or 1 if the token was extracted successfully, but was the last one in the string.
int tok_get_ns(char *string, size_t length, char token, uint64_t fragment, placer_t *value) {

	char *start;

	if (!string) log_pedantic("Attempted token extraction from a NULL string buffer.");
	else if (!length) log_pedantic("Attempted token extraction from an empty string.");

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (!value || mm_empty(string, length)) {

		if (value) {
			*value = pl_null();

		return -1;

	while (fragment && length--) {

		if (*string++ == token) {


	if (fragment) {
		*value = pl_null();
		return 1;

	start = string;

	while (length && *string != token) {

	// If we hit the token on the first character, return NULL
	if (start == string) {
		*value = pl_null();
	else {
		*value = pl_init(start, string - start);

	// We hit the end of the string
	if (!length) {
		return 1;

	return 0;
placer_t imap_parse_address_breaker(stringer_t *address, uint32_t part) {

	size_t length;
	int_t status = 0;
	uint32_t position = 0;
	placer_t output = pl_null();
	chr_t *holder, *start = NULL, *end = NULL;

	if (address == NULL) {
		return pl_null();

	length = st_length_get(address);
	holder = st_char_get(address);

	while (length > 0 && end == NULL) {

		if (position == part) {
			start = holder;

		// Inside quotes, nothing counts.
		if (status == 0 && *holder == '\"') {
			status = 1;
		else if (status == 1 && *holder == '\"') {
			status = 0;
		// Outside quotes, and we hit the break character.
		else if (status == 0 && position > part && *holder == ',') {
			end = holder;
		else if (status == 0 && position < part && *holder == ',') {


	// If we hit the end.
	if (end == NULL) {
		end = holder;

	if (start != NULL && end != NULL) {
		output = pl_init(start, end - start);

	return output;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief	Initialize a TLS session for an unauthenticated POP3 session.
 * @note	RFC 2595 / section 4 dictates that the STLS/STARTTLS command should only be available in the authorization state.
 * @param	con		the connection of the POP3 client requesting the transport layer security upgrade.
 * @return	This function returns no value (all error messages are written directly to the requesting client).
void pop_starttls(connection_t *con) {

	if (con->pop.session_state != 0) {
	else if (con_secure(con) == 1) {
		con_write_bl(con, "-ERR Session is already encrypted.\r\n", 36);
	else if (con_secure(con) == -1) {
		con_write_bl(con, "-ERR This server has not been configured to support STLS.\r\n", 59);

	// Tell the user that we are ready to start the negotiation.
	con_write_bl(con, "+OK Ready to start TLS negotiation.\r\n", 37);

	if (!(con->network.ssl = ssl_alloc(con->server, con->network.sockd, M_SSL_BIO_NOCLOSE))) {
		con_write_bl(con, "-ERR STARTTLS FAILED\r\n", 22);
		log_pedantic("The SSL connection attempt failed.");

	st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
	con->network.line = pl_null();
	con->network.status = 1;

Esempio n. 6
 * @brief	Retrieve a specified string-split token from a null-terminated string.
 * @param	block		a pointer to the block of memory to be tokenized.
 * @param	length		the maximum number of characters to be scanned from the input data.
 * @param	token		the token string that will be used to split the data.
 * @param	toklen		the length, in bytes, of the token string.
 * @param	fragment	the zero-indexed token number to be extracted from the data.
 * @param	value		a pointer to a placer that will receive the value of the extracted token on success, or pl_null() on failure.
 * @return	-1 on failure, 0 on success, or 1 if the token was extracted successfully, but was the last one in the string.
int str_tok_get_bl(char *block, size_t length, chr_t *token, size_t toklen, uint64_t fragment, placer_t *value) {

	placer_t haystack, needle;
	size_t hptr, skipped = 0;
	bool_t found;

	// We can't search NULL pointers or empty strings.
	if (!value || mm_empty(block, length) || mm_empty(token, toklen)) {
		*value = pl_null();
		return -1;

	haystack = pl_init(block, length);
	needle = pl_init(token, toklen);

	while (fragment) {

		if (!(found = st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr))) {
			*value = pl_null();
			return -1;

		// Haystack becomes the entire block after the token.
		skipped += pl_length_get (needle) + hptr;
		haystack = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack) + skipped, length-skipped);

	// If no more tokens are present, return everything we have left
	if (!st_search_cs(&haystack, &needle, &hptr)) {
		*value = haystack;
		return 1;

	*value = pl_init(pl_char_get(haystack), hptr);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief	Allocate and initialize a new network buffer for a connection, if it is not already associated with one.
 * @note	A network buffer of size magma.system.network_buffer bytes will be allocated for the connection if one does not exist.
 * @return	true if the connection object has been associated with a network buffer or false on failure.
bool_t con_init_network_buffer(connection_t *con) {

	if (!con) {
		return false;
	else if (con->network.buffer) {
		return true;

	if (!(con->network.buffer = st_alloc(magma.system.network_buffer))) {
		log_info("Unable to allocate a network buffer of %u bytes.", magma.system.network_buffer);
		return false;

	con->network.line = pl_null();

	return true;
Esempio n. 8
File: read.c Progetto: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Read data from a network connection, and store the data in the connection context buffer.
 * @return	-1 on general failure, -2 if the connection was reset, or the amount of data that was read.
int64_t client_read(client_t *client) {

	int_t counter = 0;
	ssize_t bytes = 0;
	bool_t blocking = true;
	stringer_t *error = NULL;

	int_t local = 0;
	stringer_t *ip = NULL, *cipher = NULL;

	if (!client || client->sockd == -1 || client_status(client) < 0) {
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	else if (pl_length_get(client->line) && st_length_get(client->buffer) > pl_length_get(client->line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(client->buffer), st_data_get(client->buffer) + pl_length_get(client->line), st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Clear the line buffer.
		client->line = pl_null();
	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(client->buffer, 0);
		client->line = pl_null();

	// Loop until the buffer has data or we get an error.
	do {
		blocking = st_length_get(client->buffer) ? false : true;

		// Read bytes off the network. If data is already in the buffer this should be a non-blocking read operation so we can
		// return the already buffered data without delay.
		if (client->tls) {

			// If bytes is zero or below and the library isn't asking for another read, then an error occurred.
			bytes = tls_read(client->tls, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer),
				st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), blocking);

			// If zero bytes were read, or a negative value was returned to indicate an error, call tls_erorr(), which will return
			// NULL if the error can be safely ignored. Otherwise log the output for debug purposes.
			if (bytes <= 0 && (error = tls_error(client->tls, bytes, MANAGEDBUF(512)))) {
				cipher = tls_cipher(client->tls, MANAGEDBUF(128));
				ip = ip_presentation(client->ip, MANAGEDBUF(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));

				log_pedantic("TLS client read operation failed. { ip = %.*s / %.*s / result = %zi%s%.*s }",
					st_length_int(ip), st_char_get(ip), st_length_int(cipher), st_char_get(cipher),
					bytes, (error ? " / " : ""), st_length_int(error), st_char_get(error));
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;
			// This will occur when the read operation results in a 0, or negative value, but TLS error returns NULL to
			// indicate it was a transient error. For transient errors we simply set bytes equal to 0 so the read call gets retried.
			else if (bytes <= 0) {
				bytes = 0;
		else {

			errno = 0;

			bytes = recv(client->sockd, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer),
				st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), (blocking ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT));

			// Check for errors on non-SSL reads in the traditional way.
			if (bytes <= 0 && tcp_status(client->sockd)) {
				local = errno;
				ip = ip_presentation(client->ip, MANAGEDBUF(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));

				log_pedantic("TCP client read operation failed. { ip = %.*s / result = %zi / error = %i / message = %s }",
					st_length_int(ip), st_char_get(ip), bytes, local, strerror_r(local, MEMORYBUF(1024), 1024));
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;


		// We actually read in data, so we need to update the buffer to reflect the amount of data it currently holds.
		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) + bytes);

	} while (blocking && counter++ < 128 && !st_length_get(client->buffer) && status());

	// If there is data in the buffer process it. Otherwise if the buffer is empty and the connection appears to be closed
	// (as indicated by a return value of 0), then return -1 to let the caller know the connection is dead.
	if (st_length_get(client->buffer)) {
		client->status = 1;
	else if (!bytes) {
		client->status = 2;
		return -2;

	return st_length_get(client->buffer);
Esempio n. 9
File: read.c Progetto: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Read a line of input from a network connection.
 * @note	This function handles reading data from both regular and ssl connections.
 * 			This function continually attempts to read incoming data from the specified connection until a \n terminated line of input is received.
 * 			If a new line is read, the length of that line is returned to the caller, including the trailing \n.
 * 			If the read returns -1 and wasn't caused by a syscall interruption or blocking error, -1 is returned, and the connection status is set to -1.
 * 			If the read returns 0 and wasn't caused by a syscall interruption or blocking error, -2 is returned, and the connection status is set to 2.
 * 			Once a \n character is reached, the length of the current line of input is returned to the user, and the connection status is set to 1.
 * @param	con		the network connection across which the line of data will be read.
 * @return	-1 on general failure, -2 if the connection was reset, or the length of the current line of input, including the trailing new line character.
int64_t con_read_line(connection_t *con, bool_t block) {

	ssize_t bytes = 0;
	int_t counter = 0;
	bool_t line = false;

	if (!con || con->network.sockd == -1 || con_status(con) < 0) {
		if (con) con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for an existing network buffer. If there isn't one, try creating it.
	else if (!con->network.buffer && !con_init_network_buffer(con)) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check if we have received more data than just what is in the current line of input.
	else if (pl_length_get(con->network.line) && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > pl_length_get(con->network.line)) {

		// If so, move the unused "new" data after the current line marker to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(con->network.buffer), st_data_get(con->network.buffer) + pl_length_get(con->network.line),
			st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Update the buffer length.
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Check whether the data we just moved contains a complete line.
		if (!pl_empty((con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0)))) {
			con->network.status = 1;
			return pl_length_get(con->network.line);

	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
		con->network.line = pl_null();

	// Loop until we get a complete line, an error, or the buffer is filled.
	do {
//		blocking = st_length_get(con->network.buffer) ? false : true;
		block = true;

		if (con->network.tls) {
			bytes = tls_read(con->network.tls, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), block);
		else {
			bytes = tcp_read(con->network.sockd, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), block);

		// We actually read in data, so we need to update the buffer to reflect the amount of unprocessed data it currently holds.
		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) + bytes);
		else if (bytes == 0) {
		else {
			con->network.status = -1;
			return -1;

		// Check whether we have a complete line before checking whether the connection was closed.
		if (!st_empty(con->network.buffer) && !pl_empty((con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0)))) {
			line = true;

	} while (!line && block && counter++ < 128 && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) != st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) && status());

	if (st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > 0) {
		con->network.status = 1;

	return pl_length_get(con->network.line);
Esempio n. 10
File: read.c Progetto: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Read a line of input from a network client session.
 * @return	-1 on general failure, -2 if the connection was reset, or the length of the current line of input, including the trailing new line character.
int64_t client_read_line(client_t *client) {

	ssize_t bytes = 0;
	int_t counter = 0;
	stringer_t *error = NULL;
	bool_t blocking = true, line = false;

	int_t local = 0;
	stringer_t *ip = NULL, *cipher = NULL;

	if (!client || client->sockd == -1) {
		if (client) client->status = 1;
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	else if (pl_length_get(client->line) && st_length_get(client->buffer) > pl_length_get(client->line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(client->buffer), st_data_get(client->buffer) + pl_length_get(client->line), st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Check whether the data we just moved contains a complete line.
		if (!pl_empty((client->line = line_pl_st(client->buffer, 0)))) {
			client->status = 1;
			return pl_length_get(client->line);
	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(client->buffer, 0);
		client->line = pl_null();

	// Loop until we get a complete line, an error, or the buffer is filled.
	do {

		// Read bytes off the network. Skip past any existing data in the buffer.
		if (client->tls) {

			// If bytes is zero or below and the library isn't asking for another read, then an error occurred.
			bytes = tls_read(client->tls, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer),
				st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), blocking);

			// If zero bytes were read, or a negative value was returned to indicate an error, call tls_erorr(), which will return
			// NULL if the error can be safely ignored. Otherwise log the output for debug purposes.
			if (bytes <= 0 && (error = tls_error(client->tls, bytes, MANAGEDBUF(512)))) {
				cipher = tls_cipher(client->tls, MANAGEDBUF(128));
				ip = ip_presentation(client->ip, MANAGEDBUF(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));

				log_pedantic("TLS client read operation failed. { ip = %.*s / %.*s / result = %zi%s%.*s }",
					st_length_int(ip), st_char_get(ip), st_length_int(cipher), st_char_get(cipher),
					bytes, (error ? " / " : ""), st_length_int(error), st_char_get(error));
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;
			// This will occur when the read operation results in a 0, or negative value, but TLS error returns NULL to
			// indicate it was a transient error. For transient errors we simply set bytes equal to 0 so the read call gets retried.
			else if (bytes <= 0) {
				bytes = 0;
		else {

			errno = 0;

			bytes = recv(client->sockd, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer),
				st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), (blocking ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT));

			// Check for errors on non-SSL reads in the traditional way.
			if (bytes <= 0 && tcp_status(client->sockd)) {
				local = errno;
				ip = ip_presentation(client->ip, MANAGEDBUF(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));

				log_pedantic("TCP client read operation failed. { ip = %.*s / result = %zi / error = %i / message = %s }",
					st_length_int(ip), st_char_get(ip), bytes, local, strerror_r(local, MEMORYBUF(1024), 1024));
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;


		// We actually read in data, so we need to update the buffer to reflect the amount of data it currently holds.
		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) + bytes);

		// Check whether we have a complete line before checking whether the connection was closed.
		if (!st_empty(client->buffer) && !pl_empty((client->line = line_pl_st(client->buffer, 0)))) {
			line = true;

	} while (!line && counter++ < 128 && st_length_get(client->buffer) != st_avail_get(client->buffer) && status());

	if (st_length_get(client->buffer) > 0) {
		client->status = 1;

	return pl_length_get(client->line);
Esempio n. 11
File: read.c Progetto: lavabit/magma
 * @brief	Read data from a network connection, and store the data in the connection context buffer.
 * @note	This function handles reading data from both regular and SSL connections.
 * 			If the connection's network buffer hasn't been allocated, it will be initialized.
 * @param	con		a pointer to the connection object from which the data will be read.
 * @return	-1 on general failure, -2 if the connection was reset, or the amount of data that was read.
int64_t con_read(connection_t *con) {

	ssize_t bytes = 0;
	int_t counter = 0;
	bool_t blocking = true;

	if (!con || con->network.sockd == -1 || con_status(con) < 0) {
		if (con) con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for an existing network buffer. If there isn't one, try creating it.
	else if (!con->network.buffer && !con_init_network_buffer(con)) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	else if (pl_length_get(con->network.line) && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > pl_length_get(con->network.line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(con->network.buffer), st_data_get(con->network.buffer) + pl_length_get(con->network.line),
			st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Clear the line buffer.
		con->network.line = pl_null();

		if (st_length_get(con->network.buffer)) {
			return st_length_get(con->network.buffer);

	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
		con->network.line = pl_null();

	// Loop until the buffer has data or we get an error.
	do {
//		blocking = st_length_get(con->network.buffer) ? false : true;
		blocking = true;

		if (con->network.tls) {
			bytes = tls_read(con->network.tls, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), blocking);
		else {
			bytes = tcp_read(con->network.sockd, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), blocking);

		// We actually read in data, so we need to update the buffer to reflect the amount of unprocessed data it currently holds.
		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) + bytes);
		else if (bytes == 0) {
		else {
			con->network.status = -1;
			return -1;

	} while (blocking && counter++ < 128 && !st_length_get(con->network.buffer) && status());

	// If there is data in the buffer process it. Otherwise if the buffer is empty and the connection appears to be closed
	// (as indicated by a return value of 0), then return -1 to let the caller know the connection is dead.
	if (st_length_get(con->network.buffer)) {
		con->network.status = 1;

	return st_length_get(con->network.buffer);
Esempio n. 12
 * @brief	Read a line of input from a network client session.
 * @return
int64_t client_read_line(client_t *client) {

	ssize_t bytes;
	bool_t line = false;
	int sslerr;

	if (!client || client->sockd == -1) {
		client->status = 1;
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	if (pl_length_get(client->line) && st_length_get(client->buffer) > pl_length_get(client->line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(client->buffer), st_data_get(client->buffer) + pl_length_get(client->line), st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Check whether the data we just moved contains a complete line.
		if (!pl_empty((client->line = line_pl_st(client->buffer, 0)))) {
			client->status = 1;
			return pl_length_get(client->line);
	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(client->buffer, 0);
		client->line = pl_null();

	// Loop until we get a complete line, an error, or the buffer is filled.
	do {

		// Read bytes off the network. Skip past any existing data in the buffer.
		if (client->ssl) {
			bytes = ssl_read(client->ssl, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer), st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), true);
			sslerr = SSL_get_error_d(client->ssl, bytes);
		else {
			bytes = recv(client->sockd, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer), st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), 0);

		// Check for errors on SSL reads.
		if (client->ssl) {

			// If 0 bytes were read, and it wasn't related to a shutdown, or if < 0 was returned and there was no more data waiting, it's an error.
			if ((!bytes && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_NONE && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) ||
				((bytes < 0) && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)) {
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;

		// Check for errors on non-SSL reads in the traditional way.
		else if (bytes < 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
			client->status = -1;
			return -1;

		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) + bytes);

		// Check whether we have a complete line before checking whether the connection was closed.
		if (!st_empty(client->buffer) && !pl_empty((client->line = line_pl_st(client->buffer, 0)))) {
			line = true;
		// Otherwise if the connection has been closed (as indicated by a return value of 0) the line will never terminate. As such
		// the best course of action is to return an error code up the stack to indicate the disconnect.
		else if (!bytes) {
			client->status = 2;
			return -2;

	} while (status() && !line && st_length_get(client->buffer) != st_avail_get(client->buffer));

	if (st_length_get(client->buffer) > 0) {
		client->status = 1;

	return pl_length_get(client->line);
Esempio n. 13
int64_t client_read(client_t *client) {

	ssize_t bytes;
	bool_t blocking;
	int sslerr;

	if (!client || client->sockd == -1) {
		client->status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	if (pl_length_get(client->line) && st_length_get(client->buffer) > pl_length_get(client->line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(client->buffer), st_data_get(client->buffer) + pl_length_get(client->line), st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) - pl_length_get(client->line));

		// Clear the line buffer.
		client->line = pl_null();
	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(client->buffer, 0);
		client->line = pl_null();

	// Loop until the buffer has data or we get an error.
	do {
		blocking = st_length_get(client->buffer) ? false : true;

		// Read bytes off the network. If data is already in the buffer this should be a non-blocking read operation so we can
		// return the already buffered data without delay.
		if (client->ssl) {
			bytes = ssl_read(client->ssl, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer), st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer), blocking);
			sslerr = SSL_get_error_d(client->ssl, bytes);
		else {
			bytes = recv(client->sockd, st_char_get(client->buffer) + st_length_get(client->buffer), st_avail_get(client->buffer) - st_length_get(client->buffer),
				blocking ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT);

		// Check for errors on SSL reads.
		if (client->ssl) {

			// If 0 bytes were read, and it wasn't related to a shutdown, or if < 0 was returned and there was no more data waiting, it's an error.
			if ((!bytes && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_NONE && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) ||
				((bytes < 0) && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)) {
				client->status = -1;
				return -1;
		// Check for errors on non-SSL reads in the traditional way.
		} else if (bytes < 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
			client->status = -1;
			return -1;

		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(client->buffer, st_length_get(client->buffer) + bytes);
		// Or break out of the loop because we've been shutdown.
		} else if (!bytes) {

	} while (status() && blocking && !st_length_get(client->buffer));

	// If there is data in the buffer process it. Otherwise if the buffer is empty and the connection appears to be closed
	// (as indicated by a return value of 0), then return -1 to let the caller know the connection is dead.
	if (st_length_get(client->buffer)) {
		client->status = 1;
	else if (!bytes) {
		client->status = 2;
		return -2;

	return st_length_get(client->buffer);
Esempio n. 14
 * @brief	Read a line of input from a network connection.
 * @note	This function handles reading data from both regular and ssl connections.
 * 			This function continually attempts to read incoming data from the specified connection until a \n terminated line of input is received.
 * 			If a new line is read, the length of that line is returned to the caller, including the trailing \n.
 * 			If the read returns -1 and wasn't caused by a syscall interruption or blocking error, -1 is returned, and the connection status is set to -1.
 * 			If the read returns 0 and wasn't caused by a syscall interruption or blocking error, -2 is returned, and the connection status is set to 2.
 * 			Once a \n character is reached, the length of the current line of input is returned to the user, and the connection status is set to 1.
 * @param	con		the network connection across which the line of data will be read.
 * @return	-1 on general failure, -2 if the connection was reset, or the length of the current line of input, including the trailing \n.
int64_t con_read_line(connection_t *con, bool_t block) {

	ssize_t bytes;
	bool_t line = false;

	if (!con || con->network.sockd == -1) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for an existing network buffer. If there isn't one, try creating it.
	if (!con->network.buffer && !con_init_network_buffer(con)) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check if we have received more data than just what is in the current line of input.
	if (pl_length_get(con->network.line) && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > pl_length_get(con->network.line)) {

		// If so, move the unused "new" data after the current line marker to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(con->network.buffer), st_data_get(con->network.buffer) + pl_length_get(con->network.line),
			st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Update the buffer length.
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Check whether the data we just moved contains a complete line.
		if (!pl_empty((con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0)))) {
			con->network.status = 1;
			return pl_length_get(con->network.line);

	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
		con->network.line = pl_null();

	// Loop until we get a complete line, an error, or the buffer is filled.
	do {

		// Read bytes off the network. Skip past any existing data in the buffer.
		if (con->network.ssl) {

			// If bytes is zero or below and the library isn't asking for another read, then an error occurred.
			bytes = ssl_read(con->network.ssl, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), block);

			if (bytes <= 0 && bytes != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
				con->network.status = -1;
				return -1;
			else if (bytes <= 0) {
				return 0;
		else {
			bytes = recv(con->network.sockd, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), (block ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT));

			// Check for errors on non-SSL reads in the traditional way.
			if (bytes <= 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
				con->network.status = -1;
				return -1;
			else if (!bytes) {
				con->network.status = 2;
				return -2;


		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) + bytes);

		// Check whether we have a complete line before checking whether the connection was closed.
		if (!st_empty(con->network.buffer) && !pl_empty((con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0)))) {
			line = true;

	} while (status() && !line && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) != st_avail_get(con->network.buffer));

	if (st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > 0) {
		con->network.status = 1;

	return pl_length_get(con->network.line);
Esempio n. 15
 * @brief	Extract the contents of a literal string and advance the position of the parser stream.
 * @note	This function expects as input a string beginning with '{' and followed by a numerical string, an optional '+', and a closing '}'.
 	 	 	After reading in the numerical size parameter, it then attempts to read in that many bytes of input from the network stream.
 * @param	con		the client IMAP connection passing the literal string as input to the server.
 * @param	output	the address of a managed string that will receive a copy of the literal string's contents on success, or NULL on failure or if it is zero length.
 * @param	start	the address of a pointer to the start of the buffer to be parsed (beginning with '{'), that will also be updated to
 * 					point to the next argument in the sequence on success.
 * @param	length	a pointer to a size_t variable that contains the length of the string to be parsed, and that will be updated to reflect
 * 					the length of the remainder of the input string that follows the parsed literal string.
 * @return	-1 on general or parse error or if an enclosing pair of double quotes was not found, or 1 if the supplied quoted string was valid.
int_t imap_parse_literal(connection_t *con, stringer_t **output, chr_t **start, size_t *length) {

	chr_t *holder;
	int_t plus = 0;
	stringer_t *result;
	size_t characters, left;
	ssize_t nread;
	uint64_t literal, number;

	// Get setup.
	holder = *start;
	left = *length;
	*output = NULL;

	// Skip the opening bracket.
	if (*holder != '{' || !left) {
		return -1;
	else {

	// Advance until we have a break character.
	while (left && *holder >= '0' && *holder <= '9') {

	// Store the length.
	characters = holder - *start - 1;

	if (left && *holder == '+') {
		plus = 1;

	if (*holder != '}' || !characters) {
		return -1;

	// Convert to a number. Make sure the number is positive.
	if (!uint64_conv_bl(*start + 1, characters, &number)) {
		return -1;

	literal = (size_t)number;

	// If the number is larger than 128 megabytes, then reject it.
	if (!plus && number > 134217728) {
		return -1;
	// They client is already transmitting, so read the entire file, then reject it.
	else if (number > 134217728) {

		while (number > 0) {

			// Read the data.
			if ((nread = con_read(con)) <= 0) {
				log_pedantic("The connection was dropped while reading the literal.");
				return -1;

			// Deal with signedness problem.
			characters = nread;

			if (number > (uint64_t)characters) {
				number -= characters;
			else {

				// If we have any extra characters in the buffer, move them to the beginning.
				if ((uint64_t)characters > number) {
					mm_move(st_char_get(con->network.buffer), st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + number, characters - number);
					st_length_set(con->network.buffer, characters - number);
					con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0);
				else {
					st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
					con->network.line = pl_null();

				// Make sure we have a full line.
				if (pl_empty(con->network.line) && con_read_line(con, true) <= 0) {
					log_pedantic("The connection was dropped while reading the literal.");
					return -1;

				number = 0;


		return -1;

	// If this is not a plus literal, output the proceed statement.
	if (!plus) {
		con_write_bl(con, "+ GO\r\n", 6);

	// Handle the special case of a zero length literal.
	if (literal == 0) {

		// Read the next line.
		if (con_read_line(con, true) <= 0) {
			log_pedantic("The connection was dropped while reading the literal.");
			return -1;

		*start = st_char_get(con->network.buffer);
		*length = pl_length_get(con->network.line);

		// There should be a space before the next argument.
		if (*length && **start == ' ') {

		return 1;

	// Allocate a stringer for the buffer.
	if (!(result = st_alloc(literal))) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to allocate a buffer of %lu bytes for the literal argument.", literal);
		return -1;

	// So we know how many more characters to read.
	left = literal;

	// Where we put the data.
	holder = st_char_get(result);

	// Keep looping until we run out of data.
	while (left) {

		// Read the data.
		if ((nread = con_read(con)) <= 0) {
			log_pedantic("The connection was dropped while reading the literal.");
			return -1;

		characters = nread;

		// If we have a buffer, copy the data into the buffer.
		mm_copy(holder, st_char_get(con->network.buffer), (left > characters) ? characters : left);

		if (left > characters) {
			holder += characters;
			left -= characters;
		else {
		 	st_length_set(result, literal);

			// If we have any extra characters in the buffer, move them to the beginning.
			if (characters > left) {
				mm_move(st_char_get(con->network.buffer), st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + left, characters - left);
				st_length_set(con->network.buffer, characters - left);
				con->network.line = line_pl_st(con->network.buffer, 0);
			else {
					st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
					con->network.line = pl_null();

			// Make sure we have a full line.
			if (pl_empty(con->network.line) && con_read_line(con, true) <= 0) {
				log_pedantic("The connection was dropped while reading the literal.");
				return -1;
			left = 0;

	*start = st_char_get(con->network.buffer);
	*length = pl_length_get(con->network.line);

	// There should be a space before the next argument.
	if (*length && **start == ' ') {

	if (result != NULL) {
		*output = result;
	else {
		return -1;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 16
 * @brief	Get a placer pointing to the specified child inside a MIME body.
 * @param	body		a placer containing the body text to be parsed.
 * @param	boundary	a pointer to a managed string containing the boundary string to split the MIME content.
 * @param	child		the zero-based index of the MIME child to be located in the body text.
 * @return	pl_null() on failure, or a placer containing the specified MIME child on success.
placer_t mail_mime_child(placer_t body, stringer_t *boundary, uint32_t child) {

	uint32_t result = 0;
	chr_t *start, *stream, *bounddata;
	size_t increment = 0, length, boundlen;

	if (pl_empty(body) || st_empty(boundary)) {
		return pl_null();

	// Figure out the lengths.
	if (!(length = st_length_get(&body))) {
		log_pedantic("Cannot parse children from zero-length MIME body..");
		return pl_null();
	else if (!(boundlen = st_length_get(boundary))) {
		log_pedantic("Cannot parse children from MIME body with zero-length boundary.");
		return pl_null();;

	// Setup.
	stream = st_char_get(&body);
	bounddata = st_char_get(boundary);

	// Find the start of the first part.
	while (increment + boundlen <= length && result < child) {

		if (mm_cmp_cs_eq(stream, bounddata, boundlen) == 0 && (increment + boundlen == length || *(stream + boundlen) < '!' || *(stream + boundlen) > '~')) {
			stream += boundlen;
			increment += boundlen;

			// Two dashes indicate the end of this mime sections.
			if (increment < length && mm_cmp_cs_eq(stream, "--", 2) == 0) {
				increment = length + 1;
			else {

		else {


	// The requested child wasn't found.
	if (increment + boundlen >= length) {
		return pl_null();

	// This will skip a line break after the boundary marker.
	if (length - increment > 0 && *stream == '\r') {

	if (length - increment > 0 && *stream == '\n') {

	// Store the start position.
	start = stream;

	// Find the end.
	while (increment < length) {

		if (increment + boundlen < length && mm_cmp_cs_eq(stream, bounddata, boundlen) == 0) {
			increment = length;
		else {

	// Make sure we advanced.
	if (stream == start) {
		return pl_null();

	return pl_init(start, stream - start);
Esempio n. 17
 * @brief	Read data from a connection, and store it in its internal buffer.
 * @note	This function handles reading data from both regular and ssl connections.
 * 			If the connection's network buffer hasn't been allocated, it will be initialized.
 * @param	con		a pointer to the connection object from which the data will be read.
 * @return	-1 on internal error, or on a read error.
int64_t con_read(connection_t *con) {

	ssize_t bytes;
	bool_t blocking;

	if (!con || con->network.sockd == -1) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for an existing network buffer. If there isn't one, try creating it.
	if (!con->network.buffer && !con_init_network_buffer(con)) {
		con->network.status = -1;
		return -1;

	// Check for data past the current line buffer.
	if (pl_length_get(con->network.line) && st_length_get(con->network.buffer) > pl_length_get(con->network.line)) {

		// Move the unused data to the front of the buffer.
		mm_move(st_data_get(con->network.buffer), st_data_get(con->network.buffer) + pl_length_get(con->network.line),
			st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Update the length.
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) - pl_length_get(con->network.line));

		// Clear the line buffer.
		con->network.line = pl_null();

	// Otherwise reset the buffer and line lengths to zero.
	else {
		st_length_set(con->network.buffer, 0);
		con->network.line = pl_null();

	// Loop until the buffer has data or we get an error.
	do {
		blocking = st_length_get(con->network.buffer) ? false : true;

		// Read bytes off the network. If data is already in the buffer this should be a non-blocking read operation so we can
		// return the already buffered data without delay.
		if (con->network.ssl) {
			bytes = ssl_read(con->network.ssl, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), blocking);

			if (!bytes && ssl_shutdown_get(con->network.ssl)) {
				con->network.status = -1;
				return -1;
		else {
			bytes = recv(con->network.sockd, st_char_get(con->network.buffer) + st_length_get(con->network.buffer),
				st_avail_get(con->network.buffer) - st_length_get(con->network.buffer), blocking ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT);

			 if (bytes < 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
					con->network.status = -1;
					return -1;

		if (bytes > 0) {
			st_length_set(con->network.buffer, st_length_get(con->network.buffer) + bytes);
		// Or break out of the loop because we've been shutdown.
		} else if (!bytes) {

	} while (status() && blocking && !st_length_get(con->network.buffer));

	// If there is data in the buffer process it. Otherwise if the buffer is empty and the connection appears to be closed
	// (as indicated by a return value of 0), then return -1 to let the caller know the connection is dead.
	if (st_length_get(con->network.buffer)) {
		con->network.status = 1;
	else if (!bytes) {
		con->network.status = 2;
		return -2;

	return st_length_get(con->network.buffer);