Esempio n. 1
void config_cache::add_define(const std::string& define)
	DBG_CACHE << "adding define: " << define << "\n";
	defines_map_[define] = preproc_define();

	if(config_cache_transaction::is_active()) {
		// we have to add this to active map too
				std::make_pair(define, preproc_define()));

static preproc_map setup_test_preproc_map()
	preproc_map defines_map;

#if defined(__APPLE__)
	defines_map["APPLE"] = preproc_define();

	defines_map["WESNOTH_VERSION"] = preproc_define(game_config::wesnoth_version.str());

	return defines_map;

Esempio n. 3
void config_cache::clear_defines()
	LOG_CACHE << "Clearing defines map!" << std::endl;


	// Set-up default defines map.

#ifdef __APPLE__
	defines_map_["APPLE"] = preproc_define();

	defines_map_["WESNOTH_VERSION"] = preproc_define(game_config::wesnoth_version.str());
Esempio n. 4
	void config_cache::clear_defines()
		LOG_CACHE << "Clearing defines map!\n";
		// set-up default defines map

#ifdef LOW_MEM
		defines_map_["LOW_MEM"] = preproc_define();

#if defined(__APPLE__)
		defines_map_["APPLE"] = preproc_define();

		defines_map_["WESNOTH_VERSION"] = preproc_define(game_config::wesnoth_version.str());

	void config_cache::clear_defines()
		// set-up default defines map

		defines_map_["TINY"] = preproc_define();
#ifdef LOW_MEM
		defines_map_["LOW_MEM"] = preproc_define();

#if defined(__APPLE__)
		defines_map_["APPLE"] = preproc_define();

Esempio n. 6
	void config_cache::clear_defines()
		// set-up default defines map

#if defined(__APPLE__)
		defines_map_["APPLE"] = preproc_define();

Esempio n. 7
 * Loads a WML file into a config
 * - Arg 1: WML file path
 * - Arg 2: (optional) Array of preprocessor defines, or false to skip preprocessing (true is also valid)
 * - Arg 3: (optional) Path to a schema file for validation (omit for no validation)
 * - Ret: config
static int intf_load_wml(lua_State* L)
	std::string file = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
	bool preprocess = true;
	preproc_map defines_map;
	if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
		preprocess = luaW_toboolean(L, 2);
	} else if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TTABLE || lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TUSERDATA) {
		lua_len(L, 2);
		int n = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			lua_geti(L, 2, i);
			if(!lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
				return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "expected bool or array of strings");
			std::string define = lua_tostring(L, -1);
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			if(!define.empty()) {
				defines_map.emplace(define, preproc_define(define));
	} else if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) {
		return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "expected bool or array of strings");
	std::string schema_path = luaL_optstring(L, 3, "");
	std::shared_ptr<schema_validation::schema_validator> validator;
	if(!schema_path.empty()) {
		validator.reset(new schema_validation::schema_validator(filesystem::get_wml_location(schema_path)));
		validator->set_create_exceptions(false); // Don't crash if there's an error, just go ahead anyway
	std::string wml_file = filesystem::get_wml_location(file);
	filesystem::scoped_istream stream;
	config result;
	if(preprocess) {
		stream = preprocess_file(wml_file, &defines_map);
	} else {
		stream.reset(new std::ifstream(wml_file));
	read(result, *stream, validator.get());
	luaW_pushconfig(L, result);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 8
static void handle_preprocess_command(const commandline_options& cmdline_opts)
	preproc_map input_macros;

	if( cmdline_opts.preprocess_input_macros ) {
		std::string file = *cmdline_opts.preprocess_input_macros;
		if ( filesystem::file_exists( file ) == false )
			std::cerr << "please specify an existing file. File "<< file <<" doesn't exist.\n";

		std::cerr << SDL_GetTicks() << " Reading cached defines from: " << file << "\n";

		config cfg;

		try {
			filesystem::scoped_istream stream = filesystem::istream_file( file );
			read( cfg, *stream );
		} catch (config::error & e) {
			std::cerr << "Caught a config error while parsing file '" << file << "':\n" << e.message << std::endl;

		int read = 0;

		// use static preproc_define::read_pair(config) to make a object
		for (const config::any_child &value : cfg.all_children_range()) {
			const preproc_map::value_type def = preproc_define::read_pair( value.cfg );
			input_macros[def.first] = def.second;
		std::cerr << SDL_GetTicks() << " Read " << read << " defines.\n";

	const std::string resourceToProcess(*cmdline_opts.preprocess_path);
	const std::string targetDir(*cmdline_opts.preprocess_target);

	Uint32 startTime = SDL_GetTicks();
	// if the users add the SKIP_CORE define we won't preprocess data/core
	bool skipCore = false;
	bool skipTerrainGFX = false;
	// the 'core_defines_map' is the one got from data/core macros
	preproc_map defines_map( input_macros );

	if ( cmdline_opts.preprocess_defines ) {

		// add the specified defines
		for (const std::string &define : *cmdline_opts.preprocess_defines) {
			if (define.empty()){
				std::cerr << "empty define supplied\n";

			LOG_PREPROC << "adding define: " << define << '\n';
			defines_map.insert(std::make_pair(define, preproc_define(define)));

			if (define == "SKIP_CORE")
				std::cerr << "'SKIP_CORE' defined.\n";
				skipCore = true;
			else if (define == "NO_TERRAIN_GFX")
				std::cerr << "'NO_TERRAIN_GFX' defined." << std::endl;
				skipTerrainGFX = true;

	// add the WESNOTH_VERSION define
	defines_map["WESNOTH_VERSION"] = preproc_define(game_config::wesnoth_version.str());

	std::cerr << "added " << defines_map.size() << " defines.\n";

	// preprocess core macros first if we don't skip the core
	if (skipCore == false) {
		std::cerr << "preprocessing common macros from 'data/core' ...\n";

		// process each folder explicitly to gain speed
		preprocess_resource(game_config::path + "/data/core/macros",&defines_map);
		if (skipTerrainGFX == false)
			preprocess_resource(game_config::path + "/data/core/terrain-graphics",&defines_map);

		std::cerr << "acquired " << (defines_map.size() - input_macros.size())
			<< " 'data/core' defines.\n";
		std::cerr << "skipped 'data/core'\n";

	// preprocess resource
	std::cerr << "preprocessing specified resource: "
		<< resourceToProcess << " ...\n";
	preprocess_resource(resourceToProcess, &defines_map, true,true, targetDir);
	std::cerr << "acquired " << (defines_map.size() - input_macros.size())
		<< " total defines.\n";

	if ( cmdline_opts.preprocess_output_macros )
		std::string outputFileName = "_MACROS_.cfg";
		if (!cmdline_opts.preprocess_output_macros->empty()) {
			outputFileName = *cmdline_opts.preprocess_output_macros;

		std::string outputPath = targetDir + "/" + outputFileName;

		std::cerr << "writing '" << outputPath << "' with "
			<< defines_map.size() << " defines.\n";

		filesystem::scoped_ostream out = filesystem::ostream_file(outputPath);
		if (!out->fail())
			config_writer writer(*out,false);

			for(preproc_map::iterator itor = defines_map.begin();
				itor != defines_map.end(); ++itor)
				(*itor).second.write(writer, (*itor).first);
			std::cerr << "couldn't open the file.\n";

	std::cerr << "preprocessing finished. Took "<< SDL_GetTicks() - startTime << " ticks.\n";