Esempio n. 1
void planner_init() {
  block_buffer_head = 0;
  block_buffer_tail = 0;
  planner_set_position( CONFIG_X_ORIGIN_OFFSET,
                        CONFIG_Z_ORIGIN_OFFSET );
Esempio n. 2
void planner_init() {
  block_buffer_head = 0;
  block_buffer_tail = 0;
  block_buffer_tail_write = 0;
  raster_buffer_next = 0;
  raster_buffer_count = 0;
  planner_set_position( CONFIG_X_ORIGIN_OFFSET,
                        CONFIG_Z_ORIGIN_OFFSET );
  position_update_requested = false;
  previous_nominal_speed = 0.0;
Esempio n. 3
// Add a new linear movement to the buffer. x, y and z is 
// the signed, absolute target position in millimeters. Feed rate specifies the speed of the motion.
static void planner_movement(double x, double y, double z,
					  double feed_rate, double acceleration,
					  uint8_t nominal_laser_intensity, uint16_t ppi,
					  raster_t *raster) {
  // calculate target position in absolute steps
  int32_t target[3];

  // Make sure we stay within our limits
#if defined(CONFIG_X_MIN)
  x=max(x, CONFIG_X_MIN);
#if defined(CONFIG_X_MAX)
  x=min(x, CONFIG_X_MAX);
#if defined(CONFIG_Y_MIN)
  y=max(y, CONFIG_Y_MIN);
#if defined(CONFIG_Y_MAX)
  y=min(y, CONFIG_Y_MAX);
#if defined(CONFIG_Z_MIN)
  z=max(z, CONFIG_Z_MIN);
#if defined(CONFIG_Z_MAX)
  z=min(z, CONFIG_Z_MAX);

  target[X_AXIS] = lround(x*CONFIG_X_STEPS_PER_MM);
  target[Y_AXIS] = lround(y*CONFIG_Y_STEPS_PER_MM);
  target[Z_AXIS] = lround(z*CONFIG_Z_STEPS_PER_MM); 

  // calculate the buffer head and check for space
  int next_buffer_head = next_block_index( block_buffer_head );	
  while(block_buffer_tail == next_buffer_head) {  // buffer full condition
    // good! We are well ahead of the robot. Rest here until buffer has room.
    // sleep_mode();

  // handle position update after a stop
  if (position_update_requested) {
    planner_set_position(stepper_get_position_x(), stepper_get_position_y(), stepper_get_position_z());
    position_update_requested = false;
    //printString("planner pos update\n");  // debug
  // prepare to set up new block
  block_t *block = &block_buffer[block_buffer_head];
  // Setup the block type
  if (raster == NULL) {
	  block->block_type = BLOCK_TYPE_LINE;
  } else {
	  block->block_type = BLOCK_TYPE_RASTER_LINE;
	  memcpy(&block->raster, raster, sizeof(raster_t));

  // set nominal laser intensity
  block->laser_pwm = nominal_laser_intensity;

  // compute direction bits for this block
  block->direction_bits = 0;
  if (target[X_AXIS] < position[X_AXIS]) { block->direction_bits |= (1<<STEP_X_DIR); }
  if (target[Y_AXIS] < position[Y_AXIS]) { block->direction_bits |= (1<<STEP_Y_DIR); }
#ifndef MOTOR_Z
  if (target[Z_AXIS] < position[Z_AXIS]) { block->direction_bits |= (1<<STEP_Z_DIR); }
  if (target[Z_AXIS] < position[Z_AXIS]) { block->direction_bits |= STEP_Z_MASK; }
  // number of steps for each axis
  block->steps_x = labs(target[X_AXIS]-position[X_AXIS]);
  block->steps_y = labs(target[Y_AXIS]-position[Y_AXIS]);
  block->steps_z = labs(target[Z_AXIS]-position[Z_AXIS]);
  block->step_event_count = max(block->steps_x, max(block->steps_y, block->steps_z));
  if (block->step_event_count == 0) { return; };  // bail if this is a zero-length block
  // compute path vector in terms of absolute step target and current positions
  double delta_mm[3];
  delta_mm[X_AXIS] = (target[X_AXIS]-position[X_AXIS])/CONFIG_X_STEPS_PER_MM;
  delta_mm[Y_AXIS] = (target[Y_AXIS]-position[Y_AXIS])/CONFIG_Y_STEPS_PER_MM;
  delta_mm[Z_AXIS] = (target[Z_AXIS]-position[Z_AXIS])/CONFIG_Z_STEPS_PER_MM;
  block->millimeters = sqrt( (delta_mm[X_AXIS]*delta_mm[X_AXIS]) + 
                             (delta_mm[Y_AXIS]*delta_mm[Y_AXIS]) + 
                             (delta_mm[Z_AXIS]*delta_mm[Z_AXIS]) );
  double inverse_millimeters = 1.0/block->millimeters;  // store for efficency	
  // calculate nominal_speed (mm/min) and nominal_rate (step/min)
  // minimum stepper speed is limited by MINIMUM_STEPS_PER_MINUTE in stepper.c
  double inverse_minute = feed_rate * inverse_millimeters;
  block->nominal_speed = block->millimeters * inverse_minute; // always > 0
  block->nominal_rate = ceil(block->step_event_count * inverse_minute); // always > 0

  block->acceleration = acceleration;
  // compute the acceleration rate for this block. (step/min/acceleration_tick)
  block->rate_delta = ceil( block->step_event_count * inverse_millimeters 
                            * block->acceleration / (60 * ACCELERATION_TICKS_PER_SECOND) );

  // Calculate the ppi steps
  block->laser_ppi_steps = 0;
  if (ppi > 0) {
	  block->laser_ppi = ppi; // Only used by LCD output.
	  block->laser_ppi_steps = CONFIG_X_STEPS_PER_MM * MM_PER_INCH / ppi;

  //// acceleeration manager calculations
  // Compute path unit vector                            
  double unit_vec[3];
  unit_vec[X_AXIS] = delta_mm[X_AXIS]*inverse_millimeters;
  unit_vec[Y_AXIS] = delta_mm[Y_AXIS]*inverse_millimeters;
  unit_vec[Z_AXIS] = delta_mm[Z_AXIS]*inverse_millimeters;  

  // Compute max junction speed by centripetal acceleration approximation.
  // Let a circle be tangent to both previous and current path line segments, where the junction 
  // deviation is defined as the distance from the junction to the closest edge of the circle, 
  // colinear with the circle center. The circular segment joining the two paths represents the 
  // path of centripetal acceleration. Solve for max velocity based on max acceleration about the
  // radius of the circle, defined indirectly by junction deviation. This may be also viewed as 
  // path width or max_jerk in the previous grbl version. This approach does not actually deviate 
  // from path, but used as a robust way to compute cornering speeds, as it takes into account the
  // nonlinearities of both the junction angle and junction velocity.
  double vmax_junction = ZERO_SPEED; // prime for junctions close to 0 degree
  if ((block_buffer_head != block_buffer_tail) && (previous_nominal_speed > 0.0)) {
    // Compute cosine of angle between previous and current path.
    // vmax_junction is computed without sin() or acos() by trig half angle identity.
    double cos_theta = - previous_unit_vec[X_AXIS] * unit_vec[X_AXIS] 
                       - previous_unit_vec[Y_AXIS] * unit_vec[Y_AXIS] 
                       - previous_unit_vec[Z_AXIS] * unit_vec[Z_AXIS] ;
    if (cos_theta < 0.95) {
      // any junction *not* close to 0 degree
      vmax_junction = min(previous_nominal_speed, block->nominal_speed);  // prime for close to 180
      if (cos_theta > -0.95) {
        // any junction not close to neither 0 and 180 degree -> compute vmax
        double sin_theta_d2 = sqrt(0.5*(1.0-cos_theta)); // Trig half angle identity. Always positive.
        vmax_junction = min( vmax_junction, sqrt( block->acceleration * CONFIG_JUNCTION_DEVIATION
                                                  * sin_theta_d2/(1.0-sin_theta_d2) ) );
  block->vmax_junction = vmax_junction;
  // Initialize entry_speed. Compute based on deceleration to zero.
  // This will be updated in the forward and reverse planner passes.
  double v_allowable = max_allowable_speed(-block->acceleration, ZERO_SPEED, block->millimeters);
  block->entry_speed = min(vmax_junction, v_allowable);

  // Set nominal_length_flag for more efficiency.
  // If a block can de/ac-celerate from nominal speed to zero within the length of 
  // the block, then the speed will always be at the the maximum junction speed and 
  // may always be ignored for any speed reduction checks.
  if (block->nominal_speed <= v_allowable) { block->nominal_length_flag = true; }
  else { block->nominal_length_flag = false; }
  block->recalculate_flag = true; // always calculate trapezoid for new block

  // update previous unit_vector and nominal speed
  memcpy(previous_unit_vec, unit_vec, sizeof(unit_vec)); // previous_unit_vec[] = unit_vec[]
  previous_nominal_speed = block->nominal_speed;
  //// end of acceleeration manager calculations

  // move buffer head and update position
  block_buffer_head = next_buffer_head;     
  memcpy(position, target, sizeof(target)); // position[] = target[]


  // make sure the stepper interrupt is processing
Esempio n. 4
// Executes one line of 0-terminated G-Code. The line is assumed to contain only uppercase
// characters and signed floating point values (no whitespace). Comments and block delete
// characters have been removed.
uint8_t gcode_execute_line(char *line) {
  uint8_t char_counter = 0;  
  char letter;
  double value;
  int int_value;
  double unit_converted_value;  
  uint8_t next_action = NEXT_ACTION_NONE;
  double target[3];
  double p = 0.0;
  int cs = 0;
  int l = 0;
  bool got_actual_line_command = false;  // as opposed to just e.g. G1 F1200
  gc.status_code = STATUS_OK;
  //// Pass 1: Commands
  while(next_statement(&letter, &value, line, &char_counter)) {
    int_value = trunc(value);
    switch(letter) {
      case 'G':
        switch(int_value) {
          case 0: gc.motion_mode = next_action = NEXT_ACTION_SEEK; break;
          case 1: gc.motion_mode = next_action = NEXT_ACTION_FEED; break;
          case 4: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_DWELL; break;
          case 10: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_SET_COORDINATE_OFFSET; break;
          case 20: gc.inches_mode = true; break;
          case 21: gc.inches_mode = false; break;
          case 30: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_HOMING_CYCLE; break;
          case 54: gc.offselect = OFFSET_G54; break;
          case 55: gc.offselect = OFFSET_G55; break;
          case 90: gc.absolute_mode = true; break;
          case 91: gc.absolute_mode = false; break;
      case 'M':
        switch(int_value) {
          case 7: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_AIR_ENABLE;break;
          case 8: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_GAS_ENABLE;break;
          case 9: next_action = NEXT_ACTION_AIRGAS_DISABLE;break;
    if (gc.status_code) { break; }
  // bail when errors
  if (gc.status_code) { return gc.status_code; }

  char_counter = 0;
  memcpy(target, gc.position, sizeof(target)); // i.e. target = gc.position

  //// Pass 2: Parameters
  while(next_statement(&letter, &value, line, &char_counter)) {
    if (gc.inches_mode) {
      unit_converted_value = value * MM_PER_INCH;
    } else {
      unit_converted_value = value;
    switch(letter) {
      case 'F':
        if (unit_converted_value <= 0) { FAIL(STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT); }
        if (gc.motion_mode == NEXT_ACTION_SEEK) {
          gc.seek_rate = unit_converted_value;
        } else {
          gc.feed_rate = unit_converted_value;
      case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
        if (gc.absolute_mode) {
          target[letter - 'X'] = unit_converted_value;
        } else {
          target[letter - 'X'] += unit_converted_value;
        got_actual_line_command = true;
      case 'P':  // dwelling seconds or CS selector
        if (next_action == NEXT_ACTION_SET_COORDINATE_OFFSET) {
          cs = trunc(value);
        } else {
          p = value;
      case 'S':
        gc.nominal_laser_intensity = value;
      case 'L':  // G10 qualifier 
      l = trunc(value);
  // bail when error
  if (gc.status_code) { return(gc.status_code); }
  //// Perform any physical actions
  switch (next_action) {
      if (got_actual_line_command) {
        planner_line( target[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS], 
                      target[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS], 
                      target[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS], 
                      gc.seek_rate, 0 );
      if (got_actual_line_command) {
        planner_line( target[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS], 
                      target[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS], 
                      target[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS], 
                      gc.feed_rate, gc.nominal_laser_intensity );                   
      planner_dwell(p, gc.nominal_laser_intensity);
    // case NEXT_ACTION_STOP:
    //   planner_stop();  // stop and cancel the remaining program
    //   gc.position[X_AXIS] = stepper_get_position_x();
    //   gc.position[Y_AXIS] = stepper_get_position_y();
    //   gc.position[Z_AXIS] = stepper_get_position_z();
    //   planner_set_position(gc.position[X_AXIS], gc.position[Y_AXIS], gc.position[Z_AXIS]);
    //   // move to table origin
    //   target[X_AXIS] = 0;
    //   target[Y_AXIS] = 0;
    //   target[Z_AXIS] = 0;         
    //   planner_line( target[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS], 
    //                 target[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS], 
    //                 target[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS], 
    //                 gc.seek_rate, 0 );
    //   break;
      // now that we are at the physical home
      // zero all the position vectors
      planner_set_position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      // move head to g54 offset
      gc.offselect = OFFSET_G54;
      target[X_AXIS] = 0;
      target[Y_AXIS] = 0;
      target[Z_AXIS] = 0;         
      planner_line( target[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS], 
                    target[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS], 
                    target[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS], 
                    gc.seek_rate, 0 );
      if (cs == OFFSET_G54 || cs == OFFSET_G55) {
        if (l == 2) {
          //set offset to target, eg: G10 L2 P1 X15 Y15 Z0
          gc.offsets[3*cs+X_AXIS] = target[X_AXIS];
          gc.offsets[3*cs+Y_AXIS] = target[Y_AXIS];
          gc.offsets[3*cs+Z_AXIS] = target[Z_AXIS];
          // Set target in ref to new coord system so subsequent moves are calculated correctly.
          target[X_AXIS] = (gc.position[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS]) - gc.offsets[3*cs+X_AXIS];
          target[Y_AXIS] = (gc.position[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS]) - gc.offsets[3*cs+Y_AXIS];
          target[Z_AXIS] = (gc.position[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS]) - gc.offsets[3*cs+Z_AXIS];
        } else if (l == 20) {
          // set offset to current pos, eg: G10 L20 P2
          gc.offsets[3*cs+X_AXIS] = gc.position[X_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+X_AXIS];
          gc.offsets[3*cs+Y_AXIS] = gc.position[Y_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Y_AXIS];
          gc.offsets[3*cs+Z_AXIS] = gc.position[Z_AXIS] + gc.offsets[3*gc.offselect+Z_AXIS];
          target[X_AXIS] = 0;
          target[Y_AXIS] = 0;
          target[Z_AXIS] = 0;                 
  // As far as the parser is concerned, the position is now == target. In reality the
  // motion control system might still be processing the action and the real tool position
  // in any intermediate location.
  memcpy(gc.position, target, sizeof(double)*3); // gc.position[] = target[];
  return gc.status_code;