Esempio n. 1
KoChild::Gadget KoChild::gadgetHitTest( const QPoint &p )
  if ( !frameRegion().contains( p ) )
    return NoGadget;

  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( -5, -5, 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return TopLeft;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( d->m_geometry.width() / 2 - 3, -5, 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return TopMid;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( d->m_geometry.width(), -5, 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return TopRight;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( -5, d->m_geometry.height() / 2 - 3, 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return MidLeft;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( -5, d->m_geometry.height(), 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return BottomLeft;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( d->m_geometry.width() / 2 - 3,
				   d->m_geometry.height(), 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
    return BottomMid;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( d->m_geometry.width(), d->m_geometry.height(), 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
      return BottomRight;
  if ( QRegion( pointArray( QRect( d->m_geometry.width(),
				   d->m_geometry.height() / 2 - 3, 5, 5 ) ) ).contains( p ) )
    return MidRight;

  return Move;
Esempio n. 2
CompactRealArray findZeroes(Function &f, const RealInterval &i) {
  CompactRealArray result;
  RealPoint2DArray pointArray(SEARCHCOUNT);
  Real             step = i.getLength() / (SEARCHCOUNT-1);
  Real             x    = i.getFrom();
  for(int t = 0; t < SEARCHCOUNT-1; t++, x += step) {
    try {
    } catch (...) {
      // ignore
  try {
    pointArray.add(RealPoint2D(i.getTo(), f(i.getTo())));
  } catch (...) {
    // ignore
  const size_t       n     = pointArray.size();
  const RealPoint2D *lastp = &pointArray[0];
  for(size_t t = 1; t < n; t++) {
    const RealPoint2D &p = pointArray[t];
    if(sign(lastp->y) * sign(p.y) != 1) {
      if(lastp->y == 0) {
      } else if(p.y != 0) { // lastp->y != 0 && p.y != 0 => opposite sign
        result.add(converge(f,lastp->x, p.x));
    lastp = &p;
  if(lastp->y == 0) {
  return result;
Esempio n. 3
void QgsGrassEdit::displayElement( int line, const QPen & pen, int size, QPainter *painter )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "line = %1" ).arg( line ) );

  // is it a valid line?
  if ( line == 0 )

  if ( !mSymbDisplay[mLineSymb[line]] )

  int type = mProvider->readLine( mPoints, NULL, line );
  if ( type < 0 )

  QPainter *myPainter;
  if ( !painter )
    myPainter = new QPainter();
    myPainter->begin( mPixmap );
    myPainter = painter;

  if ( type & GV_POINTS )
    displayIcon( mPoints->x[0], mPoints->y[0], pen, QgsVertexMarker::ICON_CROSS, size, myPainter );
  else   // line
    QgsPoint point;
    QPolygon pointArray( mPoints->n_points );

    for ( int i = 0; i < mPoints->n_points; i++ )
      point.setX( mPoints->x[i] );
      point.setY( mPoints->y[i] );
      point = transformLayerToCanvas( point );
      pointArray.setPoint( i, qRound( point.x() ), qRound( point.y() ) );

    myPainter->setPen( pen );
    myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );

  if ( !painter )
    // porting mCanvas->update();
    delete myPainter;
Esempio n. 4
void DrawWidget::drawArray(float *input, int n, int sampleStep, double theZoomY, double offset)
  double dh2 = double(height()-1) / 2.0;
  double scaleY = dh2 * theZoomY;
  int w = width() / sampleStep;
  Q3PointArray pointArray(w);
  int intStep = int(n / w);
  int remainderStep = n - (intStep * w);
  int pos = 0;
  int remainder = 0;

  for(int j=0; j<w; j++, pos+=intStep, remainder+=remainderStep) {
    if(remainder >= w) {
      remainder -= w;
    myassert(pos < n);
    pointArray.setPoint(j, j*sampleStep, toInt(dh2 - (input[pos] + offset)*scaleY));
  //p.setPen(QPen(active->color, 0));
Esempio n. 5
void JSONSerializer::SerializeFloatSplineNode(
  rapidjson::Value& nodeValue, const shared_ptr<FloatSplineNode>& node)
  for (UINT layer = UINT(SplineLayer::BASE); layer < UINT(SplineLayer::COUNT); layer++) {
    SplineFloatComponent* component = node->GetComponent(SplineLayer(layer));
    auto& points = component->GetPoints();
    rapidjson::Value pointArray(rapidjson::kArrayType);
    for (UINT i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
      const SplinePoint& point = points[i];
      rapidjson::Value p(rapidjson::kObjectType);
      p.AddMember("time", point.mTime, *mAllocator);
      p.AddMember("value", point.mValue, *mAllocator);
      p.AddMember("autotangent", point.mIsAutoangent, *mAllocator);
      p.AddMember("breakpoint", point.mIsBreakpoint, *mAllocator);
      p.AddMember("linear", point.mIsLinear, *mAllocator);
      pointArray.PushBack(p, *mAllocator);
    const char* fieldName = EnumMapperA::GetStringFromEnum(SplineLayerMapper, layer);
    nodeValue.AddMember(rapidjson::GenericStringRef<char>(fieldName), pointArray,
Esempio n. 6
QRegion KoChild::region( const QWMatrix &matrix ) const
  return QRegion( pointArray( matrix ) );
Esempio n. 7
QPointArray KoChild::framePointArray( const QWMatrix &matrix ) const
  return pointArray( QRect( -6, -6, d->m_geometry.width() + 12, d->m_geometry.height() + 12 ), matrix );
Esempio n. 8
QRect KoChild::boundingRect() const
  return pointArray().boundingRect();
Esempio n. 9
QPointArray KoChild::pointArray( const QWMatrix &matrix ) const
  return pointArray( QRect( 0, 0, d->m_geometry.width(), d->m_geometry.height() ), matrix );
Esempio n. 10
    int Vector2::ConvexHullInPlace(Vector2* pointArray, size_t nPoints)
        if(nPoints <= 3)
            return nPoints;

        // Lowest point of the set
        Vector2* lowest = &pointArray[0];
        for(int i = 1; i < nPoints; ++i)
            if(lowest->y > pointArray[i].y)
                lowest = &pointArray[i];

        SortByPolarAngle pred;
        pred.perspective = pointArray[0];
        quicksort(pointArray + 1, nPoints - 1, pred);
        int nPointsInHull = 2;
        for(int i = 2; i < nPoints; ++i)
            Vector2 lineA = pointArray[nPointsInHull - 1] - pointArray[nPointsInHull - 2];
            Vector2 lineB = pointArray[i] - pointArray(nPointsInHull - 2);
            Real lineAlen = lineA.lenght();
            Real lineBlen = lineB.lenght();
            bool dropLastPointFromHull = false;
            if(lineAlen >= 1e-5f)
                lineA /= Math::Sqrt(lineAlen);
                dropLastPointFromHull = true;
            if(lineBlen >= 1e-5f)
                lineB /= Math::Sqrt(lineBlen);

            Vector2 normal(-lineA.y, lineA.x);
            if(dropLastPointFromHull || normal.dotProduct(lineB) > 0.f || (normal.dotProduct(lineB) > -1e-4f && lineBlen >= lineAlen))
                if(nPointsInHull > 2)
                    pointArray[nPointsInHull - 1] = pointArray[i];
                pointArray[nPointsInHull++] = pointArray[i];

        for(int i = 0; i < nPointsInHull && nPointsInHull > 3; ++i)
                for(int j = i; j+1 < nPointsInHull; ++j)
                    pointArray[j] = pointArray[j+1];

            Vector2 dirA = pointArray[(i+1)%nPointsInHull] - pointArray[i];
            Vector2 dirB = pointArray[i] - pointArray[(i+nPointsInHull-1)%nPointsInHull];
            if(dirA.dotProduct(dirB) >= 1.f - 1e-3f)
                for(int j = i; j+1 < nPointsInHull; ++j)
                    pointArray[j] = pointArray[j+1];

        return nPointsInHull;
Esempio n. 11
 * Overrides standard method.
void NodeWidget::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)

    if (UMLWidget::useFillColor()) {
    } else {
    const int w = width();
    const int h = height();
    const int wDepth = (w/3 > DEPTH ? DEPTH : w/3);
    const int hDepth = (h/3 > DEPTH ? DEPTH : h/3);
    const int bodyOffsetY = hDepth;
    const int bodyWidth = w - wDepth;
    const int bodyHeight = h - hDepth;
    QFont font = UMLWidget::font();
    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_BOLD);
    const int fontHeight  = fm.lineSpacing();
    QString nameStr = name();

    QPolygon pointArray(5);
    pointArray.setPoint(0, 0, bodyOffsetY);
    pointArray.setPoint(1, wDepth, 0);
    pointArray.setPoint(2, w, 0);
    pointArray.setPoint(3, w, bodyHeight);
    pointArray.setPoint(4, bodyWidth, h);
    painter->drawRect(0, bodyOffsetY, bodyWidth, bodyHeight);
    painter->drawLine(w, 0, bodyWidth, bodyOffsetY);


    int lines = 1;
    if (m_umlObject) {
        QString stereotype = m_umlObject->stereotype();
        if (!stereotype.isEmpty()) {
            painter->drawText(0, bodyOffsetY + (bodyHeight/2) - fontHeight,
                       bodyWidth, fontHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, m_umlObject->stereotype(true));
            lines = 2;

    if (UMLWidget::isInstance()) {
        nameStr = UMLWidget::instanceName() + QLatin1String(" : ") + nameStr;

    if (lines == 1) {
        painter->drawText(0, bodyOffsetY + (bodyHeight/2) - (fontHeight/2),
                   bodyWidth, fontHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, nameStr);
    } else {
        painter->drawText(0, bodyOffsetY + (bodyHeight/2),
                   bodyWidth, fontHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, nameStr);

    UMLWidget::paint(painter, option, widget);
Esempio n. 12
void DrawWidget::drawChannel(QPaintDevice &pd, Channel *ch, QPainter &p, double leftTime, double currentTime, double zoomX, double viewBottom, double zoomY, int viewType)
  ZoomLookup *z;
  if(viewType == DRAW_VIEW_SUMMARY) z = &ch->summaryZoomLookup;
  else z = &ch->normalZoomLookup;

  ChannelLocker channelLocker(ch);

  QColor current = ch->color;
 	QColor invert(255 -, 255 -, 255 -;

 	int viewBottomOffset = toInt(viewBottom / zoomY);
  printf("viewBottomOffset=%d, %f, %f\n", viewBottomOffset, viewBottom, zoomY);
  viewBottom = double(viewBottomOffset) * zoomY;
  // baseX is the no. of chunks a pixel must represent.
 	double baseX = zoomX / ch->timePerChunk();

  double currentChunk = ch->chunkFractionAtTime(currentTime);
  double leftFrameTime = currentChunk - ((currentTime - leftTime) / ch->timePerChunk());
  //double leftFrameTime = leftTime / ch->timePerChunk();

 	double frameTime = leftFrameTime;
  //if(frameTime < 0.0) frameTime = 0.0;
  int n = 0;
  int baseElement = int(floor(frameTime / baseX));
  if(baseElement < 0) { n -= baseElement; baseElement = 0; }
  int lastBaseElement = int(floor(double(ch->totalChunks()) / baseX));
  Q3PointArray pointArray(pd.width()*2);
  //QPointArray topPoints(width()*2);
  //QPointArray bottomPoints(width()*2);
  //int pointIndex = 0;
  //int pointIndex = 0;
 	if (baseX > 1) { // More samples than pixels
    int theWidth = pd.width();
    //if(baseElement + theWidth > z->size()) z->setSize(baseElement + theWidth);
    if(lastBaseElement > z->size()) z->setSize(lastBaseElement);
    for(; n < theWidth && baseElement < lastBaseElement; n++, baseElement++) {
      myassert(baseElement >= 0);
      ZoomElement &ze = z->at(baseElement);
      if(!ze.isValid()) {
        if(calcZoomElement(ch, ze, baseElement, baseX)) continue;
      if(ze.high() != 0.0f && ze.high() - ze.low() < 1.0) { //if range is closer than one semi-tone then draw a line between them
      //if(ze.noteLow > 0) {
        //p.setPen(QPen(ze.color(), lineWidth));
        //Note: lineTo doen't draw a pixel on the last point of the line
        p.drawLine(n, pd.height() - lineTopHalfWidth - toInt(ze.high() / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset, n, pd.height() + lineBottomHalfWidth - toInt(ze.low() / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
        //pointArray.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, height() - lineTopHalfWidth    - toInt(ze.high / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
        //pointArray.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, height() + lineBottomHalfWidth - toInt(ze.low  / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
    //myassert(pointIndex <= width()*2);
    //p.drawLineSegments(pointArray, 0, pointIndex/2);

 	} else { // More pixels than samples
    float err = 0.0, pitch = 0.0, prevPitch = 0.0, vol;
    int intChunk = (int) floor(frameTime); // Integer version of frame time
    if(intChunk < 0) intChunk = 0;
    double stepSize = 1.0 / baseX; // So we skip some pixels
    int x = 0, y;
    //double start = 0 - stepSize;
    double start = (double(intChunk) - frameTime) * stepSize;
    double stop = pd.width() + (2 * stepSize);
    int squareSize = (int(sqrt(stepSize)) / 2) * 2 + 1; //make it an odd number
    int halfSquareSize = squareSize/2;
    int penX=0, penY=0;
    //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, toInt(start), 0);
    //bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, toInt(start), height());
    for (double n = start; n < stop && intChunk < (int)ch->totalChunks(); n += stepSize, intChunk++) {
      myassert(intChunk >= 0);
      //if (intChunk < 0) continue; // So we don't go off the beginning of the array
      AnalysisData *data = ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk);
      err = data->getCorrelation();
      //vol = dB2ViewVal(data->logrms(), ch->rmsCeiling, ch->rmsFloor);
      vol = dB2Normalised(data->getLogRms(), ch->rmsCeiling, ch->rmsFloor);
      //if (err >= CERTAIN_THRESHOLD) {
      //float val = MIN(ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk)->volumeValue, 1.0);
      if(gdata->pitchContourMode() == 0)
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(colorGroup().background(), ch->color, err*2.0-1.0), lineWidth));
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(gdata->backgroundColor(),  ch->color, err*sqrt(data->rms)*10.0), lineWidth));
        if(viewType == DRAW_VIEW_PRINT)
          p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(QColor(255, 255, 255), ch->color, err*vol), lineWidth));
          p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(gdata->backgroundColor(), ch->color, err*vol), lineWidth));
        p.setPen(QPen(ch->color, lineWidth));
      x = toInt(n);
      //note = (data->isValid()) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      //note = (ch->isVisibleNote(data->noteIndex)) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      pitch = (ch->isVisibleChunk(data)) ? data->getPitch() : 0.0f;
      myassert(pitch >= 0.0 && pitch <= gdata->topPitch());
      //pitch = bound(pitch, 0, gdata->topPitch());
      y = pd.height() - 1 - toInt(pitch / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
      //y = height() - 1 - int((note / zoomY) - (viewBottom / zoomY));
      if(pitch > 0.0f) {
        if(fabs(prevPitch - pitch) < 1.0 && n != start) { //if closer than one semi-tone from previous then draw a line between them
          //p.lineTo(x, y);
          p.drawLine(penX, penY, x, y);
          penX = x; penY = y;
        } else {
          p.drawPoint(x, y);
          //p.moveTo(x, y);
          penX = x; penY = y;
        if(stepSize > 10) { //draw squares on the data points
          p.drawRect(x - halfSquareSize, y - halfSquareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
          //p.setPen(QPen(current, 2));
        //} else {
        //  p.moveTo(x, height()-1-int(((note-viewBottom) / zoomY)));
      prevPitch = pitch;
Esempio n. 13
void QgsGrassEdit::displayIcon( double x, double y, const QPen & pen,
                                int type, int size, QPainter *painter )
  QgsPoint point;
  QPolygon pointArray( 2 );

  point.setX( x );
  point.setY( y );

  point = transformLayerToCanvas( point );

  int px = qRound( point.x() );
  int py = qRound( point.y() );
  int m = ( size - 1 ) / 2;

  QPainter *myPainter;
  if ( !painter )
    myPainter = new QPainter();
    myPainter->begin( mPixmap );
    myPainter = painter;

  myPainter->setPen( pen );

  switch ( type )
    case QgsVertexMarker::ICON_CROSS :
      pointArray.setPoint( 0, px - m, py );
      pointArray.setPoint( 1, px + m, py );
      myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );

      pointArray.setPoint( 0, px, py + m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 1, px, py - m );
      myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );
    case QgsVertexMarker::ICON_X :
      pointArray.setPoint( 0, px - m, py + m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 1, px + m, py - m );
      myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );

      pointArray.setPoint( 0, px - m, py - m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 1, px + m, py + m );
      myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );
    case QgsVertexMarker::ICON_BOX :
      pointArray.resize( 5 );
      pointArray.setPoint( 0, px - m, py - m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 1, px + m, py - m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 2, px + m, py + m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 3, px - m, py + m );
      pointArray.setPoint( 4, px - m, py - m );
      myPainter->drawPolyline( pointArray );

  if ( !painter )
    delete myPainter;