size_t OFile::llwrite(const char*ptr,size_t s) { size_t r; if(linked) return linked->llwrite(ptr,s); if(! (comm && comm->Get_rank()>0)) { if(!fp) plumed_merror("writing on uninitilized File"); if(gzfp) { #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_ZLIB r=gzwrite(gzFile(gzfp),ptr,s); #else plumed_merror("file " + getPath() + ": trying to use a gz file without zlib being linked"); #endif } else { r=fwrite(ptr,1,s,fp); } } // This barrier is apparently useless since it comes // just before a Bcast. // // Anyway, it looks like it is solving an issue that appeared on // TRAVIS (at least on my laptop) so I add it here. // GB if(comm) comm->Barrier(); if(comm) comm->Bcast(r,0); return r; }
void PlumedMain::update() { if(!active)return; stopwatch.start("6 Update"); // update step (for statistics, etc) updateFlags.push(true); for(const auto & p : actionSet) { p->beforeUpdate(); if(p->isActive() && p->checkUpdate() && updateFlagsTop()) p->update(); } while(!updateFlags.empty()) updateFlags.pop(); if(!updateFlags.empty()) plumed_merror("non matching changes in the update flags"); // Check that no action has told the calculation to stop if(stopNow) { if(stopFlag) (*stopFlag)=1; else plumed_merror("your md code cannot handle plumed stop events - add a call to plumed.comm(stopFlag,stopCondition)"); } // flush by default every 10000 steps // hopefully will not affect performance // also if receive checkpointing signal if(step%10000==0||doCheckPoint) { fflush(); log.flush(); for(const auto & p : actionSet) p->fflush(); } stopwatch.stop("6 Update"); }
OFile& OFile::open(const std::string&path) { plumed_assert(!cloned); eof=false; err=false; fp=NULL; gzfp=NULL; this->path=path; this->path=appendSuffix(path,getSuffix()); if(checkRestart()) { fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"a"); mode="a"; if(Tools::extension(this->path)=="gz") { #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_ZLIB gzfp=(void*)gzopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"a9"); #else plumed_merror("file " + getPath() + ": trying to use a gz file without zlib being linked"); #endif } } else { backupFile( backstring, this->path ); if(comm)comm->Barrier(); fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"w"); mode="w"; if(Tools::extension(this->path)=="gz") { #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_ZLIB gzfp=(void*)gzopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"w9"); #else plumed_merror("file " + getPath() + ": trying to use a gz file without zlib being linked"); #endif } } if(plumed) plumed->insertFile(*this); return *this; }
void PlumedMain::update(){ if(!active)return; stopwatch.start("6 Update"); // update step (for statistics, etc) updateFlags.push(true); for(ActionSet::iterator p=actionSet.begin();p!=actionSet.end();++p){ (*p)->beforeUpdate(); if((*p)->isActive() && (*p)->checkUpdate() && updateFlagsTop()) (*p)->update(); } while(!updateFlags.empty()) updateFlags.pop(); if(!updateFlags.empty()) plumed_merror("non matching changes in the update flags"); // Check that no action has told the calculation to stop if(stopNow){ if(stopFlag) (*stopFlag)=1; else plumed_merror("your md code cannot handle plumed stop events - add a call to plumed.comm(stopFlag,stopCondition)"); } // flush by default every 10000 steps // hopefully will not affect performance if(step%10000==0){ fflush(); log.flush(); for(ActionSet::const_iterator p=actionSet.begin();p!=actionSet.end();++p) (*p)->fflush(); } stopwatch.stop("6 Update"); }
void CoeffsBase::checkCoeffsInfo(const std::string& msg_header, const std::string& coeffs_type_f, const unsigned int ndimensions_f, const size_t ncoeffs_total_f, const std::vector<unsigned int>& indices_shape_f) { if(coeffs_type_f != getTypeStr()) { std::string msg = msg_header + " coeffs type " + coeffs_type_f + " from file doesn't match the defined value " + getTypeStr(); plumed_merror(msg); } if(ndimensions_f != numberOfDimensions() ) { std::string s1; Tools::convert(ndimensions_f,s1); std::string s2; Tools::convert(numberOfDimensions(),s2); std::string msg = msg_header + " the number of dimensions " + s1 + " in file doesn't match the defined value " + s2; plumed_merror(msg); } if(ncoeffs_total_f != numberOfCoeffs() ) { std::string s1; Tools::convert(ncoeffs_total_f,s1); std::string s2; Tools::convert(numberOfCoeffs(),s2); std::string msg = msg_header + " the number of coeffs " + s1 + " in file doesn't match the defined value " + s2; plumed_merror(msg); } for(unsigned int k=0; k<numberOfDimensions(); k++) { if(indices_shape_f[k] != shapeOfIndices(k) ) { std::string s1; Tools::convert(indices_shape_f[k],s1); std::string s2; Tools::convert(shapeOfIndices(k),s2); std::string msg = msg_header + " for dimension labeled " + getDimensionLabel(k) + " the shape of indices " + s1 + " in file doesn't match defined value " + s2; plumed_merror(msg); } } }
void PlumedMain::load(const std::string& ss) { if(DLLoader::installed()) { string s=ss; size_t n=s.find_last_of("."); string extension=""; string base=s; if(n!=std::string::npos && n<s.length()-1) extension=s.substr(n+1); if(n!=std::string::npos && n<s.length()) base=s.substr(0,n); if(extension=="cpp") { // full path command, including environment setup // this will work even if plumed is not in the execution path or if it has been // installed with a name different from "plumed" string cmd=config::getEnvCommand()+" \""+config::getPlumedRoot()+"\"/scripts/ "+s; log<<"Executing: "<<cmd; if(comm.Get_size()>0) log<<" (only on master node)"; log<<"\n"; if(comm.Get_rank()==0) system(cmd.c_str()); comm.Barrier(); base="./"+base; } s=base+"."+config::getSoExt(); void *p=dlloader.load(s); if(!p) { const std::string error_msg="I cannot load library " + ss + " " + dlloader.error(); log<<"ERROR\n"; log<<error_msg<<"\n"; plumed_merror(error_msg); } log<<"Loading shared library "<<s.c_str()<<"\n"; log<<"Here is the new list of available actions\n"; log<<actionRegister(); } else plumed_merror("loading not enabled, please recompile with -D__PLUMED_HAS_DLOPEN"); }
void OFile::backupFile( const std::string& bstring, const std::string& fname ) { if(fname=="/dev/null") return; int maxbackup=100; if(std::getenv("PLUMED_MAXBACKUP")) Tools::convert(std::getenv("PLUMED_MAXBACKUP"),maxbackup); if(maxbackup>0 && (!comm || comm->Get_rank()==0)) { FILE* ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(fname.c_str()),"r"); if(ff) { std::fclose(ff); std::string backup; size_t found=fname.find_last_of("/\\"); std::string directory=fname.substr(0,found+1); std::string file=fname.substr(found+1); for(int i=0;; i++) { std::string num; Tools::convert(i,num); if(i>maxbackup) plumed_merror("cannot backup file "+file+" maximum number of backup is "+num+"\n"); backup=directory+bstring +"."+num+"."+file; FILE* fff=std::fopen(backup.c_str(),"r"); if(!fff) break; else std::fclose(fff); } int check=rename(fname.c_str(),backup.c_str()); plumed_massert(check==0,"renaming "+fname+" into "+backup+" failed for reason: "+strerror(errno)); } } }
Value* ActionWithValue::copyOutput( const std::string& name ) const { for(unsigned i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) { if (values[i]->name==name) return values[i]; } plumed_merror("there is no pointer with name " + name); return NULL; }
unsigned PointWiseMapping::getPropertyIndex( const std::string& name ) const { for(unsigned i=0;i<property.size();++i){ if( name==property[i] ) return i; } plumed_merror("no property with name " + name + " found"); return 0; }
double HistogramBead::calculateWithCutoff( double x, double& df ) const { plumed_dbg_assert(init && periodicity!=unset ); double lowB, upperB, f; lowB = difference( x, lowb ) / width ; upperB = difference( x, highb ) / width; if( upperB<=-cutoff || lowB>=cutoff ) { df=0; return 0; } if( type==gaussian ) { lowB /= sqrt(2.0); upperB /= sqrt(2.0); df = ( exp( -lowB*lowB ) - exp( -upperB*upperB ) ) / ( sqrt(2*pi)*width ); f = 0.5*( erf( upperB ) - erf( lowB ) ); } else if( type==triangular ) { df=0; if( fabs(lowB)<1. ) df = (1 - fabs(lowB)) / width; if( fabs(upperB)<1. ) df -= (1 - fabs(upperB)) / width; if (upperB<=-1. || lowB >=1.) { f=0.; } else { double ia, ib; if( lowB>-1.0 ) { ia=lowB; } else { ia=-1.0; } if( upperB<1.0 ) { ib=upperB; } else { ib=1.0; } f = (ib*(2.-fabs(ib))-ia*(2.-fabs(ia)))*0.5; } } else { plumed_merror("function type does not exist"); } return f; }
void MolDataClass::getBackboneForResidue( const std::string& type, const unsigned& residuenum, const PDB& mypdb, std::vector<AtomNumber>& atoms ){ std::string residuename=mypdb.getResidueName( residuenum ); plumed_massert( MolDataClass::allowedResidue( type, residuename ), "residue " + residuename + " unrecognized for molecule type " + type ); if( type=="protein" ){ if( residuename=="GLY"){ atoms.resize(5); atoms[0]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("N",residuenum); atoms[1]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("CA",residuenum); atoms[2]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("HA1",residuenum); atoms[3]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("C",residuenum); atoms[4]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("O",residuenum); } else if( residuename=="ACE"){ atoms.resize(1); atoms[0]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("C",residuenum); } else if( residuename=="NME"){ atoms.resize(1); atoms[0]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("N",residuenum); } else { atoms.resize(5); atoms[0]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("N",residuenum); atoms[1]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("CA",residuenum); atoms[2]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("CB",residuenum); atoms[3]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("C",residuenum); atoms[4]=mypdb.getNamedAtomFromResidue("O",residuenum); } } else { plumed_merror(type + " is not a valid molecule type"); } }
void PlumedMain::load(const std::string& ss){ if(DLLoader::installed()){ string s=ss; size_t n=s.find_last_of("."); string extension=""; string base=s; if(n!=std::string::npos && n<s.length()-1) extension=s.substr(n+1); if(n!=std::string::npos && n<s.length()) base=s.substr(0,n); if(extension=="cpp"){ string cmd="plumed mklib "+s; log<<"Executing: "<<cmd; if(comm.Get_size()>0) log<<" (only on master node)"; log<<"\n"; if(comm.Get_rank()==0) system(cmd.c_str()); comm.Barrier(); base="./"+base; } s=base+"."+config::getSoExt(); void *p=dlloader.load(s); if(!p){ log<<"ERROR\n"; log<<"I cannot load library "<<ss<<"\n"; log<<dlloader.error(); log<<"\n"; this->exit(1); } log<<"Loading shared library "<<s.c_str()<<"\n"; log<<"Here is the new list of available actions\n"; log<<actionRegister(); } else plumed_merror("loading not enabled, please recompile with -D__PLUMED_HAS_DLOPEN"); }
std::string SwitchingFunction::description() const { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr<<1./invr0<<". Using "; if(type==rational){ ostr<<"rational"; } else if(type==exponential){ ostr<<"exponential"; } else if(type==gaussian){ ostr<<"gaussian"; } else if(type==smap){ ostr<<"smap"; } else if(type==cubic){ ostr<<"cubic"; } else{ plumed_merror("Unknown switching function type"); } ostr<<" swiching function with parameters d0="<<d0; if(type==rational){ ostr<<" nn="<<nn<<" mm="<<mm; } else if(type==smap){ ostr<<" a="<<a<<" b="<<b; } else if(type==cubic){ ostr<<" dmax="<<dmax; } return ostr.str(); }
void ActionWithGrid::createGrid( const std::string& type, const std::string& inputstr ){ // Start creating the input for the grid std::string vstring = inputstr; if( keywords.exists("KERNEL") ){ std::string vconc; parse("CONCENTRATION",vconc); if( vconc.length()>0 ){ vstring += " TYPE=fibonacci CONCENTRATION=" + vconc; } else { std::string kstring; parse("KERNEL",kstring); if( kstring=="DISCRETE" ) vstring += " KERNEL=" + kstring; else vstring += " KERNEL=" + kstring + " " + getKeyword("BANDWIDTH"); } } vesselbase::VesselOptions da("mygrid","",-1,vstring,this); Keywords keys; gridtools::AverageOnGrid::registerKeywords( keys ); vesselbase::VesselOptions dar( da, keys ); if( type=="histogram" ){ mygrid = new HistogramOnGrid(dar); } else if( type=="average" ){ mygrid = new AverageOnGrid(dar); } else if( type=="grid" ){ mygrid = new GridVessel(dar); } else { plumed_merror("no way to create grid of type " + type ); } }
void LandmarkSelectionBase::checkRead() const { if(!input.empty()) { std::string msg="cannot understand the following words from landmark selection input : "; for(unsigned i=0; i<input.size(); ++i) msg = msg + input[i] + ", "; plumed_merror(msg); } }
void PlumedMain::readInputWords(const std::vector<std::string> & words) { plumed_assert(initialized); if(words.empty())return; else if(words[0]=="ENDPLUMED") return; else if(words[0]=="_SET_SUFFIX") { plumed_assert(words.size()==2); setSuffix(words[1]); } else { std::vector<std::string> interpreted(words); Tools::interpretLabel(interpreted); Action* action=actionRegister().create(ActionOptions(*this,interpreted)); if(!action) { log<<"ERROR\n"; log<<"I cannot understand line:"; for(unsigned i=0; i<interpreted.size(); ++i) log<<" "<<interpreted[i]; log<<"\n"; log.flush(); plumed_merror("I cannot understand line " + interpreted[0] + " " + interpreted[1]); }; action->checkRead(); actionSet.push_back(action); };<ActionPilot*>(); }
AtomNumber PDB::getNamedAtomFromResidue( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum ) const { for(unsigned i=0;i<size();++i){ if( residue[i]==resnum && atomsymb[i]==aname ) return numbers[i]; } std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num ); plumed_merror("residue " + num + " does not contain an atom named " + aname ); return numbers[0]; // This is to stop compiler errors }
int ActionWithValue::getComponent( const std::string& name ) const { plumed_massert( !exists( getLabel() ), "You should not be calling this routine if you are using a value"); std::string thename; thename=getLabel() + "." + name; for(unsigned i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) { if (values[i]->name==thename) return i; } plumed_merror("there is no component with name " + name); return -1; }
size_t OFile::llwrite(const char*ptr,size_t s){ size_t r; if(linked) return linked->llwrite(ptr,s); if(! (comm && comm->Get_rank()>0)){ if(!fp) plumed_merror("writing on uninitilized File"); if(gzfp){ #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_ZLIB r=gzwrite(gzFile(gzfp),ptr,s); #else plumed_merror("trying to use a gz file without zlib being linked"); #endif } else { r=fwrite(ptr,1,s,fp); } } if(comm) comm->Bcast(r,0); return r; }
void BridgeVessel::completeNumericalDerivatives(){ unsigned nextra = myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives() - getAction()->getNumberOfDerivatives(); Matrix<double> tmpder( myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents(), nextra ); ActionWithVessel* vval=dynamic_cast<ActionWithVessel*>( myOutputAction ); for(unsigned i=0;i<nextra;++i){ vval->bridgeVariable=i; getAction()->calculate(); for(int j=0;j<myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents();++j) tmpder(j,i) = myOutputValues->getOutputQuantity(j); } vval->bridgeVariable=nextra; getAction()->calculate(); plumed_assert( inum==mynumerical_values.size() ); inum=0; // Reset inum now that we have finished calling calculate std::vector<double> base( myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents() ); for(int j=0;j<myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents();++j) base[j] = myOutputValues->getOutputQuantity(j); const double delta=sqrt(epsilon); ActionAtomistic* aa=dynamic_cast<ActionAtomistic*>( getAction() ); unsigned nvals=myOutputValues->getNumberOfComponents(); for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j) ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->clearDerivatives(); if( aa ){ ActionWithArguments* aarg=dynamic_cast<ActionWithArguments*>( getAction() ); plumed_assert( !aarg ); Tensor box=aa->getBox(); unsigned natoms=aa->getNumberOfAtoms(); for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){ double ref=( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->get(); if( ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->getNumberOfDerivatives()>0 ){ for(unsigned i=0;i<3*natoms;++i){ double d=( mynumerical_values[i*nvals+j] - ref)/delta; ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(i,d); } Tensor virial; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ virial(i,k)=( mynumerical_values[ nvals*(3*natoms + 3*i + k) + j ]-ref)/delta; } virial=-matmul(box.transpose(),virial); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int k=0;k<3;k++) ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(3*natoms+3*k+i,virial(k,i)); } } } else { plumed_merror("not implemented or tested yet"); // unsigned nder=myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives(); // for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){ // double ref=( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->get(); // for(unsigned i=0;i<nder;++i){ // double d=( mynumerical_values[i*nvals+j] - ref)/delta; // ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative(i,d); // } // } // } } // Add the derivatives wrt to the local quantities we are working with for(unsigned j=0;j<nvals;++j){ unsigned k=0; for(unsigned i=getAction()->getNumberOfDerivatives();i<myOutputAction->getNumberOfDerivatives();++i){ ( myOutputValues->copyOutput(j) )->addDerivative( i, (tmpder(j,k)-base[j])/sqrt(epsilon) ); k++; } } }
void Communicator::Set_comm(void*val){ #ifdef __PLUMED_MPI plumed_massert(initialized(),"you are trying to use an MPI function, but MPI is not initialized"); if(val) Set_comm(*(MPI_Comm*)val); #else (void) val; plumed_merror("you are trying to use an MPI function, but PLUMED has been compiled without MPI support"); #endif }
double SwitchingFunction::calculate(double distance,double&dfunc)const{ plumed_massert(init,"you are trying to use an unset SwitchingFunction"); if(distance>dmax){ dfunc=0.0; return 0.0; } const double rdist = (distance-d0)*invr0; double result; if(rdist<=0.){ result=1.; dfunc=0.0; }else{ if(type==smap){ double sx=c*pow( rdist, a ); result=pow( 1.0 + sx, d ); dfunc=-b*sx/rdist*result/(1.0+sx); } else if(type==rational){ result=do_rational(rdist,dfunc,nn,mm); }else if(type==exponential){ result=exp(-rdist); dfunc=-result; }else if(type==nativeq){ double rdist2 = beta*(distance - lambda * ref); double exprdist=exp(rdist2); result=1./(1.+exprdist); dfunc=-exprdist/(1.+exprdist)/(1.+exprdist); }else if(type==gaussian){ result=exp(-0.5*rdist*rdist); dfunc=-rdist*result; }else if(type==cubic){ double tmp1=rdist-1, tmp2=(1+2*rdist); result=tmp1*tmp1*tmp2; dfunc=2*tmp1*tmp2 + 2*tmp1*tmp1; }else if(type==tanh){ double tmp1=std::tanh(rdist); result = 1.0 - tmp1; dfunc=-(1-tmp1*tmp1); #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_MATHEVAL }else if(type==matheval){ result=evaluator_evaluate_x(evaluator,rdist); dfunc=evaluator_evaluate_x(evaluator_deriv,rdist); #endif }else plumed_merror("Unknown switching function type"); // this is for the chain rule: dfunc*=invr0; // this is because calculate() sets dfunc to the derivative divided times the distance. // (I think this is misleading and I would like to modify it - GB) dfunc/=distance; } result=result*stretch+shift; dfunc*=stretch; return result; }
std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInChain(const std::string& chainid)const { std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp; for(unsigned i=0;i<size();++i){ if( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]); } if(tmp.size()==0) { plumed_merror("Cannot find atoms from chain " + chainid ); } return tmp; }
void Communicator::Split(int color,int key,Communicator&pc)const{ #ifdef __PLUMED_MPI MPI_Comm_split(communicator,color,key,&pc.communicator); #else (void) color; (void) key; (void) pc; plumed_merror("you are trying to use an MPI function, but PLUMED has been compiled without MPI support"); #endif }
void Communicator::Request::wait(Status&s){ #ifdef __PLUMED_MPI plumed_massert(initialized(),"you are trying to use an MPI function, but MPI is not initialized"); if(&s==&StatusIgnore) MPI_Wait(&r,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); else MPI_Wait(&r,&s.s); #else (void) s; plumed_merror("you are trying to use an MPI function, but PLUMED has been compiled without MPI support"); #endif }
bool MolDataClass::isTerminalGroup( const std::string& type, const std::string& residuename ){ if( type=="protein" ){ if( residuename=="ACE" ) return true; else if( residuename=="NME" ) return true; else return false; } else { plumed_merror(type + " is not a valid molecule type"); } return false; }
int Communicator::Status::Get_count(MPI_Datatype type)const{ int i; #ifdef __PLUMED_MPI plumed_massert(initialized(),"you are trying to use an MPI function, but MPI is not initialized"); MPI_Get_count(const_cast<MPI_Status*>(&s),type,&i); #else i=0; plumed_merror("you are trying to use an MPI function, but PLUMED has been compiled without MPI support"); #endif return i; }
MDAtomsBase* MDAtomsBase::create(unsigned p){ if(p==sizeof(double)){ return new MDAtomsTyped<double>; } else if (p==sizeof(float)){ return new MDAtomsTyped<float>; } std::string pp; Tools::convert(p,pp); plumed_merror("cannot create an MD interface with sizeof(real)=="+ pp); return NULL; }
std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInResidue(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid)const { std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp; for(unsigned i=0;i<size();++i){ if( residue[i]==resnum && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]); } if(tmp.size()==0) { std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num ); plumed_merror("Cannot find residue " + num + " from chain " + chainid ); } return tmp; }
std::string FermiSwitchingFunction::description() const { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr<<1./invr0_<<". Using "; if(type==fermi) { ostr<< "fermi switching function with parameter"; ostr<< " lambda="<<fermi_lambda_; } else { plumed_merror("Unknown switching function type"); } return ostr.str(); }