Esempio n. 1
// version B
int powerB(int x, int n)
  if (n == 0)
    return 1;
  if (n == 1)
    return x;
  if (n%2 == 0)
    return powerB(x*x, n/2);
    return powerB(x*x, n/2)*x;
Esempio n. 2
// Pre-condition: base raised to the power exp is not greater than 2^31-1, and
//                exp is non-negative.
// Post-condition: base raised to the power exp is returned.
int powerB(int base, int exp) {

    // Everything raised to the 0 power is 1.
    if (exp == 0)
        return 1;
    // Anything raised to the 1st power is itself.
    else if (exp == 1)
        return base;
    // Utlize the even powered exponent and the rules of exponentiation.
    else if (exp%2 == 0)
        return powerB(base*base, exp/2);
    // If we can't, then just use our regular solution.
        return base*powerB(base, exp-1);    
Esempio n. 3
int main() {
    // Very basic, NOT comprensive, tests of the recursive methods.
    int vals[4];
    printf("7! = %d\n", fact(7));
    printf("31^2 + 32^2 + ... + 200^2 = %d\n", sumsq(31, 200));
    vals[0] = 37; vals[1] = 48; vals[2] = 56; vals[3] = 63;
    printf("vals has %d Odd values.\n", ArrayOdd(vals, 4));
    print_reverse("writethisbackwards", 18);
    printf("3^10 = %d\n", powerA(3,10));
    printf("3^11 = %d\n", powerB(3,11));
    if (Rbinary(33, vals, 0, 3) == -1)
        printf("33 was not found in vals.\n");
    if (check("madamimadam", 11))
        printf("madamimadam is a palindrome.\n");
    printf("The 27th Fibonacci number is %d\n", fibonacci(27)); 
    // Test of fast exponentiation vs. regular version
    int start = time(0);
    int ans1 = slowModPow(6874, 1000000000, 13713);
    int end1 = time(0);
    int ans2 = modPow(6874, 1000000000, 13713);
    int end2 = time(0);
    printf("ans1 = %d, ans2 = %d.\n", ans1, ans2);
    printf("slowModExp took %d sec.\n", end1-start);
    printf("modPow took %d sec.\n", end2-end1);
    return 0;