/* * This is the high level method that orquestrates the Distro RSS News printing in tabNews * * boolean parameter searchForLatestNews: * controls whether this method tries to connect to the remote RSS News Feed (default is true) * boolean parameter gotoNewsTab: * controls whether this method must set the mainwindow focus to NewsTab (default is true) */ void MainWindow::refreshDistroNews(bool searchForLatestNews, bool gotoNewsTab) { ui->actionGetNews->setEnabled(false); m_gotoNewsTab = gotoNewsTab; if (searchForLatestNews) { LinuxDistro distro = UnixCommand::getLinuxDistro(); if (gotoNewsTab) { clearTabOutput(); } if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_VOID) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForBSDNews().arg("Void Linux") + "</b>"); } /* * Here, we retrieve BSD's latest news without * blocking OctoPkg main interface. */ QFuture<QString> f; f = QtConcurrent::run(getLatestDistroNews); g_fwDistroNews.setFuture(f); connect(&g_fwDistroNews, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(postRefreshDistroNews())); } else { QString distroRSSXML = utils::retrieveDistroNews(searchForLatestNews); showDistroNews(distroRSSXML, false); } }
/* * This is the high level method that orquestrates the Distro RSS News printing in tabNews * * boolean parameter searchForLatestNews: * controls whether this method tries to connect to the remote RSS News Feed (default is true) * boolean parameter gotoNewsTab: * controls whether this method must set the mainwindow focus to NewsTab (default is true) */ void MainWindow::refreshDistroNews(bool searchForLatestNews, bool gotoNewsTab) { ui->actionGetNews->setEnabled(false); m_gotoNewsTab = gotoNewsTab; if (searchForLatestNews) { LinuxDistro distro = UnixCommand::getLinuxDistro(); if (gotoNewsTab) { clearTabOutput(); } if (gotoNewsTab && (distro == ectn_ARCHLINUX || distro == ectn_ARCHBANGLINUX || distro == ectn_MOOOSLINUX)) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("Arch Linux") + "</b>"); } else if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_CHAKRA) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("Chakra") + "</b>"); } else if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_KAOS) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("KaOS") + "</b>"); } else if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_MANJAROLINUX) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("Manjaro Linux") + "</b>"); } else if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_NETRUNNER) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("Netrunner Rolling") + "</b>"); } else if (gotoNewsTab && distro == ectn_PARABOLA) { writeToTabOutput("<b>" + StrConstants::getSearchingForDistroNews().arg("Parabola GNU/Linux-libre") + "</b>"); } /* * Here, we retrieve distro's latest news without * blocking Octopi main interface. */ QFuture<QString> f; f = QtConcurrent::run(getLatestDistroNews); g_fwDistroNews.setFuture(f); connect(&g_fwDistroNews, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(postRefreshDistroNews())); } else { QString distroRSSXML = utils::retrieveDistroNews(searchForLatestNews); showDistroNews(distroRSSXML, false); } }