void JucerFillType::fillInGeneratedCode (GeneratedCode& code, String& paintMethodCode) const
    String s;

    switch (mode)
    case solidColour:
        s << "g.setColour (" << colourToCode (colour) << ");\n";

    case linearGradient:
    case radialGradient:
            String x1, y1, w, h, x2, y2;
            positionToCode (gradPos1, code.document->getComponentLayout(), x1, y1, w, h);
            positionToCode (gradPos2, code.document->getComponentLayout(), x2, y2, w, h);

            s << "g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (";

            const String indent (String::repeatedString (T(" "), s.length()));

            s << colourToCode (gradCol1) << ",\n"
              << indent << castToFloat (x1) << ", " << castToFloat (y1) << ",\n"
              << indent << colourToCode (gradCol2) << ",\n"
              << indent << castToFloat (x2) << ", " << castToFloat (y2) << ",\n"
              << indent << boolToString (mode == radialGradient) << "));\n";

    case imageBrush:
            const String imageVariable ("cachedImage_" + imageResourceName + "_" + String (code.getUniqueSuffix()));

            code.addImageResourceLoader (imageVariable, imageResourceName);

            String x, y, w, h;
            positionToCode (imageAnchor, code.document->getComponentLayout(), x, y, w, h);

            s << "g.setTiledImageFill (*";

            const String indent (String::repeatedString (T(" "), s.length()));

            s << imageVariable << ",\n"
              << indent << x << ", " << y << ",\n"
              << indent << valueToFloat (imageOpacity) << ");\n";



    paintMethodCode += s;
Esempio n. 2
static String positionToPairOfValues (const RelativePositionedRectangle& position,
                                      const ComponentLayout* layout)
    String x, y, w, h;
    positionToCode (position, layout, x, y, w, h);
    return castToFloat (x) + ", " + castToFloat (y);
void ComponentTypeHandler::fillInResizeCode (GeneratedCode& code, Component* component, const String& memberVariableName)
    const RelativePositionedRectangle pos (getComponentPosition (component));

    String x, y, w, h, r;
    positionToCode (pos, code.document->getComponentLayout(), x, y, w, h);

    r << memberVariableName << "->setBounds ("
      << x << ", " << y << ", " << w << ", " << h << ");\n";

    if (pos.rect.isPositionAbsolute())
        code.constructorCode += r + "\n";
        code.getCallbackCode (String::empty, "void", "resized()", false) += r;
Esempio n. 4
void positionToCode (const RelativePositionedRectangle& position,
                     const ComponentLayout* layout,
                     String& x, String& y, String& w, String& h)
    // these are the code sections for the positions of the relative comps
    String xrx, xry, xrw, xrh;
    Component* const relCompX = layout != 0 ? layout->findComponentWithId (position.relativeToX) : 0;
    if (relCompX != 0)
        positionToCode (ComponentTypeHandler::getComponentPosition (relCompX), layout, xrx, xry, xrw, xrh);

    String yrx, yry, yrw, yrh;
    Component* const relCompY = layout != 0 ? layout->findComponentWithId (position.relativeToY) : 0;
    if (relCompY != 0)
        positionToCode (ComponentTypeHandler::getComponentPosition (relCompY), layout, yrx, yry, yrw, yrh);

    String wrx, wry, wrw, wrh;
    Component* const relCompW = (layout != 0 && position.rect.getWidthMode() != PositionedRectangle::absoluteSize)
                                    ? layout->findComponentWithId (position.relativeToW) : 0;
    if (relCompW != 0)
        positionToCode (ComponentTypeHandler::getComponentPosition (relCompW), layout, wrx, wry, wrw, wrh);

    String hrx, hry, hrw, hrh;
    Component* const relCompH = (layout != 0 && position.rect.getHeightMode() != PositionedRectangle::absoluteSize)
                                    ? layout->findComponentWithId (position.relativeToH) : 0;
    if (relCompH != 0)
        positionToCode (ComponentTypeHandler::getComponentPosition (relCompH), layout, hrx, hry, hrw, hrh);

    // width
    if (position.rect.getWidthMode() == PositionedRectangle::proportionalSize)
        if (wrw.isNotEmpty())
            w << "roundFloatToInt ((" << wrw << ") * " << valueToFloat (position.rect.getWidth()) << ")";
            w << "proportionOfWidth (" << valueToFloat (position.rect.getWidth()) << ")";
    else if (position.rect.getWidthMode() == PositionedRectangle::parentSizeMinusAbsolute)
        if (wrw.isNotEmpty())
            w << "(" << wrw << ") - " << roundToInt (position.rect.getWidth());
            w << "getWidth() - " << roundToInt (position.rect.getWidth());
        if (wrw.isNotEmpty())
            w << "(" << wrw << ") + ";

        w << roundToInt (position.rect.getWidth());

    // height
    if (position.rect.getHeightMode() == PositionedRectangle::proportionalSize)
        if (hrh.isNotEmpty())
            h << "roundFloatToInt ((" << hrh << ") * " << valueToFloat (position.rect.getHeight()) << ")";
            h << "proportionOfHeight (" << valueToFloat (position.rect.getHeight()) << ")";
    else if (position.rect.getHeightMode() == PositionedRectangle::parentSizeMinusAbsolute)
        if (hrh.isNotEmpty())
            h << "(" << hrh << ") - " << roundToInt (position.rect.getHeight());
            h << "getHeight() - " << roundToInt (position.rect.getHeight());
        if (hrh.isNotEmpty())
            h << "(" << hrh << ") + ";

        h << roundToInt (position.rect.getHeight());

    // x-pos
    if (position.rect.getPositionModeX() == PositionedRectangle::proportionOfParentSize)
        if (xrx.isNotEmpty() && xrw.isNotEmpty())
            x << "(" << xrx << ") + roundFloatToInt ((" << xrw << ") * " << valueToFloat (position.rect.getX()) << ")";
            x << "proportionOfWidth (" << valueToFloat (position.rect.getX()) << ")";
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeX() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentTopLeft)
        if (xrx.isNotEmpty())
            x << "(" << xrx << ") + ";

        x << roundToInt (position.rect.getX());
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeX() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentBottomRight)
        if (xrx.isNotEmpty())
            x << "(" << xrx << ") + (" << xrw << ")";
            x << "getWidth()";

        const int d = roundToInt (position.rect.getX());
        if (d != 0)
            x << " - " << d;
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeX() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentCentre)
        if (xrx.isNotEmpty())
            x << "(" << xrx << ") + (" << xrw << ") / 2";
            x << "(getWidth() / 2)";

        const int d = roundToInt (position.rect.getX());
        if (d != 0)
            x << " + " << d;

    if (w != "0")
        if (position.rect.getAnchorPointX() == PositionedRectangle::anchorAtRightOrBottom)
            x << " - " << w;
        else if (position.rect.getAnchorPointX() == PositionedRectangle::anchorAtCentre)
            x << " - ((" << w << ") / 2)";

    // y-pos
    if (position.rect.getPositionModeY() == PositionedRectangle::proportionOfParentSize)
        if (yry.isNotEmpty() && yrh.isNotEmpty())
            y << "(" << yry << ") + roundFloatToInt ((" << yrh << ") * " << valueToFloat (position.rect.getY()) << ")";
            y << "proportionOfHeight (" << valueToFloat (position.rect.getY()) << ")";
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeY() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentTopLeft)
        if (yry.isNotEmpty())
            y << "(" << yry << ") + ";

        y << roundToInt (position.rect.getY());
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeY() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentBottomRight)
        if (yry.isNotEmpty())
            y << "(" << yry << ") + (" << yrh << ")";
            y << "getHeight()";

        const int d = roundToInt (position.rect.getY());
        if (d != 0)
            y << " - " << d;
    else if (position.rect.getPositionModeY() == PositionedRectangle::absoluteFromParentCentre)
        if (yry.isNotEmpty())
            y << "(" << yry << ") + (" << yrh << ") / 2";
            y << "(getHeight() / 2)";

        const int d = roundToInt (position.rect.getY());
        if (d != 0)
            y << " + " << d;

    if (h != "0")
        if (position.rect.getAnchorPointY() == PositionedRectangle::anchorAtRightOrBottom)
            y << " - " << h;
        else if (position.rect.getAnchorPointY() == PositionedRectangle::anchorAtCentre)
            y << " - ((" << h << ") / 2)";