Esempio n. 1
static bool link_lib(compile_t* c, const char* file_o)
  const char* file_lib = suffix_filename(c->opt->output, "lib", c->filename,
  printf("Archiving %s\n", file_lib);

  size_t len = 32 + strlen(file_lib) + strlen(file_o);
  char* cmd = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len);

  snprintf(cmd, len, "ar -rcs %s %s", file_lib, file_o);

  if(system(cmd) != 0)
    errorf(NULL, "unable to link");
    pool_free_size(len, cmd);
    return false;

  pool_free_size(len, cmd);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS)
  const char* file_lib = suffix_filename(c->opt->output, "", c->filename,
  printf("Archiving %s\n", file_lib);

  vcvars_t vcvars;

    errorf(NULL, "unable to link");
    return false;

  size_t len = 128 + strlen(file_lib) + strlen(file_o);
  char* cmd = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len);

  snprintf(cmd, len, "cmd /C \"\"%s\" /NOLOGO /OUT:%s %s\"",,
    file_lib, file_o);

  if(system(cmd) == -1)
    errorf(NULL, "unable to link");
    pool_free_size(len, cmd);
    return false;

  pool_free_size(len, cmd);

  return true;
Esempio n. 2
const char* token_print(token_t* token)
  assert(token != NULL);

    case TK_EOF:
      return "EOF";

    case TK_ID:
    case TK_STRING:
      return token->string;

    case TK_INT:
      if (token->printed == NULL)
        token->printed = (char*)pool_alloc_size(64);

      snprintf(token->printed, 64, __zu, (size_t)token->integer);
      return token->printed;

    case TK_FLOAT:
      if(token->printed == NULL)
        token->printed = (char*)pool_alloc_size(64);

      int r = snprintf(token->printed, 64, "%g", token->real);

      if(strcspn(token->printed, ".e") == (size_t)r)
        snprintf(token->printed + r, 64 - r, ".0");

      return token->printed;

    case TK_LEX_ERROR:
      return "LEX_ERROR";


  const char* p = lexer_print(token->id);
  if(p != NULL)
    return p;

  if(token->printed == NULL)
    token->printed = (char*)pool_alloc_size(64);

  snprintf(token->printed, 64, "Unknown_token_%d", token->id);
  return token->printed;
Esempio n. 3
static LLVMValueRef make_unbox_function(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g,
  const char* name)
  LLVMValueRef fun = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, name);

  if(fun == NULL)
    return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr);

  // Create a new unboxing function that forwards to the real function.
  LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(fun));
  int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type);

  // If it takes no arguments, it's a special number constructor. Don't put it
  // in the vtable.
  if(count == 0)
    return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr);

  size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params);
  LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type);

  // It's the same type, but it takes the boxed type instead of the primitive
  // type as the receiver.
  params[0] = g->structure_ptr;

  const char* unbox_name = genname_unbox(name);
  LLVMTypeRef unbox_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, params, count, false);
  LLVMValueRef unbox_fun = codegen_addfun(c, unbox_name, unbox_type);
  codegen_startfun(c, unbox_fun, false);

  // Extract the primitive type from element 1 and call the real function.
  LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, 0);
  LLVMValueRef primitive_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, this_ptr, 1, "");
  LLVMValueRef primitive = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, primitive_ptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  args[0] = primitive;

  for(int i = 1; i < count; i++)
    args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i);

  LLVMValueRef result = codegen_call(c, fun, args, count);
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, params);
  pool_free_size(buf_size, args);
  return LLVMConstBitCast(unbox_fun, c->void_ptr);
Esempio n. 4
static LLVMValueRef make_trait_list(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // The list is an array of integers.
  uint32_t count = trait_count(c, g);

  // If we have no traits, return a null pointer to a list.
  if(count == 0)
    return LLVMConstNull(LLVMPointerType(LLVMArrayType(c->i32, 0), 0));

  // Sort the trait identifiers.
  size_t tid_size = count * sizeof(uint32_t);
  uint32_t* tid = (uint32_t*)pool_alloc_size(tid_size);

  reachable_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reachable, g->type_name);
  assert(t != NULL);

  size_t i = HASHMAP_BEGIN;
  size_t index = 0;
  reachable_type_t* provide;

  while((provide = reachable_type_cache_next(&t->subtypes, &i)) != NULL)
    tid[index++] = provide->type_id;

  qsort(tid, index, sizeof(uint32_t), cmp_uint32);
  index = unique_uint32(tid, index);

  // Create a constant array of trait identifiers.
  size_t list_size = index * sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* list = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(list_size);

  for(i = 0; i < index; i++)
    list[i] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, tid[i], false);

  count = (uint32_t)index;
  LLVMValueRef trait_array = LLVMConstArray(c->i32, list, count);

  // Create a global to hold the array.
  const char* name = genname_traitlist(g->type_name);
  LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMArrayType(c->i32, count);
  LLVMValueRef global = LLVMAddGlobal(c->module, type, name);
  LLVMSetGlobalConstant(global, true);
  LLVMSetLinkage(global, LLVMInternalLinkage);
  LLVMSetInitializer(global, trait_array);

  pool_free_size(tid_size, tid);
  pool_free_size(list_size, list);
  return global;
Esempio n. 5
static const char* build_name(const char* a, const char* b, ast_t* typeargs,
  bool function)
  size_t len = typeargs_len(typeargs);

  if(a != NULL)
    len += strlen(a) + 1;

  if(b != NULL)
    len += strlen(b) + 1;

  char* name = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len);

  if(a != NULL)
    strcpy(name, a);

  if(b != NULL)
    if(a != NULL)
      name_append(name, b);
      strcpy(name, b);

  typeargs_append(name, typeargs, function);
  return stringtab_consume(name, len);
Esempio n. 6
static LLVMValueRef get_prototype(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, const char *name,
  ast_t* typeargs, ast_t* fun)
  // Behaviours and actor constructors also have sender functions.
  bool sender = false;

    case TK_NEW:
      sender = g->underlying == TK_ACTOR;

    case TK_BE:
      sender = true;

    default: {}

  // Get a fully qualified name: starts with the type name, followed by the
  // type arguments, followed by the function name, followed by the function
  // level type arguments.
  const char* funname = genname_fun(g->type_name, name, typeargs);

  // If the function already exists, just return it.
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname);

  if(func != NULL)
    return func;

  LLVMTypeRef ftype = get_signature(c, g, fun);

  if(ftype == NULL)
    return NULL;

  // If the function exists now, just return it.
  func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname);

  if(func != NULL)
    return func;

    // Generate the sender prototype.
    const char* be_name = genname_be(funname);
    func = codegen_addfun(c, be_name, ftype);

    // Change the return type to void for the handler.
    size_t count = LLVMCountParamTypes(ftype);
    size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
    LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
    LLVMGetParamTypes(ftype, tparams);

    ftype = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, tparams, (int)count, false);
    pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams);

  // Generate the function prototype.
  return codegen_addfun(c, funname, ftype);
Esempio n. 7
// Cat together the given strings into a newly allocated buffer.
// Any unneeded strings should be passed as "", not NULL.
// The returned buffer must be freed with pool_free_size() when no longer
// needed.
// The out_buf_size parameter returns the size of the buffer (which is needed
// for freeing), not the length of the string.
static char* doc_cat(const char* a, const char* b, const char* c,
  const char* d, const char* e, size_t* out_buf_size)
  assert(a != NULL);
  assert(b != NULL);
  assert(c != NULL);
  assert(d != NULL);
  assert(e != NULL);
  assert(out_buf_size != NULL);

  size_t a_len = strlen(a);
  size_t b_len = strlen(b);
  size_t c_len = strlen(c);
  size_t d_len = strlen(d);
  size_t e_len = strlen(e);
  size_t buf_len = a_len + b_len + c_len + d_len + e_len + 1;

  char* buffer = (char*)pool_alloc_size(buf_len);
  char *p = buffer;

  if(a_len > 0) { memcpy(p, a, a_len); p += a_len; }
  if(b_len > 0) { memcpy(p, b, b_len); p += b_len; }
  if(c_len > 0) { memcpy(p, c, c_len); p += c_len; }
  if(d_len > 0) { memcpy(p, d, d_len); p += d_len; }
  if(e_len > 0) { memcpy(p, e, e_len); p += e_len; }

  *(p++) = '\0';

  assert(p == (buffer + buf_len));
  *out_buf_size = buf_len;
  return buffer;
Esempio n. 8
static ast_result_t sugar_ffi(ast_t* ast)
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, id, typeargs, args, named_args);

  const char* name = ast_name(id);
  size_t len = ast_name_len(id);

  // Check for \0 in ffi name (it may be a string literal)
  if(memchr(name, '\0', len) != NULL)
    ast_error(ast, "FFI function names cannot include nul characters");
    return AST_ERROR;

  // Prefix '@' to the name
  char* new_name = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len + 2);
  new_name[0] = '@';
  memcpy(new_name + 1, name, len);
  new_name[len + 1] = '\0';

  ast_t* new_id = ast_from_string(id, stringtab_consume(new_name, len + 2));
  ast_replace(&id, new_id);

  if(ast_id(ast) == TK_FFIDECL)
    return check_params(args);

  return AST_OK;
Esempio n. 9
File: gendesc.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
static LLVMValueRef make_trait_list(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g,
  uint32_t* final_count)
  // The list is an array of integers.
  uint32_t* tid;
  size_t tid_size;
  uint32_t count = trait_count(c, g, &tid, &tid_size);

  // If we have no traits, return a null pointer to a list.
  if(count == 0)
    return LLVMConstNull(LLVMPointerType(LLVMArrayType(c->i32, 0), 0));

  // Create a constant array of trait identifiers.
  size_t list_size = count * sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* list = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(list_size);

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
    list[i] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, tid[i], false);

  LLVMValueRef trait_array = LLVMConstArray(c->i32, list, count);

  // Create a global to hold the array.
  const char* name = genname_traitlist(g->type_name);
  LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMArrayType(c->i32, count);
  LLVMValueRef global = LLVMAddGlobal(c->module, type, name);
  LLVMSetGlobalConstant(global, true);
  LLVMSetLinkage(global, LLVMInternalLinkage);
  LLVMSetInitializer(global, trait_array);

  pool_free_size(tid_size, tid);
  pool_free_size(list_size, list);

  *final_count = count;
  return global;
Esempio n. 10
static LLVMValueRef make_vtable(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  uint32_t vtable_size = genfun_vtable_size(c, g);

  if(vtable_size == 0)
    return LLVMConstArray(c->void_ptr, NULL, 0);

  size_t buf_size = vtable_size * sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* vtable = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  memset(vtable, 0, buf_size);

  reachable_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reachable, g->type_name);

  size_t i = HASHMAP_BEGIN;
  reachable_method_name_t* n;

  while((n = reachable_method_names_next(&t->methods, &i)) != NULL)
    size_t j = HASHMAP_BEGIN;
    reachable_method_t* m;

    while((m = reachable_methods_next(&n->r_methods, &j)) != NULL)
      const char* fullname = genname_fun(t->name, n->name, m->typeargs);
      token_id t = ast_id(m->r_fun);

        case TK_NEW:
        case TK_BE:
          if(g->underlying == TK_ACTOR)
            fullname = genname_be(fullname);

        default: {}

      uint32_t index = m->vtable_index;
      assert(index != (uint32_t)-1);
      assert(vtable[index] == NULL);

      if(g->primitive != NULL)
        vtable[index] = make_unbox_function(c, g, fullname, t);
        vtable[index] = make_function_ptr(c, fullname, c->void_ptr);

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < vtable_size; i++)
    if(vtable[i] == NULL)
      vtable[i] = LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr);

  LLVMValueRef r = LLVMConstArray(c->void_ptr, vtable, vtable_size);
  pool_free_size(buf_size, vtable);
  return r;
Esempio n. 11
static const char* symbol_suffix(const char* symbol, size_t suffix)
  size_t len = strlen(symbol);
  size_t buf_size = len + 32;
  char* buf = (char*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%s" __zu, symbol, suffix);

  return stringtab_consume(buf, buf_size);
Esempio n. 12
static void genfun_dwarf(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, const char *name,
  ast_t* typeargs, ast_t* fun)

  // Get the function.
  const char* funname = genname_fun(g->type_name, name, typeargs);
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname);
  assert(func != NULL);

  // Count the parameters, including the receiver.
  ast_t* params = ast_childidx(fun, 3);
  size_t count = ast_childcount(params) + 1;

  size_t buf_size = (count + 1) * sizeof(const char*);
  const char** pnames = (const char**)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  count = 0;

  // Return value type name and receiver type name.
  pnames[count++] = genname_type(ast_childidx(fun, 4));
  pnames[count++] = g->type_name;

  // Get a type name for each parameter.
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);

  while(param != NULL)
    ast_t* ptype = ast_childidx(param, 1);
    pnames[count++] = genname_type(ptype);
    param = ast_sibling(param);

  // Dwarf the method type
  dwarf_method(&c->dwarf, fun, name, funname, pnames, count, func);

  // Dwarf the receiver pointer.
  LLVMBasicBlockRef entry = LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(codegen_fun(c));
  LLVMValueRef argument = codegen_getlocal(c, stringtab("this"));

  dwarf_this(&c->dwarf, fun, g->type_name, entry, argument);

  // Dwarf locals for parameters
  param = ast_child(params);
  size_t index = 1;

  while(param != NULL)
    argument = codegen_getlocal(c, ast_name(ast_child(param)));
    dwarf_parameter(&c->dwarf, param, pnames[index + 1], entry, argument,
    param = ast_sibling(param);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, pnames);
Esempio n. 13
static LLVMValueRef make_field_list(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // The list is an array of field descriptors.
  int count;

  if(g->underlying == TK_TUPLETYPE)
    count = g->field_count;
    count = 0;

  LLVMTypeRef type = LLVMArrayType(c->field_descriptor, count);

  // If we aren't a tuple, return a null pointer to a list.
  if(count == 0)
    return LLVMConstNull(LLVMPointerType(type, 0));

  // Create a constant array of field descriptors.
  size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* list = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);

  for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    gentype_t fg;

    if(!gentype(c, g->fields[i], &fg))
      return NULL;

    LLVMValueRef fdesc[2];
    fdesc[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32,
      LLVMOffsetOfElement(c->target_data, g->primitive, i), false);

    if(fg.desc != NULL)
      // We are a concrete type.
      fdesc[1] = LLVMConstBitCast(fg.desc, c->descriptor_ptr);
    } else {
      // We aren't a concrete type.
      fdesc[1] = LLVMConstNull(c->descriptor_ptr);

    list[i] = LLVMConstStructInContext(c->context, fdesc, 2, false);

  LLVMValueRef field_array = LLVMConstArray(c->field_descriptor, list, count);

  // Create a global to hold the array.
  const char* name = genname_fieldlist(g->type_name);
  LLVMValueRef global = LLVMAddGlobal(c->module, type, name);
  LLVMSetGlobalConstant(global, true);
  LLVMSetLinkage(global, LLVMInternalLinkage);
  LLVMSetInitializer(global, field_array);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, list);
  return global;
Esempio n. 14
File: source.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
source_t* source_open_string(const char* source_code)
  source_t* source = POOL_ALLOC(source_t);
  source->file = NULL;
  source->len = strlen(source_code);
  source->m = (char*)pool_alloc_size(source->len);

  memcpy(source->m, source_code, source->len);

  return source;
Esempio n. 15
// Convert the given ID to a hygenic string. The resulting string should not be
// deleted and is valid indefinitely.
static const char* id_to_string(const char* prefix, size_t id)
  if(prefix == NULL)
    prefix = "";

  size_t len = strlen(prefix);
  size_t buf_size = len + 32;
  char* buffer = (char*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  snprintf(buffer, buf_size, "%s$" __zu, prefix, id);
  return stringtab_consume(buffer, buf_size);
Esempio n. 16
static bool make_struct(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  LLVMTypeRef type;
  int extra = 0;

  if(g->underlying != TK_TUPLETYPE)
    type = g->structure;
  } else {
    type = g->primitive;

  if(g->underlying == TK_ACTOR)

  size_t buf_size = (g->field_count + extra) * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* elements = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);

  // Create the type descriptor as element 0.
  if(g->underlying != TK_TUPLETYPE)
    elements[0] = LLVMPointerType(g->desc_type, 0);

  // Create the actor pad as element 1.
  if(g->underlying == TK_ACTOR)
    elements[1] = c->actor_pad;

  // Get a preliminary type for each field and set the struct body. This is
  // needed in case a struct for the type being generated here is required when
  // generating a field.
  for(int i = 0; i < g->field_count; i++)
    gentype_t field_g;

    if(!gentype_prelim(c, g->fields[i], &field_g))
      pool_free_size(buf_size, elements);
      return false;

    elements[i + extra] = field_g.use_type;

  LLVMStructSetBody(type, elements, g->field_count + extra, false);

  // Create a box type for tuples.
  if(g->underlying == TK_TUPLETYPE)
    make_box_type(c, g);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, elements);
  return true;
Esempio n. 17
static LLVMTypeRef get_signature(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, ast_t* fun)
  // Get a type for the result.
  ast_t* rtype = ast_childidx(fun, 4);
  gentype_t rtype_g;

  if(!gentype(c, rtype, &rtype_g))
    ast_error(rtype, "couldn't generate result type");
    return NULL;

  // Count the parameters, including the receiver.
  ast_t* params = ast_childidx(fun, 3);
  size_t count = ast_childcount(params) + 1;

  size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  count = 0;

  // Get a type for the receiver.
  tparams[count++] = g->use_type;

  // Get a type for each parameter.
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);

  while(param != NULL)
    ast_t* ptype = ast_childidx(param, 1);
    gentype_t ptype_g;

    if(!gentype(c, ptype, &ptype_g))
      ast_error(ptype, "couldn't generate parameter type");
      pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams);
      return NULL;

    tparams[count++] = ptype_g.use_type;
    param = ast_sibling(param);

  LLVMTypeRef result = rtype_g.use_type;

  // Generate the function type.
  LLVMTypeRef r = LLVMFunctionType(result, tparams, (int)count, false);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams);
  return r;
Esempio n. 18
static void add_dispatch_case(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, ast_t* fun,
  uint32_t index, LLVMValueRef handler, LLVMTypeRef type)
  // Add a case to the dispatch function to handle this message.
  codegen_startfun(c, g->dispatch_fn, false);
  LLVMBasicBlockRef block = codegen_block(c, "handler");
  LLVMValueRef id = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, index, false);
  LLVMAddCase(g->dispatch_switch, id, block);

  // Destructure the message.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, block);
  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(g->dispatch_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(g->dispatch_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef msg = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder,
    LLVMGetParam(g->dispatch_fn, 2), type, "");

  int count = LLVMCountParams(handler);
  size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMValueRef);
  LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  args[0] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, this_ptr, g->use_type, "");

  // Trace the message.
  LLVMValueRef start_trace = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_gc_recv", &ctx, 1, "");
  ast_t* params = ast_childidx(fun, 3);
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);
  bool need_trace = false;

  for(int i = 1; i < count; i++)
    LLVMValueRef field = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg, i + 2, "");
    args[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, field, "");

    need_trace |= gentrace(c, ctx, args[i], ast_type(param));
    param = ast_sibling(param);

    gencall_runtime(c, "pony_recv_done", &ctx, 1, "");
  } else {

  // Call the handler.
  codegen_call(c, handler, args, count);
  pool_free_size(buf_size, args);
Esempio n. 19
static const char* name_without_case(const char* name)
  size_t len = strlen(name) + 1;
  char* buf = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
      buf[i] = (char)toupper(name[i]);
  } else {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
      buf[i] = (char)tolower(name[i]);

  return stringtab_consume(buf, len);
Esempio n. 20
File: paint.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
// Add a colour record
static colour_record_t* add_colour(painter_t* painter)
  assert(painter != NULL);

  size_t map_byte_count = painter->typemap_size * sizeof(uint64_t);

  colour_record_t* n = POOL_ALLOC(colour_record_t);
  n->colour = painter->colour_count;
  n->type_map = (uint64_t*)pool_alloc_size(map_byte_count);
  n->next = NULL;
  memset(n->type_map, 0, map_byte_count);

  *painter->colour_next = n;
  painter->colour_next = &n->next;
  return n;
Esempio n. 21
File: paint.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
// Add a method name record
static name_record_t* add_name(painter_t* painter, const char* name)
  assert(painter != NULL);
  assert(name != NULL);

  size_t map_byte_count = painter->typemap_size * sizeof(uint64_t);

  name_record_t* n = POOL_ALLOC(name_record_t);
  n->name = name;
  n->colour = UNASSIGNED_COLOUR;
  n->typemap_size = painter->typemap_size;
  n->type_map = (uint64_t*)pool_alloc_size(map_byte_count);
  memset(n->type_map, 0, map_byte_count);

  name_records_put(&painter->names, n);
  return n;
Esempio n. 22
File: gendesc.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
static uint32_t trait_count(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g,
  uint32_t** list, size_t* list_size)
    case TK_PRIMITIVE:
    case TK_CLASS:
    case TK_ACTOR:
      reachable_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reachable, g->type_name);
      assert(t != NULL);
      uint32_t count = (uint32_t)reachable_type_cache_size(&t->subtypes);

      if(count == 0)
        return 0;

      // Sort the trait identifiers.
      size_t tid_size = count * sizeof(uint32_t);
      uint32_t* tid = (uint32_t*)pool_alloc_size(tid_size);

      size_t i = HASHMAP_BEGIN;
      size_t index = 0;
      reachable_type_t* provide;

      while((provide = reachable_type_cache_next(&t->subtypes, &i)) != NULL)
        tid[index++] = provide->type_id;

      qsort(tid, index, sizeof(uint32_t), cmp_uint32);
      count = (uint32_t)unique_uint32(tid, index);

      if(list != NULL)
        *list = tid;
        *list_size = tid_size;
      } else {
        pool_free_size(tid_size, tid);

      return count;

    default: {}

  return 0;
Esempio n. 23
File: lexer.c Progetto: Andrea/ponyc
// Append the given character to the current token text
static void append_to_token(lexer_t* lexer, char c)
  if(lexer->buflen >= lexer->alloc)
    size_t new_len = (lexer->alloc > 0) ? lexer->alloc << 1 : 64;
    char* new_buf = (char*)pool_alloc_size(new_len);
    memcpy(new_buf, lexer->buffer, lexer->alloc);

    if(lexer->alloc > 0)
      pool_free_size(lexer->alloc, lexer->buffer);

    lexer->buffer = new_buf;
    lexer->alloc = new_len;

  lexer->buffer[lexer->buflen] = c;
Esempio n. 24
File: codegen.c Progetto: dckc/ponyc
const char* suffix_filename(const char* dir, const char* prefix,
  const char* file, const char* extension)
  // Copy to a string with space for a suffix.
  size_t len = strlen(dir) + strlen(prefix) + strlen(file) + strlen(extension)
    + 4;
  char* filename = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len);

  // Start with no suffix.
  snprintf(filename, len, "%s\\%s%s%s", dir, prefix, file, extension);
  snprintf(filename, len, "%s/%s%s%s", dir, prefix, file, extension);

  int suffix = 0;

  while(suffix < 100)
    // Overwrite files but not directories.
    struct stat s;
    int err = stat(filename, &s);

    if((err == -1) || !S_ISDIR(s.st_mode))

    snprintf(filename, len, "%s\\%s%s%d%s", dir, prefix, file, ++suffix,
    snprintf(filename, len, "%s/%s%s%d%s", dir, prefix, file, ++suffix,

  if(suffix >= 100)
    errorf(NULL, "couldn't pick an unused file name");
    pool_free_size(len, filename);
    return NULL;

  return stringtab_consume(filename, len);
Esempio n. 25
const char* buildflagset_print(buildflagset_t* set)
  assert(set != NULL);
  assert(set->flags != NULL);

  char* p = set->text_buffer;

  // First the mutually exclusive flags.
    print_flag(_os_flags[set->enum_os_flags], true, set, &p);

    print_flag(_size_flags[set->enum_size_flags], true, set, &p);

  // Next the normal flags, in any order.
  size_t i = HASHMAP_BEGIN;
  flag_t* flag;

  while((flag = flagtab_next(set->flags, &i)) != NULL)
    print_flag(flag->name, flag->value, set, &p);

  if(p == set->text_buffer) // No flags, all configs match.
    print_str("all configs", set, &p);

  // Check buffer was big enough for it all.
  size_t size_needed = (p - set->text_buffer) + 1; // +1 for terminator.

  if(size_needed > set->buffer_size)
    // Buffer we have isn't big enough, make it bigger then go round again.
    if(set->buffer_size > 0)
      pool_free_size(set->buffer_size, set->text_buffer);

    set->text_buffer = (char*)pool_alloc_size(size_needed);
    set->buffer_size = size_needed;
    set->text_buffer[0] = '\0';

  // Add terminator.
  assert(set->text_buffer != NULL);
  set->text_buffer[size_needed - 1] = '\0';
  return set->text_buffer;
Esempio n. 26
File: heap.c Progetto: jonas-l/ponyc
void* heap_alloc_large(pony_actor_t* actor, heap_t* heap, size_t size)
  size = pool_adjust_size(size);

  chunk_t* chunk = (chunk_t*) POOL_ALLOC(chunk_t);
  chunk->actor = actor;
  chunk->size = size;
  chunk->m = (char*) pool_alloc_size(size);
  chunk->slots = 0;
  chunk->shallow = 0;

  large_pagemap(chunk->m, size, chunk);

  chunk->next = heap->large;
  heap->large = chunk;
  heap->used += chunk->size;

  return chunk->m;
Esempio n. 27
static const char* suggest_alt_name(ast_t* ast, const char* name)
  assert(ast != NULL);
  assert(name != NULL);

  size_t name_len = strlen(name);

  if(name[0] == '_')
    // Try without leading underscore
    const char* try_name = stringtab(name + 1);

    if(ast_get(ast, try_name, NULL) != NULL)
      return try_name;
    // Try with a leading underscore
    char* buf = (char*)pool_alloc_size(name_len + 2);
    buf[0] = '_';
    strncpy(buf + 1, name, name_len + 1);
    const char* try_name = stringtab_consume(buf, name_len + 2);

    if(ast_get(ast, try_name, NULL) != NULL)
      return try_name;

  // Try with a different case (without crossing type/value boundary)
  ast_t* case_ast = ast_get_case(ast, name, NULL);
  if(case_ast != NULL)
    assert(ast_child(case_ast) != NULL);
    const char* try_name = ast_name(ast_child(case_ast));

    if(ast_get(ast, try_name, NULL) != NULL)
      return try_name;

  // Give up
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 28
File: source.c Progetto: DevL/ponyc
source_t* source_open(const char* file)
  FILE* fp = fopen(file, "rb");

  if(fp == NULL)
    errorf(file, "can't open file");
    return NULL;

  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
  ssize_t size = ftell(fp);

  if(size < 0)
    errorf(file, "can't determine length of file");
    return NULL;

  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

  source_t* source = POOL_ALLOC(source_t);
  source->file = stringtab(file);
  source->m = (char*)pool_alloc_size(size);
  source->len = size;

  ssize_t read = fread(source->m, sizeof(char), size, fp);

  if(read < size)
    errorf(file, "failed to read entire file");
    pool_free_size(source->len, source->m);
    POOL_FREE(source_t, source);
    return NULL;

  return source;
Esempio n. 29
File: program.c Progetto: ozra/ponyc
static const char* quoted_locator(ast_t* use, const char* locator)
    assert(locator != NULL);

    if(strpbrk(locator, "\t\r\n\"'`;$|&<>%*?\\[]{}()") != NULL)
        if(use != NULL)
            ast_error(use, "use URI contains invalid characters");

        return NULL;

    size_t len = strlen(locator);
    char* quoted = (char*)pool_alloc_size(len + 3);
    quoted[0] = '"';
    memcpy(quoted + 1, locator, len);
    quoted[len + 1] = '"';
    quoted[len + 2] = '\0';

    return stringtab_consume(quoted, len + 3);
Esempio n. 30
static const char* string_to_symbol(const char* string)
  bool prefix = false;

  if(!((string[0] >= 'a') && (string[0] <= 'z')) &&
    !((string[0] >= 'A') && (string[0] <= 'Z')))
    // If it doesn't start with a letter, prefix an underscore.
    prefix = true;

  size_t len = strlen(string);
  size_t buf_size = len + prefix + 1;
  char* buf = (char*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  memcpy(buf + prefix, string, len + 1);

    buf[0] = '_';

  for(size_t i = prefix; i < len; i++)
      (buf[i] == '_') ||
      ((buf[i] >= 'a') && (buf[i] <= 'z')) ||
      ((buf[i] >= '0') && (buf[i] <= '9'))
      // Do nothing.
    } else if((buf[i] >= 'A') && (buf[i] <= 'Z')) {
      // Force lower case.
      buf[i] |= 0x20;
    } else {
      // Smash a non-symbol character to an underscore.
      buf[i] = '_';

  return stringtab_consume(buf, buf_size);