Esempio n. 1
Finds the nav polygon in which the specified point resides in the nav mesh, if any.

@param p					The point whose nav polygon we want to find
@param suggestedNavPoly		A suggestion for the result (generally speaking, for a moving object this would be the last nav polygon we were in)
@param polygons				The collision polygons for the level
@param tree					The onion tree for the level
@param navMesh				The nav mesh in which to find the nav polygon
@return						The index of the nav polygon in which the specified point resides, if any, or -1 otherwise
int NavMeshUtil::find_nav_polygon(const Vector3d& p, int suggestedNavPoly, const std::vector<CollisionPolygon_Ptr>& polygons, const OnionTree_CPtr& tree,
								  const NavMesh_CPtr& navMesh)
	// It's good to be paranoid and do a range check: we might no longer be on the same navigation mesh, for instance.
	if(suggestedNavPoly >= static_cast<int>(navMesh->polygons().size())) suggestedNavPoly = -1;

	// Step 1:	If there's a suggested nav polygon, check it first.

	int suggestedColPoly = -1;
	if(suggestedNavPoly != -1)
		suggestedColPoly = navMesh->polygons()[suggestedNavPoly]->collision_poly_index();
		if(point_in_polygon(p, *polygons[suggestedColPoly])) return suggestedNavPoly;

	// Step 2:	Find the other potential collision polygons in which the point could lie.

	int leafIndex = TreeUtil::find_leaf_index(p, tree);
	const std::vector<int>& polyIndices = tree->leaf(leafIndex)->polygon_indices();

	std::vector<int> potentialColPolyIndices;
	for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator it=polyIndices.begin(), iend=polyIndices.end(); it!=iend; ++it)
		// Note: We only add collision polygons which are also nav polygons to the list of potentials.
		if(*it != suggestedColPoly && navMesh->lookup_nav_poly_index(*it) != -1) potentialColPolyIndices.push_back(*it);

	// Step 3:	Test each of the polygons to see whether the point's inside it, and return the index of the found nav polygon if so.

	int potentialCount = static_cast<int>(potentialColPolyIndices.size());
	for(int i=0; i<potentialCount; ++i)
		int colPolyIndex = potentialColPolyIndices[i];
		if(point_in_polygon(p, *polygons[colPolyIndex]))
			int navPolyIndex = navMesh->lookup_nav_poly_index(colPolyIndex);
#if 0
			std::cout << "Now in polygon (" << colPolyIndex << ',' << navPolyIndex << ')' << std::endl;
			return navPolyIndex;

	// If we get here, the point was not in a nav polygon.
	if(suggestedNavPoly != -1)
#if 0
		std::cout << "Lost navmesh at " << p << std::endl;

	return -1;
Esempio n. 2
int collide_polygon_rectangle(int n, int *xs, int *ys, int rx, int ry, int w, int h) {
    assert(n > 0);
    int polygon_line[2][2];
    int rectangle_lines[4][2][2] = { { {rx,   ry},   {rx+w, ry} },
                                     { {rx+w, ry},   {rx+w, ry+h} },
                                     { {rx+w, ry+h}, {rx,   ry+h} },
                                     { {rx,   ry+h}, {rx,   ry} } };
    int polygon_index, rectangle_index;
    int old_polygon_index = n - 1;
    for (polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < n; ++polygon_index) {
        polygon_line[0][0] = xs[old_polygon_index];
        polygon_line[0][1] = ys[old_polygon_index];
        polygon_line[1][0] = xs[polygon_index];
        polygon_line[1][1] = ys[polygon_index];
        for (rectangle_index = 0; rectangle_index < 4; ++rectangle_index) {
            if (lines_intersect(polygon_line, rectangle_lines[rectangle_index])) {
                return COLLISION;
        old_polygon_index = polygon_index;
    if (point_in_rectangle(xs[0], ys[0], rx, ry, w, h)) {
        return COLLISION;
    if (point_in_polygon(rx, ry, n, xs, ys)) {
        return COLLISION;
    return NO_COLLISION;
Esempio n. 3
void cheak_inside_pos(Aircraft_t *f,int n_f,CONF_t conf){
	int i,j;
	for(i=0;i<n_f;i++) for(j=0;j<conf.t_w;j++) if(f[i].pos[j][3]==0 &&point_in_polygon(f[i].pos[j], conf.bound, conf.Nbound)==1){
Esempio n. 4
bool Circle::on_down(Vector2 p)
    last_mouse = p;

    // check to see if mouse is on a corner; set drag_point if so
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
        if (close_enough(p, pts[i]))
            drag_point = i;

            return true;

    // check to see if mouse is inside 
    if (point_in_polygon(p))
        drag_point = -2;

        return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 5
/* returns GLU_NO_ERROR if contours are disjoint */
static GLenum
is_contour_contained_in(tess_contour * outer, tess_contour * inner)
   GLenum relation_flag;

   /* set relation_flag to relation of containment of first inner vertex */
   /* regarding outer contour */
   if (point_in_polygon(outer, inner->vertices->x, inner->vertices->y))
      relation_flag = GLU_INTERIOR;
      relation_flag = GLU_EXTERIOR;
   if (relation_flag == GLU_INTERIOR)
      return GLU_INTERIOR;
   if (point_in_polygon(inner, outer->vertices->x, outer->vertices->y))
      return GLU_EXTERIOR;
   return GLU_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 6
/* checks if every point of the individual lies within the polygon */
int valid_individual(individual* ind, opt_problem* problem){
	int i;
			return 0;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 7
int polygon_overlap(Poly *p1, Poly *p2)
  // loop over each pair of line segments, testing for intersection
  int i, j;
  for (i=0; i<p1->n-1; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<p2->n-1; ++j) {
      if (lineSegmentsIntersect(
            p1->x[i], p1->y[i], p1->x[i+1], p1->y[i+1],
            p2->x[j], p2->y[j], p2->x[j+1], p2->y[j+1]))
        return TRUE;
  // test for containment: p2 in p1
  int all_in=TRUE;
  for (i=0; i<p2->n; ++i) {
    if (!point_in_polygon(p1, p2->x[i], p2->y[i])) {
  if (all_in)
    return TRUE;
  // test for containment: p1 in p2
  all_in = TRUE;
  for (i=0; i<p1->n; ++i) {
    if (!point_in_polygon(p2, p1->x[i], p1->y[i])) {
  if (all_in)
    return TRUE;
  // no overlap
  return FALSE;  
Esempio n. 8
static OverlapInfo *
overlap(double t, stateVector *st, BeamModeInfo *bmi, double look_angle,
        int zone, double clat, double clon, Poly *aoi)
  Poly *viewable_region =
    get_viewable_region(st, bmi, look_angle, zone, clat, clon, NULL, NULL);

  if (!viewable_region)
    return NULL; // no overlap

  if (polygon_overlap(aoi, viewable_region)) {
    // need a good method to test for overlap amount!
    // for now we have this sort of kludgey method... which is
    // probably a bit slow:
    //   generate 1000 points in the aoi -- pct is how many are also
    //   in the viewable region
    int i=0,pct=0,n=1000;
    double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    polygon_get_bbox(aoi, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax);

    while (i<n) {
      double x = random_in_interval(xmin, xmax);
      double y = random_in_interval(ymin, ymax);
      if (point_in_polygon(aoi, x, y)) {
        if (point_in_polygon(viewable_region, x, y))

    return overlap_new(pct, n, viewable_region, zone, clat, clon, st, t);
  else {
    // no overlap
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 9
    bool polygon_ctrl_impl::on_mouse_button_down(double x, double y)
        unsigned i;
        bool ret = false;
        m_node = -1;
        m_edge = -1;
        inverse_transform_xy(&x, &y);
        for (i = 0; i < m_num_points; i++)
            if(sqrt( (x-xn(i)) * (x-xn(i)) + (y-yn(i)) * (y-yn(i)) ) < m_point_radius)
                m_dx = x - xn(i);
                m_dy = y - yn(i);
                m_node = int(i);
                ret = true;

            for (i = 0; i < m_num_points; i++)
                if(check_edge(i, x, y))
                    m_dx = x;
                    m_dy = y;
                    m_edge = int(i);
                    ret = true;

            if(point_in_polygon(x, y))
                m_dx = x;
                m_dy = y;
                m_node = int(m_num_points);
                ret = true;
        return ret;
Esempio n. 10
bool point_in_rectangle(int px, int py, int rx, int ry, int w, int h) {
    int rectangle_xs[4] = { rx, rx+w, rx+w, rx };
    int rectangle_ys[4] = { ry, ry  , ry+h, ry+h };
    return point_in_polygon(px, py, 4, rectangle_xs, rectangle_ys);
Esempio n. 11
int rectangle_inside_polygon(int rx, int ry, int w, int h, int number_of_points, int *xs, int *ys) {
    return (point_in_polygon(rx,   ry,   number_of_points, xs, ys) &&
            point_in_polygon(rx+w-1, ry,   number_of_points, xs, ys) &&
            point_in_polygon(rx,   ry+h-1, number_of_points, xs, ys) &&
            point_in_polygon(rx+w-1, ry+h-1, number_of_points, xs, ys));