Esempio n. 1
void CGI::processCGIData()
	QString request_method;

	// retrieve request method
	request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");

	// what is the request method (POST and GET supported)
	if (request_method == "POST")
		// determine the length of the data
		QString content_length_str = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
		int content_length = content_length_str.toInt();

		// allocate a buffer to hold the query
		char* query_str = new char[content_length + 1];

		// open the data stream
		Q3TextStream postStream(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);

		// set the encoding (required for readRawBytes to work)

		// read the data into the allocated buffer
		postStream.readRawBytes(query_str, content_length);

		// make sure to NULL terminate the string
		query_str[content_length] = '\0';

		// store the data
		query_string = query_str;

		// delete the temporary buffer
		delete query_str;
	else if (request_method == "GET")
		query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
		query_string = "";

	// if there is a query string, proces the arguments from it.
	if (!query_string.isEmpty())
		QString name = "";
		QString value = "";
		int index = 0;
		int oldindex = 0;

		// frequently used regular expressions
		QRegExp paramEndExp("[&;]");
		QRegExp paramPlusExp("\\+");

		// iterate over the string finding name/value pairs
			// find the end of the parameter name (ends at '=')
			index = query_string.find('=', oldindex);
			if (index == -1)

			// extract the name from the query string
			name = query_string.mid(oldindex, (index - oldindex));

			// replace +'s with spaces
			name.replace(paramPlusExp, " ");

			// unescape the string
			name = unescapeURL(name);

			// the new place to search from
			oldindex = index + 1;

			// find the end of the parameter pair (ends at '&')
			index = query_string.find(paramEndExp, oldindex);

			// extract the value from the query_string
			if (index != -1)
				value = query_string.mid(oldindex, (index - oldindex));
				value = query_string.mid(oldindex, (query_string.length() - oldindex));

			// replace +'s with spaces
			value.replace(paramPlusExp, " ");

			// unescape the string
			value = unescapeURL(value);

			// the new oldindex
			oldindex = index + 1;

			if (value.isNull())
				value = "";

			// insert the parameter into the parameter list
			cgiParams.append(new CGIParam(name, value));

		while (index != -1);  // while not out of parameters
Esempio n. 2
int main()
    setbuf(stdout, NULL); // no buffering for this filehandle
    char json[1024];

    int content_length;
    int response_code;
    char buf[1024];

    float amb_temp;


    // set time
    lcd.printf("Reading Time... ");
    lcd.printf("Time set");

    while(1) {  // Loop
        char streamName[] = "amb-temp";  // Set value for stream you are using
        // GET Stream value
        response_code = getStream(streamName, json);
        content_length = readContentLength(json);
        pc.printf("GET Stream\r\nResponse: %d\r\nContent Length: %d\r\njson: %s\r\n\r\n", response_code, content_length, json);

        // PUT value to Strem
        amb_temp =;

        sprintf(json, "{\"value\":\"%0.2f\"}", amb_temp);

        response_code = putStream(streamName, json);
        content_length = readContentLength(json);
        pc.printf("PUT Stream\r\nResponse: %d\r\nContent Length: %d\r\njson: %s\r\n\r\n", response_code, content_length, json);

        // POST value(s) to Stream
        time_t seconds;

        seconds = time(NULL);   // get current time from mbed RTC
        strftime(buf,40, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&seconds));

        amb_temp =;

        sprintf(json, "{ \"values\": [ {\"at\": \"%s\", \"value\":\"%0.2f\"} ] }", buf, amb_temp);

        response_code = postStream(streamName, json);
        content_length = readContentLength(json);

        pc.printf("POST Stream\r\nResponse: %d\r\nContent Length: %d\r\njson: %s\r\n\r\n", response_code, content_length, json);

        // PUT Location to Feed
        sprintf(json, "{ \"name\": \"%s\", \"latitude\": \"%0.8f\", \"longitude\": \"%0.8f\", \"elevation\": \"%0.2f\" }", LOC_NAME, LOC_LAT, LOC_LONG, LOC_ELEV);

        response_code = putLocation(json);
        content_length = readContentLength(json);

        pc.printf("PUT Location\r\nResponse: %d\r\nContent Length: %d\r\njson: %s\r\n\r\n", response_code, content_length, json);

        // GET Location of Feed
        response_code = getLocation(json);
        content_length = readContentLength(json);

        pc.printf("GET Location\r\nResponse: %d\r\nContent Length: %d\r\njson: %s\r\n\r\n", response_code, content_length, json);



    while(1) {}