Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Controller Stuff */
    maple_device_t * dev;
    cont_state_t * state;
    int xp = 0;    // False (True or False: Pressed X button last) Toggles Filtering
    int yp = 0;    // False (True or False: Pressed Y button last) Toggles Transparency
    int blend = 0; // blending on/off
    float x_m, y_m, z_m, u_m, v_m;
    float xtrans, ztrans, ytrans;
    float sceneroty;
    int numtriangles;
    int filter = 0;   // texture filtering method to use (NONE or BILINEAR)
    uint32 color = plx_pack_color(0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	/* Init PVR API */
	if (pvr_init(&params) < 0)
		return -1;
    /* Sets the background color to black */
	pvr_set_bg_color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	/* load our world from romdisk */
	/* Load the textures */
	textures[0] = plx_txr_load("/rd/mud.png", 0, PVR_TXRLOAD_16BPP | PVR_TXRLOAD_INVERT_Y);  
	textures[1] = plx_txr_load("/rd/mud.png", 0, PVR_TXRLOAD_16BPP | PVR_TXRLOAD_INVERT_Y);  

	plx_cxt_init();                 // Initialize the plx context system
    plx_cxt_culling(PLX_CULL_NONE); // No culling
	plx_mat3d_init();                    /* Clear internal to an identity matrix */
	plx_mat3d_mode(PLX_MAT_PROJECTION);  /** Projection (frustum, screenview) matrix */
	plx_mat3d_identity();                /** Load an identity matrix */
	plx_mat3d_perspective(45.0f, 640.0f / 480.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);  // (float angle, float aspect, float znear, float zfar);
	plx_mat3d_mode(PLX_MAT_MODELVIEW);   /** Modelview (rotate, scale) matrix */
	/* Set the filters for each texture */
	plx_txr_setfilter(textures[0], PLX_FILTER_NONE);
	plx_txr_setfilter(textures[1], PLX_FILTER_BILINEAR);
	while(1) {
        /* Check key status */
		dev = maple_enum_dev(0, 0);
	    if(dev == NULL) {
            printf("Error: Could not find controller in first port.\n");
        state = (cont_state_t *)maple_dev_status(dev);
	    if (state->buttons & CONT_START) {
            break;           // exit the program
        if (state->buttons & CONT_X && !xp) {
            xp = 1;           
            filter += 1;     // Toggle Filter 
            if (filter > 1)
                filter = 0;
        if (!(state->buttons & CONT_X)) {
            xp = 0;
        if (state->buttons & CONT_Y && !yp) {
            yp = 1;
            blend = !blend;  // Toggle Blending
        if (!(state->buttons & CONT_Y)) {
            yp = 0;
        if (state->buttons & CONT_A) {
            lookupdown -= 1.0f;  // look up
        if (state->buttons & CONT_B) {
            lookupdown += 1.0f;  // look down
        if (state->buttons & CONT_DPAD_UP) {
            xpos -= fsin(yrot*piover180) * 0.05f;  // moves you forward(bobbing head)
            zpos -= fcos(yrot*piover180) * 0.05f;	
            if (walkbiasangle >= 359.0f) {
                walkbiasangle = 0.0f;	
            } else {
                walkbiasangle += 10.0f;
            walkbias = fsin(walkbiasangle * piover180)/20.0f;
        if (state->buttons & CONT_DPAD_DOWN) {
            xpos += fsin(yrot*piover180) * 0.05f;  // moves you backward(bobbing head)
            zpos += fcos(yrot*piover180) * 0.05f;	
            if (walkbiasangle <= 1.0f) {
                walkbiasangle = 359.0f;	
            } else {
                walkbiasangle -= 10.0f;
            walkbias = fsin(walkbiasangle * piover180)/20.0f;
        if (state->buttons & CONT_DPAD_LEFT) {
            yrot += 1.5f;    // Turn Left
        if (state->buttons & CONT_DPAD_RIGHT) {
            yrot -= 1.5f;	  // Turn Right   
	    if(blend) {
		    plx_cxt_send(PVR_LIST_TR_POLY);     // Submit the Header for PVR_LIST_TR_POLY
        } else {
		    plx_cxt_send(PVR_LIST_OP_POLY);     // Submit the Header for PVR_LIST_OP_POLY 
		/* Select texture according to filter */
	    xtrans = -xpos;   // Used For Player Translation On The X Axis    
        ztrans = -zpos;   // Used For Player Translation On The Z Axis
        ytrans = -walkbias - 0.25f;  // Used For Bouncing Motion Up And Down
        sceneroty = 360.0f - yrot;   // 360 Degree Angle For Player Direction
        plx_mat3d_rotate(lookupdown, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Rotate Up And Down To Look Up And Down             
        plx_mat3d_rotate(sceneroty, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);  // Rotate Depending On Direction Player Is Facing 
        plx_mat3d_translate(xtrans, ytrans, ztrans);    // Translate The Scene Based On Player Position          
        /* Clear internal to an identity matrix */
	    /* "Applying" all matrixs: multiply a matrix onto the "internal" one */
		numtriangles = sector1.numtriangles;    
        for (loop = 0; loop < numtriangles; loop++) {        // loop through all the triangles
	        // Vertex 1
	        x_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[0].x;
	        y_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[0].y;
	        z_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[0].z;
	        u_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[0].u;
	        v_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[0].v;
	        plx_vert_ifpm3(PLX_VERT, x_m, y_m, z_m, color, u_m, v_m);
	        // Vertex 2
	        x_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[1].x;
	        y_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[1].y;
	        z_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[1].z;
	        u_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[1].u;
	        v_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[1].v;
	        plx_vert_ifpm3(PLX_VERT, x_m, y_m, z_m, color, u_m, v_m);
	         // Vertex 3
	        x_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[2].x;
	        y_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[2].y;
	        z_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[2].z;
	        u_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[2].u;
	        v_m = sector1.triangle[loop].vertex[2].v;
	        plx_vert_ifpm3(PLX_VERT_EOS, x_m, y_m, z_m, color, u_m, v_m);
    // Clean up!!!
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void Texture::setFilter(FilterType filter) {
	plx_txr_setfilter(m_txr, filter);