Esempio n. 1
polyconn_update_boundingbox(PolyConn *poly)
  assert(poly != NULL);

                &poly->extra_spacing, FALSE,
Esempio n. 2
File: outline.c Progetto: GNOME/dia
 * \brief Object update function called after property change
 * Not in the object interface but very important anyway.
 * Used to recalculate the object data after a change
 * \protected \memberof Outline
static void
outline_update_data (Outline *outline)
  DiaObject *obj = &outline->object;
  /* calculate the ink_rect from two points and the given rotation */
  cairo_t *cr;
  cairo_surface_t *surface;
  cairo_text_extents_t extents;
  real x, y;
  DiaFontStyle style;

  if (outline->path)
    cairo_path_destroy (outline->path);
  outline->path = NULL;
  /* surface will not be used to render anything, it is just to create the cairo context */
  surface = cairo_svg_surface_create_for_stream (write_nul, NULL, 100, 100);
  cr = cairo_create (surface);
  cairo_surface_destroy (surface); /* in fact: unref() */
  style = dia_font_get_style (outline->font);
  /* not exact matching but almost the best we can do with the toy api */
  cairo_select_font_face (cr, dia_font_get_family (outline->font),
  cairo_set_font_size (cr, outline->font_height);
  cairo_text_extents (cr, outline->name, &extents);

  /* unfortunately this has no effect on the returned path? See below. */
  cairo_rotate (cr, outline->rotation/(2*G_PI));

  outline->mat.xx =  cos(G_PI*outline->rotation/180);
  outline->mat.xy =  sin(G_PI*outline->rotation/180);
  outline->mat.yx = -sin(G_PI*outline->rotation/180);
  outline->mat.yy =  cos(G_PI*outline->rotation/180);

  /* fix point */
  outline->ink_rect[0].x = x = obj->position.x;
  outline->ink_rect[0].y = y = obj->position.y;
  /* handle rotation */
  outline->ink_rect[1].x = x + extents.width * outline->mat.xx;
  outline->ink_rect[1].y = y + extents.width * outline->mat.yx;
  outline->ink_rect[2].x = x + extents.width * outline->mat.xx + extents.height * outline->mat.xy;
  outline->ink_rect[2].y = y + extents.width * outline->mat.yx + extents.height * outline->mat.yy;
  outline->ink_rect[3].x = x + extents.height * outline->mat.xy;
  outline->ink_rect[3].y = y + extents.height * outline->mat.yy;
  /* x_advance? */
  /* calculate bounding box */
    PolyBBExtras bbex = {0, 0, outline->line_width/2, 0, 0 };
    polyline_bbox (&outline->ink_rect[0], 4, &bbex, TRUE, &obj->bounding_box);

  outline_update_handles (outline),

  cairo_move_to (cr, -extents.x_bearing, -extents.y_bearing);

#if 0
  /* reset the matrix to not yet change the outline_draw method */
  outline->mat.xx =  1.0;
  outline->mat.xy =  0.0;
  outline->mat.yx =  0.0;
  outline->mat.yy =  1.0;

  cairo_text_path (cr, outline->name);
  /* reset the rotation to not have the path rotated back and forth: no effect */
  cairo_rotate (cr, 0.0);
  outline->path = cairo_copy_path (cr);
  /* the cairo context is only used in this fuinction */
  cairo_destroy (cr);
Esempio n. 3
static void
wanlink_update_data(WanLink *wanlink)
  Connection *conn = &wanlink->connection;
  DiaObject *obj = (DiaObject *) wanlink;
  Point v, vhat;
  Point *endpoints;
  real width, width_2;
  real len, angle;
  Point origin;
  int i;
  Matrix m;

  width = wanlink->width;
  width_2 = width / 2.0;
  if (connpoint_is_autogap(conn->endpoint_handles[0].connected_to) ||
      connpoint_is_autogap(conn->endpoint_handles[1].connected_to)) {
  endpoints = &conn->endpoints[0]; 
  obj->position = endpoints[0];

  v = endpoints[1];
  point_sub(&v, &endpoints[0]);
  if ((fabs(v.x) == 0.0) && (fabs(v.y)==0.0)) {
    v.x += 0.01;
  vhat = v;


  /** compute the polygon **/
  origin = wanlink->connection.endpoints [0];
  len = point_len (&v);

  angle = atan2 (vhat.y, vhat.x) - M_PI_2;

    /* The case of the wanlink */
  wanlink->poly[0].x = (width * 0.50) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[0].y = (len * 0.00);
  wanlink->poly[1].x = (width * 0.50) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[1].y = (len * 0.45);
  wanlink->poly[2].x = (width * 0.94) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[2].y = (len * 0.45);
  wanlink->poly[3].x = (width * 0.50) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[3].y = (len * 1.00);
  wanlink->poly[4].x = (width * 0.50) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[4].y = (len * 0.55);
  wanlink->poly[5].x = (width * 0.06) - width_2;
  wanlink->poly[5].y = (len * 0.55);
  /* rotate */
  _identity_matrix (m);
  _rotate_matrix (m, angle);

  obj-> = origin.y;
  obj->bounding_box.left = origin.x;
  obj->bounding_box.bottom = conn->endpoints[1].y;
  obj->bounding_box.right = conn->endpoints[1].x;
  for (i = 0; i <  WANLINK_POLY_LEN; i++) 
      Point new_pt;
      _transform_point (m, &wanlink->poly[i], 
      point_add (&new_pt, &origin);
      wanlink->poly[i] = new_pt;
  /* calculate bounding box */
    PolyBBExtras bbex = {0, 0, wanlink->width/2, 0, 0 };
    polyline_bbox (&wanlink->poly[0], WANLINK_POLY_LEN, &bbex, TRUE, &obj->bounding_box);
