Esempio n. 1
int main( void )
#if defined ( __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ )
/* IAR allows init functions in __low_level_init(), but it is run before global
 * variables have been initialised, so the following init still needs to be done
 * When using GCC, this is done in crt0_GCC.c
    extern void platform_init_mcu_infrastructure( void );
    extern void platform_init_external_devices( void );

    platform_init_mcu_infrastructure( );
    platform_init_external_devices( );

#endif /* #elif defined ( __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ ) */    /* Enter the ThreadX kernel.  */
    tx_kernel_enter( );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void _start( void )
    unsigned long ctor_num;

    /* Stack pointer is usually set up by boot process, but if program was loaded via jtag in RAM, that might not have happened */
    __asm__( "   ldr r1, =link_stack_end\n"
             "   mov sp, r1\n"

    /* Setup the interrupt vectors address */
    SCB->VTOR = (unsigned long) &link_interrupt_vectors_location;

    /* Enable CPU Cycle counting */
    CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; /* Global Enable for DWT */
    DWT->CYCCNT = 0;                                /* Reset the counter */
    DWT->CTRL |= DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Msk;            /* Enable cycle counter */

    /* Copy from flash any code to be run from RAM. Setup .fastcode section first in case init_clocks() needs it */
    if ( ( &link_run_from_ram_code_ram_location != &link_run_from_ram_code_flash_location ) && ( link_run_from_ram_code_size != 0 ) )
        memcpy( &link_run_from_ram_code_ram_location, &link_run_from_ram_code_flash_location, (size_t) link_run_from_ram_code_size );

    /* Initialise clocks and memory. init_clocks() and init_memory() must NOT depend on globals as global data and bss sections aren't initialised yet */

    /* Copy initial values for global variables into RAM  */
    if ( ( &link_global_data_start != &link_global_data_initial_values ) && ( link_global_data_size != 0 ) )
        memcpy( &link_global_data_start, &link_global_data_initial_values, (size_t) link_global_data_size );

    /* BSS segment is for zero initialised elements, so memset it to zero */
    memset( &link_bss_location, 0, (size_t) link_bss_size );

#if 0 /* was ifdef DEBUG */
    /* This is not a valid way to fill the stack, since it is currently in use - causes a problem in release with debug on - optimisation of active stack overwriting causes hardfault */
    memset( &link_stack_location, 0xA5, link_stack_size ); /* Fill stack with pattern to allow checking of stack usage */
#endif /* if 0 */

     * Run global C++ constructors if any

    /* TODO: make this an unconditional goto?, so that return address stuff doesn't get put on the stack. (what happens if main returns in this case?) */
    platform_init_mcu_infrastructure( );
    platform_init_external_devices( );

    for ( ctor_num = 0; ctor_num < link_constructors_size/sizeof(constructor_ptr_t); ctor_num++ )

    main( );

    /* the main loop has returned - there is now nothing to do - reboot. */

    /* Reset request */
