Esempio n. 1
File: menu.c Progetto: zid/naev
 * @brief Opens the small ingame menu.
void menu_small (void)
   unsigned int wid;

   /* Check if menu should be openable. */
   if ((player == NULL) || player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) ||
         pilot_isFlag(player,PILOT_DEAD) ||
         comm_isOpen() ||
         dialogue_isOpen() || /* Shouldn't open over dialogues. */
         (menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN) ||
            menu_isOpen(MENU_SMALL) ||
            menu_isOpen(MENU_DEATH) ))

   wid = window_create( "Menu", -1, -1, MENU_WIDTH, MENU_HEIGHT );

   window_setCancel( wid, menu_small_close );

   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 + 20*2,
         "btnResume", "Resume", menu_small_close );
   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20,
         "btnOptions", "Options", menu_options_button );
   window_addButton( wid, 20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, 
         "btnExit", "Exit", menu_small_exit );

Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Handles input to the map overlay.
int ovr_input( SDL_Event *event )
   int mx, my;
   double x, y;

   /* We only want mouse events. */
   if (event->type != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
      return 0;

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) || (player.p == NULL))
      return 0;

   /* Player must not be dead. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD))
      return 0;

   /* Mouse targeting only uses left and right buttons. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT &&
            event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)
      return 0;

   /* Translate from window to screen. */
   mx = event->button.x;
   my = event->button.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, mx, my );

   /* Translate to space coords. */
   x  = ((double)mx - SCREEN_W/2.) * ovr_res;
   y  = ((double)my - SCREEN_H/2.) * ovr_res;

   return input_clickPos( event, x, y, 1., 10. * ovr_res, 15. * ovr_res );
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief Aborts autonav.
 *    @param reason Human-readable string describing abort condition.
void player_autonavAbort( const char *reason )
   /* No point if player is beyond aborting. */
   if ((player.p==NULL) || pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE))

   /* Cooldown (handled later) may be script-initiated and we don't
    * want to make it player-abortable while under manual control. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ))

   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV)) {
      if (reason != NULL)
         player_message(_("\arAutonav aborted: %s!"), reason);
         player_message(_("\arAutonav aborted!"));

      /* Get rid of acceleration. */

      /* Break possible hyperspacing. */
      if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYP_PREP)) {
         player_message(_("\apAborting hyperspace sequence."));

      /* Reset time compression. */
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Puts the game in cinematics mode or back to regular mode.
 * Possible options are:<br/>
 * <ul>
 *  <li>abort : (string) autonav abort message
 *  <li>no2x : (boolean) whether to prevent the player from engaging double-speed, default false
 *  <li>gui : (boolean) enables the player's gui, default disabled
 * </ul>
 * @usage player.cinematics( true, { gui = true } ) -- Enables cinematics without hiding gui.
 *    @luaparam enable If true sets cinematics mode, if false disables. Defaults to disable.
 *    @luaparam options Table of options.
 * @luafunc cinematics( enable, options )
static int playerL_cinematics( lua_State *L )
    int b;
    const char *abort_msg;
    int f_gui, f_2x;

    /* Defaults. */
    abort_msg = NULL;
    f_gui     = 0;
    f_2x      = 0;

    /* Parse parameters. */
    b = lua_toboolean( L, 1 );
    if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) {
        if (!lua_istable(L,2)) {
            NLUA_ERROR( L, "Second parameter to cinematics should be a table of options or omitted!" );
            return 0;

        lua_getfield( L, 2, "abort" );
        if (!lua_isnil( L, -1 ))
            abort_msg = luaL_checkstring( L, -1 );
        lua_pop( L, 1 );

        lua_getfield( L, 2, "gui" );
        f_gui = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
        lua_pop( L, 1 );

        lua_getfield( L, 2, "no2x" );
        f_2x = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
        lua_pop( L, 1 );

    /* Remove doublespeed. */
    if (player_isFlag( PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED )) {
        player_rmFlag( PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED );

    if (b) {
        /* Do stuff. */
        player_autonavAbort( abort_msg );
        player_rmFlag( PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED );

        if (!f_gui)
            player_setFlag( PLAYER_CINEMATICS_GUI );

        if (f_2x)
            player_setFlag( PLAYER_CINEMATICS_2X );
    else {
        player_rmFlag( PLAYER_CINEMATICS_GUI );
        player_rmFlag( PLAYER_CINEMATICS_2X );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Resets the game speed.
void player_autonavResetSpeed (void)
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED)) {
     tc_mod         = 2.;
     pause_setSpeed( 2. );
   } else {
     tc_mod         = 1.;
     pause_setSpeed( 1. );
   tc_rampdown = 0;
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Prepares the player to enter autonav.
 *    @return 1 on success, 0 on failure (disabled, etc.)
static int player_autonavSetup (void)
   /* Not under manual control or disabled. */
   if (pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ) ||
      return 0;

   /* Autonav is mutually-exclusive with other autopilot methods. */
   player_restoreControl( PINPUT_AUTONAV, NULL );

   player_message(_("\apAutonav initialized."));
   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV)) {

      tc_base   = player_isFlag(PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED) ? 2. : 1.;
      tc_mod    = tc_base;
      if (conf.compression_mult >= 1.)
         player.tc_max = MIN( conf.compression_velocity / solid_maxspeed(player.p->solid, player.p->speed, player.p->thrust), conf.compression_mult );
         player.tc_max = conf.compression_velocity /
               solid_maxspeed(player.p->solid, player.p->speed, player.p->thrust);

      /* Safe cap. */
      player.tc_max = MAX( 1., player.tc_max );

   /* Sane values. */
   tc_rampdown  = 0;
   tc_down      = 0.;
   lasts        = player.p->shield / player.p->shield_max;
   lasta        = player.p->armour / player.p->armour_max;

   /* Set flag and tc_mod just in case. */
   pause_setSpeed( tc_mod );

   /* Make sure time acceleration starts immediately. */
   player.autonav_timer = 0.;

   return 1;
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief Aborts regular interstellar autonav, but not in-system autonav.
 *    @param reason Human-readable string describing abort condition.
void player_autonavAbortJump( const char *reason )
   /* No point if player is beyond aborting. */
   if ((player.p==NULL) || pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE))

   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV) || ((player.autonav != AUTONAV_JUMP_APPROACH) &&
         (player.autonav != AUTONAV_JUMP_BRAKE)))

   /* It's definitely not in-system autonav. */
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Checks whether the speed should be reset due to damage or missile locks.
 *    @return 1 if the speed should be reset.
int player_autonavShouldResetSpeed (void)
   double failpc, shield, armour;
   int i, n;
   Pilot **pstk;
   int hostiles, will_reset;

   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV))
      return 0;

   hostiles   = 0;
   will_reset = 0;

   failpc = conf.autonav_reset_speed;
   shield = player.p->shield / player.p->shield_max;
   armour = player.p->armour / player.p->armour_max;

   pstk = pilot_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if ((pstk[i]->id != PLAYER_ID) && pilot_isHostile( pstk[i] ) &&
            pilot_inRangePilot( player.p, pstk[i] ) &&
            !pilot_isDisabled( pstk[i] ) &&
            !pilot_isFlag( pstk[i], PILOT_BRIBED )) {
         hostiles = 1;

   if (hostiles) {
      if (failpc > .995) {
         will_reset = 1;
         player.autonav_timer = MAX( player.autonav_timer, 0. );
      else if ((shield < lasts && shield < failpc) || armour < lasta) {
         will_reset = 1;
         player.autonav_timer = MAX( player.autonav_timer, 2. );

   lasts = shield;
   lasta = armour;

   if (will_reset || (player.autonav_timer > 0)) {
      return 1;
   return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 * @brief Renders the starry background.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
void background_renderStars( const double dt )
   (void) dt;
   unsigned int i;
   GLfloat hh, hw, h, w;
   GLfloat x, y, m, b;
   GLfloat brightness;
   double z;
   double sx, sy;
   int shade_mode;
   int j, n;

    * gprof claims it's the slowest thing in the game!

   /* Do some scaling for now. */
   z = cam_getZoom();
   z = 1. * (1. - conf.zoom_stars) + z * conf.zoom_stars;
      gl_matrixTranslate( SCREEN_W/2., SCREEN_H/2. );
      gl_matrixScale( z, z );

   if (!paused && (player.p != NULL) && !player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) &&
         !player_isFlag(PLAYER_CREATING)) { /* update position */

      /* Calculate some dimensions. */
      w  = (SCREEN_W + 2.*STAR_BUF);
      w += conf.zoom_stars * (w / conf.zoom_far - 1.);
      h  = (SCREEN_H + 2.*STAR_BUF);
      h += conf.zoom_stars * (h / conf.zoom_far - 1.);
      hw = w/2.;
      hh = h/2.;

      if ((star_x > SCREEN_W) || (star_y > SCREEN_H)) {
         sx = ceil( star_x / SCREEN_W );
         sy = ceil( star_y / SCREEN_H );
         n  = MAX( sx, sy );
         star_x /= (double)n;
         star_y /= (double)n;
         n = 1;

      /* Calculate new star positions. */
      for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
         for (i=0; i < nstars; i++) {

            /* calculate new position */
            b = 1./(9. - 10.*star_colour[8*i+3]);
            star_vertex[4*i+0] = star_vertex[4*i+0] + star_x*b;
            star_vertex[4*i+1] = star_vertex[4*i+1] + star_y*b;

            /* check boundaries */
            if (star_vertex[4*i+0] > hw)
               star_vertex[4*i+0] -= w;
            else if (star_vertex[4*i+0] < -hw)
               star_vertex[4*i+0] += w;
            if (star_vertex[4*i+1] > hh)
               star_vertex[4*i+1] -= h;
            else if (star_vertex[4*i+1] < -hh)
               star_vertex[4*i+1] += h;

      /* Upload the data. */
      gl_vboSubData( star_vertexVBO, 0, nstars * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), star_vertex );

   /* Decide on shade mode. */
   shade_mode = 0;
   if ((player.p != NULL) && !player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) &&
         !player_isFlag(PLAYER_CREATING)) {

      if (pilot_isFlag(player.p,PILOT_HYPERSPACE) && /* hyperspace fancy effects */
            (player.p->ptimer < HYPERSPACE_STARS_BLUR)) {

         shade_mode = 1;

         /* lines will be based on velocity */
         m  = HYPERSPACE_STARS_BLUR-player.p->ptimer;
         x = m*cos(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
         y = m*sin(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
      else if (dt_mod > 3.) {

         shade_mode = 1;

         /* lines will be based on velocity */
         m = (dt_mod-3.)*VMOD(player.p->solid->vel)/10.;
         x = m*cos(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));
         y = m*sin(VANGLE(player.p->solid->vel));

      if (shade_mode) {
         /* Generate lines. */
         for (i=0; i < nstars; i++) {
            brightness = star_colour[8*i+3];
            star_vertex[4*i+2] = star_vertex[4*i+0] + x*brightness;
            star_vertex[4*i+3] = star_vertex[4*i+1] + y*brightness;

         /* Upload new data. */
         gl_vboSubData( star_vertexVBO, 0, nstars * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), star_vertex );

   /* Render. */
   gl_vboActivate( star_vertexVBO, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, 2, GL_FLOAT, 2 * sizeof(GLfloat) );
   gl_vboActivate( star_colourVBO, GL_COLOR_ARRAY,  4, GL_FLOAT, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat) );
   if (shade_mode) {
      glDrawArrays( GL_LINES, 0, nstars );
      glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, nstars ); /* This second pass is when the lines are very short that they "lose" intensity. */
   else {
      glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, nstars );

   /* Clear star movement. */
   star_x = 0.;
   star_y = 0.;

   /* Disable vertex array. */

   /* Pop matrix. */

   /* Check for errors. */
Esempio n. 10
 * @brief Runs the input command.
 *    @param keynum The index of the  keybind.
 *    @param value The value of the keypress (defined above).
 *    @param kabs The absolute value.
static void input_key( int keynum, double value, double kabs, int repeat )
   unsigned int t;
   HookParam hparam[3];

   /* Repetition stuff. */
   if (conf.repeat_delay != 0) {
      if ((value == KEY_PRESS) && !repeat) {
         repeat_key        = keynum;
         repeat_keyTimer   = SDL_GetTicks();
         repeat_keyCounter = 0;
      else if (value == KEY_RELEASE) {
         repeat_key        = -1;
         repeat_keyTimer   = 0;
         repeat_keyCounter = 0;

    * movement
   /* accelerating */
   if (KEY("accel") && !repeat) {
      if (kabs >= 0.) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
         input_accelButton = 1;
      else { /* prevent it from getting stuck */
         if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
            player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
            input_accelButton = 1;

         else if (value==KEY_RELEASE) {
            input_accelButton = 0;

         /* double tap accel = afterburn! */
         t = SDL_GetTicks();
         if ((conf.afterburn_sens != 0) &&
               (value==KEY_PRESS) && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NODEAD() &&
               (t-input_accelLast <= conf.afterburn_sens))
            pilot_afterburn( player.p );
         else if (value==KEY_RELEASE)
            pilot_afterburnOver( player.p );

         if (value==KEY_PRESS)
            input_accelLast = t;

   /* turning left */
   } else if (KEY("left") && !repeat) {
      if (kabs >= 0.) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
         player_left = kabs;
      else {
         /* set flags for facing correction */
         if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
            player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
            player_left = 1.;
         else if (value==KEY_RELEASE) {
            player_left = 0.;

   /* turning right */
   } else if (KEY("right") && !repeat) {
      if (kabs >= 0.) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
         player_right = kabs;
      else {
         /* set flags for facing correction */
         if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
            player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
            player_right = 1.;
         else if (value==KEY_RELEASE) {
            player_right = 0.;

   /* turn around to face vel */
   } else if (KEY("reverse") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
      else if ((value==KEY_RELEASE) && player_isFlag(PLAYER_REVERSE)) {

         if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_ACCEL))

    * combat
   /* shooting primary weapon */
   } else if (KEY("primary") && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
      else if (value==KEY_RELEASE)
   /* targeting */
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_next")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetNext(0);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_prev")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetPrev(0);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_nearest")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetNearest();
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_nextHostile")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetNext(1);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_prevHostile")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetPrev(1);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_hostile")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetHostile();
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("target_clear")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetClear();
   /* face the target */
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("face") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_MOVEMENT, NULL );
      else if ((value==KEY_RELEASE) && player_isFlag(PLAYER_FACE))

   /* board them ships */
   } else if (KEY("board") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         player_restoreControl( 0, NULL );

    * Escorts.
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_targetNext") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetEscort(0);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_targetPrev") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetEscort(1);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_attack") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) escorts_attack(player.p);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_hold") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) escorts_hold(player.p);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_return") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) escorts_return(player.p);
   } else if (INGAME() && NODEAD() && KEY("e_clear") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) escorts_clear(player.p);

    * secondary weapons
   /* shooting secondary weapon */
   } else if (KEY("secondary") && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
      else if (value==KEY_RELEASE)

   /* Weapon sets. */
   } else if (KEY("weapset1")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 0, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset2")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 1, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset3")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 2, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset4")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 3, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset5")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 4, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset6")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 5, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset7")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 6, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset8")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 7, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset9")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 8, value, repeat );
   } else if (KEY("weapset0")) {
      player_weapSetPress( 9, value, repeat );

    * space
   } else if (KEY("autonav") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_autonavStart();
   /* target planet (cycles like target) */
   } else if (KEY("target_planet") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NOLAND() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_targetPlanet();
   /* target nearest planet or attempt to land */
   } else if (KEY("land") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NOLAND() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS)
   } else if (KEY("thyperspace") && NOHYP() && NOLAND() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS)
   } else if (KEY("starmap") && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) map_open();
   } else if (KEY("jump") && INGAME() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         player_restoreControl( 0, NULL );
   } else if (KEY("overlay") && NODEAD() && INGAME() && !repeat) {
      ovr_key( value );
   } else if (KEY("mousefly") && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS)
   } else if (KEY("autobrake") && NOHYP() && NOLAND() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         player_restoreControl( PINPUT_BRAKING, NULL );

    * Communication.
   } else if (KEY("log_up") && INGAME() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
   } else if (KEY("log_down") && INGAME() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
   } else if (KEY("hail") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
   } else if (KEY("autohail") && INGAME() && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {

    * misc
   /* zooming in */
   } else if (KEY("mapzoomin") && INGAME() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) gui_setRadarRel(-1);
   /* zooming out */
   } else if (KEY("mapzoomout") && INGAME() && NODEAD()) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) gui_setRadarRel(1);
   /* take a screenshot */
   } else if (KEY("screenshot")) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) player_screenshot();
   /* toggle fullscreen */
   } else if (KEY("togglefullscreen") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) naev_toggleFullscreen();
#endif /* SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) */
   /* pause the games */
   } else if (KEY("pause") && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) {
         if (!toolkit_isOpen()) {
            if (paused)
   /* toggle speed mode */
   } else if (KEY("speed") && !repeat) {
      if ((value==KEY_PRESS) && (!player_isFlag( PLAYER_CINEMATICS_2X ))) {
         if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DOUBLESPEED)) {
            if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV))
         } else {
            if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV))
   /* opens a small menu */
   } else if (KEY("menu") && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) menu_small();

   /* shows pilot information */
   } else if (KEY("info") && NOHYP() && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) menu_info( INFO_MAIN );

   /* Opens the Lua console. */
   } else if (KEY("console") && NODEAD() && !repeat) {
      if (value==KEY_PRESS) cli_open();

   /* Key press not used. */
   else {

   /* Run the hook. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_STRING;
   hparam[0].u.str   = input_keybinds[keynum].name;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_BOOL;
   hparam[1].u.b     = (value > 0.);
   hparam[2].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINEL;
   hooks_runParam( "input", hparam );
Esempio n. 11
 * @brief Handles a click event.
static void input_clickevent( SDL_Event* event )
   unsigned int pid;
   int mx, my, mxr, myr, pntid, jpid;
   int rx, ry, rh, rw, res;
   int autonav;
   double x, y, zoom, px, py;
   double ang, angp, mouseang;
   HookParam hparam[2];

   /* Generate hook. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[0].u.num   = event->button.button;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINEL;
   hooks_runParam( "mouse", hparam );

   /* Handle zoom. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
      input_clickZoom( 1.1 );
   else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
      input_clickZoom( 0.9 );
#endif /* !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) */

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if ((player.p == NULL) || player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED))

   /* Player must not be dead. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD))

   /* Middle mouse enables mouse flying. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {

   /* Mouse targeting only uses left and right buttons. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT &&
            event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)

   autonav = (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;

   px = player.p->solid->pos.x;
   py = player.p->solid->pos.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, event->button.x, event->button.y );
   if ((mx <= 15 || my <= 15 ) || (my >= gl_screen.h - 15 || mx >= gl_screen.w - 15)) {
      /* Border targeting is handled as a special case, as it uses angles,
       * not coordinates.
      x = (mx - (gl_screen.w / 2.)) + px;
      y = (my - (gl_screen.h / 2.)) + py;
      mouseang = atan2(py - y, px -  x);
      angp = pilot_getNearestAng( player.p, &pid, mouseang, 1 );
      ang  = system_getClosestAng( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y, mouseang );

      if  ((ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)) > M_PI / 64) ||
            ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) < ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)))
         pid = PLAYER_ID; /* Pilot angle is too great, or planet/jump is closer. */
      if  (ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) > M_PI / 64 )
         jpid = pntid = -1; /* Asset angle difference is too great. */

      if (!autonav && pid != PLAYER_ID) {
         if (input_clickedPilot(pid))
      else if (pntid >= 0) { /* Planet is closest. */
         if (input_clickedPlanet(pntid, autonav))
      else if (jpid >= 0) { /* Jump point is closest. */
         if (input_clickedJump(jpid, autonav))

      /* Fall-through and handle as a normal click. */

   /* Radar targeting requires raw coordinates. */
   mxr = event->button.x;
   myr  = gl_screen.rh - event->button.y;
   gui_radarGetPos( &rx, &ry );
   gui_radarGetDim( &rw, &rh );
   if ((mxr > rx && mxr <= rx + rw ) && (myr > ry && myr <= ry + rh )) { /* Radar */
      zoom = 1.;
      gui_radarGetRes( &res );
      x = (mxr - (rx + rw / 2.)) * res + px;
      y = (myr - (ry + rh / 2.)) * res + py;

      if (input_clickPos( event, x, y, zoom, 10. * res, 15. * res ))

   /* Visual (on-screen) */
   gl_screenToGameCoords( &x, &y, (double)mx, (double)my );
   zoom = res = 1. / cam_getZoom();

   input_clickPos( event, x, y, zoom, 10. * res, 15. * res );
Esempio n. 12
File: input.c Progetto: Ttech/naev
 * @brief Handles a click event.
static void input_clickevent( SDL_Event* event )
   unsigned int pid;
   Pilot *p;
   int mx, my, mxr, myr, pntid, jpid;
   int rx, ry, rh, rw, res;
   double x, y, m, r, rp, d, dp, px, py;
   double ang, angp, mouseang;
   Planet *pnt;
   JumpPoint *jp;
   HookParam hparam[2];

   /* Generate hook. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[0].u.num   = event->button.button;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINAL;
   hooks_runParam( "mouse", hparam );

   /* Handle zoom. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) {
      input_clickZoom( 1.1 );
   else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) {
      input_clickZoom( 0.9 );

   /* Middle mouse enables mouse flying. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {

   /* Mouse targetting is left only. */
   if (event->button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) || (player.p == NULL))

   px = player.p->solid->pos.x;
   py = player.p->solid->pos.y;
   gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, event->button.x, event->button.y );
   gl_screenToGameCoords( &x, &y, (double)mx, (double)my );
   if ((mx <= 15 || my <= 15 ) || (my >= gl_screen.h - 15 || mx >= gl_screen.w - 15)) { /* Border */
      x = (mx - (gl_screen.w / 2.)) + px;
      y = (my - (gl_screen.h / 2.)) + py;
      mouseang = atan2(py - y, px -  x);
      angp = pilot_getNearestAng( player.p, &pid, mouseang, 1 );
      ang  = system_getClosestAng( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y, mouseang );

      if  ((ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)) > M_PI / 64) ||
            ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) < ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, angp)))
         pid = PLAYER_ID; /* Pilot angle is too great, or planet/jump is closer. */
      if  (ABS(angle_diff(mouseang, ang)) > M_PI / 64 )
         jpid = pntid = -1; /* Asset angle difference is too great. */
   else { /* Radar targeting requires raw coordinates. */
      mxr = event->button.x;
      myr  = gl_screen.rh - event->button.y;
      gui_radarGetPos( &rx, &ry );
      gui_radarGetDim( &rw, &rh );
      if ((mxr > rx && mxr <= rx + rw ) && (myr > ry && myr <= ry + rh )) { /* Radar */
         m = 1;
         gui_radarGetRes( &res );
         x = (mxr - (rx + rw / 2.)) * res + px;
         y = (myr - (ry + rh / 2.)) * res + py;
      else /* Visual (on-screen) */
         m = res = 1. / cam_getZoom();
      dp = pilot_getNearestPos( player.p, &pid, x, y, 1 );
      d  = system_getClosest( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y );
      rp = MAX( 1.5 * PILOT_SIZE_APROX * pilot_get(pid)->ship->gfx_space->sw / 2 * m,  10. * res);

      if (pntid >=0) { /* Planet is closer. */
         pnt = cur_system->planets[ pntid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * pnt->radius, 100. );
      else if (jpid >= 0) {
         jp = &cur_system->jumps[ jpid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * jp->radius, 100. );
      else {
         r  = 0.;
      /* Reject pilot if it's too far or a valid asset is closer. */
      if (dp > pow2(rp) || (d < pow2(r) && dp < pow2(rp) && dp >  d))
         pid = PLAYER_ID;
      if (d > pow2(r)) /* Planet or jump point is too far. */
         jpid = pntid = -1;

   if (pid != PLAYER_ID) {
      /* Apply an action if already selected. */
      if (!pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD) && (pid == player.p->target)) {
         p = pilot_get(pid);
         if (pilot_isDisabled(p) || pilot_isFlag(p, PILOT_BOARDABLE))
         player_targetSet( pid );
   else if (pntid >= 0) { /* Planet is closest. */
      if (pntid == player.p->nav_planet) {
         pnt = cur_system->planets[ pntid ];
         if (planet_hasService(pnt, PLANET_SERVICE_LAND) &&
               (!areEnemies( player.p->faction, pnt->faction ) || pnt->bribed ))
         player_targetPlanetSet( pntid );
   else if (jpid >= 0) { /* Jump point is closest. */
      jp = &cur_system->jumps[ jpid ];
      if (jpid == player.p->nav_hyperspace) {
         if (space_canHyperspace(player.p)) {
            if (!paused) player_autonavAbort(NULL);
         player_targetHyperspaceSet( jpid );
Esempio n. 13
 * @brief Saves the current game.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int save_all (void)
   char file[PATH_MAX];
   xmlDocPtr doc;
   xmlTextWriterPtr writer;

   /* Do not save during tutorial. Or if saving is off. */
   if (player_isTut() || player_isFlag(PLAYER_NOSAVE))
      return 0;

   /* Create the writer. */
   writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, conf.save_compress);
   if (writer == NULL) {
      ERR("testXmlwriterDoc: Error creating the xml writer");
      return -1;

   /* Set the writer parameters. */
   xmlw_setParams( writer );

   /* Start element. */

   /* Save the version and such. */
   xmlw_elem( writer, "naev", "%d.%d.%d", VMAJOR, VMINOR, VREV );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "data", "%s", ndata_name() );
   xmlw_endElem(writer); /* "version" */

   /* Save the data. */
   if (save_data(writer) < 0) {
      ERR("Trying to save game data");
      goto err_writer;

   /* Finish element. */
   xmlw_endElem(writer); /* "naev_save" */

   /* Write to file. */
   if ((nfile_dirMakeExist("%s", nfile_dataPath()) < 0) ||
         (nfile_dirMakeExist("%ssaves", nfile_dataPath()) < 0)) {
      WARN("Failed to create save directory '%ssaves'.", nfile_dataPath());
      goto err_writer;
   nsnprintf(file, PATH_MAX, "%ssaves/%s.ns", nfile_dataPath(),;

   /* Back up old savegame. */
   if (!save_loaded) {
      if (nfile_backupIfExists(file) < 0) {
         WARN("Aborting save...");
         goto err_writer;
   save_loaded = 0;

   /* Critical section, if crashes here player's game gets corrupted.
    * Luckily we have a copy just in case... */
   if (xmlSaveFileEnc(file, doc, "UTF-8") < 0) {
      WARN("Failed to write savegame!  You'll most likely have to restore it by copying your backup savegame over your current savegame.");
      goto err;

   return 0;

   return -1;
Esempio n. 14
 * @brief Handles input to the map overlay.
int ovr_input( SDL_Event *event )
   unsigned int pid;
   Pilot *p;
   int mx, my;
   double x, y, r, rp;
   double d, dp;
   Planet *pnt;
   JumpPoint *jp;
   int pntid, jpid;

   /* We only want mouse events. */
   if (event->type != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
      return 0;

   /* Player must not be NULL. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_DESTROYED) || (player.p == NULL))
      return 0;

   /* Selection. */
   if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
      /* Translate from window to screen. */
      mx = event->button.x;
      my = event->button.y;
      gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, mx, my );

      /* Translate to space coords. */
      x  = ((double)mx - SCREEN_W/2.) * ovr_res;
      y  = ((double)my - SCREEN_H/2.) * ovr_res;

      /* Get nearest pilot and jump point/planet. */
      dp    = pilot_getNearestPos( player.p, &pid, x, y, 1 );
      d     = system_getClosest( cur_system, &pntid, &jpid, x, y );
      p     = pilot_get(pid);
      rp    = MAX( 1.5 * PILOT_SIZE_APROX * p->ship->gfx_space->sw / 2, 20.*ovr_res );

      if (pntid >=0) { /* Planet is closer. */
         pnt = cur_system->planets[ pntid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * pnt->radius, 20. * ovr_res );
      else if (jpid >= 0) {
         jp = &cur_system->jumps[ jpid ];
         r  = MAX( 1.5 * jp->radius, 20. * ovr_res );
         r  = 0.;

      /* Pilot is closest, or new jump point/planet is the same as the old. */
      if ((dp < pow2(rp) && player.p->target != pid) && (dp < d ||
            ((pntid >=0 && player.p->nav_planet == pntid) ||
            (jpid >=0 && player.p->nav_planet == jpid))))
         player_targetSet( pid );
      else if ((pntid >= 0) && (d < pow2(r))) /* Planet is closest. */
         player_targetPlanetSet( pntid );
      else if ((jpid >= 0) && (d < pow2(r))) /* Jump point is closest. */
         player_targetHyperspaceSet( jpid );
         return 0;
      return 1;
   /* Autogo. */
   else if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
      if ((player.p == NULL) || pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_MANUAL_CONTROL ) ||
            pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYP_PREP ) ||
            pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYP_BEGIN ) ||
            pilot_isFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE ))
         return 1;

      /* Translate from window to screen. */
      mx = event->button.x;
      my = event->button.y;
      gl_windowToScreenPos( &mx, &my, mx, my );

      /* Translate to space coords. */
      x  = ((double)mx - SCREEN_W/2.) * ovr_res;
      y  = ((double)my - SCREEN_H/2.) * ovr_res;

      /* Go to position. */
      player_autonavPos( x, y );

      return 1;

   return 0;
Esempio n. 15
 * @brief Updates the player's autonav.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick (should be real delta tick, not game delta tick).
void player_updateAutonav( double dt )
   const double dis_dead = 5.0;
   const double dis_mod  = 0.5;
   const double dis_max  = 4.0;
   const double dis_ramp = 6.0;

   if (paused || (player.p==NULL) || pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DEAD))

   /* We handle disabling here. */
   if (pilot_isFlag(player.p, PILOT_DISABLED)) {
      /* It is somewhat like:
       *        /------------\        4x
       *       /              \
       * -----/                \----- 1x
       * <---><-><----------><-><--->
       *   5   6     X        6   5    Real time
       *   5   15    X        15  5    Game time
       * For triangles we have to add the rectangle and triangle areas.
      /* 5 second deadtime. */
      if (player.p->dtimer_accum < dis_dead)
         tc_mod = tc_base;
      else {
         /* Ramp down. */
         if (player.p->dtimer - player.p->dtimer_accum < dis_dead + (dis_max-tc_base)*dis_ramp/2 + tc_base*dis_ramp)
            tc_mod = MAX( tc_base, tc_mod - dis_mod*dt );
         /* Normal. */
            tc_mod = MIN( dis_max, tc_mod + dis_mod*dt );
      pause_setSpeed( tc_mod );

   /* Must be autonaving. */
   if (!player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV))

   /* Ramping down. */
   if (tc_rampdown) {
      if (tc_mod != tc_base) {
         tc_mod = MAX( tc_base, tc_mod-tc_down*dt );
         pause_setSpeed( tc_mod );

   /* We'll update the time compression here. */
   if (tc_mod == player.tc_max)
      tc_mod += 0.2 * dt * (player.tc_max-tc_base);
   /* Avoid going over. */
   if (tc_mod > player.tc_max)
      tc_mod = player.tc_max;
   pause_setSpeed( tc_mod );
Esempio n. 16
 * @brief Checks to see if the player has autonav enabled.
 * @usage autonav = player.autonav()
 *    @luareturn true if the player has autonav enabled.
 * @luafunc autonav()
static int playerL_autonav( lua_State *L )
   lua_pushboolean( L, player_isFlag( PLAYER_AUTONAV ) );
   return 1;
Esempio n. 17
 * @brief Renders the overlay map.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
void ovr_render( double dt )
   (void) dt;
   int i, j;
   Pilot **pstk;
   int n;
   double w, h, res;
   double x,y;
   glColour c = { .r=0., .g=0., .b=0., .a=0.5 };

   /* Must be open. */
   if (!ovr_open)

   /* Player must be alive. */
   if (player_isFlag( PLAYER_DESTROYED ) || (player.p == NULL))

   /* Default values. */
   w     = SCREEN_W;
   h     = SCREEN_H;
   res   = ovr_res;

   /* First render the background overlay. */
   gl_renderRect( 0., 0., w, h, &c );

   /* Render planets. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->nplanets; i++)
      if ((cur_system->planets[ i ]->real == ASSET_REAL) && (i != player.p->nav_planet))
         gui_renderPlanet( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_planet > -1)
      gui_renderPlanet( player.p->nav_planet, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render jump points. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->njumps; i++)
      if ((i != player.p->nav_hyperspace) && !jp_isFlag(&cur_system->jumps[i], JP_EXITONLY))
         gui_renderJumpPoint( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_hyperspace > -1)
      gui_renderJumpPoint( player.p->nav_hyperspace, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render pilots. */
   pstk  = pilot_getAll( &n );
   j     = 0;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (pstk[i]->id == PLAYER_ID) /* Skip player. */
      if (pstk[i]->id == player.p->target)
         j = i;
         gui_renderPilot( pstk[i], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   /* Render the targeted pilot */
   if (j!=0)
      gui_renderPilot( pstk[j], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Check if player has goto target. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV) && (player.autonav == AUTONAV_POS_APPROACH)) {
      x = player.autonav_pos.x / res + w / 2.;
      y = player.autonav_pos.y / res + h / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );
      gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, "GOTO" );

   /* Render the player. */
   gui_renderPlayer( res, 1 );

   /* Render markers. */
   ovr_mrkRenderAll( res );

 * @brief Renders all the markers.
 *    @param res Resolution to render at.
static void ovr_mrkRenderAll( double res )
   int i;
   ovr_marker_t *mrk;
   double x, y;

   if (ovr_markers == NULL)

   for (i=0; i<array_size(ovr_markers); i++) {
      mrk = &ovr_markers[i];

      x = mrk-> / res + SCREEN_W / 2.;
      y = mrk-> / res + SCREEN_H / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );

      if (mrk->text != NULL)
         gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, mrk->text );